It's Down To A Governor & A Canadian vs Trump: The Math & The Constitution..

Is Trump a Birther- or is Trump not a Birther?
Doesn't matter. Cruz is vulnerable to anyone attacking his citizenship/POTUS eligibility. Here are the facts of the case that will be brought against his candidacy by anyone of the usual suspects or others: 1. He was born in Canada and has a Canadian birth certificate. 2. He spent several formative years in Canada with his Canadian birth certificate. 3. He immigrated illegally to Texas in the mid-1970s and then eventually naturalized.

That is absolutely not what "natural born" means. He could've done these things from Russia or Iran. The 14th Amendment will not allow to play favorites once the precedent is set.

Peripheral circumstances are also that we have a 5 Justice liberal progressive activist majority on the Court who will hear the "Cruz Challenge". They have keen recall of a 2,000 election that their conservative fellows handed over to Dubya on a technicality...let that sink in for a minute. And they know an empty seat is at stake in their courtroom. Being fascists and progressive, and activists, do you think for a minute they wouldn't stack the deck if they could?

Think about it...

I put your lies in bold red text for everyone to see.
If I were to endorse any of the current GOP candidates I would endorse Kasich too...

Arnold was never thinking about running for President because he knew he was not a U.S. citizen- since he was born in Austria- to Austrian parents.

The GOP however did float the idea of a Constitutional referendum to change the Constitution- just as they did when Kissinger was a viable candidate.

Yeah, but that never happened. So, bye Cruz.. The birth certificate is the smoking gun, regardless of parentage. There has to be a litmus for "natural born" and that's it. Grab a moosehead lager on your way out the door eh hoser?

I like how one of the photo ops Rubio did in Florida had a backdrop of a Canadian red maple leaf and a bunch of jars of maple syrup on the shelf behind him. That was not by accident folks. And it wasn't a slam on Donald Trump either.

Donald Trump crushes Marco Rubio in Florida


Let me 'splain this one to you Lucy!

Maple syrup comes from maple trees. Guess what colors that maple leaves turn in the fall? You guessed it! Red.

Guess what else? I grew up on Maple Road and had about 8 maple trees in my yard. Does that make me a Canuck?
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Donald Trump crushes Marco Rubio in Florida


^^ The Headline should read "Rubio Subliminally Slams Cruz in Florida"...

Let me 'splain this one to you Lucy!

Maple syrup comes from maple trees. Guess what colors that maple leaves turn in the fall? You guessed it! Red.

Guess what else? I grew up on Maple Road and had about 8 maple trees in my yard. Does that make me a Canuck?

It does if you were born in Canada and have a Canadian birth certificate, .like Ted "Hoser" Cruz does.. To make things worse, he illegally immigrated into the US to Texas.
Donald Trump crushes Marco Rubio in Florida


^^ The Headline should read "Rubio Subliminally Slams Cruz in Florida"...

Let me 'splain this one to you Lucy!

Maple syrup comes from maple trees. Guess what colors that maple leaves turn in the fall? You guessed it! Red.

Guess what else? I grew up on Maple Road and had about 8 maple trees in my yard. Does that make me a Canuck?

It does if you were born in Canada and have a Canadian birth certificate, .like Ted "Hoser" Cruz does.. To make things worse, he illegally immigrated into the US to Texas.

His mother is an American citizen, which makes him an American citizen even if he was born at the fucking North Pole! I have many friends with kids born overseas. They have foreign birth certificates. Are they somehow ineligible to be President?

How does an American citizen illegally emigrate (that is the correct word) from Canada to the United States? As an American, he cannot immigrate.

The problem with you birthers is that you are not so stupid as to just ignore the truth, but you are just willfully and maliciously ignorant of it!
His mother is an American citizen, which makes him an American citizen even if he was born at the fucking North Pole!

Not with a Canadian birth certificate. And instead of "even if he was born at the fucking North Pole!" Let's say "even if he was born in fucking Moscow or Tehran!" See the problem now? :popcorn:

If a child was born with an Iranian or Russian birth certificate, spent their formative years in either of those countries, regardless of who their mother or father was and then illegally immigrated into the US, that child CANNOT be president.

Don't worry though, the USSC will school you and the rest of the country on what the founding fathers meant when they said "natural born"...long about...oh....late September or early October this year. Until then they'll play "we aren't concerned about that" until the GOP is foolish enough to nominate Ted Cruz...
His mother is an American citizen, which makes him an American citizen even if he was born at the fucking North Pole!

