It's o.k. that the government breaks the law because no one will do anything about it.

Refusing to discuss the topic of your own thread isn't cool, you know. It borders on spamming. It is spamming, if you do it often enough.

So, what law are you referring to that the government is supposedly breaking?

"da gubermint" is a corporate entity thus their officers are not subject to the same acts, statutes and codes of the "little people" you need more clarification? It's an exclusive club and you ain't in it.
Wow. Mamooth. You think one law has been broken?! Are you illiterate the original post?! OR are you trying to deflect the issue in some manner?

I think he's asking you to explain what the fuck you're talking about, specifically.

You don't seem to be very good with specifics, or being able to provide sources for your claims.

Allow me to respond. Let's take the Hammond family that has land that the BLM (at the behest of USA.INC) covets and wishes to make federal property. This land had been in the Hammond family's name for a few generations. The BLM ran off other ranchers by intimidation tactics and unfair environmental laws that restricted the use of their own fucking property. The Hammonds were the last hold outs. The BLM claims the land all around the Hammond ranch and even goes so far as to build a fence through a road that keeps the Hammonds from getting to certain parts of their property. They were constantly trying to get the Hammonds to sell. The Hammonds asked permission to do a controlled burn to get rid of brush....some of it bled onto "federal land" that also had a shitload of brush. The Hammonds put the fire out themselves and it actually increased the value of the land the fed claims to own...but instead of being grateful, the BLM filed terrorist charges against them and got a 400,000 dollar fine put on them. The judge presiding over the case only gave the father and son a year in jail instead of the mandatory 5 year sentence. When the Hammonds refused AGAIN to sell their land and had paid 250,000 dollars towards the fine? The BLM went to a D.A that demanded the Hammonds spend another 4 years in jail along with the stipulation that if the Hammonds cannot finish paying off the fine that the BLM be given right for first refusal to attain the property.

Now, the BLM has done controlled burns that have gotten so out of control that they have burned up property on private land to the tune of thousands of acres including the homes and not one fucking official was even fired much less charged with a crime. "Rules for thee but not for me" is how the federal "gubermint" rolls. THAT was why the Bundys went to Oregon to protest. That is why I give the federal gubermint the big :fu:every chance I get and expose it as best I can.

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