It's time to start thinking about resistance.

Ah, great ... American Spring 2017. Who's leading the way? Stephanie?
you do realize that this is the reason the 2nd amendment was put in the constitution right? and it does see as if the closer we have been getting to the time it would be needed, the more the oppressive government is trying to take away those rights.
Does this even concern you in the least or are you just another of the sheeple that will just accept whatever your masters tell you.

You do realize that you're not 'the people', right? That if you tried an armed rebellion we'd give you the same treatment that Washington gave Shay?
Ive see the liberals shoot. Not so much a concern to me.

I've seen conservatives crow....but give excuses for why they shouldn't have to fight. So I'm not worried either.

If you genuinely believed half the gibberish you were spouting, you'd be fighting already. Instead, you give us excuses why you aren't. And guess do the rest of your ilk.

Which is why there will be no armed rebellion, civil war or 'resistance'. Just a few conservatives in their underwear babbling about each as they crack open another beer.
If you have not noticed small groups testing the system for the last few years, you have not been paying attention.
the liberal government is afraid of the people right now.
its coming. and when it does the liberals will be exterminated.

Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?

Calamities will have to occur before Americans get it. Take care of yourself and your friends and family for now.

Steps have been taken to do just that. That's done, now it's time to go on the offensive.
Ooooooo! Scary!
you do realize that this is the reason the 2nd amendment was put in the constitution right? and it does see as if the closer we have been getting to the time it would be needed, the more the oppressive government is trying to take away those rights.
Does this even concern you in the least or are you just another of the sheeple that will just accept whatever your masters tell you.

You do realize that you're not 'the people', right? That if you tried an armed rebellion we'd give you the same treatment that Washington gave Shay?
Ive see the liberals shoot. Not so much a concern to me.

I've seen conservatives crow....but give excuses for why they shouldn't have to fight. So I'm not worried either.

If you genuinely believed half the gibberish you were spouting, you'd be fighting already. Instead, you give us excuses why you aren't. And guess do the rest of your ilk.

Which is why there will be no armed rebellion, civil war or 'resistance'. Just a few conservatives in their underwear babbling about each as they crack open another beer.
If you have not noticed small groups testing the system for the last few years, you have not been paying attention.
the liberal government is afraid of the people right now.
its coming. and when it does the liberals will be exterminated.

If you'll realize, these groups are exceedingly small. And none of them were willing to fight.

And most always had an excuse why you weren't one of them. Just like you do now. The arm chair warriors *always* have an excuse why its someone else that should have to fight, someone that should have to bleed. But never themselves.

Which is why there is no civil war, resistance, insurrection, rebellion or anything even remotely close to them.

Just a truckload of empty bravado from delicate conservatives.....followed by nothing. What's your excuse this time, Mary?
Yeah, these conservative commandos like talking tough when they're among themselves...

... but when it comes time to stand up and fight for the rhetoric they spew -- they pussy out...

I consider a basic right as those mentioned in the Constitution. Like the right to bear arms. Something both Clinton and Sanders want to restrict.

The guys I'm going to meet with this weekend are avid gun hobbieists as I am. We will be starting with preserving the 2nd and resisting all restrictions to gun ownership, trade, and sale. At least that's what I'm preparing to present to them.


I just returned from a trip to Kansas, where they have "Constitutional Carry". Any person, 18 or older and not a convicted felon can carry, either openly or concealed, without permit or permission from the State of Kansas.

Bet that made the liberals heads explode! And, as of 2017, the same applies to all State Schools.

Now, THERE is a state that believes in the Second!
Why would that make my head explode? That sounds like a great idea.

RWNJ's are under the delusion that leftists don't have guns
actually, the RW Americans know that the LW has guns, the problem it that the majority of the violent gun crimes in the United States are committed by those most likely to vote democrat. The difference between the two is that the RW gun owners are more likely to be trained and competent with their weapons. The left wing poses little threat if it came down to that. Right Wingers hunt and target shoot, Left wingers are more likely to have a stolen gun that they use to pop a cap in gas station clerks ass over 20 bucks and some change in the register.

