It’s Time for an Outright Ban on the Promotion of Atheism.

The government uses my tax money to pay for abortions. Killing little babies is not respecting other human beings. You're demanding the baker participate in an immoral ceremony under threat of prosecution. That isn't "to each his own" as you claim. That's FORCING him to participate or face severe consquences.
The Baker should have a private bakery instead of a retail store open to the public. You are advocating taking civil rights from people who don't follow your religion.
Even if you aren't atheist, you want atheism forced on us just the same. I have no idea why you go round and round about this.
What part about the line I don't force my beliefs on other people did you not understand?

YOU want to force your beliefs on other people not me
The Baker should have a private bakery instead of a retail store open to the public. You are advocating taking civil rights from people who don't follow your religion.
A baker or any other merchant should be able to refuse to do business with anyone he chooses for whatever reason he chooses. It's none of the government's damn business. But lieftwingers, you know, want government meddling in everybody's business.
What part about the line I don't force my beliefs on other people did you not understand?

YOU want to force your beliefs on other people not me
You can say you don't force your beliefs all you want, but the government is forcing atheism on all of us. That's wrong and harmful and needs to change.
What part about the line I don't force my beliefs on other people did you not understand?

YOU want to force your beliefs on other people not me
Well I had government agents come to my house and hold me down to force atheism on me. Lol
A baker or any other merchant should be able to refuse to do business with anyone he chooses for whatever reason he chooses. It's none of the government's damn business. But lieftwingers, you know, want government meddling in everybody's business.

You mean like banning blacks from lunch counters? Or refusing to do business with Jews?
That was what happened before the current laws were put in place.
A baker or any other merchant should be able to refuse to do business with anyone he chooses for whatever reason he chooses. It's none of the government's damn business. But lieftwingers, you know, want government meddling in everybody's business.
Like refuse to serve black people?
You can say you don't force your beliefs all you want, but the government is forcing atheism on all of us. That's wrong and harmful and needs to change.
No it isn't.

Why don't you show me where the government ever says you have to be an atheist or that you can't practice your religion ?

In fact the free practice of religion is protected in the First Amendment.

The government is nonreligious as it should be.
You can say you don't force your beliefs all you want, but the government is forcing atheism on all of us. That's wrong and harmful and needs to change.

No one is forcing atheism on anyone. If you are a Christian, no one is interferring with your ability to worship at the church of your choice. They even give your church a tax exempt status.
No it isn't.

Why don't you show me where the government ever says you have to be an atheist or that you can't practice your religion ?

In fact the free practice of religion is protected in the First Amendment.

The government is nonreligious as it should be.
Irreligious = atheist. By definition.
The government does a lot of things that aren't codified into law. Pushing atheism is one of them.
Just because its banned doesn't mean you can't do it. Murder is banned, but people do it.
There is absolutely no analogy between the act of saying a word and murder.

and Murder is ILLEGAL saying a racial slur is not.
No one is forcing atheism on anyone. If you are a Christian, no one is interferring with your ability to worship at the church of your choice. They even give your church a tax exempt status.
If you're a Christian organist and you're asked to play at a gay wedding and refuse, you can be prosecuted. That's forcing a godless atheist agenda on people.
Too bad. The law is in place. Feel free to run a candidate who will try to remove it. The people will defeat it.
Thanks for answering for Surada. i guess you feel he is a Muslim or something and therefore can't answer for himself.

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