It's time to start thinking about resistance.

Putting down insurrections is an express duty of the federal government under the constitution. And as Washington demonstrated, the founders were more than willing to do so.

Putting down tyranny is an express duty of WE THE PEOPLE

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Declaration Of Independence
There's no tyranny, ya flamin' moron. Unlike 1776, everyone now has elected representation in the government which can be voted out by "the people."

Yo cocksucker

Tyranny of the majority is tyranny nevertheless

47 to 50% of the populace claims to have the RIGHT to extract wealth from taxpayers and producers

So taxes are 'tyranny', now?

Odd, the founders didn't think so, applying and enforcing taxes. Were the founders now tyrants per your bizarro definitions?
Which taxes did the founders impose? Clue. It wasn't income taxes.
That is true. But in the early 1900s, 3/4ths of the states approved an amendment establishing a federal income tax.
Revolution is illegal. You'll be killed or imprisoned. How many are willing to make that sacrifice? My guess is, not many. Most are completely content enjoying being distracted with their porn, reality tv, sports, Facebook, Government/Corporate Media propaganda, and so on. There won't be any Revolutions anytime soon.
Resistance isn't revolution. Resistance is fucking with the system. It's termites eating the foundation, mice nibbling the electrical insulation. It is a series of small isolated acts designed to grind the wheels to a stop.

The young girls that stopped a game by yelling Trump build that wall is an excellent example of resistance.
What exactly did that get them?
The federal government has a massive domestic paramilitary force. Those who care for freedom must find a way to assert them otherwise they will become slaves.


Putting down insurrections is an express duty of the federal government under the constitution. And as Washington demonstrated, the founders were more than willing to do so.

Putting down tyranny is an express duty of WE THE PEOPLE

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Declaration Of Independence
There's no tyranny, ya flamin' moron. Unlike 1776, everyone now has elected representation in the government which can be voted out by "the people."

Yo cocksucker

Tyranny of the majority is tyranny nevertheless

47 to 50% of the populace claims to have the RIGHT to extract wealth from taxpayers and producers

Comrade Sanders is doing very well even though he is an AVOWED SOCIALIST - how is he going to implement his socialist policies? Simple, the legislative tools necessary to implement his deadly policies were adopted in 1935 by the mother of all scumbags: FDR.

That's not tyranny, ya moron. That's our system of "we the people" working as designed. "We the people" elected them. If enough people don't like it, then "we the people" will elect folks to change that policy.

Suck my rod you stupid son of a bitch

and is not WE THE PEOPLE you are referring to - you are referring to WE THE LAZY ASS PARASITES ,

Putting down insurrections is an express duty of the federal government under the constitution. And as Washington demonstrated, the founders were more than willing to do so.

Putting down tyranny is an express duty of WE THE PEOPLE

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Declaration Of Independence
There's no tyranny, ya flamin' moron. Unlike 1776, everyone now has elected representation in the government which can be voted out by "the people."

Yo cocksucker

Tyranny of the majority is tyranny nevertheless

47 to 50% of the populace claims to have the RIGHT to extract wealth from taxpayers and producers

So taxes are 'tyranny', now?

Odd, the founders didn't think so, applying and enforcing taxes. Were the founders now tyrants per your bizarro definitions?

Shut the fuck up and go buy the vest.

NONE of the founders approved a heavy graduated "income" tax - that was Karl Marx - he was NOT a founding father.

Your standard was the extraction of wealth. Excise taxes don't 'extract wealth'? Or did you just wipe your ass with your own standard........again.

As for the vest.....why? You're certainly not doing a damn thing, Cont. None of your ilk are. You're talkers. Whiners. Arm Chair warriors.

But you won't so much as sacrifice your next beer. Let alone your life. Making you piss poor revolutionaries. And gloriously harmless.
Revolution is illegal. You'll be killed or imprisoned. How many are willing to make that sacrifice? My guess is, not many. Most are completely content enjoying being distracted with their porn, reality tv, sports, Facebook, Government/Corporate Media propaganda, and so on. There won't be any Revolutions anytime soon.
Resistance isn't revolution. Resistance is fucking with the system. It's termites eating the foundation, mice nibbling the electrical insulation. It is a series of small isolated acts designed to grind the wheels to a stop.

The young girls that stopped a game by yelling Trump build that wall is an excellent example of resistance.

