It's Down To A Governor & A Canadian vs Trump: The Math & The Constitution..

There is no such case. You're literally citing your imagination as caselaw.
SCOTUS makes case law by their Opinions, idiot. How do you think Kennedy, Sotomayor, Breyer, Kagan & Ginsburg will use their discretion with a seat open for the next president to fill?

There is no such case. You've imagined it. And imagining it, bizarrely offered your imagination as caselaw.

Um....Sil? Your imagination isn't caselaw. I'm kinda shocked I have to tell you this.
Alabama and Illinois both have cases pending upwards challenging Cruz's eligibility to run for president. More will follow. Trump, Kasich or Hillary may even file their own lawsuits.
Alabama and Illinois both have cases pending upwards challenging Cruz's eligibility to run for president. More will follow. Trump, Kasich or Hillary may even file their own lawsuits.

Sil, how well did that work on Obama? Let's not waste time repeating the mistaken wastes of time and effort.
Alabama and Illinois both have cases pending upwards challenging Cruz's eligibility to run for president. More will follow. Trump, Kasich or Hillary may even file their own lawsuits.

Sil, how well did that work on Obama? Let's not waste time repeating the mistaken wastes of time and effort.
Oh, very easy question to answer. Thanks for asking!

1. Obama produced a Hawaiian birth certificate.

2. Cruz produced a Canadian birth certificate.

One is natural born, the other isn't. And this is what the liberal-activist majority in SCOTUS will find around... *checks calendar* late September-mid October this year..
Alabama and Illinois both have cases pending upwards challenging Cruz's eligibility to run for president. More will follow. Trump, Kasich or Hillary may even file their own lawsuits.

Sil, how well did that work on Obama? Let's not waste time repeating the mistaken wastes of time and effort.
Oh, very easy question to answer. Thanks for asking!

1. Obama produced a Hawaiian birth certificate.

2. Cruz produced a Canadian birth certificate.

One is natural born, the other isn't. And this is what the liberal-activist majority in SCOTUS will find around... *checks calendar* late September-mid October this year..

My point is that going for broke over something that will take a long time to even get a result if it gets you the result you want, is a waste. It's better to merely defeat Cruz outright, such that his citizenship is irrelevant.
My point is that going for broke over something that will take a long time to even get a result if it gets you the result you want, is a waste. It's better to merely defeat Cruz outright, such that his citizenship is irrelevant.
The USSC convened quickly to determine who won the 2000 race in Bush v Gore. They will consider this a case of national importance and will convene with lightening speed "for the good of the country" at any time between now and November as they choose.

Here's another point to ponder: The left knows about Cruz's Canadian birth certificate. And for all the grief that the GOP gave Obama over his birth status and eligibility (therefore) to be president, why is it the left remains CONSPICUOUSLY silent about Cruz's Canadian birth certificate?...silent for now that is...??? :popcorn: Gotta wonder why at some point..
The USSC convened quickly to determine who won the 2000 race in Bush v Gore. They will consider this a case of national importance and will convene with lightening speed "for the good of the country" at any time between now and November as they choose.

No they won't. The Senate is the judge of the qualifications of President. The constitution gives that job to the Senate, and the SCOTUS has routinely held as much when birthers tried to sue Obama for allegedly being ineligible. The SCOTUS has no constitutional authority to judge Cruz's eligibility. It's all in the hands of the Senate.
The SCOTUS has no constitutional authority to judge Cruz's eligibility. It's all in the hands of the Senate.
Sorry, there are lawsuits already pending. SCOTUS determines the interpretation of the Constitution and bylaws. Try again.

The Senate is not a judicial body.
Don't you wonder at all why MSNBC, for example, hasn't run with Cruz's Canadian birth certificate? Suppose they're just "being nice to a hard right conservative"? Like the Virginia Governor? Suppose they're going to forever hold back from this witch hunt as the singular rare exception to their modus operandi?
There is no such case. You're literally citing your imagination as caselaw.
SCOTUS makes case law by their Opinions, idiot. How do you think Kennedy, Sotomayor, Breyer, Kagan & Ginsburg will use their discretion with a seat open for the next president to fill?

There is no such case. You've imagined it. And imagining it, bizarrely offered your imagination as caselaw.

Um....Sil? Your imagination isn't caselaw. I'm kinda shocked I have to tell you this.
Alabama and Illinois both have cases pending upwards challenging Cruz's eligibility to run for president. More will follow. Trump, Kasich or Hillary may even file their own lawsuits.

And haven't progressed out of the court they were filed in. None of the cases have. Yet you're literally citing as caselaw a Supreme Court ruling that hasn't happened for a case that doesn't exist. Citing a definition of 'natural born' that the court has never offered.

That's more than a little crazy.

