It's Down To A Governor & A Canadian vs Trump: The Math & The Constitution..

notice you don't actually disagree with any assessment I've offered. As we both know I'm right.
Depends on whether or not the GOP fathers want to get real about their son born in Canada with a Canadian birth certificate, living formative years there before he illegally immigrated to Texas with his Cuban father, not being eligible for president. Get all those delegates over to Kasich right away, instead of later, and his nomination becomes more legitimate that way.

Otherwise Carl Rove is going to push his delusions until the last minute as usual and kill another GOP shot at the Whitehouse...just as the democratic strategists (like you Skylar) are hoping he'll do.

The US Supreme Court is now liberal-activist dominated. And they are still seething from Bush v Gore in 2000. They would love to secure a nomination for the vacancy to uber-liberal by disqualifying Cruz at the last minute. Cruz is suicide for the GOP in the general. So, look for Rove to push him until yes, an "unfair inevitable Kasich nomination" also endangers what would be a sure thing. Kasich CURRENTLY is polling 10 points ahead of Hillary in the general. Give Trumpsters an excuse to rebel and those numbers will plummet. A legitimate Kasich gradual victory of attrition would slowly take the wind out of their sails.

...So, Carl Rove, mouthpiece of gay-marriage lovin', 5-time draft dodgin', democrat-raised, Obama-praisin' Dick Cheney, will make sure the worst happens for the GOP. It's always struck me as remarkable that he is one of the GOP's chief strategic advisors. I've always felt one should keep foxes out of the chicken coop..
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notice you don't actually disagree with any assessment I've offered. As we both know I'm right.
Depends on whether or not the GOP fathers want to get real about their son born in Canada with a Canadian birth certificate, living formative years there before he illegally immigrated to Texas with his Cuban father, not being eligible for president. Get all those delegates over to Kasich right away, instead of later, and his nomination becomes more legitimate that way.

Well remember that nothing you've said about natural born citizenship is actually recognized by our laws. So its unlikely that your imagination is going to influence the 'GOP fathers'.

Otherwise Carl Rove is going to push his delusions until the last minute as usual and kill another GOP shot at the Whitehouse...just as the democratic strategists (like you Skylar) are hoping he'll do.

A 'democratic strategeist'? A monkey with a coconut can see how fucked the GOP is. And how increasingly desperate.

Either they run Trump....and lose.

Or they run someone who has less votes and delegates than Trump.....and lose.

The US Supreme Court is now liberal-activist dominated. And they are still seething from Bush v Gore in 2000. They would love to secure a nomination for the vacancy to uber-liberal by disqualifying Cruz at the last minute. Cruz is suicide for the GOP in the general. So, look for Rove to push him until yes, an "unfair inevitable Kasich nomination" also endangers what would be a sure thing. Kasich CURRENTLY is polling 10 points ahead of Hillary in the general. Give Trumpsters an excuse to rebel and those numbers will plummet. A legitimate Kasich gradual victory of attrition would slowly take the wind out of their sails.

Yeah, that's all your imagination too. Its an even split between democratic and republican nominated justices. And all the 'seething' nonsense is just you projecting your emotions onto people you don't know nor have ever met. usual.
Yeah, that's all your imagination too. Its an even split between democratic and republican nominated justices. And all the 'seething' nonsense is just you projecting your emotions onto people you don't know nor have ever met. usual.

You're willing to bet the de facto liberal majority (the same one that forced gay marriage on the 50 states that don't want it) would somehow find for Ted Cruz's Canadian birth certificate, formative years in Canada and illegal immigration to Texas as "natural born". Go ahead and gamble on that one. But my advice to the GOP would be "don't gamble on that one"...

And on the point we contend the readers here should bear in mind the following: I want the GOP to win the general this Fall and you don't..
Yeah, that's all your imagination too. Its an even split between democratic and republican nominated justices. And all the 'seething' nonsense is just you projecting your emotions onto people you don't know nor have ever met. usual.

You're willing to bet the de facto liberal majority (the same one that forced gay marriage on the 50 states that don't want it) would somehow find for Ted Cruz's Canadian birth certificate, formative years in Canada and illegal immigration to Texas as "natural born". Go ahead and gamble on that one. But my advice to the GOP would be "don't gamble on that one"...

What case on the matter are they deciding again?

