It's refreshing to have a pro-American president

People like Timmy don't think about the victims. They only care about promoting a left wing ideology that makes them feel like they're doing something good.
It's why I've been saying they're idiots.
Eight months after the anti-American, community agitator left office, it's still refreshing to have a president that supports the military and the American people. God bless President Trump!

The only thing this president is "pro" on is anything that is pro-Trump.
It feels that way to you, deep down, in your gut, doesn't it?

Mexicans love Obama because Obama put them FIRST and Americans LAST. Absolute FACT.

No it's not a fact .

Obama saved us from economic distaster. Obama pulled our troops out of harms way .

Trump has done nothing but stroke his ego.

Obama borrowed $10 TRILLION from the Chinese and never realized an annual GDP of 3%, the FIRST president to ever achieve that dubious distinction. Meanwhile, you can't suck Obama's cock hard enough. Fucking libtard idiot.

Fucking brilliant. Typical Trump voter I guess.

"In June 2017, China owned $1.146 trillion, making it the largest foreign holder of U.S. debt. Japan owns $1.091 trillion."

The Real Owner of the U.S. Debt Will Surprise You

"Obama borrowed 10 TRILION from...."

That is fucking hilarious.

Obama added nearly $10 trillion to U.S. debt. It's a FACT. I'm sorry that hurt your vagina.

So you admit to pulling "Obama borrowed $10 TRILLION from the Chinese " out of your ass, huh?

According to the Constitution, Congress controls the spending. Now if you add Obama's policies and initiatives he is responsible for a little over 10% of that increase.......the rest is the accumulated debt over several administrations.
Fucking brilliant. Typical Trump voter I guess.

"In June 2017, China owned $1.146 trillion, making it the largest foreign holder of U.S. debt. Japan owns $1.091 trillion."

The Real Owner of the U.S. Debt Will Surprise You

"Obama borrowed 10 TRILION from...."

That is fucking hilarious.

Obama added nearly $10 trillion to U.S. debt. It's a FACT. I'm sorry that hurt your vagina.

Really ? What decisions did he make that added those costs?

Did he start two unfunded wars?

Yea, really. Here you go. Cue the k*nt act.

Here's How Much Debt Barack Obama Will Leave the Country With

The U.S. Department of the Treasury Bureau of the Fiscal Service reported Thursday that national debt had grown to $19.9 trillion, up 87% since Obama stepped into office in 2009.

Under President George W. Bush, the debt rose 86.3% to $10.63 billion in the course of 8 years.

And ?

The question is what caused the debt ?

Bush starts two unfunded wars , passed Medicare part D big pharm giveaway , and then cut taxes for the Rich.

The bill finally comes when obama is in office . That's obamas fault ?

The war in Iraq was virtually over when your savior was inaugurated. Obama spent like a drunk sailor in a whore house.

Gosh, where have I heard these talking points before?????
Yes . You'd rather spend law enforcement time and money grabbing the dude who overstayed his visa but has lived a clean life s hunting down some rapist ?

Liberals like Timmy don't believe in having a nation. He wants the whole world to live here.

More like I live in reality .

We only have so much in immigration enforcement assets . They are not endless . So what do you prioritize?

You are a fool who lives in dreamland .

No, I'm an American that believes in the principles on which this nation was founded and I believe in putting the interests of the average American first, something liberals oppose. That's why trump won, k*nt.

Average American? Lol! So when Trump fights to repeal the estate tax, thus for the average American ? How about eliminating health coverage for working folk?

Estate tax? Talk about an unjust tax. Of course, you've never seen a tax you didn't love. You should live in North Korea. It's everything you love!

For 2017, the estate and gift tax exemption is $5.49 million per individual, up from $5.45 million in 2016. That means an individual can leave $5.49 million to heirs and pay no federal estate or gift tax.Oct 25, 2016

The poor, poor multi-millionaires.

Dumbases are slipping, you should be calling it the "Death Tax"!

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