It's beautiful, the RINOs are on the run, Won't endorse Trump

So you're saying that Trump is a true Republican and those others are RINOs.

Those who have been in the Republican Party for decades are not true Republicans, while recent republican Trump is a true Republican

Why we call them the bizarro party

Again, 3 clear cut reasons George W Bush was not a rino

George W Bush was a moron, but a loyal Republican

Trump has been a Republucan all of ten minutes

We are genuinely touched by your concern for the Republican Party.
I thought you said you are not Republican?
Don't get run over by the RINO stampede.

Jeb Bush won't endorse Trump. This is a guy who said he was going to run as the Republican nominee and ignore what the Republican voter wants.

How'd that plan work out for you? You numb nut.

W Bush won't endorse Trump. This is a guy who after 8 years of being President, the ONLY good this he did was NOT re-new Clinton's assault rifle bill. Then to show he wasn't a rebel and still doesn't give a rat's ass about the Constitution, he said he would have signed it if more congressman supported it.

No big loss there.

GHW Bush won't endorse Trump. This is a guy who in WW2 ordered his crew to jump out of the plane so they would be captured, then he went down with the plane into the water so he could escape and become a worthless President. "Read my lips, no new taxes" , ...then raises taxes.

Read MY lips Bush,

Screw the CIA,

Screw Skull and Bones,


John McCain won't endorse Trump. This is a guy who loses to Obama then tries to blame it on Palin for being too far to the right. four years later the RINO ticket of Romney and Ryan loses to Obama, so I guess it wasn't Palins fault.

Thank you for your service McCain, it's time to retire.

Mitt Romney won't endorse Trump. Another member of the loser club. A guy who passes Obamacare in his state, then tries to tell us he's going to over turn Obamacare. He took every Republican vote and flushed it down the drain.

Paul Ryan Won't endorse Trump. Vice President of the loser ticket. Why should he care? he has a bright future as Speaker. He says he won't endorse Trump because this is not a party about hate.

In-other-words, we have the freaking Speaker saying he will support the criminals who cross the border rather than the American people.

None named are of any further particular influence. Things change.
So you're saying that Trump is a true Republican and those others are RINOs.

Those who have been in the Republican Party for decades are not true Republicans, while recent republican Trump is a true Republican

Why we call them the bizarro party
The twists and turns of logic among Republican supporters are almost impossible to keep up with.
A few short months ago Paul Ryan was The Saviour he's merely a Rino.

Not too long before that Trump was hosting Clinton at his wedding and praising her foreign policy abilities, advocating universal health care, extra taxes on the rich, a ban on assault weapons, pro-choice, praising Nancy Pelosi, advocating the impeachment of GWB, praising the Obama stimulus program, praising Democrats economic management over that of Republicans and praising the Dream Act.

Now he's the One True Republican.
He hates Mexicans...that makes him Republican enough
I always enjoy when conservatives call republicans they hate "Rinos"

I promise you George W Bush was NOT a rino. he raised taxes and declared war at the same time. and he signed the patriot act into law. these 3 alone prove he was no Rino

It rather paints him as a Democrat, eh?
So you're saying that Trump is a true Republican and those others are RINOs.

Those who have been in the Republican Party for decades are not true Republicans, while recent republican Trump is a true Republican

Why we call them the bizarro party
The twists and turns of logic among Republican supporters are almost impossible to keep up with.
A few short months ago Paul Ryan was The Saviour he's merely a Rino.

Not too long before that Trump was hosting Clinton at his wedding and praising her foreign policy abilities, advocating universal health care, extra taxes on the rich, a ban on assault weapons, pro-choice, praising Nancy Pelosi, advocating the impeachment of GWB, praising the Obama stimulus program, praising Democrats economic management over that of Republicans and praising the Dream Act.

Now he's the One True Republican.
He hates Mexicans...that makes him Republican enough
He thinks they should be allowed to stay though.
Don't get run over by the RINO stampede.

Jeb Bush won't endorse Trump. This is a guy who said he was going to run as the Republican nominee and ignore what the Republican voter wants.

How'd that plan work out for you? You numb nut.

W Bush won't endorse Trump. This is a guy who after 8 years of being President, the ONLY good this he did was NOT re-new Clinton's assault rifle bill. Then to show he wasn't a rebel and still doesn't give a rat's ass about the Constitution, he said he would have signed it if more congressman supported it.

No big loss there.

GHW Bush won't endorse Trump. This is a guy who in WW2 ordered his crew to jump out of the plane so they would be captured, then he went down with the plane into the water so he could escape and become a worthless President. "Read my lips, no new taxes" , ...then raises taxes.

Read MY lips Bush,

Screw the CIA,

Screw Skull and Bones,


John McCain won't endorse Trump. This is a guy who loses to Obama then tries to blame it on Palin for being too far to the right. four years later the RINO ticket of Romney and Ryan loses to Obama, so I guess it wasn't Palins fault.

Thank you for your service McCain, it's time to retire.

Mitt Romney won't endorse Trump. Another member of the loser club. A guy who passes Obamacare in his state, then tries to tell us he's going to over turn Obamacare. He took every Republican vote and flushed it down the drain.

Paul Ryan Won't endorse Trump. Vice President of the loser ticket. Why should he care? he has a bright future as Speaker. He says he won't endorse Trump because this is not a party about hate.

In-other-words, we have the freaking Speaker saying he will support the criminals who cross the border rather than the American people.

