It's not racist to think most whites are racist

Any Blacks who voted Democrat in the 40s 50s & 60s musta been Closet Kluxers
Not really their fault. They've had nothing but indoctrination in public schools and when this all blows up in their faces, there won't be anyone to blame that can or will change their suffering.
I was a conservative in high school, libertarian as young adult; got roasted for listening to megadeth, Slayer, Metallica, while the black kids listened to gangsta rap; called my father a racist to his face for disparaging white folks(something most whites allow on the family); dated tons of white women. You have no idea what you're talking about.

It's you critical post Racialism Theorists who are indoctrinated. You choose whiteness over empiricism, Science, and history. Racism is the human precedent and always has been.
I was a conservative in high school, libertarian as young adult; got roasted for listening to megadeth, Slayer, Metallica, while the black kids listened to gangsta rap; called my father a racist to his face for disparaging white folks(something most whites allow on the family); dated tons of white women. You have no idea what you're talking about.

It's you critical post Racialism Theorists who are indoctrinated. You choose whiteness over empiricism, Science, and history. Racism is the human precedent and always has been.
Your code words are so familiar that I can safely judge you as a racist. Thatl's simply because you tell your story from the POV of painting groups of people by skin colour, with the same brush.

It's so elementary and plain to see, but surprising few like you have heeded the warning.

You've all been warned to speak of individuals many times.
It's just your culture and has been for centuries. It's common of whites to ascribe cultural traits to Muslims, Blacks, Asians, etc. It's racist to have a double standard for whites on this.
Hey shit for brains, you're the one advocating for more "ghetto trash" behavior in the name of "culture". Your statement is both insulting and completely false!

My pfp.
Your code words are so familiar that I can safely judge you as a racist. Thatl's simply because you tell your story from the POV of painting groups of people by skin colour, with the same brush.

It's so elementary and plain to see, but surprising few like you have heeded the warning.

You've all been warned to speak of individuals many times.
By white people's skewed definition of racism, I am racist, I don't deny that. But by that logic, so are most white people.
All racists are proud of their stand, but some are more timid than others on being brought out of their closets.

But the more timid ones are still being ferreted out, but maintaining some degree of deniability.

Something else must be in the air today, that has made this thread so effective.

The people of world war 2 Germany had their own personal justifications for their hate of the Jews. They felt quite comfortable too. This is the power that fascism has to justify the most evil in mankind.
All racists are proud of their stand, but some are more timid than others on being brought out of their closets.

But the more timid ones are still being ferreted out, but maintaining some degree of deniability.

Something else must be in the air today, that has made this thread so effective.

The people of world war 2 Germany had their own personal justifications for their hate of the Jews. They felt quite comfortable too. This is the power that fascism has to justify the most evil in mankind.

I'm not a racist, I'm just here to irk.

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