It's Been Days Since Trump's Announcement

I think that Kari's demise took the place of Trump's announcement taking center stage. Kari was symbolic of Trump support in such a big way.

And now Kari's efforts to reclaim the steal is louder than Trump.

Kari did everything right, according to the Trump playbook but somehow failed?

She was Trump's superstar candidate but something went wrong.

Why is it that Republicans couldn't give her a winning majority over plain Jane?
The name for what went wrong is C H E A T I N G
Oh really? It seems like the media bashes Trump for every other little thing and now they're just suddenly silent after he announced that he was planning on running again? Does that make sense to you? I think they're either plotting something and or scared shitless over it.

Yes, it does make sense. In 2016, the media gave Donald Trump's election run all kinds of attention and $2 billion worth of free publicity and promotion because he was funny and entertaining. It boosted ratings. And by the time they realized what they had done, he was the Republican candidate.

That won't happen again. The right wing media and donors are abandoning Trump and turning on him because he's a loser. He lost the gerrymandered House, the Senate, the Presidency and the mid-terms. You barely won the re-districted House, and now the Dems have 2 years to overturn this latest round of gerrymandering.

Every Trump business deal ends with the condo owners firing Trump as the property manager, and Trump suing the owners for breach of contract. When Trump loses the suit, he appeals, and when he loses the appeal, he appeals to a higher court, until he runs out of appeals and the owners bring the Sheriff to throw Trump out and change the locks on the doors.

Then they drink champagne and celebrate as Trump's name is taken off the building. With appointment of the Special Counsel today, the ongoing investigation in Georgia, and the trial in New York, the American people are calling the Sheriff.

With donors and right wing media dumping Trump, it's time to start chilling the champagne.
1. They are planning to indict him.

2. They know that the pink ripple has harmed his reputation.

3. Prominent Republicans are deserting his ship.

4. Politically, he is toast.
Lol... sure . Sure... 2 more years of your fraud Biden. And nobody will vote D. Although it is all irrelevant until someone stops the election rigging. Seems it's even off limits to even talk about it .... without cheating democrats would never win another election.
Oh really? It seems like the media bashes Trump for every other little thing and now they're just suddenly silent after he announced that he was planning on running again? Does that make sense to you? I think they're either plotting something and or scared shitless over it.

Maybe they've learned from before. I doubt it, but still maybe.
Not much an attorney can do when face with a liberal judge.
Of course there’s things they can do… like make their case.

Don’t pretend that it was liberal judges blocking evidence from being presented. Trump appointed judges, Republican state leaders, trumps own AG and trumps own vice President all saw the “evidence” and all support the idea that the election was legit… not stolen
Not much an attorney can do when face with a liberal judge.
That’s a lie.

It has nothing to do with ‘liberal’ judges.

“At least nine Trump-appointed judges or Supreme Court short-listers have declined to bolster his claims of election fraud. None have ruled in his favor.”

‘A group of eight prominent Republicans including judges and lawyers have reached the "unequivocal" conclusion that the 2020 presidential election was not "stolen" from former President Donald Trump.’


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