It’s over - Dueling town halls answers all questions

In a stark contrast between the two candidates the town halls took on significantly different tones. Trump’s was a rambling hot mess of deception and dodging while Biden’s was a discussion of policy depth. How can anyone support Trump still???

Trump highlights:
  • Can’t remember if he tested the day of the debate on the honor system
  • He is the President so he can’t avoid unsafe covid interaction
  • Doesn’t know if crazy QAnon stories are real or not so he puts it out there for us to decide
  • He has no healthcare plan
Biden Highlights:
  • Decency and competency
  • Stayed an extra hour to answer more questions
  • Will answer court packing before election
  • Not banning fracking
  • Gave Trump credit for some foreign policy (Israel) but pointed out his dozens of failings (all else)
  • Will raise corporate tax back to28% and have $400k people paywhat they did under Bush

Would you like to quote Joe's answer to the question about the new email evidence that's come out linking him to a meeting with one of the Burisma executives, Gator? Oh, that's CAN'T because that question was never put to Biden! Why wouldn't that have been asked, Gator?
In a stark contrast between the two candidates the town halls took on significantly different tones. Trump’s was a rambling hot mess of deception and dodging while Biden’s was a discussion of policy depth. How can anyone support Trump still???

Trump highlights:
  • Can’t remember if he tested the day of the debate on the honor system
  • He is the President so he can’t avoid unsafe covid interaction
  • Doesn’t know if crazy QAnon stories are real or not so he puts it out there for us to decide
  • He has no healthcare plan
Biden Highlights:
  • Decency and competency
  • Stayed an extra hour to answer more questions
  • Will answer court packing before election
  • Not banning fracking
  • Gave Trump credit for some foreign policy (Israel) but pointed out his dozens of failings (all else)
  • Will raise corporate tax back to28% and have $400k people paywhat they did under Bush

Here's what I gathered from watching the highlights:

Moderator to Trump:
View attachment 402482

Moderator to Biden:

Yeah, lib mod to biden: VP biden, tell us about how wonderful you are.
Gee, I thought you right wingers are all about parents making their own choices and decisions about their children's lives. You want parents to be able to harm their children by teaching them that science is false, global warming is a "hoax", and the earth is 6000 years old, and that Democrats are demons.
No, we are not for allowing parents to abuse their children by sexualizing them.

The rest of your rant is a straw man. We aren’t the science deniers, you lefties pushing this gender swap crap are. You are a biology denier. Chromosomes don’t change. Are you teaching your transgender children that in Canada?
Democrats ARE really demons. True, unadulterated demons dripping with the pus of hell.
Hence my thread....
I get the political gamesmanship but this is 1/3 of the federal government...surely you don't jack around with the crown jewel of the system.
It has been shown to be synthetic.

Biden is already talking up the next military incursion into th Middle East....

Why is it that when right wingers hear "intervene", as in Trump should "intervene" in this conflict, their one track minds go straight to war? I guess that's how their minds work. After all, no Democrats has started started a war since Truman went into Korea.

"Intervention" can be any number of things - from sanctions and economic pressure, to sending in a UN peacekeeping force. Of course the conservatives

Most people think that Kennedy sent the troops into Viet Nam, but it was actually Eisenhauer who initially sent "military advisors" to Viet Nam, despite the quagmire the French had gotten themselves into there. Kennedy sent in more troops, as did Johnson. "Better dead than red" wasn't just a catch phrase in American foreign policy.

But by all means, continue to lie, deflect, and pretend the country would be endangered by a Biden Presidency.
Gee, I thought you right wingers are all about parents making their own choices and decisions about their children's lives. You want parents to be able to harm their children by teaching them that science is false, global warming is a "hoax", and the earth is 6000 years old, and that Democrats are demons.
No, we are not for allowing parents to abuse their children by sexualizing them.

The rest of your rant is a straw man. We aren’t the science deniers, you lefties pushing this gender swap crap are. You are a biology denier. Chromosomes don’t change. Are you teaching your transgender children that in Canada?
Democrats ARE really demons. True, unadulterated demons dripping with the pus of hell.

Started drinking early today, did you Tipsy? Didn't you claim to be a retired lawyer? You don't talk or write like any lawyer I ever met. Lately you're sounding like The Original Tree.

