It's time to start thinking about resistance.

Obviously elected liberals are scared shitless or they wouldnt be trying to take away gun rights and calling Veterans potential terrorist.
So why would liberal politicians be afraid of our Veterans if they weren't up to something?
How many guns have YOU had taken away yet? I still have all mine and have even purchased a nice shotgun during the *gasp* Obama Administration.

So you're going to say they aren't trying?
The proof of both have been posted on this board dozens of times.
It was time to start thinking about resistance when politicians elevated themselves above the Constitution by exempting themselves from the laws they pass / impose upon us and when they started excusing themselves from punishment for the same laws we all would be punished for violating.

It was past time to begin thinking about resistance when Nancy Pelosi - while the Liberals rammed a minority piece of legislation into law against the majority will of the American people - declared the American people had NO RIGHT to know what was in the edict they were about to impose on American citizens...and when the Obama administration was caught using the IRS against US citizens to help ensure his re-election.

Now both of the 2 political parties that hold a monopoly on the American political process are openly circumventing the democratic process, rendering moot the Constitutional Right of this nation's citizens to have a say in its governance.

The DNC is using 'Super Delegates' - the process by which appointed individuals (like the felony-convicted ex-lawyer who is facing up to 130 years in jail but who gets to keep / use his vote even if in jail when he gets to cast it) have more say with their 1 vote than some states - to ensure THEY get to make who THEY want the DNC nominee. At least the Democrats have found a more 'quiet', less visible way to impose their will.

Republicans have been openly meeting to discuss how to de-rail their most popular, most supported candidate by the majority of Republicans. This latest move, however, was unthinkable - to strip an entire state - approx. 1 million Americans, of their right to participate in the process to decide who would run as President is more Fascist, Marxist, anything but 'American'.

Reince Priebus , Chairman of the Republican Natl Committee, ACTUALLY said last week that if people - Republicans - did not like the way the GOP was handling ITS Primary Process they could 'sit down and shut up' This is the Republican Party's Primary / process'. IN OTHER WORDS, Priebus was telling those who call themselves 'Republicans' - who THINK they have a say in what goes on in the Party - are really only 'along for the ride' and the only time they actually matter at all is when they are asked to hold their noses and vote for the GOP's candidate at election time.

Anyone who continues to support either party and the incompetent, immoral, unethical, criminal Insider/Establishment candidates they shove in front of their faces every election cycle as their only choices are idiots.
It was time to start thinking about resistance when politicians elevated themselves above the Constitution by exempting themselves from the laws they pass / impose upon us and when they started excusing themselves from punishment for the same laws we all would be punished for violating.

It was past time to begin thinking about resistance when Nancy Pelosi - while the Liberals rammed a minority piece of legislation into law against the majority will of the American people - declared the American people had NO RIGHT to know what was in the edict they were about to impose on American citizens...and when the Obama administration was caught using the IRS against US citizens to help ensure his re-election.

Now both of the 2 political parties that hold a monopoly on the American political process are openly circumventing the democratic process, rendering moot the Constitutional Right of this nation's citizens to have a say in its governance.

The DNC is using 'Super Delegates' - the process by which appointed individuals (like the felony-convicted ex-lawyer who is facing up to 130 years in jail but who gets to keep / use his vote even if in jail when he gets to cast it) have more say with their 1 vote than some states - to ensure THEY get to make who THEY want the DNC nominee. At least the Democrats have found a more 'quiet', less visible way to impose their will.

Republicans have been openly meeting to discuss how to de-rail their most popular, most supported candidate by the majority of Republicans. This latest move, however, was unthinkable - to strip an entire state - approx. 1 million Americans, of their right to participate in the process to decide who would run as President is more Fascist, Marxist, anything but 'American'.

