It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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Ding220716-#2,279 “DNA says otherwise.”

NFBW: Not sure if ding and the three Trump appointed white Catholic TALIBAN liar Justices will be able to slip the word “conceived” in place of “born” in everyone’s copy of the US Constitution so that nobody notices.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside".​

How does fetal dna override the Constitution ding END2207161520

Ding220716-#2,279 “DNA says otherwise.”

NFBW: Not sure if ding and the three Trump appointed white Catholic TALIBAN liar Justices will be able to slip the word “conceived” in place of “born” in everyone’s copy of the US Constitution so that nobody notices.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside".​

How does fetal dna override the Constitution ding END2207161520
All persons BORN , that doesn't include fetuses and embryos.

Ding220716-#2,279 “DNA says otherwise.”

NFBW: Not sure if ding and the three Trump appointed white Catholic TALIBAN liar Justices will be able to slip the word “conceived” in place of “born” in everyone’s copy of the US Constitution so that nobody notices.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside".​

How does fetal dna override the Constitution ding END2207161520
A conception a very specific human being has come into existence. One that has never existed before and will never exist again. Each state can decide for themselves when rights are conveyed.

"...One of the most authoritative sources for learning law during the founding era was William Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England. Blackstone, a distinguished English jurist, was so well-liked by the founding fathers that he was the second most frequently cited thinker in the American political writings of the founding era. American law students studied his work so religiously that Thomas Jefferson wrote to a friend that “Blackstone is to us what the Koran is to the Muslims.”

Blackstone affirmed in his Commentaries that an individual’s right to life is an “immediate gift of God.” This right to life is legally binding “as soon as an infant is able to stir in the mother’s womb.” Per Blackstone,

“For if a woman is quick with child, and by a potion, or otherwise kills it in her womb; or if any one beat her, whereby the child dies in her body, and she is delivered of a dead child; this, though not murder, was by the ancient law homicide or manslaughter. But at present it is not looked upon in quite so atrocious a light, though it remains a very heinous misdemeanor.”
Interestingly, Blackstone also explains that fetuses “in the mother’s womb” are legally considered “to be born.” Thus, the law considered a fetus to be his or her own person, independent of the mother..."

Abortion is illegal in quite a few states right now.
And just wait until this court gives the unborn personhood status. Abortion will be outlawed in the entire country. THAT will be a great day.
If something like that ever happened it would be very conditional like the last few weeks of a fetus, no way could it begin at conception. I nearly fertilized egg could never be a citizen. And our laws protect the citizens. Actual people who exist not potential future people.
Ultimately, most people adopt a hybrid account of personhood, according to which an embryo is a non-person, Wala lake turnpetus is a person. Embryos have no capacity for sentience (yet alone consciousness ), where are the late term fetus has basic capacities for processing stimuli from the external world. Neither qualifies as a citizen.


Ding220716-#2,284 “A conception a very specific human being has come into existence.”

NFBW: If that is your religious belief - do not terminate your pregnancy. You have no right to impose your religious belief on anyone else. I agree with those of the Jewish faith - not human until ensoulment, as late as first breath.

Ding220716-#2,284 “One that has never existed before and will never exist again.”

NFBW: You don’t know that. If you persist you are a liar. Here is why.

You must believe ding that a nonphysical god created human beings and human consciousness?

Humans are special to the particular GOD you believe in. Is that your belief ding?

Therefore it is consciousness of self that separates humans from non-human mammals. When you believe in God, the self (human consciousness of self) is what the creator designed to be the essence of human beings by using a nonphysical substance universally known as a soul or spirit.

Christians like you ding believe the soul is checked in at conception and it comes with original sin. Jewish belief differs in that ensoulment can occur as late first breath and the Jewish newborn soul is pure.

WORDS that come directly from the Talmud : “My God, the soul with which thou hast endowed me is pure.”

So what you said is an expression of your Christian belief. it is not a fact.

So when you say that a special human being is created at conception that has never existed before and will never exist again it has no relevance to the US Constitution.

The mother is born - the tissue growing after conception is not born - yet you want to grant tissue equal rights and equal status to the mother. You deprive women of their rights to life liberty and pursuit of happiness because of your religion.

It is absurd unless seen through the lens of your religion.

The Constitution grants me freedom of conscience to reject the absurd religious belief you have and want to force on everybody else. You are as absurd and as cruel as the Taliban and offend America’s freedom of religion END2207162317
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Ding220716-#2,284 “Blackstone affirmed in his Commentaries that an individual’s right to life is an “immediate gift of God.””

NFBW wrote: Not surprised that 2020’s white Trump Catholic Taliban are quoting a 1760’s failed lawyer and judge and author who was rejected by Jefferson who saw none of the Biblical Christianity in the natural law that Blackstone claimed was there.

And Blackstone surely kept women in their place didn’t he ding .

