It's time to start thinking about resistance.

Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?

Calamities will have to occur before Americans get it. Take care of yourself and your friends and family for now.

Steps have been taken to do just that. That's done, now it's time to go on the offensive.

99% of the posts on this thread are are offensive and what has that gotten accomplished? Perhaps in 20 or 30 years science will be able to bring all of the original framers of the Constitution back and they can give it a second go. I certainly hope that everyone will be happy with the end product which won't be nearly as simple as the first version.

If you think 99 percent of posts on this thread are offensive, then you need to find something else to do with your time.
Stopping an Unconstitutional government is the sworn duty of the military and the police.

An unconstitutional government....according to who? Remember, you don't have the numbers. And you aren't willing to fight.

But in anonymously whining your ilk is without peer.

Dont worry your little self about it. We all know whats Constitutional.
And the Constitution is a thing not a who.

Except 'we' don't necessarily agree with you. You're falling victim to the folly of Confirmation Bias. Assuming that since you ignore anyone who doesn't agree with you....everyone must agree with you.

Nope. If you had the numbers you thought you did, your ilk wouldn't need to be sharing civil war fan fiction. They could just vote in who they believe should be leading us. They can't. Because they don't.

Remember the 3%.....

Laughing......the 3% who do jack shit? Remember, you're talkers. Full of sound and fury....signifying nothing. If your ilk actually wanted to fight, were actually willing to sacrifice, they'd be doing it.

Alas, they've chosen instead to become the world's leading manufacturers of excuses for why they shouldn't have to fight. Why its always someone *else's* responsibility.

And so.....jack shit. Get used to the idea.

Heck, they didn't even send snacks.
Stopping an Unconstitutional government is the sworn duty of the military and the police.

An unconstitutional government....according to who? Remember, you don't have the numbers. And you aren't willing to fight.

But in anonymously whining your ilk is without peer.

Dont worry your little self about it. We all know whats Constitutional.
And the Constitution is a thing not a who.

Except 'we' don't necessarily agree with you. You're falling victim to the folly of Confirmation Bias. Assuming that since you ignore anyone who doesn't agree with you....everyone must agree with you.

Nope. If you had the numbers you thought you did, your ilk wouldn't need to be sharing civil war fan fiction. They could just vote in who they believe should be leading us. They can't. Because they don't.

Remember the 3%.....

Laughing......the 3% who do jack shit? Remember, you're talkers. Full of sound and fury....signifying nothing. If your ilk actually wanted to fight, were actually willing to sacrifice, they'd be doing it.

Alas, they've chosen instead to become the world's leading manufacturers of excuses for why they shouldn't have to fight. Why its always someone *else's* responsibility.

And so.....jack shit. Get used to the idea.

You sound frightened.
An unconstitutional government....according to who? Remember, you don't have the numbers. And you aren't willing to fight.

But in anonymously whining your ilk is without peer.

Dont worry your little self about it. We all know whats Constitutional.
And the Constitution is a thing not a who.

Except 'we' don't necessarily agree with you. You're falling victim to the folly of Confirmation Bias. Assuming that since you ignore anyone who doesn't agree with you....everyone must agree with you.

Nope. If you had the numbers you thought you did, your ilk wouldn't need to be sharing civil war fan fiction. They could just vote in who they believe should be leading us. They can't. Because they don't.

Remember the 3%.....

Laughing......the 3% who do jack shit? Remember, you're talkers. Full of sound and fury....signifying nothing. If your ilk actually wanted to fight, were actually willing to sacrifice, they'd be doing it.

Alas, they've chosen instead to become the world's leading manufacturers of excuses for why they shouldn't have to fight. Why its always someone *else's* responsibility.

And so.....jack shit. Get used to the idea.

You sound frightened.

I sound bored. And vaguely amused.
Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?


PredFan and the other lily livered fake revolutionaries ...

How are your plans for the RWNJ revolution coming along?

Why don't you just send more money to your 1% owners? That way? You could sit on your fat, entitled butts and collect your gubt checks.

An unconstitutional government....according to who? Remember, you don't have the numbers. And you aren't willing to fight.

But in anonymously whining your ilk is without peer.

Dont worry your little self about it. We all know whats Constitutional.
And the Constitution is a thing not a who.