What case on the matter are they deciding again?


Oh that's right, I forgot. There aren't already cases filed challenging Cruz's right to run. And I'm sure Donald Trump will restrain himself from doing so given the proper timing to exact "win by any and all means necessary" if faced with a Cruz upset...neither will Hillary...or some Soros funded attempt...

Give me a break Skylar. You want the GOP to live on a hope and a prayer. It suits your agenda quite nicely..
What case on the matter are they deciding again?


Oh that's right, I forgot. There aren't already cases filed challenging Cruz's right to run. And I'm sure Donald Trump will restrain himself from doing so given the proper timing to exact "win by any and all means necessary" if faced with a Cruz upset...neither will Hillary...or some Soros funded attempt...

So you're betting on an imaginary case using imaginary reasoning to result in an imaginary outcome.

Um.....does anyone else even need to be here for this?

Give me a break Skylar. You want the GOP to live on a hope and a prayer. It suits your agenda quite nicely..

So far the courts haven't given you a break. Every case challenging Cruz's eligibility has been dismissed.

And you'll certainly need a case before the courts will agree to hear it. Which the USSC has never expressed the slightest interest in hearing.

You may want to take a breath and listen to some Journey. Specifically 'Don't Stop Believing".
Well you know how reticent Trump is to file lawsuits so...yeah...we can bank on your prognosis for sure...mmm hmmm..
As usual Silhouette confuses her fantasies with fact.

You know Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed Kasich. Ah-nald was thinking about a run for the president at one time but everyone was in agreement that his having an Austrian birth certificate immediately disqualified him. So he gave up the idea. And wisely so.

If I were to endorse any of the current GOP candidates I would endorse Kasich too.

Arnold's endorsement doesn't mean much however- he is considered barely a Republican in California- Conservatives despise him.

Arnold was never thinking about running for President because he knew he was not a U.S. citizen- since he was born in Austria- to Austrian parents.

The GOP however did float the idea of a Constitutional referendum to change the Constitution- just as they did when Kissinger was a viable candidate.
Which has nothing to do with all of the useless fantasies you've been offering us as fact.

If even you're going to abandon your silly nonsense the moment its challenged, surely you'll understand why we have no use for it.

We've seen the polls. Who would be more likely to win against Hillary? Trump? A Canadian by birth? Or Governor Kasich? We'll see how honest YOU are... :popcorn:

Who would most likely win against Hillary would be an actual Republican candidate- which Kasich is not going to be- unless the GOP really swings a wild deal at the Convention- in which case the RNC will split apart- and Trump will go third party- I am thinking he will call his party "The Grand Trump Party of American National Pride against Ghetto Thugs and Mexican Rapists"
Yeah, that's all your imagination too. Its an even split between democratic and republican nominated justices. And all the 'seething' nonsense is just you projecting your emotions onto people you don't know nor have ever met. usual.

and illegal immigration to Texas as "natural born"...

I am betting that no one will pay attention to the wild Birther lies like that one.
If I were to endorse any of the current GOP candidates I would endorse Kasich too...

Arnold was never thinking about running for President because he knew he was not a U.S. citizen- since he was born in Austria- to Austrian parents.

The GOP however did float the idea of a Constitutional referendum to change the Constitution- just as they did when Kissinger was a viable candidate.

Yeah, but that never happened. So, bye Cruz.. The birth certificate is the smoking gun, regardless of parentage. There has to be a litmus for "natural born" and that's it. Grab a moosehead lager on your way out the door eh hoser?

I like how one of the photo ops Rubio did in Florida had a backdrop of a Canadian red maple leaf and a bunch of jars of maple syrup on the shelf behind him. That was not by accident folks. And it wasn't a slam on Donald Trump either.

Donald Trump crushes Marco Rubio in Florida

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If I were to endorse any of the current GOP candidates I would endorse Kasich too...

Arnold was never thinking about running for President because he knew he was not a U.S. citizen- since he was born in Austria- to Austrian parents.

The GOP however did float the idea of a Constitutional referendum to change the Constitution- just as they did when Kissinger was a viable candidate.

Yeah, but that never happened. So, bye Cruz.. The birth certificate is the smoking gun, regardless of parentage. There has to be a litmus for "natural born" and that's it.

Says who?


And your qualifications are?

I despise Ted Cruz- but he is eligible.
And your qualifications are?