The husband and wife are one, and that one is the husband.

No worries about the impending man-pocalypse under Blackstone laws.

This is the very cornerstone of our Constitutional republic; without it, the entire system crumbles into tyranny. Our entire Constitutional system may be seen as an explicit rejection of the rule of church law in the common law.​

Thus, those who continue to cite Blackstone and English common law in this regard, as justification for the imposition of Biblical injunctions as the civil and criminal law of the land, are missing the most crucial lesson of the Declaration of Independence and America's founding. The right to liberty is unalienable and may not be violated even by those who claim to know the will of God END2207170134​
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ding220624-#1,324 Abortion is not a religious issue.

ding220205-#601 Human life begins at conception. This is not conjecture. It's based upon empirical evidence.

ding210929-83 Sanctity of life is a Christian value.

NFBW: Is sanctity of life a religious issue?

Do you want to criminalize abortion because you believe ding in the sanctity of life based on your religious Christian values?

Have you seen empirical evidence of ensoulment at conception? Who was letting you watch? END2207170542

ding220624-#1,324 Abortion is not a religious issue.

ding220205-#601 Human life begins at conception. This is not conjecture. It's based upon empirical evidence.

ding210929-83 Sanctity of life is a Christian value.

NFBW: Is sanctity of life a religious issue?

Do you want to criminalize abortion because you believe ding in the sanctity of life based on your religious Christian values?

Have you seen empirical evidence of ensoulment at conception? Who was letting you watch? END2207170542
Christianity is not very logical, they follow admonishments which are basically tribal laws as if they were God's commandments. They ignore the obvious, their god gave life and a soul to Adam by breathing into the form he created. As is with all life, a soul cannot enter the form until it takes it's first breath while being born. Birth dates make all the difference in the world.
If that is your religious belief - do not terminate your pregnancy. You have no right to impose your religious belief on anyone else. I agree with those of the Jewish faith - not human until ensoulment, as late as first breath.
Not a religious belief. A scientific fact.

"After fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being...[this] is no longer a matter of taste or opinion, it is not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence...."
Dr Jerome LeJeune, Professor of Genetics at the University of Descartes, Paris, discoverer of the chromosome pattern of Down's Syndrome, and Nobel Prize Winner

“….it is scientifically correct to say that human life begins at conception.”
Dr. Micheline Matthews-Roth, Harvard Medical School
You don’t know that.
I do know that at conception a very specific human being has come into existence. One that has never existed before and will never exist again. Apparently you are the one who doesn't know that.

DNA is what makes your body tick and, because we are not clones, every human’s genome is unique in its own special way.

Ding220716-#2,284 “Blackstone affirmed in his Commentaries that an individual’s right to life is an “immediate gift of God.””

NFBW wrote: Not surprised that 2020’s white Trump Catholic Taliban are quoting a 1760’s failed lawyer and judge and author who was rejected by Jefferson who saw none of the Biblical Christianity in the natural law that Blackstone claimed was there.

And Blackstone surely kept women in their place didn’t he ding .

The husband and wife are one, and that one is the husband.

No worries about the impending man-pocalypse under Blackstone laws.

This is the very cornerstone of our Constitutional republic; without it, the entire system crumbles into tyranny. Our entire Constitutional system may be seen as an explicit rejection of the rule of church law in the common law.​

Thus, those who continue to cite Blackstone and English common law in this regard, as justification for the imposition of Biblical injunctions as the civil and criminal law of the land, are missing the most crucial lesson of the Declaration of Independence and America's founding. The right to liberty is unalienable and may not be violated even by those who claim to know the will of God END2207170134​
From Blackstone's commentaries, the founding fathers learned that any abortion perpetrated after the stirring of an infant in the mother’s womb was a “heinous misdemeanor.”

American courts upheld this traditional common law approach in characterizing abortion as a misdemeanor. Founding father James Wilson, a signatory of the Declaration of Independence and original U.S. Supreme Court justice, taught his law students that,

“With consistency, beautiful and undeviating, human life, from its commencement to its close, is protected by the common law. In the contemplation of law, life begins when the infant is first able to stir in the womb. By the law, life is protected not only from immediate destruction, but from every degree of actual violence, and, in some cases, from every degree of danger.”


ding220624-#1,324 Abortion is not a religious issue.

ding220205-#601 Human life begins at conception. This is not conjecture. It's based upon empirical evidence.

ding210929-83 Sanctity of life is a Christian value.

NFBW: Is sanctity of life a religious issue?

Do you want to criminalize abortion because you believe ding in the sanctity of life based on your religious Christian values?

Have you seen empirical evidence of ensoulment at conception? Who was letting you watch? END2207170542
Sanctity of life is a human issue. It will be up to each state to decide for themselves when those rights confer.
Babies born between 23 and 24 weeks who receive comfort care live for about one hour.
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