It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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Prove Putin did want him to win. I say he didn't.
Too bad you ran away again before I could answer your question. Catholic coward.

Putin: I wanted Trump to win the election​

Putin: I wanted Trump to win the election

07/16/2018 12:07 PM EDT
Updated: 07/16/2018 03:08 PM ED

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday he wanted President Donald Trump to win the 2016 election because he believed Trump’s policies would be more friendly to the Kremlin.

“Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S.-Russia relationship back to normal,” Putin said, standing alongside Trump at a joint news conference.
You're an uneducated dumbass fed fake history in school. The last state tax supported church in the U.S. was Massachusetts, in 1833, and not by any Supreme Court ruling, but due to demographic changes. Some states required govt. officials to be Protestants until 1961 or so, that due to a Supreme Court ruling. Other states allowed tax payers to choose which sects got their tax monies, but they still had to pay taxes to a religious body.
And what makes you think the framers were fine with it.

Some states required govt. officials to be Protestants until 1961 or so,

What state required government officials to be Protestant
And what makes you think the framers were fine with it.

Some states required govt. officials to be Protestants until 1961 or so,

What state required government officials to be Protestant

If I am not mistaken, North Carolina required an oath using God until the 1970s or later. Not Protestant, but certainly a religious oath.
You're an uneducated dumbass fed fake history in school. The last state tax supported church in the U.S. was Massachusetts, in 1833, and not by any Supreme Court ruling, but due to demographic changes. Some states required govt. officials to be Protestants until 1961 or so, that due to a Supreme Court ruling. Other states allowed tax payers to choose which sects got their tax monies, but they still had to pay taxes to a religious body.

Why would I be an uneducated dumbass fed fake history in school? I did say in my post that the disenfranchisement period began as of the writing of these words

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." -- First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

The framers wrote no exception for states to violate an individuals right to his or her free excersize of religion or have no religion at all. That states managed to violate individual rights to religious freedom for long doesn’t make me an uneducated dumbass. It makes you out to be someone who lacks appreciation for our individual rights in the realm of religious freedom. You are a Mashmont.
If I am not mistaken, North Carolina required an oath using God until the 1970s or later. Not Protestant, but certainly a religious oath.
Too bad you ran away again before I could answer your question. Catholic coward.

Putin: I wanted Trump to win the election​

Putin: I wanted Trump to win the election

07/16/2018 12:07 PM EDT
Updated: 07/16/2018 03:08 PM ED

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday he wanted President Donald Trump to win the 2016 election because he believed Trump’s policies would be more friendly to the Kremlin.

“Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S.-Russia relationship back to normal,” Putin said, standing alongside Trump at a joint news conference.
Are you an idiot? Putin was standing beside Trump at a news conference when he answered this question. What do you think he's going to say? And also, do you believe the words of a bloodthirsty dictator? Again, you do nothing but waste everybody's time. This might as well have come from the Onion.
Putin was standing beside Trump at a news conference when he answered this question
OF COURSE HE WAS. He would not be doing a joint news conference with Clinton had she won. He stated an obvious truth and explained why he preferred friendly Trump who had PAUL MANAFORT working In the 2016 campaign.

You asked for proof - I gave you proof - here’s more. TRUMP WANTED Putin re-admitted into the G7 after invading Ukraine in 2014 much to the delight of Putin he also is reported to say at the G7 Summit minute that Crimea belongs to Russia - and blamed Obama not Putin for invading Ukraine in 2014

When he departed the White House to travel to the summit last Friday, Trump caused bewilderment when he told reporters that Russia should be readmitted to the G7, the group of seven nations — the US, Germany, France, Italy, the UK, Japan, and Canada — that represent the world's most advanced economies.​

On the second day of the summit, Trump again called for Russia to rejoin the group, downplaying the country's invasion of Ukraine. "This used to be the G8, not the G7," Trump said. "Something happened a while ago where Russia is no longer in."​

Trump also blamed former president Barack Obama for what happened in Ukraine. "Obama can say all he wants, but he allowed Russia to take Crimea," Trump said.​

European leaders at the G7, including French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, told reporters that Russia could not be readmitted to the group until there was progress on Ukraine.​

"Unfortunately we are not there yet," Merkel said.​

Macron said: "The ball is in Russia's court."​
And also, do you believe the words of a bloodthirsty dictator?
WHY WAS TRUMP THE ONLY MEMBER OF THE G7 in 2018! Wanting to restore a bloodthirsty dictator to make the G7 the G8 again. Putin was kicked off the G8 because Putin invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea in 2014. TRUMP said Ukraine was corrupt and Crimea belongs in Russia. AND ON FEB 22 this year Trump said Putin was a genius for rolling tanks into Donbass at the start of the current RUSSIAN genocide AGAINST UKRAINE. PUTIN APPRECIATES Trump’s support for his invasions. WASNT GETTING THAT SUPPORT from CLINTON OBAMA or Biden.
Yes - like I said. Making withdrawal noises made Putin happy and our allies uneasy about our commitment to a common defense. How would Europe know that PUTIN friendly Trump was not serious about withdrawing from NATO if he won a second term and hardened his PUTIN friendly demeanor among the American conservative base, politicians and policy makers

