It's Down To A Governor & A Canadian vs Trump: The Math & The Constitution..

CNN)Arnold Schwarzenegger is endorsing Ohio Gov. John Kasich for the Republican presidential nomination -- and he's doing it in what appears to be the first high-profile endorsement to come on Snapchat.

"I want John Kasich to be the next nominee of the Republicans and also to be the next president of the United States," Schwarzenegger said, holding a phone that he then turned to Kasich. "Here he is." Arnold Schwarzenegger endorses John Kasich -

Since Trump or Cruz running in Ohio or California against Hillary is a very rocky proposition, Rove's machine might want to take a second look at Kasich. I'm sure Rove is probably furiously scribbling on paper right now trying to crunch the math on how the GOP can lose both Ohio and California to Hillary and still come out with a win for POTUS. Will people trust Rove? Or will they finally cut this dingleberry off the butt of the GOP's strategy machine? Dick Cheney, the Rove puppetmaster has no business at all advising the conservative party. Gay marriage-lovin', 5- time draft dodging, raised by democrat parents, Obama Bin Laden-prasin' Cheney is something all right. But conservative he ain't.. And so all of his hand puppets' advice is worth exactly as much as his is.
CNN)Arnold Schwarzenegger is endorsing Ohio Gov. John Kasich for the Republican presidential nomination -- and he's doing it in what appears to be the first high-profile endorsement to come on Snapchat.

"I want John Kasich to be the next nominee of the Republicans and also to be the next president of the United States," Schwarzenegger said, holding a phone that he then turned to Kasich. "Here he is." Arnold Schwarzenegger endorses John Kasich -

Since Trump or Cruz running in Ohio or California against Hillary is a very rocky proposition, Rove's machine might want to take a second look at Kasich.

Kasich...who is currently polling at 1% in California per the most recent poll?

Um, why would any rational person want to look at a candidate with 1% of the vote?

And you do realize that there is zero chance that anyone is losing California to a republican, right?
I wonder what excuses the rubes will give when President Trump takes off more time to golf than the last three presidents combined.
I wonder what excuses the rubes will give when President Trump takes off more time to golf than the last three presidents combined.

Probably the same excuses they gave when Bush took more vacation than any president in a generation or two.

They don't really give a shit. Its just more manufactured outrage.
Watch out when the left gives political advice to republicans. it's either a dirty Alinsky trick or they are desperate to change the subject. Cruz's birth is a settled issue. The left will propose challenges all the way to the S.C.if he is elected but it isn't going to work. In other words nobody is worried that Cruz's mother was born in the same state as the current V.P. People on both sides of the political spectrum just like Trump better. If lefties are whining about attacks on Hillary now just wait until the campaign really begins and it is revealed that Hillary used the power of the government to intimidate women who were molested by her husband.
Well, we have two problems now:

1. What to do with Cruz's delegates now that his Canadian birth certificate rises to a Constitutional challenge (Hillary will do it, Cruz will lose against her from the sheer publicity and fear he could be removed from Office by SCOTUS)...or,

2. Switch the math over to Kasich: born in the for Office...check...Can beat Hillary handily in the general election...check...a uniter, picking the right VP can pull in Trump's people when he smashes him in the weeks to come.....check.

So who will it be? I predict that because Canadian Ted Cruz cost Rubio the Florida election, Rubio will put his endorsement and urge his followers to vote for Kasich. And, then, Kasich will mop the floor with Donald Trump in the remaining states..
And then you woke up from your dream and realized that Trump ws going to be the GOP nominee because Ted Cruz is going to get co-opted as Trumps VP selection.

CNN)Arnold Schwarzenegger is endorsing Ohio Gov. John Kasich for the Republican presidential nomination -- and he's doing it in what appears to be the first high-profile endorsement to come on Snapchat.