Except when you start fucking with the system, the system fucks back. Economically, if you start a work get replaced by someone who works faster, for example.
You don't start a work slowage by standing around slowing your work. You have to stop the machinery itself. Do it in a way that isn't traced back to you. Sabotage. Espionage.
Putting down insurrections is an express duty of the federal government under the constitution. And as Washington demonstrated, the founders were more than willing to do so.

Putting down tyranny is an express duty of WE THE PEOPLE

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Declaration Of Independence
There's no tyranny, ya flamin' moron. Unlike 1776, everyone now has elected representation in the government which can be voted out by "the people."

Yo cocksucker

Tyranny of the majority is tyranny nevertheless

47 to 50% of the populace claims to have the RIGHT to extract wealth from taxpayers and producers

Comrade Sanders is doing very well even though he is an AVOWED SOCIALIST - how is he going to implement his socialist policies? Simple, the legislative tools necessary to implement his deadly policies were adopted in 1935 by the mother of all scumbags: FDR.

That's not tyranny, ya moron. That's our system of "we the people" working as designed. "We the people" elected them. If enough people don't like it, then "we the people" will elect folks to change that policy.

Suck my rod you stupid son of a bitch

and is not WE THE PEOPLE you are referring to - you are referring to WE THE LAZY ASS PARASITES ,


Um, my little're not the people. You don't represent the people. You don't speak for the people.

Which you're starkly aware of. Which is why you don't actually enact the vague and silly little threats you spew. As the people would end you.
Revolution is illegal. You'll be killed or imprisoned. How many are willing to make that sacrifice? My guess is, not many. Most are completely content enjoying being distracted with their porn, reality tv, sports, Facebook, Government/Corporate Media propaganda, and so on. There won't be any Revolutions anytime soon.
Resistance isn't revolution. Resistance is fucking with the system. It's termites eating the foundation, mice nibbling the electrical insulation. It is a series of small isolated acts designed to grind the wheels to a stop.

The young girls that stopped a game by yelling Trump build that wall is an excellent example of resistance.

Except when you start fucking with the system, the system fucks back. Economically, if you start a work get replaced by someone who works faster, for example.
You don't start a work slowage by standing around slowing your work. You have to stop the machinery itself.

Which is a crime. And you'll be arrested and thrown in jail.

Which your ilk know. Which is why they do jack shit save *talk* about all the things they'd do.

If only......(fill with empty excuses here)
Super delegates are the party's insurance against a rebellious electorate.

Yep, democrats spit on the people, the party alone matters.

Revolution is illegal. You'll be killed or imprisoned. How many are willing to make that sacrifice? My guess is, not many. Most are completely content enjoying being distracted with their porn, reality tv, sports, Facebook, Government/Corporate Media propaganda, and so on. There won't be any Revolutions anytime soon.
Resistance isn't revolution. Resistance is fucking with the system. It's termites eating the foundation, mice nibbling the electrical insulation. It is a series of small isolated acts designed to grind the wheels to a stop.

The young girls that stopped a game by yelling Trump build that wall is an excellent example of resistance.

'Resist' what? Most Americans are fat, ignorant, and content. They have their porn, reality tv, sports, Facebook, and a Government/Corporate Media that tells them what they wanna hear. They're completely pacified. They're not gonna resist anything.
Not in rural us they aren't.

made in usa.jpg
Idiot... I was talking about the government. No one person can fundamentally change it as you suggest.

Is that a Thomas Jefferson quote?

Nah, it's the same fucking retard that stuck his foot in it last time, incapable of learning from his failure...

You've got to be jacked up on stupid to think Thomas Edison fits into that equation. :cuckoo: The rest of your nonsense of equating the American left to the Communists if Russia and China remains as deranged as when you posted it earlier. Repeating it only affirms your dementia.

You made a retarded claim, now you've doubled down.

Hey, there is a reason you're a leftist.
I made no retarded claim, ya moron. I was talking about people running for public office. Why do you lack personal responsibility and blame me for your G-d given limitations which prevented you from comprehending that?

geaux4it: "Trump is a start. Just like Bernie a start in changing the dem party"

Faun: "One person isn't going to change anything. That's the wingnut plan??"

... what office did Thomas Edison run for?
Putting down tyranny is an express duty of WE THE PEOPLE

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Declaration Of Independence
There's no tyranny, ya flamin' moron. Unlike 1776, everyone now has elected representation in the government which can be voted out by "the people."

Yo cocksucker

Tyranny of the majority is tyranny nevertheless

47 to 50% of the populace claims to have the RIGHT to extract wealth from taxpayers and producers

So taxes are 'tyranny', now?