Sil.......even you have to recognize that your process of projecting your wishes as future legal outcomes is absolute shit. That you've *never* once offered an accurate legal prediction for exactly this reason. So.....why continue with the same failed process?
Alabama and Illinois both have cases pending upwards challenging Cruz's eligibility to run for president. More will follow. Trump, Kasich or Hillary may even file their own lawsuits.

Sil, how well did that work on Obama? Let's not waste time repeating the mistaken wastes of time and effort.

You're saying that to a person who has never once made an accurate legal prediction. Not once, not one case, not one legal principle, not one ruling. In every case, Sil projects what she wants to happen......and ignores the evidence suggesting what will happen.

'Waste time repeating the mistaken wastes of time and effort' is on her business card.
Alabama and Illinois both have cases pending upwards challenging Cruz's eligibility to run for president. More will follow. Trump, Kasich or Hillary may even file their own lawsuits.

Sil, how well did that work on Obama? Let's not waste time repeating the mistaken wastes of time and effort.
Oh, very easy question to answer. Thanks for asking!

1. Obama produced a Hawaiian birth certificate.

2. Cruz produced a Canadian birth certificate.

One is natural born, the other isn't. And this is what the liberal-activist majority in SCOTUS will find around... *checks calendar* late September-mid October this year..

And when we ask you who says that a canadian birth certificate disqualifies someone from being cite a ruling that Supreme Court has never made.

Sweetie....your imagination isn't caselaw. Remember all your babble about Obergefell? Your useless noise about '56 times'? How you insisted Loving v. Virginia would have nothing to do with same sex marriage? Your hopeless idiocy about Kennedy's 'stays'? All your nonsense about 'third party beneficiaries?

You're never, ever, under any circumstance, right about your legal predictions. And this, right here, is why. You can't tell the difference between your imagination and a court ruling.

The courts can.
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We'll see. As we both know, the US Constitution and its discretionary interpretation hasn't been Ruled on yet in the cases in Alabama & Illinois challenging someone with a foreign birth certificate's status as "natural born". When there's a 5 person liberal-activist majority on the Court presently, and eager I'm sure to add another to their ranks, my point is that the GOP shouldn't be so foolish as to imagine they won't act and act quickly to do a HIGHLY EMBARASSING shut down of Cruz about September or October this year, should Rove be STUPID enough to think their second-pick hand puppet can actually qualify.
Skylar, with all the hubbub and grief the GOP gave Obama over his legitimate Hawaiian birth certificate, why do you suppose the left media "witch hunt" outlet MSNBC is staying completely and conspicuously mute (for now) about Cruz's actual, real bone fide CANADIAN birth certificate?

Riddle me that Captain Spindoctor...
The birth certificate has NOTHING To do with it! I don't see the problem, because what if he was born to an American parent studying at a university in Moscow? You are simply making shit up to fit your agenda.

Actually I'm sticking to the constitutional interpretation of "natural born".

Actually you are sticking with your interpretation.

You have yet to provide anything other than your interpretation.
You have yet to provide anything other than your interpretation.
I'll ask you the same question Syriusly

...with all the hubbub and grief the GOP gave Obama over his legitimate Hawaiian birth certificate, why do you suppose the left media "witch hunt" outlet MSNBC is staying completely and conspicuously mute (for now) about Cruz's actual, real bone fide CANADIAN birth certificate?

Riddle me that Captain Spindoctor...
When there's a 5 person liberal-activist majority on the Court presently,y.

You claiming that there are 5 liberals doesn't make it so.

Justice Kennedy is a Conservative swing vote.

And Kennedy voted for Bush when it came to the Florida decision.

Meanwhile- none of the cases you cite will make it to the Supreme Court- they have no standing- Trump does- he could get a court case going.

But since he will probably beat Cruz, he is not focusing on Birther idiocy at the moment.
You haven't answered my question. It's tricky I know.

Let's try again:

You have yet to provide anything other than your interpretation.
I'll ask you the same question Syriusly

...with all the hubbub and grief the GOP gave Obama over his legitimate Hawaiian birth certificate, why do you suppose the left media "witch hunt" outlet MSNBC is staying completely and conspicuously mute (for now) about Cruz's actual, real bone fide CANADIAN birth certificate?

Riddle me that Captain Spindoctor...

...mmm...hmm.. The silence from the left is SCREAMING to the GOP: "don't do it, we're gonna ambush you!"...
You have yet to provide anything other than your interpretation.
I'll ask you the same question Syriusly

...with all the hubbub and grief the GOP gave Obama over his legitimate Hawaiian birth certificate, why do you suppose the left media "witch hunt" outlet MSNBC is staying completely and conspicuously mute (for now) about Cruz's actual, real bone fide CANADIAN birth certificate?

Riddle me that Captain Spindoctor...

Why would they waste time on a crackpot theory?

MSNBC has covered the issue- and no one cares.

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