The "pus of hell". I have no idea what that would be since I don't buy into the Old Testament fire and brimstone crap, but I gather you and the Tree would know what it's like there from firsthand experience. Thou Shalt not bear false witness Tipsy.

Go home - you're drunk - again.
Now, California just passed a law that will essentially ban hand guns.
Link? Never heard such a thing.

They are not banned, however there are some changes coming pertaining to what affects ownership.

Good for California. I wish my state could pass those laws. We have some of them to an extent.

All of it is common sense regulations that only the batcrap crazy people and those with a small penis will ever have any problems with.

No one banned any weapon in any of those bills.
Yep. All he wants is to be adored. I've never seen anyone, ever, so willing to wear their profound insecurities on their sleeve like President Q Anon.
He has more accomplishments than promised. He was voted in office for what he does, not based solely on his character the way you see it.
Besides, look at the world peace ensuing, and you want to cry about insecurities from a man during a town hall meeting where he was attacked ?

By any normal measure, he is the least accomplished president of our lifetimes.

I would amend that to the least positive accomplishments.

He has accomplished a lot but very little of it was positive or good for our nation, our world and the future.

It's going to take a lot of time to fix all the of the mess trump and republicans have forced on us.
You left out the part where Biden thinks parents forcing their 8 year old kids to become “transgender” is perfectly fine.
When did he say anything about them “forcing” them?

When mom said that she was 8
That’s definitely not what she said.
8 year olds don’t come up with the idea of “transgender”, that is taught to them by sycophants. The parents should be charged with child abuse.
You left out the part where Biden thinks parents forcing their 8 year old kids to become “transgender” is perfectly fine.
When did he say anything about them “forcing” them?

When mom said that she was 8
That’s definitely not what she said.
8 year olds don’t come up with the idea of “transgender”, that is taught to them by sycophants. The parents should be charged with child abuse.
An 8 year old decided they didn’t want to be a gender. Quit pretending you even understand how this even works.
You left out the part where Biden thinks parents forcing their 8 year old kids to become “transgender” is perfectly fine.
When did he say anything about them “forcing” them?

When mom said that she was 8
That’s definitely not what she said.
8 year olds don’t come up with the idea of “transgender”, that is taught to them by sycophants. The parents should be charged with child abuse.
An 8 year old decided they didn’t want to be a gender. Quit pretending you even understand how this even works.

We don't let 8 year old children choice what to have for lunch
We sure aren't going to let them choose what gender they are.

The Idiotic Bullshit that you all think.
That woman should have been followed home and arrested.
An 8 year old decided they didn’t want to be a gender. Quit pretending you even understand how this even works.
An 8 year old cannot make that decision. A good parent would tell them the truth and explain that they are born a certain sex/gender and there is nothing you can do to change it. A bad parent would lie to them and perpetuate this fantasy and lie, which in turn will set the child up for failure in the real world.

Dems are trying to claim that children now have the right to made sexual decisions for themselves. They are doing this to open the door for NAMBLA and pedophiles. It’s no wonder they are going crazy over the whole QAnon thing.
An 8 year old decided they didn’t want to be a gender. Quit pretending you even understand how this even works.
An 8 year old cannot make that decision. A good parent would tell them the truth and explain that they are born a certain sex/gender and there is nothing you can do to change it. A bad parent would lie to them and perpetuate this fantasy and lie, which in turn will set the child up for failure in the real world.

Dems are trying to claim that children now have the right to made sexual decisions for themselves. They are doing this to open the door for NAMBLA and pedophiles. It’s no wonder they are going crazy over the whole QAnon thing.

Agreed, but -
At 8 they have no concept of a life of being any gender - it's all make believe
Make believe should be encouraged for as long as is practical - about everything fun.
Make believe is not real
Guarantee any 8 year old in this situation is experiencing a parental sickness in the form of child abuse.
They probably need a trophy child that will make them whole.
In a stark contrast between the two candidates the town halls took on significantly different tones. Trump’s was a rambling hot mess of deception and dodging while Biden’s was a discussion of policy depth. How can anyone support Trump still???

