It's Been Days Since Trump's Announcement

So here we are, demofks posting in a Trump thread and acting like it's nothing, but they are truly quite concerned. It is blatantly obvious. hahahahahahahaahhahahahaha. Rolling out of the garages and basements to post.
Of course there’s things they can do… like make their case.

Wouldn't that require access to the courts?

Remember, your Reich didn't win any cases, you simply blocked access to the courts - the whole "justice denied" plan that your fascists live by,
Don’t pretend that it was liberal judges blocking evidence from being presented. Trump appointed judges, Republican state leaders, trumps own AG and trumps own vice President all saw the “evidence” and all support the idea that the election was legit… not stolen

Again, you won zero cases, all you did was block access to the courts. No evidence was considered. No cases heard. Justice denied.
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Of course there’s things they can do… like make their case.

Don’t pretend that it was liberal judges blocking evidence from being presented. Trump appointed judges, Republican state leaders, trumps own AG and trumps own vice President all saw the “evidence” and all support the idea that the election was legit… not stolen
but they did block cases. Did you ignore all of those posts? hmmmmmm, strange you'd be yammering about something you failed to read. Your post is off base.
I can say without a doubt, the only contributing piece to Jan 6 was this fact, that the judicial branch failed americans equal opportunity to challenge an election. FACT!!!!!!!!

I agree.

Ending the rule of law led 1 million people to leave their homes and try to restore the American Republic. Only to be savagely attacked by the palace guard.
I did follow the link. It was a collection of unsubstantiated claims none of which constitute proof of a stolen election even if true.

If you disagree point to one that you think shows proof of a stolen election and let’s dig in

I couldn't "prove" to you that the earth is not flat, or that the moon isn't made of green cheese.

I can provide evidence - but you'll ignore it and continue bleating the hating points from your Reich.

I can give you video of ballot boxes being stuffed, you'll find some way to deny facts and worship your Reich.

I can prove 174,000 mail in ballots counted that don't link to any voter registstration.

You don't care - you want to cover up facts, not consider them. You are a drone of your Reich. You'll say or do anything to ensure that your Reich has absolute power.
I couldn't "prove" to you that the earth is not flat, or that the moon isn't made of green cheese.

I can provide evidence - but you'll ignore it and continue bleating the hating points from your Reich.

I can give you video of ballot boxes being stuffed, you'll find some way to deny facts and worship your Reich.

I can prove 174,000 mail in ballots counted that don't link to any voter registstration.

You don't care - you want to cover up facts, not consider them. You are a drone of your Reich. You'll say or do anything to ensure that your Reich has absolute power.

Ok let’s just break it down. You posted a video of a guy dropping off multiple ballots. How in the world is that evidence of a stolen election or even fraudulent votes?

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