It's beautiful, the RINOs are on the run, Won't endorse Trump

So you're saying that Trump is a true Republican and those others are RINOs.

Trump is more of a genuine conservative than they are.

There is quite literally nothing "conservative" about Trump. Populism is the opposite of Conservatism.

Building the wall is conservative. Deporting illegals is conservative. Gutting Obama's EPA anti-coal regulations is conservative. Cutting taxes is conservative.

No, none of those things are "conservative". All of those things are reactionary populism.

Words have meanings. "Conservative" doesn't mean "whatever bripat wants".

The next thing you'll tell us is that Obamacare and gay marriage are conservative. The word is meaningless coming from your mouth.


This is an internet message board, clown shoes. Are you under the impression that any of your "words" have "meaning" here?

As for what the word "conservative" means, read a fucking political theory textbook.

Or go straight to the source and read Burke. Either way, you'll be able to stop making a fool out of yourself.
So you're saying that Trump is a true Republican and those others are RINOs.

Trump is more of a genuine conservative than they are.

There is quite literally nothing "conservative" about Trump. Populism is the opposite of Conservatism.
Look, a liberal who thinks he's an authority on conservatism.

Well, compared to you guys apparently I am.
Um, no.


Um, yes. You apparently think "conservative" means "whatever you want it to mean". But that's not the way it works.
So you're saying that Trump is a true Republican and those others are RINOs.

Those who have been in the Republican Party for decades are not true Republicans, while recent republican Trump is a true Republican

Why we call them the bizarro party
The twists and turns of logic among Republican supporters are almost impossible to keep up with.
A few short months ago Paul Ryan was The Saviour he's merely a Rino.

Not too long before that Trump was hosting Clinton at his wedding and praising her foreign policy abilities, advocating universal health care, extra taxes on the rich, a ban on assault weapons, pro-choice, praising Nancy Pelosi, advocating the impeachment of GWB, praising the Obama stimulus program, praising Democrats economic management over that of Republicans and praising the Dream Act.

Now he's the One True Republican.
He hates Mexicans...that makes him Republican enough
He hates... that makes him republican enough.
I always enjoy when conservatives call republicans they hate "Rinos"

I promise you George W Bush was NOT a rino. he raised taxes and declared war at the same time. and he signed the patriot act into law. these 3 alone prove he was no Rino

Raised taxes? I got a 15k rebate on capital gains when Bush took office.
yeah. He didn't raise taxes, he lowered them while starting two wars and an unfunded medicare prescription benefit. That was back when deficits didn't matter to Republicans.
Trump is more of a genuine conservative than they are.

There is quite literally nothing "conservative" about Trump. Populism is the opposite of Conservatism.
Look, a liberal who thinks he's an authority on conservatism.

Well, compared to you guys apparently I am.
Um, no.


Um, yes. You apparently think "conservative" means "whatever you want it to mean". But that's not the way it works.
Ok, shitforbrains, tell us how it works. It means whatever YOU want it to mean?
Today's free political theory lesson:

"Conservative" is an ideology, not just a collection of opinions and positions. It's a way of looking at the world.

Even if "building a wall" was a conservative position (it's not), wanting to build a wall doesn't make someone a conservative.

The conservative ideology as it's known in literature is generally understood to have come about in the late 1700s, as a reaction against the "liberal" revolutions in the United States and France - revolutions seemingly steeped in the Enlightenment ideals of Locke, looking to tear down the existing systems and re-build them from the bottom up. Conservatism saw that as risky and radical, and sought to slow things down, and work towards moderate, incremental change. Conservatism, at it's root sees humans as inherently flawed beings, and see salvation in authority and tradition rather than mob rule, radical change and revolution.

Donald Trump is not a Conservative.
There is quite literally nothing "conservative" about Trump. Populism is the opposite of Conservatism.
Look, a liberal who thinks he's an authority on conservatism.

Well, compared to you guys apparently I am.
Um, no.


Um, yes. You apparently think "conservative" means "whatever you want it to mean". But that's not the way it works.
Ok, shitforbrains, tell us how it works. It means whatever YOU want it to mean?

No, it means what the centuries of literature written on it says it means. See my previous post.
Don't get run over by the RINO stampede.

Jeb Bush won't endorse Trump. This is a guy who said he was going to run as the Republican nominee and ignore what the Republican voter wants.

How'd that plan work out for you? You numb nut.

W Bush won't endorse Trump. This is a guy who after 8 years of being President, the ONLY good this he did was NOT re-new Clinton's assault rifle bill. Then to show he wasn't a rebel and still doesn't give a rat's ass about the Constitution, he said he would have signed it if more congressman supported it.

No big loss there.

GHW Bush won't endorse Trump. This is a guy who in WW2 ordered his crew to jump out of the plane so they would be captured, then he went down with the plane into the water so he could escape and become a worthless President. "Read my lips, no new taxes" , ...then raises taxes.

Read MY lips Bush,

Screw the CIA,

Screw Skull and Bones,


John McCain won't endorse Trump. This is a guy who loses to Obama then tries to blame it on Palin for being too far to the right. four years later the RINO ticket of Romney and Ryan loses to Obama, so I guess it wasn't Palins fault.

Thank you for your service McCain, it's time to retire.

Mitt Romney won't endorse Trump. Another member of the loser club. A guy who passes Obamacare in his state, then tries to tell us he's going to over turn Obamacare. He took every Republican vote and flushed it down the drain.

Paul Ryan Won't endorse Trump. Vice President of the loser ticket. Why should he care? he has a bright future as Speaker. He says he won't endorse Trump because this is not a party about hate.