"I want John Kasich to be the next nominee of the Republicans and also to be the next president of the United States," Schwarzenegger said, holding a phone that he then turned to Kasich. "Here he is." Arnold Schwarzenegger endorses John Kasich -

Since Trump or Cruz running in Ohio or California against Hillary is a very rocky proposition, Rove's machine might want to take a second look at Kasich. I'm sure Rove is probably furiously scribbling on paper right now trying to crunch the math on how the GOP can lose both Ohio and California to Hillary and still come out with a win for POTUS. Will people trust Rove? Or will they finally cut this dingleberry off the butt of the GOP's strategy machine? Dick Cheney, the Rove puppetmaster has no business at all advising the conservative party. Gay marriage-lovin', 5- time draft dodging, raised by democrat parents, Obama Bin Laden-prasin' Cheney is something all right. But conservative he ain't.. And so all of his hand puppets' advice is worth exactly as much as his is.

What does Karl Rove have to do with anything.

He is a media / tv camera loving blunder like John Boehner.

Shadow 355
Watch out when the left gives political advice to republicans. it's either a dirty Alinsky trick or they are desperate to change the subject. Cruz's birth is a settled issue. The left will propose challenges all the way to the S.C.if he is elected but it isn't going to work. In other words nobody is worried that Cruz's mother was born in the same state as the current V.P. People on both sides of the political spectrum just like Trump better. If lefties are whining about attacks on Hillary now just wait until the campaign really begins and it is revealed that Hillary used the power of the government to intimidate women who were molested by her husband.
I would say this is a double blind trick ^^ And here's why... The Root Of The Trump-Movement Anger: Foxes In The Conservative Chicken Coop happy the 5 liberal majority on the US Supreme Court would be to hear a case that would allow them to seek revenge for the 2000 conservative Court decision handing the election from Gore over to Bush? And besides, if they could disqualify Canadian-Cruz (he will lose), then their Hillary could appoint a liberal Justice sealing their Agenda for eternity in this country. The left coup would be final and irreversible. Don't think such a lust for complete power they would let slip through their fingertips so easily..

Cruz is a flat and potent danger to the GOP as a candidate. He should drop out very quickly. And if he doesn't, it proves he is putting an ulterior agenda before the conservatives in this country. With Carl Rove playing chicken yet again. (see the link above) Only this time its against a freight train called "the fate of the missing US Supreme Court Justice"..

Oh how the liberal news outlets will play down a Kasich run. Oh how they will pound on and on about "Cruz has the numbers! Go with Cruz!!" You watch. You heard it here first...
Politico asks a key question:
The degree to which John Kasich in that environment is noticed, is paid attention to and can begin to crystallize the larger choice -- is he able to win states after Ohio based on the clarity of that choice?” wondered Steve Schmidt, who ran John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign. “That’s the open question.” Kasich won Ohio. Now what?

In a quite blatant wink to the liberal stations "Ignore Kasich, ignore Kasich, ignore Kasich..."...

Look for MSNBC, CNN and Fox News even to downplay Kasich's success and screen time. And for brutal questions put to him in their upcoming debate meant to slash his chances of besting Cruz.

While Carl Rove sits behind the curtain with his chubby fingers crossed hoping that the new liberal majority on the US Supreme Court won't find against Cruz in the Clinton or Trump or (another citizen) vs Cruz case fast-tracked to them. At stake for finding against Cruz? One Justice Seat that could permanently seal a liberal majority on the Court. And don't think for a minute they would hesitate to do that..

Folks, a Canadian birth certificate is a Canadian birth certificate. And 'natural born' is natural born. That doesn't include being born in Iran, spending your formative years there, illegally immigrating to Texas and then trying to steal a run at the most powerful seat in our country.. (I said Iran but once the precedent is set it could be any country besides Canada...check the 14th Amendment for details..)
Politico asks a key question:
The degree to which John Kasich in that environment is noticed, is paid attention to and can begin to crystallize the larger choice -- is he able to win states after Ohio based on the clarity of that choice?” wondered Steve Schmidt, who ran John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign. “That’s the open question.” Kasich won Ohio. Now what?

In a quite blatant wink to the liberal stations "Ignore Kasich, ignore Kasich, ignore Kasich..."...