Except 'we' don't necessarily agree with you. You're falling victim to the folly of Confirmation Bias. Assuming that since you ignore anyone who doesn't agree with you....everyone must agree with you.

Nope. If you had the numbers you thought you did, your ilk wouldn't need to be sharing civil war fan fiction. They could just vote in who they believe should be leading us. They can't. Because they don't.

Remember the 3%.....

Laughing......the 3% who do jack shit? Remember, you're talkers. Full of sound and fury....signifying nothing. If your ilk actually wanted to fight, were actually willing to sacrifice, they'd be doing it.

Alas, they've chosen instead to become the world's leading manufacturers of excuses for why they shouldn't have to fight. Why its always someone *else's* responsibility.

And so.....jack shit. Get used to the idea.

You sound frightened.

Of what?

Silly computer cowboys, all talk but no substance.

You could have joined the Bundys, the domestic terrorists in Oregom, American Spring -

But here you are.

Obviously elected liberals are scared shitless or they wouldnt be trying to take away gun rights and calling Veterans potential terrorist.
So why would liberal politicians be afraid of our Veterans if they weren't up to something?
Obviously elected liberals are scared shitless or they wouldnt be trying to take away gun rights and calling Veterans potential terrorist.
So why would liberal politicians be afraid of our Veterans if they weren't up to something?

Yes. Because your paranoid delusions are all the proof we need that your paranoid delusions are real.
Obviously, Democrats are scared because they're doing exactly what my paranoid delusions said they'd be doing
Obviously elected liberals are scared shitless or they wouldnt be trying to take away gun rights and calling Veterans potential terrorist.
So why would liberal politicians be afraid of our Veterans if they weren't up to something?

Yes. Because your paranoid delusions are all the proof we need that your paranoid delusions are real.

Are you actually saying these things didnt happen?
The false bravado of the right wingys here is sad.

You really want to fight an enemy? The Kurds could use as many shooters as they can get to fight Isis and when you came back you would be hailed as heroes.

But of course, that is real war, with real bullets, and real dying, where they shoot back. And few if any slimjims.

You stupid or something? Why would I fight for the Kurds?
Right....Why would YOU fight for the Kurds? Silly question.

The Constitution (1787) and claims of being a freeman pursuant thereto is , from a socialist standpoint, gibberish.

If FREEMEN attempt to assert their rights they will be crushed like bugs

skylar is socialist for "I will rule over thee"


No more than Washington said the same to Shays.

The federal government has a massive domestic paramilitary force. Those who care for freedom must find a way to assert them otherwise they will become slaves.


Putting down insurrections is an express duty of the federal government under the constitution. And as Washington demonstrated, the founders were more than willing to do so.

Stopping an Unconstitutional government is the sworn duty of the military and the police.

An unconstitutional government....according to who? Remember, you don't have the numbers. And you aren't willing to fight.

But in anonymously whining your ilk is without peer.

Jesus, you'd think that someone as educated as you claim to be would know that it is "...according to whom". Thanks for playing.
No more than Washington said the same to Shays.

The federal government has a massive domestic paramilitary force. Those who care for freedom must find a way to assert them otherwise they will become slaves.


Putting down insurrections is an express duty of the federal government under the constitution. And as Washington demonstrated, the founders were more than willing to do so.

Stopping an Unconstitutional government is the sworn duty of the military and the police.

An unconstitutional government....according to who? Remember, you don't have the numbers. And you aren't willing to fight.

But in anonymously whining your ilk is without peer.

Jesus, you'd think that someone as educated as you claim to be would know that it is "...according to whom". Thanks for playing.

Laughing......notice you don't actually have an answer to the question.

Try again.
I've seen conservatives crow....but give excuses for why they shouldn't have to fight. So I'm not worried either.

If you genuinely believed half the gibberish you were spouting, you'd be fighting already. Instead, you give us excuses why you aren't. And guess do the rest of your ilk.

Which is why there will be no armed rebellion, civil war or 'resistance'. Just a few conservatives in their underwear babbling about each as they crack open another beer.


The Constitution (1787) and claims of being a freeman pursuant thereto is , from a socialist standpoint, gibberish.

If FREEMEN attempt to assert their rights they will be crushed like bugs

skylar is socialist for "I will rule over thee"


No more than Washington said the same to Shays.