Hey man, here's a clue for you:

Trump is the very definition of a RINO.
I always enjoy when conservatives call republicans they hate "Rinos"

I promise you George W Bush was NOT a rino. he raised taxes and declared war at the same time. and he signed the patriot act into law. these 3 alone prove he was no Rino

George W Bush increased spending and government regulations faster than Obama. He created a major new entitlement program. He supported amnesty.

I always enjoy when conservatives call republicans they hate "Rinos"

I promise you George W Bush was NOT a rino. he raised taxes and declared war at the same time. and he signed the patriot act into law. these 3 alone prove he was no Rino

Raised taxes? I got a 15k rebate on capital gains when Bush took office.
So you're saying that Trump is a true Republican and those others are RINOs.

Those who have been in the Republican Party for decades are not true Republicans, while recent republican Trump is a true Republican

Why we call them the bizarro party

Just like JFK wouldnt recognize the dem party of today,parties change,not always for the better.
More proof that both parties are the same. And Jeb shows us that his word isn't worth a shit. "I pledge to support the Republican nominee, whoever it is".

Both parties are the same. Look at the nominees. Hillary Clinton and a Hillary supporter. Two big government corrupt as heck con artists
So you're saying that Trump is a true Republican and those others are RINOs.

Those who have been in the Republican Party for decades are not true Republicans, while recent republican Trump is a true Republican

Why we call them the bizarro party

Just like JFK wouldnt recognize the dem party of today,parties change,not always for the better.
JFK would admire today's Democrats...they got the healthcare plan he was unable to achieve
Don't get run over by the RINO stampede.

Jeb Bush won't endorse Trump. This is a guy who said he was going to run as the Republican nominee and ignore what the Republican voter wants.

How'd that plan work out for you? You numb nut.

W Bush won't endorse Trump. This is a guy who after 8 years of being President, the ONLY good this he did was NOT re-new Clinton's assault rifle bill. Then to show he wasn't a rebel and still doesn't give a rat's ass about the Constitution, he said he would have signed it if more congressman supported it.

No big loss there.

GHW Bush won't endorse Trump. This is a guy who in WW2 ordered his crew to jump out of the plane so they would be captured, then he went down with the plane into the water so he could escape and become a worthless President. "Read my lips, no new taxes" , ...then raises taxes.

Read MY lips Bush,

Screw the CIA,

Screw Skull and Bones,


John McCain won't endorse Trump. This is a guy who loses to Obama then tries to blame it on Palin for being too far to the right. four years later the RINO ticket of Romney and Ryan loses to Obama, so I guess it wasn't Palins fault.

Thank you for your service McCain, it's time to retire.

Mitt Romney won't endorse Trump. Another member of the loser club. A guy who passes Obamacare in his state, then tries to tell us he's going to over turn Obamacare. He took every Republican vote and flushed it down the drain.

Paul Ryan Won't endorse Trump. Vice President of the loser ticket. Why should he care? he has a bright future as Speaker. He says he won't endorse Trump because this is not a party about hate.

In-other-words, we have the freaking Speaker saying he will support the criminals who cross the border rather than the American people.
Got news for you bro, those are all real Republicans. That's what we've been telling you for 28 years the Republican party sucks.

But thank you for admitting mitt McCain bush 12&3 all suck. Those are your last 4 party leaders. You don't get to call them rinos.

Trump might pick newt for VP. He sucked too
So you're saying that Trump is a true Republican and those others are RINOs.

Those who have been in the Republican Party for decades are not true Republicans, while recent republican Trump is a true Republican

Why we call them the bizarro party

Just like JFK wouldnt recognize the dem party of today,parties change,not always for the better.
JFK would admire today's Democrats...they got the healthcare plan he was unable to achieve

Jack wouldn't waste spit on them.
Those who have been in the Republican Party for decades are not true Republicans, while recent republican Trump is a true Republican

Why we call them the bizarro party

Again, 3 clear cut reasons George W Bush was not a rino

George W Bush was a moron, but a loyal Republican

Trump has been a Republucan all of ten minutes

We are genuinely touched by your concern for the Republican Party.

This isn't about the Republican party. This is about the republic
No, this is about assholes like you who turn on your own party because your guy couldn't win. You're a traitor.

I didn't turn on my party. My party turned on me. I Am the same person was before a constitutional conservative. You are the one who decided to sell out your principles to the biggest rino to ever run. You are the one who sold us out to literally the only candidate who could not unite the party and who is the only candidate that Hillary Clinton can beat. You are the one who who literally selected a professional conman who made his billions screwing over people. You chose him knowing the media wanted him to be the nominee and is sitting on butt loads of advertisements, news, and documentation showing what a despicable human being he is. A man who openly speaks about violating the constitution because its inconvenient.

And now you are the one who stupidly fails to realize that you cannot bully half the party into voting for that pathetic piece of white trash.

I took an oath to defend the constitution. Not the Republican party. The party was only a vehicle to do that. Since you've convinced the party to stand for a nominee that is a threat to the constitution, I cannot support him. And I am not alone. There are many who put principles over party. If we lose we lose but we will not stop fighting for limited government and those principles simply because you betray them.
So you're saying that Trump is a true Republican and those others are RINOs.

Those who have been in the Republican Party for decades are not true Republicans, while recent republican Trump is a true Republican

Why we call them the bizarro party

Just like JFK wouldnt recognize the dem party of today,parties change,not always for the better.
JFK would admire today's Democrats...they got the healthcare plan he was unable to achieve

Jack wouldn't waste spit on them.
He would save it for today's Republucan party

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