It's begun! Bud Light Banned in Bars

Conservatives want gays, Transexuals, minorities and mixed race couples not to exist.

But given they can no longer ban them, they demand that they exist in the shadows.

Any attempt to market to them is met with Conservative outrage and boycotts

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I don't care what you loons do as an adult. But now you brought 8 year olds into it. Then it becomes my business. This tranny thing is actually a good thing if you keep it to adults only. The majority of them after their transformation, cannot have kids.
If it involves you, it naturally has to be.

Completely irrelevant. What gays drink is none of my business. If you want to be gay, that is your right. But minors also have the right as do their parents of growing to at least 18 years old and then making up their OWN minds about their sexuality, not to be exposed to or even encouraged to mutilate their bodies while confusing their minds in grade-school with some perv gyrating his junk in my kid's face. And because so much of the gay/transgender community is focused not on themselves but forcing an unclean, unwholesome lifestyle on others makes Bud's decision to sponsor that lifestyle and promote it on their cans offensive to many if for no other reason than their complete insensetivity to how offended many parents have become of the above influence on their children growing up healthy and normal.

And that rant of mental illness has what to do with boycotting a brand of beer again?
Lol, he is trying to become a 12 to 14 year old girl. See you are a good liberal, not answering the question. You're proving my point, congratulations.
I did answer your question. I have no clue what you mean by becoming a 12-14 year old girl. And I don’t trust your characterization of what other people do say or think. You mischaracterize me constantly so why would I trust your characterizations of anybody else?!
Conservatives want gays, Transexuals, minorities and mixed race couples not to exist.

But given they can no longer ban them, they demand that they exist in the shadows.

Any attempt to market to them is met with Conservative outrage and boycotts

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Pretty obvious differences between the three groups. The only reason they are ever lumped together is when a gay poster wants to take a group that has immutable traits and tries to convince us that the other two groups are similar.

Old failed trick, but it does reveal that the poster is a member of one of the other two groups.
Pretty obvious differences between the three groups. The only reason they are ever lumped together is when a gay poster wants to take a group that has immutable traits and tries to convince us that the other two groups are similar.

Old failed trick, but it does reveal that the poster is a member of one of the other two groups.
The reason they are lumped together is because Conservatives do not want to see commercials featuring gays, Transexuals, mix raced couples, Hispanics or anyone they declare “different”

They react by boycotting the product
We used Bud Light as targets at the shooting range Thursday morning.

One of the Militia guys had a few left over cases from a party and we used it.

We usually don't allow alcohol at the range but we made an exception for the queerbeer.

The queer beer you were drinking at the party?
The reason they are lumped together is because Conservatives do not want to see commercials featuring gays, Transexuals, mix raced couples, Hispanics or anyone they declare “different”

They react by boycotting the product

No, it’s because reality is far different than a commercial.

And your lumping this together for an obvious reason.

Go drink a queerbeer with your buddies at the gay bar winger.
OK Conservatives…we get it

You do not like gays, you do not like Transexuals, you do not like mix race couples and you will boycott any product that dares to acknowledge they exist in their advertising

You do know this is distraction from The orange messiahs coming indictments right?

Im afraid it’s only going to get more desperate as the charges pile up.
You do know this is distraction from The orange messiahs coming indictments right?

Im afraid it’s only going to get more desperate as the charges pile up.

Which is simply an attempt to distract from Potatohead's coming total charlie foxtrot.

No, it’s because reality is far different than a commercial.

And your lumping this together for an obvious reason.

Go drink a queerbeer with your buddies at the gay bar winger.

Bud Light has not released a commercial featuring Transexuals on any major media. Those ads are on Twitter.
Unless you frequent Dylan McDermotts Twitter account, you will not see them
Conservative America is White, Christian, Anglo Saxon and straight.

They are outraged at any depiction that challenges that

And the left is for child castration
Bud Light has not released a commercial featuring Transexuals on any major media. Those ads are on Twitter.
Unless you frequent Dylan McDermotts Twitter account, you will not see them

Changing the goal post? First it was interracial, now trannies?

You sure do argue like a gay.

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