It's Been Days Since Trump's Announcement

Ok let’s just break it down. You posted a video of a guy dropping off multiple ballots. How in the world is that evidence of a stolen election or even fraudulent votes?

As I said - facts have no meaning to you.

You are a drone of your Reich. You seek to cover up facts to ensure absolute power for your rulers.

Ballot Box stuffing is considered a "no no" in places where there are legitimate elections.

The United States Marshalls took the surveillance video because what he did is a criminal act. But you don't care - you seek power for your Reich through any or all means.
You don't care - you want to cover up facts, not consider them. You are a drone of your Reich. You'll say or do anything to ensure that your Reich has absolute power.
You are so full of shit… you post a lawsuit as some kind of proof of something yet you ignore the results of that lawsuit… can you read this link out loud for the class?

I did follow the link. It was a collection of unsubstantiated claims none of which constitute proof of a stolen election even if true.

If you disagree point to one that you think shows proof of a stolen election and let’s dig in
so what is it you're worried about?
Most states allow by law people to drop off ballots for others. Do you agree or do I need to post the laws ?
no they don't. but that's not important today. the real question is why does it bother you what we say? why don't you move along?
18 states allow "ballot harvesting," which is FAR from "most." Remember, there are 57 states as Barry said...

Florida is not one of them.
You’re wrong again… shocking

Most states have laws permitting someone besides a voter to return the voter's mail ballot. These laws vary by state.


Florida law allows a person of the voter's choice—except for an employer, an agent of the employer, or a union officer or agent—to assist in casting mail ballots of voters needing assistance due to blindness, disability, or inability to read or write. The law states the following:

"Any elector applying to cast a vote-by-mail ballot in the office of the supervisor, in any election, who requires assistance to vote by reason of blindness, disability, or inability to read or write may request the assistance of some person of his or her own choice, other than the elector’s employer, an agent of the employer, or an officer or agent of his or her union, in casting his or her vote-by-mail ballot."

Read the law here.
You’re wrong again… shocking

Most states have laws permitting someone besides a voter to return the voter's mail ballot. These laws vary by state.


Florida law allows a person of the voter's choice—except for an employer, an agent of the employer, or a union officer or agent—to assist in casting mail ballots of voters needing assistance due to blindness, disability, or inability to read or write. The law states the following:

"Any elector applying to cast a vote-by-mail ballot in the office of the supervisor, in any election, who requires assistance to vote by reason of blindness, disability, or inability to read or write may request the assistance of some person of his or her own choice, other than the elector’s employer, an agent of the employer, or an officer or agent of his or her union, in casting his or her vote-by-mail ballot."

Read the law here.

If they're blind or otherwise handicapped.

You're such a clown.
Florida, by the United States Marshall services, it made a big splash in the legitimate news - no doubt the Reich propaganda ignored it, or buried it.
Cool, did you see my post of Florida laws that allow for people to drop ballots for others. Care to correct your earlier misstatement?
If they're blind or otherwise handicapped.

You're such a clown.
I’m a clown for posting laws that contradict your dishonest statements?! Haha, call me whatever names you want but the fact still remains you posted false information
I’m a clown for posting laws that contradict your dishonest statements?! Haha, call me whatever names you want but the fact still remains you posted false information

You're a clown for posting a link that directly states ballot harvesting is illegal in Florida, while you try and pretend it isn't.

It's because there is no reality to you - only your Reich,

Former Orange County Commissioner candidate Cynthia Harris filed a sworn affidavit in late August with the Secretary of State’s office alleging that illegal operations to collect third-party ballots have been going on for years in the Orlando area where voting activists are paid $10 for each ballot they collect.

She described an intricate system funded by liberal leaning organizations that dispatch ballot brokers into black communities to pressure voters to turn over their ballots. The $10 fee per ballot is divvied up among the parties who help complete the harvesting.

The collection and delivery of ballots by third parties is illegal in Florida…

“Ballot brokers typically work up to a year in advance,” she stated. “Ballot brokers visit individuals in their residences and assists the individual with filling out a request for a mail-in ballot. After the mail-in ballot arrives, the voter is instructed to wait for the ballot broker returns to the individuals residence. They are asked to not seal the certificate envelope.”

“In rare circumstances, if the voter has filled out the ballot and sealed the envelope certificate, the ballot broker will take the ballot and then steam open the sealed envelope,” the affidavit added. “The ballot broker will either correct any votes, if necessary, that were not voted according to their wishes or just throw them out.”

Harris described how, much as in Wisconsin, vulnerable patients in rehabilitation centers and nursing homes in Florida were targeted for ballot trafficking.}

I assure you they are NOT "scared"
We are where we are today because THEY have made meticulous plans for decades and executed them flawlessly.
Our side is still circle jerking in tears, disbelief and with no plans whatsoever except crying.
Yet every Trumpster truly believes he's Rambo.
Uh erong,trump is the first potus sense kennedy not part of the corrupt two party system which is why both parties hate him and why both the house and senate have done everything they can think of to try and put him in prison,theyr terrified of him.
You the one that expressly noted ballot harvesting is illegal in Florida?

Yeah, I did.

You just thought you could bullshit your way through.
Huh? Are you confusing me with somebody else?

You posted a video of a guy dropping ballots as some kind of proof that the election was stolen. You then claimed that ballot harvesting was illegal in Florida and in most states. I contradicted your statement by showing the actual law.

Be a man and Admit your mistake. Here, read your own words in case you forgot

18 states allow "ballot harvesting," which is FAR from "most." Remember, there are 57 states as Barry said...

Florida is not one of them.

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