It's time to start thinking about resistance.

Resistance takes organization and individual action. The minute you accept wrongdoing in your personal activities, you are lost.
No, it's a quote from me.


It is drooling retardation from you.

WTF does Thomas Edison have to do with our branches of government, numbnuts?

Yes, what WOULD Edison possibly have to do with "one man changing the world?"

There is a reason you're a leftist...

The rest of your post reveals your paranoid delusions.

Absolutely, you Bolsheviks have brought peace and prosperity the world over; 65 million Russian, 35 million Chinese, 4 million Vietnamese. 2 million Cambodians all lay witness to the wonders you and yours offer the world.

The Constitution (1787) and claims of being a freeman pursuant thereto is , from a socialist standpoint, gibberish.

If FREEMEN attempt to assert their rights they will be crushed like bugs

skylar is socialist for "I will rule over thee"


No more than Washington said the same to Shays.

The federal government has a massive domestic paramilitary force. Those who care for freedom must find a way to assert them otherwise they will become slaves.


Putting down insurrections is an express duty of the federal government under the constitution. And as Washington demonstrated, the founders were more than willing to do so.

Putting down tyranny is an express duty of WE THE PEOPLE

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Declaration Of Independence
There's no tyranny, ya flamin' moron. Unlike 1776, everyone now has elected representation in the government which can be voted out by "the people."
It doesnt matter that they're elected, if they refuse to do their job. Congress is supposed to act as a check on the.executive branch...they don't do that anymore.

Time tontake.action. It will start with taking out fed agents. It is going to. be a guerilla movement.
We start locally. Put constitutional candidates who will defend their locals from the feds, and kick federal agents offbpublic lands. If necessary, use deadly force.

The problem is, too many want their goodies. A city council candidate in my town campaigned last cycle on a promise of forcing Sacramento to give more to Yorba Linda schools. She won. She promised goodies to constituents and they were more interested in their freebies than in Constitutional governance.

To put constitutional candidates in office means getting people to care more about honest government than they do give away programs. Not impossible, but damned tough.

Deadly force is just foolish talk.
Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?

So how do we start?

It's quite simple.........Quit voting for Republicans.
We start locally. Put constitutional candidates who will defend their locals from the feds, and kick federal agents offbpublic lands. If necessary, use deadly force.
Yeah, cause that worked out so well for the right-wing kooks who took over public property in Oregon.

Unlike you asshats on the left, we on the right do things because they are the right thing to do. It doesn't matter if the odds aren't I our favor, it doesn't matter how large and powerful our opponent is, if it's the right thing to do, we do it.
Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?

So how do we start?

It's quite simple.........Quit voting for Republicans.
We start locally. Put constitutional candidates who will defend their locals from the feds, and kick federal agents offbpublic lands. If necessary, use deadly force.
Yeah, cause that worked out so well for the right-wing kooks who took over public property in Oregon.

Unlike you asshats on the left, we on the right do things because they are the right thing to do. It doesn't matter if the odds aren't I our favor, it doesn't matter how large and powerful our opponent is, if it's the right thing to do, we do it.

The right thing to do....according to who? See, that's the rub. What you consider the 'right thing' isn't what many other people consider the 'right thing'. And you don't have near the numbers of folks that agree with you to impose your will. To say nothing of your fantasies of a 'resistance', 'civil war', or other right wing fan fiction.
We start locally. Put constitutional candidates who will defend their locals from the feds, and kick federal agents offbpublic lands. If necessary, use deadly force.

The problem is, too many want their goodies. A city council candidate in my town campaigned last cycle on a promise of forcing Sacramento to give more to Yorba Linda schools. She won. She promised goodies to constituents and they were more interested in their freebies than in Constitutional governance.

To put constitutional candidates in office means getting people to care more about honest government than they do give away programs. Not impossible, but damned tough.

Deadly force is just foolish talk.
It will come to deadly force, however. It already has.

The rural people are already beginning to step away from entitlements. They are only just becoming aware of how foolish they were to accept them in the first place.
We start locally. Put constitutional candidates who will defend their locals from the feds, and kick federal agents offbpublic lands. If necessary, use deadly force.

The problem is, too many want their goodies. A city council candidate in my town campaigned last cycle on a promise of forcing Sacramento to give more to Yorba Linda schools. She won. She promised goodies to constituents and they were more interested in their freebies than in Constitutional governance.

To put constitutional candidates in office means getting people to care more about honest government than they do give away programs. Not impossible, but damned tough.

Deadly force is just foolish talk.
It will come to deadly force, however. It already has.

The rural people are already beginning to step away from entitlements. They are only just becoming aware of how foolish they were to accept them in the first place.
Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?

So how do we start?

It's quite simple.........Quit voting for Republicans.
We start locally. Put constitutional candidates who will defend their locals from the feds, and kick federal agents offbpublic lands. If necessary, use deadly force.
Yeah, cause that worked out so well for the right-wing kooks who took over public property in Oregon.

Unlike you asshats on the left, we on the right do things because they are the right thing to do. It doesn't matter if the odds aren't I our favor, it doesn't matter how large and powerful our opponent is, if it's the right thing to do, we do it.
No, it's a quote from me.


It is drooling retardation from you.

WTF does Thomas Edison have to do with our branches of government, numbnuts?

Yes, what WOULD Edison possibly have to do with "one man changing the world?"

There is a reason you're a leftist...

The rest of your post reveals your paranoid delusions.

Absolutely, you Bolsheviks have brought peace and prosperity the world over; 65 million Russian, 35 million Chinese, 4 million Vietnamese. 2 million Cambodians all lay witness to the wonders you and yours offer the world.
Idiot... I was talking about the government. No one person can fundamentally change it as you suggest. You've got to be jacked up on stupid to think Thomas Edison fits into that equation. :cuckoo: The rest of your nonsense of equating the American left to the Communists if Russia and China remains as deranged as when you posted it earlier. Repeating it only affirms your dementia.
No more than Washington said the same to Shays.

The federal government has a massive domestic paramilitary force. Those who care for freedom must find a way to assert them otherwise they will become slaves.


Putting down insurrections is an express duty of the federal government under the constitution. And as Washington demonstrated, the founders were more than willing to do so.

Putting down tyranny is an express duty of WE THE PEOPLE

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Declaration Of Independence
There's no tyranny, ya flamin' moron. Unlike 1776, everyone now has elected representation in the government which can be voted out by "the people."
It doesnt matter that they're elected, if they refuse to do their job. Congress is supposed to act as a check on the.executive branch...they don't do that anymore.

Time tontake.action. It will start with taking out fed agents. It is going to. be a guerilla movement.
As if you would ever partake in such a movement. Like you did with those assholes in Oregon who seized public property; you'll cheer them on until they get themselves killed or thrown in prison. But you won't risk breaking a fingernail of your own.
Very, very few people are necessary to screw with the system.

Edward Snowden comes to mind. How many people does it take to bring a section of electrical grid down? Some one did it in California and were never caught. A handful of kids got Greek week cancelled for an entire university. One well placed troublemaker can cause chaos in a company.

Goodness, I kept my entire girl's softball team out of state playoffs all by my lonesome. They were champions. Too bad.

It doesn't take a majority to make the country ungoverable.
Yeah, cause that worked out so well for the right-wing kooks who took over public property in Oregon.

If it was "public," how could they "take it over?" It would already be open to them.

Oh, you mean property of the crown.
It wasn't open to them to move in and trash the place. They were perfectly welcome to use the facilities during open hours.

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