Reince Priebus , Chairman of the Republican Natl Committee, ACTUALLY said last week that if people - Republicans - did not like the way the GOP was handling ITS Primary Process they could 'sit down and shut up' This is the Republican Party's Primary / process'. IN OTHER WORDS, Priebus was telling those who call themselves 'Republicans' - who THINK they have a say in what goes on in the Party - are really only 'along for the ride' and the only time they actually matter at all is when they are asked to hold their noses and vote for the GOP's candidate at election time.

Anyone who continues to support either party and the incompetent, immoral, unethical, criminal Insider/Establishment candidates they shove in front of their faces every election cycle as their only choices are idiots.

I dont see how there can be any doubt we're being screwed by both sides anymore.
And it's also clear the GOP would rather see Hilary in the white house than Trump.
That is truly disturbing.
Oh, you guys have 'thinking' down. Its doing where your entire argument breaks. As you're thwarted by your ever imaginative capacity for excuses why you shouldn't have to fight.

Its always someone *else's* responsibility. Someone *else* has to fight. Someone *else* has to bleed. Someone *else* has to sacrifice.

But never you. You're exempt....for whatever reason you imagine. And guess what guys? You're not alone. Virtually all of your ilk have their own excuses for why they shouldn't have to fight either.

Which is why there is no 'revolution'. See, you're a little heavy on wanna be Jeffersons. And a little light on Hamiltons.
It's been a couple months, just wondering how the resistance is going. Any news from the front?

We used a fire hose to get Obama's shit off of the Constitution. Hillary is drinking Ex-Lax by the gallon to finish what Barry started.

Hey you're a janitor, good for you. The minimum wage is going up soon so you'll be making more money.
It was time to start thinking about resistance when politicians elevated themselves above the Constitution by exempting themselves from the laws they pass / impose upon us and when they started excusing themselves from punishment for the same laws we all would be punished for violating.

It was past time to begin thinking about resistance when Nancy Pelosi - while the Liberals rammed a minority piece of legislation into law against the majority will of the American people - declared the American people had NO RIGHT to know what was in the edict they were about to impose on American citizens...and when the Obama administration was caught using the IRS against US citizens to help ensure his re-election.

Now both of the 2 political parties that hold a monopoly on the American political process are openly circumventing the democratic process, rendering moot the Constitutional Right of this nation's citizens to have a say in its governance.

The DNC is using 'Super Delegates' - the process by which appointed individuals (like the felony-convicted ex-lawyer who is facing up to 130 years in jail but who gets to keep / use his vote even if in jail when he gets to cast it) have more say with their 1 vote than some states - to ensure THEY get to make who THEY want the DNC nominee. At least the Democrats have found a more 'quiet', less visible way to impose their will.

Republicans have been openly meeting to discuss how to de-rail their most popular, most supported candidate by the majority of Republicans. This latest move, however, was unthinkable - to strip an entire state - approx. 1 million Americans, of their right to participate in the process to decide who would run as President is more Fascist, Marxist, anything but 'American'.

Reince Priebus , Chairman of the Republican Natl Committee, ACTUALLY said last week that if people - Republicans - did not like the way the GOP was handling ITS Primary Process they could 'sit down and shut up' This is the Republican Party's Primary / process'. IN OTHER WORDS, Priebus was telling those who call themselves 'Republicans' - who THINK they have a say in what goes on in the Party - are really only 'along for the ride' and the only time they actually matter at all is when they are asked to hold their noses and vote for the GOP's candidate at election time.

Anyone who continues to support either party and the incompetent, immoral, unethical, criminal Insider/Establishment candidates they shove in front of their faces every election cycle as their only choices are idiots.

Bravo my brother, bravo!

This election is greatly concerning to me in that America will be choosing between two candidates that have higher negative ratings that have been seen. In other words, we are supposed to choose between the lesser of two BAD choices. That's what we have come to in the 21st century; the beginning of the end of a once great nation. It can only go farther downhill from here on out.