So do you buy postcards and souvenirs on your regular trips to Phoney Meme Land?
Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?

poor insane treasonous neoconfederate insurrectionist.

threads like this are what happen when you pair a low IQ with low information and high anger

life failure. :cuckoo:
The false bravado of the right wingys here is sad.

You really want to fight an enemy? The Kurds could use as many shooters as they can get to fight Isis and when you came back you would be hailed as heroes.

But of course, that is real war, with real bullets, and real dying, where they shoot back. And few if any slimjims.
The false bravado of the right wingys here is sad.

You really want to fight an enemy? The Kurds could use as many shooters as they can get to fight Isis and when you came back you would be hailed as heroes.

But of course, that is real war, with real bullets, and real dying, where they shoot back. And few if any slimjims.

And you know "real war" Why? I've been there and done that sonny. You?
The false bravado of the right wingys here is sad.

You really want to fight an enemy? The Kurds could use as many shooters as they can get to fight Isis and when you came back you would be hailed as heroes.

But of course, that is real war, with real bullets, and real dying, where they shoot back. And few if any slimjims.
been there and done that already. proud to say I did kill a few that you would consider your buddies.
now what have you done other than complain and suck off of other peoples work.
Im pretty sure you have never done anything even remotely considered in support of the country. At least not the U.S.
The false bravado of the right wingys here is sad.

You really want to fight an enemy? The Kurds could use as many shooters as they can get to fight Isis and when you came back you would be hailed as heroes.

But of course, that is real war, with real bullets, and real dying, where they shoot back. And few if any slimjims.

You stupid or something? Why would I fight for the Kurds?
The false bravado of the right wingys here is sad.

You really want to fight an enemy? The Kurds could use as many shooters as they can get to fight Isis and when you came back you would be hailed as heroes.

But of course, that is real war, with real bullets, and real dying, where they shoot back. And few if any slimjims.

Its mostly just old guys folks who aren't adjusting well to the diversification of power. Its also the same demo where suicide rates have spiked. Alas, the conservative mantra of despair has lead many of their ilk to do the one thing they should never do:

Drink their own koolaid.
Ive see the liberals shoot. Not so much a concern to me.

I've seen conservatives crow....but give excuses for why they shouldn't have to fight. So I'm not worried either.

If you genuinely believed half the gibberish you were spouting, you'd be fighting already. Instead, you give us excuses why you aren't. And guess do the rest of your ilk.

Which is why there will be no armed rebellion, civil war or 'resistance'. Just a few conservatives in their underwear babbling about each as they crack open another beer.


The Constitution (1787) and claims of being a freeman pursuant thereto is , from a socialist standpoint, gibberish.

If FREEMEN attempt to assert their rights they will be crushed like bugs

skylar is socialist for "I will rule over thee"


No more than Washington said the same to Shays.

The federal government has a massive domestic paramilitary force. Those who care for freedom must find a way to assert them otherwise they will become slaves.


Putting down insurrections is an express duty of the federal government under the constitution. And as Washington demonstrated, the founders were more than willing to do so.

Stopping an Unconstitutional government is the sworn duty of the military and the police.
And neither of those groups particularly like liberals..
But when someone calls you a potential terrorist just because you're Veteran I can see why they dont care for your type...
I've seen conservatives crow....but give excuses for why they shouldn't have to fight. So I'm not worried either.

If you genuinely believed half the gibberish you were spouting, you'd be fighting already. Instead, you give us excuses why you aren't. And guess do the rest of your ilk.

Which is why there will be no armed rebellion, civil war or 'resistance'. Just a few conservatives in their underwear babbling about each as they crack open another beer.


The Constitution (1787) and claims of being a freeman pursuant thereto is , from a socialist standpoint, gibberish.