Trump highlights:
  • Can’t remember if he tested the day of the debate on the honor system
  • He is the President so he can’t avoid unsafe covid interaction
  • Doesn’t know if crazy QAnon stories are real or not so he puts it out there for us to decide
  • He has no healthcare plan
Biden Highlights:
  • Decency and competency
  • Stayed an extra hour to answer more questions
  • Will answer court packing before election
  • Not banning fracking
  • Gave Trump credit for some foreign policy (Israel) but pointed out his dozens of failings (all else)
  • Will raise corporate tax back to28% and have $400k people paywhat they did under Bush

I watched Trump and you’re a mentally ill liar.
In fact, Trump was so dignified I was bored.
I get the political gamesmanship but this is 1/3 of the federal government...surely you don't jack around with the crown jewel of the system.
It has been shown to be synthetic.

Biden is already talking up the next military incursion into th Middle East....

Why is it that when right wingers hear "intervene", as in Trump should "intervene" in this conflict, their one track minds go straight to war? I guess that's how their minds work. After all, no Democrats has started started a war since Truman went into Korea.

"Intervention" can be any number of things - from sanctions and economic pressure, to sending in a UN peacekeeping force. Of course the conservatives

Most people think that Kennedy sent the troops into Viet Nam, but it was actually Eisenhauer who initially sent "military advisors" to Viet Nam, despite the quagmire the French had gotten themselves into there. Kennedy sent in more troops, as did Johnson. "Better dead than red" wasn't just a catch phrase in American foreign policy.

But by all means, continue to lie, deflect, and pretend the country would be endangered by a Biden Presidency.
Gee, I thought you right wingers are all about parents making their own choices and decisions about their children's lives. You want parents to be able to harm their children by teaching them that science is false, global warming is a "hoax", and the earth is 6000 years old, and that Democrats are demons.
No, we are not for allowing parents to abuse their children by sexualizing them.

The rest of your rant is a straw man. We aren’t the science deniers, you lefties pushing this gender swap crap are. You are a biology denier. Chromosomes don’t change. Are you teaching your transgender children that in Canada?
Democrats ARE really demons. True, unadulterated demons dripping with the pus of hell.

Started drinking early today, did you Tipsy? Didn't you claim to be a retired lawyer? You don't talk or write like any lawyer I ever met. Lately you're sounding like The Original Tree.

The "pus of hell". I have no idea what that would be since I don't buy into the Old Testament fire and brimstone crap, but I gather you and the Tree would know what it's like there from firsthand experience. Thou Shalt not bear false witness Tipsy.

Go home - you're drunk - again.
Who cares what you think. No one
You need a whole new word to describe your infection. I christen you FUNT. Just a smelly old Funt who is just angry that someone actually pointed out that dripping pus describes you to a T.

Funt a combination of C'mon man YOU KNOW.
An 8 year old decided they didn’t want to be a gender. Quit pretending you even understand how this even works.
An 8 year old cannot make that decision. A good parent would tell them the truth and explain that they are born a certain sex/gender and there is nothing you can do to change it. A bad parent would lie to them and perpetuate this fantasy and lie, which in turn will set the child up for failure in the real world.

Dems are trying to claim that children now have the right to made sexual decisions for themselves. They are doing this to open the door for NAMBLA and pedophiles. It’s no wonder they are going crazy over the whole QAnon thing.

Agreed, but -
At 8 they have no concept of a life of being any gender - it's all make believe
Make believe should be encouraged for as long as is practical - about everything fun.
Make believe is not real
Guarantee any 8 year old in this situation is experiencing a parental sickness in the form of child abuse.
They probably need a trophy child that will make them whole.
I wonder how many tranny kids grew up to be 16, 17, 18 and realized they were just a kid and regrets changing themselves because their loser parents said OK.
IF that happened to me and my kid, if the kid was born a boy and I named him John (for example), and he wanted to be Joan and wear dresses....I'd say oh hell no. Once you are 18, you can change your name, butcher your body, wear dresses all your want. At 18, you will be cooked enough (Judge Judy words) to know what you want forever. Until then...John you will be and no dresses.
In a stark contrast between the two candidates the town halls took on significantly different tones. Trump’s was a rambling hot mess of deception and dodging while Biden’s was a discussion of policy depth. How can anyone support Trump still???