In-other-words, we have the freaking Speaker saying he will support the criminals who cross the border rather than the American people.
Poach more RINOs...
Ideologically, most modern conservatives today would be better described as "Liberal", while many would be some combination of the two.
So you're saying that Trump is a true Republican and those others are RINOs.

Those who have been in the Republican Party for decades are not true Republicans, while recent republican Trump is a true Republican

Why we call them the bizarro party

Just like JFK wouldnt recognize the dem party of today,parties change,not always for the better.
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The topic is republicans who refuse to support Trump.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.

In addition to being a fallacy, your post is also wrong – Kennedy would be right at home in today’s Democratic Party.
"It's beautiful, the RINOs are on the run, Won't endorse Trump"

The stupidity of the republican circular firing squad.

“Republican in name only” – the phrase itself is arrogant idiocy; one republican has no ‘authority’ to tell another republican he’s not a ‘real’ republican.

Also idiotic is the notion that a republican who doesn’t support Trump is a ‘RINO.’

This nonsense about ‘RINOs,’ who is a ‘real’ republican or not, who is a ‘real conservative’ or not all illustrates a GOP lost and in disarray.
So you're saying that Trump is a true Republican and those others are RINOs.

Those who have been in the Republican Party for decades are not true Republicans, while recent republican Trump is a true Republican

Why we call them the bizarro party
The twists and turns of logic among Republican supporters are almost impossible to keep up with.
A few short months ago Paul Ryan was The Saviour he's merely a Rino.

Not too long before that Trump was hosting Clinton at his wedding and praising her foreign policy abilities, advocating universal health care, extra taxes on the rich, a ban on assault weapons, pro-choice, praising Nancy Pelosi, advocating the impeachment of GWB, praising the Obama stimulus program, praising Democrats economic management over that of Republicans and praising the Dream Act.

Now he's the One True Republican.
He hates Mexicans...that makes him Republican enough
He hates... that makes him republican enough.
I always enjoy when conservatives call republicans they hate "Rinos"

I promise you George W Bush was NOT a rino. he raised taxes and declared war at the same time. and he signed the patriot act into law. these 3 alone prove he was no Rino

Raised taxes? I got a 15k rebate on capital gains when Bush took office.
yeah. He didn't raise taxes, he lowered them while starting two wars and an unfunded medicare prescription benefit. That was back when deficits didn't matter to Republicans.

Maybe if dems hadnt given their approval you'd have a reason to bitch about the wars.
So you're saying that Trump is a true Republican and those others are RINOs.

Those who have been in the Republican Party for decades are not true Republicans, while recent republican Trump is a true Republican

Why we call them the bizarro party

Just like JFK wouldnt recognize the dem party of today,parties change,not always for the better.
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The topic is republicans who refuse to support Trump.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.

In addition to being a fallacy, your post is also wrong – Kennedy would be right at home in today’s Democratic Party.

He against raising taxes.
And of course his famous saying doesnt reflect current dems in anyway shape or form.
No one really knows what Trump is or what he will do. The fact that the Republican leadership is pissed off means we're on the right track.
That you’re unaware of the stupidity of this is just sad.

It’s exactly because no one really knows what Trump is or what he will do that GOP leadership is justifiably concerned, where not only will Trump fail to win the votes of democrats, he’ll lose republican support as well.

You’re on the ‘right track’ if your goal and that of other clueless republicans is to lose the General Election.
So you're saying that Trump is a true Republican and those others are RINOs.

Those who have been in the Republican Party for decades are not true Republicans, while recent republican Trump is a true Republican

Why we call them the bizarro party

Just like JFK wouldnt recognize the dem party of today,parties change,not always for the better.
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The topic is republicans who refuse to support Trump.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.

In addition to being a fallacy, your post is also wrong – Kennedy would be right at home in today’s Democratic Party.
Of course he would... Being a career politician - lowest of life forms... Lol
Trump is more of a genuine conservative than they are.

There is quite literally nothing "conservative" about Trump. Populism is the opposite of Conservatism.
Look, a liberal who thinks he's an authority on conservatism.

Well, compared to you guys apparently I am.
Um, no.


Um, yes. You apparently think "conservative" means "whatever you want it to mean". But that's not the way it works.

You think it means the same thing it mean 400 years ago. Here's a clue for you: the meaning of words change over time, especially when demagogues to everything in their power to butcher them. A modern conservative is someone who believes in economic freedom, nationalism and a few other things. Your understanding of the term is little more than leftwing propaganda.
Trump is more of a genuine conservative than they are.

There is quite literally nothing "conservative" about Trump. Populism is the opposite of Conservatism.

Building the wall is conservative. Deporting illegals is conservative. Gutting Obama's EPA anti-coal regulations is conservative. Cutting taxes is conservative.

No, none of those things are "conservative". All of those things are reactionary populism.

Words have meanings. "Conservative" doesn't mean "whatever bripat wants".

The next thing you'll tell us is that Obamacare and gay marriage are conservative. The word is meaningless coming from your mouth.


This is an internet message board, clown shoes. Are you under the impression that any of your "words" have "meaning" here?

As for what the word "conservative" means, read a fucking political theory textbook.

Or go straight to the source and read Burke. Either way, you'll be able to stop making a fool out of yourself.

Edmund Burke has been dead for 230 years. The meaning of words changes over time. Take the word "liberal," for instance. 250 years ago it meant someone who believed in private property and free exchange. Now it means a Stalinist who thinks the government should make all the decisions on your life and tell you what to think.

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