I despise Ted Cruz- but he is eligible.

the Supreme Court's liberal majority anxious to have the vacancy filled by another liberal will fast-track a case when, and not if, Trump or Hillary or Soros-funded surrogate brings it to them. I predict their decision will come down against Cruz...oh...about early October 2016. Just in time to create chaos for the GOP and lose massive votes in the general for whoever they hastily scramble (not Trump, adding more salt to the wounds) at the last minute.

That's who. And you say a Canadian birth certificate, formative years spent in Canada and illegal immigration to the US makes Cruz eligible for "natural born" eh? Really? There's so many holes in that swiss cheese, all the liberal-majority in SCOTUS would have to do is pick one and run with it. And don't think they wouldn't...
And your qualifications are?

I despise Ted Cruz- but he is eligible.

the Supreme Court's liberal majority anxious to have the vacancy filled by another liberal will fast-track a case when, and not if, Trump or Hillary or Soros-funded surrogate brings it to them. I predict their decision will come down against Cruz...oh...about early October 2016.

Oh you predict all sorts of crap- which never comes true because you are delusional.
Well you know how reticent Trump is to file lawsuits so...yeah...we can bank on your prognosis for sure...mmm hmmm..

We certainly know how reticent the courts are to let birther suits progress.

So far, their record of failure is absolutely perfect. With the high court showing exactly zero interest in taking up any such case.

There's also no indication that this has changed. You're offering us what you *want* to happen rather than what the evidence suggests actually will.
And your qualifications are?

I despise Ted Cruz- but he is eligible.

the Supreme Court's liberal majority anxious to have the vacancy filled by another liberal will fast-track a case when, and not if, Trump or Hillary or Soros-funded surrogate brings it to them. I predict their decision will come down against Cruz...oh...about early October 2016. Just in time to create chaos for the GOP and lose massive votes in the general for whoever they hastily scramble (not Trump, adding more salt to the wounds) at the last minute.

That's who. And you say a Canadian birth certificate, formative years spent in Canada and illegal immigration to the US makes Cruz eligible for "natural born" eh? Really? There's so many holes in that swiss cheese, all the liberal-majority in SCOTUS would have to do is pick one and run with it. And don't think they wouldn't...

You're just spamming now. You have no case for the Supreme Court to decide on.....or that the Supreme Court has ever expressed interest in ruling on.

They have all been dismissed. Repeating your babble about soros or the court's anxiety is just more useless imagination contradicted by the actual evidence.
If I were to endorse any of the current GOP candidates I would endorse Kasich too...

Arnold was never thinking about running for President because he knew he was not a U.S. citizen- since he was born in Austria- to Austrian parents.

The GOP however did float the idea of a Constitutional referendum to change the Constitution- just as they did when Kissinger was a viable candidate.

Yeah, but that never happened. So, bye Cruz.. The birth certificate is the smoking gun, regardless of parentage. There has to be a litmus for "natural born" and that's it. Grab a moosehead lager on your way out the door eh hoser?

Says you citing yourself as the law. And you've literally *never* been right. Not once.

Why? Because you keep offering us what you *want* the law to be. Rather than acknowledging what it actually is.
"you're just spamming now" says Skylar, taking 3 posts ^^ to reply to the same poster all in a row, spewing the same things in each post.
"you're just spamming now" says Skylar, taking 3 posts ^^ to reply to the same poster all in a row, spewing the same things in each post.

Have you somehow managed to find a case that the Supreme Court has agreed to review regarding Cruz's eligibility?

No? Then why wouldn't I mention that?
"you're just spamming now" says Skylar, taking 3 posts ^^ to reply to the same poster all in a row, spewing the same things in each post.

Have you somehow managed to find a case that the Supreme Court has agreed to review regarding Cruz's eligibility?

No? Then why wouldn't I mention that?
Trying the old "time tense" strawman eh? One of your favorites.

Well for the contemporary...but there may be others...

12 February 2016 Five people in northern Alabama have filed a federal lawsuit claiming Texas congressman Ted Cruz is ineligible to run for president.

Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother and a Cuban father....The U.S. Constitution limits the presidency to 'natural born' U.S. citizens. There are differences of opinion on whether or not the federal courts have established what those two words mean. Federal 'birther' lawsuit challenges Cruz's presidential eligibility

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