Not with a Canadian birth certificate. And instead of "even if he was born at the fucking North Pole!" Let's say "even if he was born in fucking Moscow or Tehran!" See the problem now? .

Oh we all see the problem.

Another example of Silhouette derangement syndrome where Silhouette decides something is true and then creates fantasies to support her belief.
His mother is an American citizen, which makes him an American citizen even if he was born at the fucking North Pole!

Not with a Canadian birth certificate. And instead of "even if he was born at the fucking North Pole!" Let's say "even if he was born in fucking Moscow or Tehran!" See the problem now? :popcorn:

If a child was born with an Iranian or Russian birth certificate, spent their formative years in either of those countries, regardless of who their mother or father was and then illegally immigrated into the US, that child CANNOT be president.

Don't worry though, the USSC will school you and the rest of the country on what the founding fathers meant when they said "natural born"...long about...oh....late September or early October this year. Until then they'll play "we aren't concerned about that" until the GOP is foolish enough to nominate Ted Cruz...

The birth certificate has NOTHING To do with it! I don't see the problem, because what if he was born to an American parent studying at a university in Moscow? You are simply making shit up to fit your agenda. If the courts deny him the right to run, there will be hell to pay, because that is an outright abrogation of the law and any judge should be impeached..

You keep mentioning his formative years being spent in Canada. Why do you have to resort to outright lies to try and prove a point that you simply cannot? At what age did Cruz's parents return to the US? He was about 4 years old. I am sure that is why he speaks with a Canadian accent because he spent those important formative years playing with Canadian blocks.

The ultimate question is why are YOU lying about the issue?

By the way, you do realize that the SCOTUS only has 8 members and a that even a tie decision, which would be unlikely, would not resolve the issue. The vote should be 8-0, because even the liberals on thecourt can read, unlike you.
The birth certificate has NOTHING To do with it! I don't see the problem, because what if he was born to an American parent studying at a university in Moscow? You are simply making shit up to fit your agenda.

Actually I'm sticking to the constitutional interpretation of "natural born" to which the LIBERAL MAJORITY on the USSC will find...about...September or October this year.. If you're studying in Moscow and pregnant, and want your child to run for president some day, best be sure he doesn't receive a Russian birth certificate...
The birth certificate has NOTHING To do with it! I don't see the problem, because what if he was born to an American parent studying at a university in Moscow? You are simply making shit up to fit your agenda.

Actually I'm sticking to the constitutional interpretation of "natural born" to which the LIBERAL MAJORITY on the USSC will find...about...September or October this year.. If you're studying in Moscow and pregnant, and want your child to run for president some day, best be sure he doesn't receive a Russian birth certificate...

Please provide me with that constitutional interpretation that you obviously made up. There is no definition in the Constitution and the one codified in law disagrees with your premise entirely. That is what the SCOTUS would have to apply.

A person can be natural born or naturalized to be a citizen in this country. Cruz is natural born because his mother was and is an American citizen. He was never naturalized.

Now, I await your next ignorant response.
The birth certificate has NOTHING To do with it! I don't see the problem, because what if he was born to an American parent studying at a university in Moscow? You are simply making shit up to fit your agenda.

Actually I'm sticking to the constitutional interpretation of "natural born" to which the LIBERAL MAJORITY on the USSC will find...about...September or October this year.. If you're studying in Moscow and pregnant, and want your child to run for president some day, best be sure he doesn't receive a Russian birth certificate...

Please provide me with that constitutional interpretation that you obviously made up. There is no definition in the Constitution and the one codified in law disagrees with your premise entirely. That is what the SCOTUS would have to apply.

Actually, what SCOTUS will have to do with their LIBERAL majority this Fall would be to INTERPRET (using their discretion as "the Final Word") what the founding fathers meant by "natural born". And believe me, if Cruz is the GOP candidate, I know where I'm putting my money: NOT having a foreign birth certificate...
The birth certificate has NOTHING To do with it! I don't see the problem, because what if he was born to an American parent studying at a university in Moscow? You are simply making shit up to fit your agenda.

Actually I'm sticking to the constitutional interpretation of "natural born" to which the LIBERAL MAJORITY on the USSC will find...about...September or October this year.. If you're studying in Moscow and pregnant, and want your child to run for president some day, best be sure he doesn't receive a Russian birth certificate...

Please provide me with that constitutional interpretation that you obviously made up. There is no definition in the Constitution and the one codified in law disagrees with your premise entirely. That is what the SCOTUS would have to apply.