The federal government has a massive domestic paramilitary force. Those who care for freedom must find a way to assert them otherwise they will become slaves.


Putting down insurrections is an express duty of the federal government under the constitution. And as Washington demonstrated, the founders were more than willing to do so.

Stopping an Unconstitutional government is the sworn duty of the military and the police.
And neither of those groups particularly like liberals..
But when someone calls you a potential terrorist just because you're Veteran I can see why they dont care for your type...

Indeed. One might think that since the left is so hell-bent on taking the second amendment rights from veterans, that they do, indeed, have something to fear. Nothing worse than a "America loving combat vet" with a gun in his hands.....
The false bravado of the right wingys here is sad.

You really want to fight an enemy? The Kurds could use as many shooters as they can get to fight Isis and when you came back you would be hailed as heroes.

But of course, that is real war, with real bullets, and real dying, where they shoot back. And few if any slimjims.

You stupid or something? Why would I fight for the Kurds?
Right....Why would YOU fight for the Kurds? Silly question.

I'm not the one who suggested it tuna breath.
Obviously elected liberals are scared shitless or they wouldnt be trying to take away gun rights and calling Veterans potential terrorist.
So why would liberal politicians be afraid of our Veterans if they weren't up to something?

Yes. Because your paranoid delusions are all the proof we need that your paranoid delusions are real.

Are you actually saying these things didnt happen?

The way in which you described those things happening only happened in your head.

DHS' Domestic Terror Warning Angers GOP

Glen M. Gardner Jr., national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, disputed claims that Homeland Security analysts were describing veterans as terror threats.

"The report should have been worded differently, but it made no blanket accusation that every soldier was capable of being a traitor like Benedict Arnold, or every veteran could be a lone wolf, homegrown terrorist like Timothy McVeigh," said Gardner, a Marine veteran from Round Rock, Texas. "It was just an assessment about possibilities that could take place."

As far as people having their guns taken away is concerned, let me ask you a question. Has any government entity taken your guns?
Obviously elected liberals are scared shitless or they wouldnt be trying to take away gun rights and calling Veterans potential terrorist.
So why would liberal politicians be afraid of our Veterans if they weren't up to something?

Yes. Because your paranoid delusions are all the proof we need that your paranoid delusions are real.

Are you actually saying these things didnt happen?

The way in which you described those things happening only happened in your head.

DHS' Domestic Terror Warning Angers GOP

Glen M. Gardner Jr., national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, disputed claims that Homeland Security analysts were describing veterans as terror threats.

"The report should have been worded differently, but it made no blanket accusation that every soldier was capable of being a traitor like Benedict Arnold, or every veteran could be a lone wolf, homegrown terrorist like Timothy McVeigh," said Gardner, a Marine veteran from Round Rock, Texas. "It was just an assessment about possibilities that could take place."

As far as people having their guns taken away is concerned, let me ask you a question. Has any government entity taken your guns?

Both have happened and you know it.
Obviously elected liberals are scared shitless or they wouldnt be trying to take away gun rights and calling Veterans potential terrorist.
So why would liberal politicians be afraid of our Veterans if they weren't up to something?
How many guns have YOU had taken away yet? I still have all mine and have even purchased a nice shotgun during the *gasp* Obama Administration.
Obviously elected liberals are scared shitless or they wouldnt be trying to take away gun rights and calling Veterans potential terrorist.
So why would liberal politicians be afraid of our Veterans if they weren't up to something?

Yes. Because your paranoid delusions are all the proof we need that your paranoid delusions are real.

Are you actually saying these things didnt happen?

The way in which you described those things happening only happened in your head.

DHS' Domestic Terror Warning Angers GOP

Glen M. Gardner Jr., national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, disputed claims that Homeland Security analysts were describing veterans as terror threats.

"The report should have been worded differently, but it made no blanket accusation that every soldier was capable of being a traitor like Benedict Arnold, or every veteran could be a lone wolf, homegrown terrorist like Timothy McVeigh," said Gardner, a Marine veteran from Round Rock, Texas. "It was just an assessment about possibilities that could take place."

As far as people having their guns taken away is concerned, let me ask you a question. Has any government entity taken your guns?

Both have happened and you know it.
Well yes....I understand Dylann Roof had his guns taken has Robert Lewis Dear Jr......his guns were taken away too. Quite sad, I hear.

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