Its more a blatant wink to math.
CNN)Arnold Schwarzenegger is endorsing Ohio Gov. John Kasich for the Republican presidential nomination -- and he's doing it in what appears to be the first high-profile endorsement to come on Snapchat.

"I want John Kasich to be the next nominee of the Republicans and also to be the next president of the United States," Schwarzenegger said, holding a phone that he then turned to Kasich. "Here he is." Arnold Schwarzenegger endorses John Kasich -

Since Trump or Cruz running in Ohio or California against Hillary is a very rocky proposition, .

Ronald Reagan could rise from the dead and he still wouldn't get California's electoral votes.

California is as irrelevant to the Republican electoral count as Texas is for the Democratic electoral count.
Politico asks a key question:
The degree to which John Kasich in that environment is noticed, is paid attention to and can begin to crystallize the larger choice -- is he able to win states after Ohio based on the clarity of that choice?” wondered Steve Schmidt, who ran John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign. “That’s the open question.” Kasich won Ohio. Now what?

In a quite blatant wink to the liberal stations "Ignore Kasich, ignore Kasich, ignore Kasich..."...

Look for MSNBC, CNN and Fox News even to downplay Kasich's success and screen time. And for brutal questions put to him in their upcoming debate meant to slash his chances of besting Cruz.

While Carl Rove sits behind the curtain with his chubby fingers crossed hoping that the new liberal majority on the US Supreme Court won't find against Cruz in the Clinton or Trump or (another citizen) vs Cruz case fast-tracked to them. At stake for finding against Cruz? One Justice Seat that could permanently seal a liberal majority on the Court. And don't think for a minute they would hesitate to do that..

Folks, a Canadian birth certificate is a Canadian birth certificate. And 'natural born' is natural born. That doesn't include being born in Iran, spending your formative years there, illegally immigrating to Texas and then trying to steal a run at the most powerful seat in our country.. (I said Iran but once the precedent is set it could be any country besides Canada...check the 14th Amendment for details..)

It is the voters that are ignoring Kasich.
Watch out when the left gives political advice to republicans. it's either a dirty Alinsky trick or they are desperate to change the subject. Cruz's birth is a settled issue. The left will propose challenges all the way to the S.C.if he is elected but it isn't going to work. In other words nobody is worried that Cruz's mother was born in the same state as the current V.P. People on both sides of the political spectrum just like Trump better. If lefties are whining about attacks on Hillary now just wait until the campaign really begins and it is revealed that Hillary used the power of the government to intimidate women who were molested by her husband.
I would say this is a double blind trick ^^ And here's why... The Root Of The Trump-Movement Anger: Foxes In The Conservative Chicken Coop happy the 5 liberal majority on the US Supreme Court would be to hear a case that would allow them to seek revenge for the 2000 conservative Court decision handing the election from Gore over to Bush? And besides, if they could disqualify Canadian-Cruz (he will lose), then their Hillary could appoint a liberal Justice sealing their Agenda for eternity in this country. The left coup would be final and irreversible. Don't think such a lust for complete power they would let slip through their fingertips so easily....

Konspiracy Kooks
It is the voters that are ignoring Kasich.

Yes, because of the difference in air time on the networks between him and Cruz or Trump especially. Look Syriusly, I get how desperate your ilk is to have Kasich not be nominated. His "defeat Hillary" numbers are the highest around. Everyone knows what the end game is here: gay marriage, a new Justice and all the things your side wants to do if they get their toehold held on the coup they've alllllllmost completed 100% over the Will of the People..
It is the voters that are ignoring Kasich.

Yes, because of the difference in air time on the networks between him and Cruz or Trump especially. Look Syriusly, I get how desperate your ilk is to have Kasich not be nominated. His "defeat Hillary" numbers are the highest around. Everyone knows what the end game is here: gay marriage, a new Justice and all the things your side wants to do if they get their toehold held on the coup they've alllllllmost completed 100% over the Will of the People..


I have no say in who the GOP wants to be for their candidate- Kasich is the most rational GOP choice for President- and of course the GOP are rejecting him.

The GOP are rejecting rationality this election.

Oh- and nobody- especially nobody in the GOP race care about gay marriage.

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