Trump highlights:
  • Can’t remember if he tested the day of the debate on the honor system
  • He is the President so he can’t avoid unsafe covid interaction
  • Doesn’t know if crazy QAnon stories are real or not so he puts it out there for us to decide
  • He has no healthcare plan
Biden Highlights:
  • Decency and competency
  • Stayed an extra hour to answer more questions
  • Will answer court packing before election
  • Not banning fracking
  • Gave Trump credit for some foreign policy (Israel) but pointed out his dozens of failings (all else)
  • Will raise corporate tax back to28% and have $400k people paywhat they did under Bush


Will Biden pack the court? Yes or no?
Biden wasn't asked about Hunter Biden, which was why so many tuned in.

Your definition of "All" is flawed. But then again you are a stupid idiot.
I get the political gamesmanship but this is 1/3 of the federal government...surely you don't jack around with the crown jewel of the system.
It has been shown to be synthetic.

Biden is already talking up the next military incursion into th Middle East....

Why is it that when right wingers hear "intervene", as in Trump should "intervene" in this conflict, their one track minds go straight to war? I guess that's how their minds work. After all, no Democrats has started started a war since Truman went into Korea.

"Intervention" can be any number of things - from sanctions and economic pressure, to sending in a UN peacekeeping force. Of course the conservatives

Most people think that Kennedy sent the troops into Viet Nam, but it was actually Eisenhauer who initially sent "military advisors" to Viet Nam, despite the quagmire the French had gotten themselves into there. Kennedy sent in more troops, as did Johnson. "Better dead than red" wasn't just a catch phrase in American foreign policy.

But by all means, continue to lie, deflect, and pretend the country would be endangered by a Biden Presidency.
Gee, I thought you right wingers are all about parents making their own choices and decisions about their children's lives. You want parents to be able to harm their children by teaching them that science is false, global warming is a "hoax", and the earth is 6000 years old, and that Democrats are demons.
No, we are not for allowing parents to abuse their children by sexualizing them.

The rest of your rant is a straw man. We aren’t the science deniers, you lefties pushing this gender swap crap are. You are a biology denier. Chromosomes don’t change. Are you teaching your transgender children that in Canada?
Democrats ARE really demons. True, unadulterated demons dripping with the pus of hell.

Started drinking early today, did you Tipsy? Didn't you claim to be a retired lawyer? You don't talk or write like any lawyer I ever met. Lately you're sounding like The Original Tree.

The "pus of hell". I have no idea what that would be since I don't buy into the Old Testament fire and brimstone crap, but I gather you and the Tree would know what it's like there from firsthand experience. Thou Shalt not bear false witness Tipsy.

Go home - you're drunk - again.
Who cares what you think. No one
You need a whole new word to describe your infection. I christen you FUNT. Just a smelly old Funt who is just angry that someone actually pointed out that dripping pus describes you to a T.

Funt a combination of C'mon man YOU KNOW.
She is a Canuck, do not waste your time.
An 8 year old decided they didn’t want to be a gender. Quit pretending you even understand how this even works.
An 8 year old cannot make that decision. A good parent would tell them the truth and explain that they are born a certain sex/gender and there is nothing you can do to change it. A bad parent would lie to them and perpetuate this fantasy and lie, which in turn will set the child up for failure in the real world.

Dems are trying to claim that children now have the right to made sexual decisions for themselves. They are doing this to open the door for NAMBLA and pedophiles. It’s no wonder they are going crazy over the whole QAnon thing.

Agreed, but -
At 8 they have no concept of a life of being any gender - it's all make believe
Make believe should be encouraged for as long as is practical - about everything fun.
Make believe is not real
Guarantee any 8 year old in this situation is experiencing a parental sickness in the form of child abuse.
They probably need a trophy child that will make them whole.
I wonder how many tranny kids grew up to be 16, 17, 18 and realized they were just a kid and regrets changing themselves because their loser parents said OK.
IF that happened to me and my kid, if the kid was born a boy and I named him John (for example), and he wanted to be Joan and wear dresses....I'd say oh hell no. Once you are 18, you can change your name, butcher your body, wear dresses all your want. At 18, you will be cooked enough (Judge Judy words) to know what you want forever. Until then...John you will be and no dresses.

Honesty 18 is only about half way cooked -
but I agree with your point.

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