Jun 28, 2018 - Politics & Policy

Unshackled Trump worries allies​

Dave Lawler
America’s closest allies once believed President Trump could be contained — by the likes of James Mattis, or in a pinch Emmanuel Macron, if not by the weight of his office and America’s role in the world. In recent months, they’ve all but given up on that idea.​
The bottom line: Despite repeated exhortations from U.S. officials to “pay attention to our actions, not the tweets,” Axios’ Jonathan Swan reports that European officials are reaching a new, uncomfortable consensus: no one really speaks for Trump but Trump himself.
  • Case in point: After both his national security adviser and Secretary of State said election meddling would be on the table when Trump meets Vladimir Putin next month, Trump unleashed a tweet this morning again casting doubt on the conclusion that Russia had meddled at all.
As the Putin meeting will be back-to-back with an annual NATO summit, allies fear a repeat performance from two weeks ago, when Trump followed up a prickly G7 summit by castigating Justin Trudeau, before heaping praise on Kim Jong-un.
  • The tension is already building:Swan reports that Trump told other leaders at the G7 that, in his mind, "NATO is as bad as NAFTA," a deal he considers an unmitigated disaster for the U.S. and a massive waste of money.
  • In the same meeting, Trump said Crimea probably should belong to Russia because everyone there speaks Russian. He also said Russia should be allowed back in the G8 (it was expelled in 2014 for annexing Crimea).
  • Alina Polyakova of Brookings notes: "Moscow’s aim is to destabilize the West. Luckily for Putin, the West is doing a lot of that work for him."
Alexander Vershbow, a former U.S. ambassador to Russia and deputy secretary general of NATO who is now at the Atlantic Council, says Putin "probably can't believe his lucky stars."
  • "This has been the Russian and the Soviet objective — to undermine NATO, to cause it to lose its cohesion and resolve — since NATO's founding in 1949."
  • Vershbow says one worrying scenario, from NATO's perspective, is that Trump could adopt Putin's line that NATO exercises and troops on the bloc's eastern flank are "provocative," echoing his statements about joint exercises with South Korea.
  • On the other hand, he says, given all the speculation that the summit will be a disaster, even boilerplate statements of support from Trump would be a "tonic" to the alliance: "He likes to be a contrarian, so there's a chance."

The fact remains is that Trump sanctioned Russia many times in the effort to curb Putin and Russia bad behaviors in the region and the world while he also pushed NATO into increasing payments while he never left NATO thus your latest replies continue to be dead in the water.

I gave you the source of the Sanctions Trump and his administration used against Russia and the NATO Chief credits Trump for getting NATO members to catch up on the payments.

Those are the facts it actually happened.

You need to drop your hate.
The fact remains is that Trump sanctioned Russia many times in the effort to curb Putin and Russia
Trumo wanted sanctions lifted including bringing Putin back into the former G8 without Putin restoring stolen Crimea back to Ukraine.. DEMS and REPUBLICANS IN Congress imposed more sanctions against Putin during Trump’s pro-Putin years so Trump pouted but had to agree.

Why do you despise reality and facts so much?

Trump opposes additional sanctions on Russia​

The Trump administration is pushing back on a bill meant to impose sanctions on Russia for their interference in the 2016 US national election and the annexation of Crimea. Source: CNN

Your repeated point about Trump appreciation bong sanctions is disinformation pop and a deliberate distortion of context.
I think He would be pleased if we acted like a Christian nation.
Was Jesus promoting freedom of or from religion back in his day? Could he have grasped the concept of religious freedom in a multicultural and multi-religious/non-religious nation designed by men who did not believe in his special divinity and cosmic cause.
Trumo wanted sanctions lifted including bringing Putin back into the former G8 without Putin restoring stolen Crimea back to Ukraine.. DEMS and REPUBLICANS IN Congress imposed more sanctions against Putin during Trump’s pro-Putin years so Trump pouted but had to agree.

Why do you despise reality and facts so much?

Trump opposes additional sanctions on Russia​

The Trump administration is pushing back on a bill meant to impose sanctions on Russia for their interference in the 2016 US national election and the annexation of Crimea. Source: CNN

Your repeated point about Trump appreciation bong sanctions is disinformation pop and a deliberate distortion of context.

It notice you never show the posted sanctions and the source to them are false you instead keep ducking them because you have a distorted view of the man.

Thus you refuted NOTHING I posted.

Trump did sanction Russia over the election interference as shown in the link I posted but you ignored it obviously, here it is:


Sep 12 Executive Order – Imposing sanctions for election interference
President Trump signed an executive order imposing sanctions on any nation or individual who authorizes, directs, or sponsors meddling operations in U.S. elections. The order would allow for the freezing of assets and the limiting of foreign access to U.S. financial institutions, as well as a cutoff of U.S. investment in sanctioned companies.



Mar 15 Sanctions – In response to election meddling and cyberattacks
5 Russian entities and 19 individuals were sanctioned for conducting a series of cyberattacks and interfering in the 2016 U.S. elections.


Feb 16 Indictments – In response to election meddling and cyberattacks
3 Russian entities and 13 individuals were indicted for conducting information operations to influence the 2016 U.S. elections.


Feb 27 Statement – On Russian occupation of Crimea
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issued a statement condemning Russia’s illegal actions in Crimea and its continued aggression against Ukraine.


Jul 25 Declaration – Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issues Crimea Declaration
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced a formal policy reaffirming the U.S. rejection of Russia’s annexation of Crimea. The announcement was released an hour before his scheduled testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.


red bolding mine

I am sure you will continue to ignore actual actions made and there are more of it in the link.
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Why would I be an uneducated dumbass fed fake history in school? I did say in my post that the disenfranchisement period began as of the writing of these words

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." -- First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

The framers wrote no exception for states to violate an individuals right to his or her free excersize of religion or have no religion at all. That states managed to violate individual rights to religious freedom for long doesn’t make me an uneducated dumbass. It makes you out to be someone who lacks appreciation for our individual rights in the realm of religious freedom. You are a Mashmont.

lol you're too stupid to understand English. The clause restricted the Federal govt from favoring a particular Christian sect as a national sect, like the Church of England was for example; it did not restrict state governments from doing so. We know because it is an historical fact, but idiots like you can't rise above your crappy grade school indoctrination and see the obvious.
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