Actually, what SCOTUS will have to do with their LIBERAL majority this Fall would be to INTERPRET (using their discretion as "the Final Word") what the founding fathers meant by "natural born". And believe me, if Cruz is the GOP candidate, I know where I'm putting my money: NOT having a foreign birth certificate...

Where does it say that possession of a foreign birth certificate is disqualifying? Can you at least provide a reference other than your mental meanderings?

The law already states that children born overseas to a US parent are citizens. Now, what does that fact have that can be argued against?

As I told you, the Supreme Court's best possible outcome of your fantasy would be a 4-4 tie, which means nothing!
Where does it say that possession of a foreign birth certificate is disqualifying?
In the upcoming LIBERAL MAJORITY US Supreme Court Opinion of (fill in the blank plaintiff) vs Raphael Edward "Ted" Cruz...round about oh...say...September or October 2016...'re aware that the liberals on the Court are aware there's a vacancy at stake with whichever party wins the general election this Fall? And, I assume you have a brain?
^^ Yet ^^ This has less to do with my "feverish hopes" and more to do with prudent caution on behalf of the GOP...'re still pushing what you want to be true....rather than what the evidence suggests IS true.

Which is why you're always, always wrong on legal outcomes.
Where does it say that possession of a foreign birth certificate is disqualifying?
In the upcoming LIBERAL MAJORITY US Supreme Court Opinion of (fill in the blank plaintiff) vs Raphael Edward "Ted" Cruz...round about oh...say...September or October 2016...'re aware that the liberals on the Court are aware there's a vacancy at stake with whichever party wins the general election this Fall? And, I assume you have a brain?

You're aware that your 'source' doesn't exist, yes?

That you're literally citing your imagination as a supreme court ruling? And that you've never once been right about any legal prediction you've ever made?
Where does it say that possession of a foreign birth certificate is disqualifying?
In the upcoming LIBERAL MAJORITY US Supreme Court Opinion of (fill in the blank plaintiff) vs Raphael Edward "Ted" Cruz...round about oh...say...September or October 2016...'re aware that the liberals on the Court are aware there's a vacancy at stake with whichever party wins the general election this Fall? And, I assume you have a brain?

There will be no liberal appointed to the Supreme Court by then. You are just grasping at straws.

You still did not answer my question which is what you always seem to do. Why? Because you know that I am right and there is nothing to support your bullshit assertion.

Do you, in fact, have a brain? Your failure to be able to answer the simple question I posed to you brings that into serious doubt.
Where does it say that possession of a foreign birth certificate is disqualifying?
In the upcoming LIBERAL MAJORITY US Supreme Court Opinion of (fill in the blank plaintiff) vs Raphael Edward "Ted" Cruz...round about oh...say...September or October 2016...'re aware that the liberals on the Court are aware there's a vacancy at stake with whichever party wins the general election this Fall? And, I assume you have a brain?

There will be no liberal appointed to the Supreme Court by then. You are just grasping at straws.
There are 5 liberal activists on the Court right now, which consists of 8 people. That is a liberal-activist majority. Look no further than the mistrial of Obergefell to see how far that group will go to exact a far left agenda against the Will of the People. You can go on kidding yourself as long as you like. I know what they'll do if Ted Cruz is the GOP nominee. If it were a bet at a casino that Ted Cruz would be exonerated, I'd pass if I were you..
Where does it say that possession of a foreign birth certificate is disqualifying?
In the upcoming LIBERAL MAJORITY US Supreme Court Opinion of (fill in the blank plaintiff) vs Raphael Edward "Ted" Cruz...round about oh...say...September or October 2016...

There is no such case. You're literally citing your imagination as caselaw.

That's more than a little crazy.
There is no such case. You're literally citing your imagination as caselaw.
SCOTUS makes case law by their Opinions, idiot. How do you think Kennedy, Sotomayor, Breyer, Kagan & Ginsburg will use their discretion with a seat open for the next president to fill?
There is no such case. You're literally citing your imagination as caselaw.
SCOTUS makes case law by their Opinions, idiot. How do you think Kennedy, Sotomayor, Breyer, Kagan & Ginsburg will use their discretion with a seat open for the next president to fill?

There is no such case. You've imagined it. And imagining it, bizarrely offered your imagination as caselaw.

Um....Sil? Your imagination isn't caselaw. I'm kinda shocked I have to tell you this.

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