If FREEMEN attempt to assert their rights they will be crushed like bugs

skylar is socialist for "I will rule over thee"


No more than Washington said the same to Shays.

The federal government has a massive domestic paramilitary force. Those who care for freedom must find a way to assert them otherwise they will become slaves.


Putting down insurrections is an express duty of the federal government under the constitution. And as Washington demonstrated, the founders were more than willing to do so.

Stopping an Unconstitutional government is the sworn duty of the military and the police.

An unconstitutional government....according to who? Remember, you don't have the numbers. And you aren't willing to fight.

But in anonymously whining your ilk is without peer.
The false bravado of the right wingys here is sad.

You really want to fight an enemy? The Kurds could use as many shooters as they can get to fight Isis and when you came back you would be hailed as heroes.

But of course, that is real war, with real bullets, and real dying, where they shoot back. And few if any slimjims.

Its mostly just old guys folks who aren't adjusting well to the diversification of power. Its also the same demo where suicide rates have spiked. Alas, the conservative mantra of despair has lead many of their ilk to do the one thing they should never do:

Drink their own koolaid.

Yeah the old guys are really having a tough time here. When their candidates can't win elections, rather than just voting for a better candidate OR RUNNING THEMSELVES, they start yammering about using a gun to start shooting people.

Why is that. I don't know anyone personally that would even have the thought of harming someone else except in self defense. But these people have some mental thing about harming other people to get their way in the world.

This is the same impulse that turns religion into an excuse to behead people or murder abortion doctors.
The false bravado of the right wingys here is sad.

You really want to fight an enemy? The Kurds could use as many shooters as they can get to fight Isis and when you came back you would be hailed as heroes.

But of course, that is real war, with real bullets, and real dying, where they shoot back. And few if any slimjims.

Its mostly just old guys folks who aren't adjusting well to the diversification of power. Its also the same demo where suicide rates have spiked. Alas, the conservative mantra of despair has lead many of their ilk to do the one thing they should never do:

Drink their own koolaid.

Yeah the old guys are really having a tough time here. When their candidates can't win elections, rather than just voting for a better candidate OR RUNNING THEMSELVES, they start yammering about using a gun to start shooting people.

Why is that. I don't know anyone personally that would even have the thought of harming someone else except in self defense. But these people have some mental thing about harming other people to get their way in the world.

This is the same impulse that turns religion into an excuse to behead people or murder abortion doctors.
And unlike you and those like you, I would never consider stealing from someone to get the things they have because of my uncontrolled jealousy
The false bravado of the right wingys here is sad.

You really want to fight an enemy? The Kurds could use as many shooters as they can get to fight Isis and when you came back you would be hailed as heroes.

But of course, that is real war, with real bullets, and real dying, where they shoot back. And few if any slimjims.

Its mostly just old guys folks who aren't adjusting well to the diversification of power. Its also the same demo where suicide rates have spiked. Alas, the conservative mantra of despair has lead many of their ilk to do the one thing they should never do:

Drink their own koolaid.

Yeah the old guys are really having a tough time here. When their candidates can't win elections, rather than just voting for a better candidate OR RUNNING THEMSELVES, they start yammering about using a gun to start shooting people.

Why is that. I don't know anyone personally that would even have the thought of harming someone else except in self defense. But these people have some mental thing about harming other people to get their way in the world.

This is the same impulse that turns religion into an excuse to behead people or murder abortion doctors.

Its a product of a fixed mindset. You see similar sentiment among CEOs who left companies....and hungrily anticipated that the company would collapse without their leadership. And when it didn't......they're deeply butthurt.

Its a hyperviolent fantasy version of the ending to Atlas Shrugged. Which itself is a masturbatory fantasy of many conservatives.

The Constitution (1787) and claims of being a freeman pursuant thereto is , from a socialist standpoint, gibberish.

If FREEMEN attempt to assert their rights they will be crushed like bugs

skylar is socialist for "I will rule over thee"


No more than Washington said the same to Shays.