America is fed the hell up. Between a left wing that has gone berserk (even from the days of the "centrist" Bill Clnton) to the point of becoming a Che Gueverra banana republic. That is this "new" radical left. Now we have a Republican Party that seemingly wishes to eat itself and those within it. Americans - those people that USED to believe their votes actually counted and that those "career" politicians actually did something, ANYTHING to justify our votes, have come to realize that voting for anyone is nothing more than a waste of time.

I truly believe that what is left of American "values" is at a dangerous crossroads. I have a strange feeling that no matter who wins this election, the overall mood of this country is at its breaking point. I think bad things are on the horizon for America - much to the delight of the radical left and much to the sadness of one-time patriots.
Why do democrats insist on constantly lying?


Napolitano stands by controversial report

It's what they do, it's ALL they do.

They pull this shit constantly.
Lib: PROVE IT!!!
Normal person: How many more times do we have to post the proof before it sinks in?
As soon as you post some proof, you'll have a point.

The NRA has at least half of the US Congress in their pocket; the US Supreme Court has upheld pro-gun laws, and ruled gun control laws unconstitutional.

Why do democrats insist on constantly lying?


Napolitano stands by controversial report

It's what they do, it's ALL they do.

They pull this shit constantly.
Lib: PROVE IT!!!
Normal person: How many more times do we have to post the proof before it sinks in?
As soon as you post some proof, you'll have a point.

The NRA has at least half of the US Congress in their pocket; the US Supreme Court has upheld pro-gun laws, and ruled gun control laws unconstitutional.


Lawmakers want answers why VA stripped 260K vets of gun rights
Every two years, the entire House can be replaced. That's pretty 'revolutionary'. Turn it over.

Unfortunately, the Dems have a point. Americans who vote, are pretty stupid. We need to do the thinking for them. So how can we rely on them to vote the proper ballot to effect the change we seek? Never going to happen. They are hooked on the no risk stimulus. Society is not to big to fail... as Rome found out

Didn't the right boast they accomplished that by winning the midterm election?

Which is part of the issue. That is why the establishment re: Republican Party is toast. They have gone by the way of the horse and buggy

Every two years, the entire House can be replaced. That's pretty 'revolutionary'. Turn it over.

Unfortunately, the Dems have a point. Americans who vote, are pretty stupid. We need to do the thinking for them. So how can we rely on them to vote the proper ballot to effect the change we seek? Never going to happen. They are hooked on the no risk stimulus. Society is not to big to fail... as Rome found out

Didn't the right boast they accomplished that by winning the midterm election?

Which is part of the issue. That is why the establishment re: Republican Party is toast. They have gone by the way of the horse and buggy



I always wanted a 1911 just like that - never runs out of ammo!!! :dance:
Every two years, the entire House can be replaced. That's pretty 'revolutionary'. Turn it over.

Unfortunately, the Dems have a point. Americans who vote, are pretty stupid. We need to do the thinking for them. So how can we rely on them to vote the proper ballot to effect the change we seek? Never going to happen. They are hooked on the no risk stimulus. Society is not to big to fail... as Rome found out

Didn't the right boast they accomplished that by winning the midterm election?

Which is part of the issue. That is why the establishment re: Republican Party is toast. They have gone by the way of the horse and buggy

Oh? There's currently 300 such Republicans in Congress... what's the rightwingnut plan to remove them from office?
Every two years, the entire House can be replaced. That's pretty 'revolutionary'. Turn it over.

Unfortunately, the Dems have a point. Americans who vote, are pretty stupid. We need to do the thinking for them. So how can we rely on them to vote the proper ballot to effect the change we seek? Never going to happen. They are hooked on the no risk stimulus. Society is not to big to fail... as Rome found out

Didn't the right boast they accomplished that by winning the midterm election?

Which is part of the issue. That is why the establishment re: Republican Party is toast. They have gone by the way of the horse and buggy

Oh? There's currently 300 such Republicans in Congress... what's the rightwingnut plan to remove them from office?

Trump is a start. Just like Bernie a start in changing the dem party


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