It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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You are a liar I am not a atheist, But there is nothing wrong with being an atheist. You need to learn to love atheists.

Why would you even presume to know what my beliefs are?

If it’s your impression that I hate liars, that is probably true. We all should hate liars and you should expect to be hated the way you lie all the time
You lie all the time as well. And are hateful. Yet you excuse yourself because you are irreligious.
Why was Trump doing a joint press conference with a dictator as he lobbied for re-admission into the G8 after he had already tore off a big chunk of Ukraine for his empire.
World leaders have to interact at times. Don't you remember Chimpy appearing with various dictators?
For Seidel's book, there is the excerpt from the introduction:

' "History had proven to the framers of the US Constitution that religion is divisive. They separated religion from the government to avoid mistakes of past regimes....Christian nationalism's fabricated history conceals an important historical truth, that religion and government are best kept on either side of an impregnable wall, as the founders intended. This book seeks to expose that fabricated history and tell the greater truth." '
(Seidel A, The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American)
World leaders have to interact at times. Don't you remember Chimpy appearing with various dictators?

Why did you ignore this: Why did Trump hike a joint press conference with a dictator as he lobbied for PUTIN’s re-admission into the G8 after he had already tore off a big chunk of Ukraine for his empire.

President Obama never lobbied for PUTIN’s re-admission into the G8 after he had already tore off a big chunk of Ukraine for his empire.

How do you defend Trump’s action? Trump was not compelled to lobby for Putin. He did that entirely on his own ti demonstrate his submissiveness and loyalty to an anti-democracy dictator.

Why Mashmont why?
This book seeks to expose that fabricated history and tell the greater truth." '
(Seidel A, The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American)
And specifically white evangelical Christian nationalists are the most Un-American because they falsely believe God created America exclusively for them.

Putin’s long term strategic genocide in Ukraine, leveling entire cities in Ukraine and using food supply as a weapon against the rest of the world will get him the downfall of western democratic institutions because he has white Christian nationalism working with him to that end.
It’s not looking good because India China and Saudi Arabia are still with Putin.

MASHMONT wants the same thing as Putin. Destroying Western style democracies so corrupt authoritarians like Trump can be in power.
Funny, these founders are 'wise' when it comes to religion, but when it comes to slave-owning, they were horrible corrupt people who should be erased from our history.

Amazing how the left picks and chooses.
No human being is absolutely correct about everything, and the timing of events makes all the difference in the world. For slavery to be in place at all it had to be accepted by most of the population as normal. Abolitionists we're few and far between, that voice was just emerging when our nation was beginning. So that makes your comment pretty much worthless. Besides the far right is picking absolute lies to bolster their position. Nothing could be crazier than that.
He did dozens of them how come you keep ignoring the posted evidence?
HE Did not want to and he pushed G7 leaders to take Putin back in AFTER Putin sieved Crimea and was supporting Russian separatists killing and terrorizing Ukraine civilians in the Eastern parts of Ukraine. Trump wanted Putin awarded with readmitting the murdering land their back into the G8 and you cannot explain it. You go on about sanctions that Trump opposed his whole term but had to sign them. TRUMP CANT TAKE CREDIT For SANCTIONS HE OPPOSED. THEY DID NOT COME FROM HIM.
The evidence I POSTED 1396 doesn't agree with you, I will follow the evidence I posted and not your Trump hate-based replies.

Over and he and his administration place sanction EO indictments and so on against Russia who loses something from it.

That is what YOU irrationally ignore over and over the FACTS you ignore over and over makes you an idiot.
Every post of yours is hateful, yet for some reason you excuse that because you're an atheist. And the 'white nationalist christian' crap is utter nonsense. It's just another leftwing talking point. And you're gullible enough to believe the words of a muderous dictator like Putin when says "Yes, I wanted Donald Trump to win" at a press conference.
Ask yourself why Putin would say that. He's been attacking the West for years having a weak president in the White House like trump would very much benefit him and suit his goals to recreate a stronger Soviet Union. And now that the people that were dominated by the Russians have gained their freedom that dream of Putin's is all but impossible.
No human being is absolutely correct about everything, and the timing of events makes all the difference in the world. For slavery to be in place at all it had to be accepted by most of the population as normal. Abolitionists we're few and far between, that voice was just emerging when our nation was beginning. So that makes your comment pretty much worthless. Besides the far right is picking absolute lies to bolster their position. Nothing could be crazier than that.
So I take it you don't want statues of the Founders removed by the left, because as you say, most people agreed with them about slavery. Excellent. We're in agreement. It is very wrong to apply today's knowledge standards to yesterday's people. And that is what the left constantly does (in order to achieve a political objective, of course).
Ask yourself why Putin would say that. He's been attacking the West for years having a weak president in the White House like trump would very much benefit him and suit his goals to recreate a stronger Soviet Union. And now that the people that were dominated by the Russians have gained their freedom that dream of Putin's is all but impossible.
It's clear Trump stood in the way of Putin's mission of attacking Ukraine. That's why he waited until we had the inept president we have now. Trump words at the press conference were misdirection. Fools believe the words of dictators.
I will follow the evidence I posted
THAT IS WHAT DISINFORMATION Peddlers hope idiots will do. Your evidence is devoid of context. It’s true, but it dies not reflect the full reality of all the relevant facts in consideration of Trump’s interest and intent to side with PUTIN as much as he possibly could.


Former Trump national security adviser Mike Flynn says it's time to stop sending Ukraine weapons

Matthew Chapman April 20, 2022

On Wednesday, appearing on the far-right LindellTV with fired former Newsmax reporterEmerald Robinson, former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, advocated for ending U.S. military aid to Ukraine to protect them from the Russian invasion.

Let me give you my judgment on where we are right now," said Flynn. "I think that anybody that anyone that continues to put fuel on a blazing fire, meaning more weapons, more ammunition, more of the sort of warfare-type stuff that's thrown into this fire is going to keep this fire blazing for a long, long time. And I think that doesn't benefit anybody."
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