The federal government has a massive domestic paramilitary force. Those who care for freedom must find a way to assert them otherwise they will become slaves.


Putting down insurrections is an express duty of the federal government under the constitution. And as Washington demonstrated, the founders were more than willing to do so.

Stopping an Unconstitutional government is the sworn duty of the military and the police.

An unconstitutional government....according to who? Remember, you don't have the numbers. And you aren't willing to fight.

But in anonymously whining your ilk is without peer.

Dont worry your little self about it. We all know whats Constitutional.
And the Constitution is a thing not a who.
No more than Washington said the same to Shays.

The federal government has a massive domestic paramilitary force. Those who care for freedom must find a way to assert them otherwise they will become slaves.


Putting down insurrections is an express duty of the federal government under the constitution. And as Washington demonstrated, the founders were more than willing to do so.

Stopping an Unconstitutional government is the sworn duty of the military and the police.

An unconstitutional government....according to who? Remember, you don't have the numbers. And you aren't willing to fight.

But in anonymously whining your ilk is without peer.

Dont worry your little self about it. We all know whats Constitutional.
And the Constitution is a thing not a who.

Except 'we' don't necessarily agree with you. You're falling victim to the folly of Confirmation Bias. Assuming that since you ignore anyone who doesn't agree with you....everyone must agree with you.

Nope. If you had the numbers you thought you did, your ilk wouldn't need to be sharing civil war fan fiction. They could just vote in who they believe should be leading us. They can't. Because they don't.
The federal government has a massive domestic paramilitary force. Those who care for freedom must find a way to assert them otherwise they will become slaves.


Putting down insurrections is an express duty of the federal government under the constitution. And as Washington demonstrated, the founders were more than willing to do so.

Stopping an Unconstitutional government is the sworn duty of the military and the police.

An unconstitutional government....according to who? Remember, you don't have the numbers. And you aren't willing to fight.

But in anonymously whining your ilk is without peer.

Dont worry your little self about it. We all know whats Constitutional.
And the Constitution is a thing not a who.

Except 'we' don't necessarily agree with you. You're falling victim to the folly of Confirmation Bias. Assuming that since you ignore anyone who doesn't agree with you....everyone must agree with you.

Nope. If you had the numbers you thought you did, your ilk wouldn't need to be sharing civil war fan fiction. They could just vote in who they believe should be leading us. They can't. Because they don't.

Remember the 3%.....
Putting down insurrections is an express duty of the federal government under the constitution. And as Washington demonstrated, the founders were more than willing to do so.

Stopping an Unconstitutional government is the sworn duty of the military and the police.

An unconstitutional government....according to who? Remember, you don't have the numbers. And you aren't willing to fight.

But in anonymously whining your ilk is without peer.

Dont worry your little self about it. We all know whats Constitutional.
And the Constitution is a thing not a who.

Except 'we' don't necessarily agree with you. You're falling victim to the folly of Confirmation Bias. Assuming that since you ignore anyone who doesn't agree with you....everyone must agree with you.

Nope. If you had the numbers you thought you did, your ilk wouldn't need to be sharing civil war fan fiction. They could just vote in who they believe should be leading us. They can't. Because they don't.

Remember the 3%.....

Laughing......the 3% who do jack shit? Remember, you're talkers. Full of sound and fury....signifying nothing. If your ilk actually wanted to fight, were actually willing to sacrifice, they'd be doing it.

Alas, they've chosen instead to become the world's leading manufacturers of excuses for why they shouldn't have to fight. Why its always someone *else's* responsibility.

And so.....jack shit. Get used to the idea.
If a Democrat is elected the only proper action would be an active resistance. Sabotage, espionage, hacking into systems. Half the country would be in revolt on some level mostly covert. It wouldn't take much. The nation is an ethnic and racial powderkeg. Play with that for awhile, see what happens.

Yep .... Dems work to create jobs and strengthen then economy while you RWNJ traitors only want to see us in ruin.

SSDD from the right.

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