Odd, the founders didn't think so, applying and enforcing taxes. Were the founders now tyrants per your bizarro definitions?

Shut the fuck up and go buy the vest.

NONE of the founders approved a heavy graduated "income" tax - that was Karl Marx - he was NOT a founding father.

Your standard was the extraction of wealth. Excise taxes don't 'extract wealth'? Or did you just wipe your ass with your own standard........again.

As for the vest.....why? You're certainly not doing a damn thing, Cont. None of your ilk are. You're talkers. Whiners. Arm Chair warriors.

But you won't so much as sacrifice your next beer. Let alone your life. Making you piss poor revolutionaries. And gloriously harmless.

As a Libertarian , ALL taxes constitute legalized theft.There should be no tax code because taxation is theft and violates the non-aggression principle.

But if Americans as a whole do not participate in the upcoming bloody civil war then Justice James Clark McReynolds was a correct - a country that elects FDR 4 times does not deserve to be free.

We start locally. Put constitutional candidates who will defend their locals from the feds, and kick federal agents offbpublic lands. If necessary, use deadly force.

The problem is, too many want their goodies. A city council candidate in my town campaigned last cycle on a promise of forcing Sacramento to give more to Yorba Linda schools. She won. She promised goodies to constituents and they were more interested in their freebies than in Constitutional governance.

To put constitutional candidates in office means getting people to care more about honest government than they do give away programs. Not impossible, but damned tough.

Deadly force is just foolish talk.
It will come to deadly force, however. It already has.

The rural people are already beginning to step away from entitlements. They are only just becoming aware of how foolish they were to accept them in the first place.
More people are going off the grid too. We don't know how many people are quietly separating from the system.
Putting down insurrections is an express duty of the federal government under the constitution. And as Washington demonstrated, the founders were more than willing to do so.

Putting down tyranny is an express duty of WE THE PEOPLE

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Declaration Of Independence
There's no tyranny, ya flamin' moron. Unlike 1776, everyone now has elected representation in the government which can be voted out by "the people."

Yo cocksucker

Tyranny of the majority is tyranny nevertheless

47 to 50% of the populace claims to have the RIGHT to extract wealth from taxpayers and producers

Comrade Sanders is doing very well even though he is an AVOWED SOCIALIST - how is he going to implement his socialist policies? Simple, the legislative tools necessary to implement his deadly policies were adopted in 1935 by the mother of all scumbags: FDR.

That's not tyranny, ya moron. That's our system of "we the people" working as designed. "We the people" elected them. If enough people don't like it, then "we the people" will elect folks to change that policy.

Suck my rod you stupid son of a bitch

and is not WE THE PEOPLE you are referring to - you are referring to WE THE LAZY ASS PARASITES ,

No thanks, I'm not gay like you. Keep your small hands to yourself.
Putting down insurrections is an express duty of the federal government under the constitution. And as Washington demonstrated, the founders were more than willing to do so.

Putting down tyranny is an express duty of WE THE PEOPLE

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Declaration Of Independence
There's no tyranny, ya flamin' moron. Unlike 1776, everyone now has elected representation in the government which can be voted out by "the people."

Yo cocksucker

Tyranny of the majority is tyranny nevertheless

47 to 50% of the populace claims to have the RIGHT to extract wealth from taxpayers and producers

Comrade Sanders is doing very well even though he is an AVOWED SOCIALIST - how is he going to implement his socialist policies? Simple, the legislative tools necessary to implement his deadly policies were adopted in 1935 by the mother of all scumbags: FDR.

That's not tyranny, ya moron. That's our system of "we the people" working as designed. "We the people" elected them. If enough people don't like it, then "we the people" will elect folks to change that policy.

Suck my rod you stupid son of a bitch

and is not WE THE PEOPLE you are referring to - you are referring to WE THE LAZY ASS PARASITES ,

Here we go again......:blowup:
Revolution is illegal. You'll be killed or imprisoned. How many are willing to make that sacrifice? My guess is, not many. Most are completely content enjoying being distracted with their porn, reality tv, sports, Facebook, Government/Corporate Media propaganda, and so on. There won't be any Revolutions anytime soon.
Resistance isn't revolution. Resistance is fucking with the system. It's termites eating the foundation, mice nibbling the electrical insulation. It is a series of small isolated acts designed to grind the wheels to a stop.

The young girls that stopped a game by yelling Trump build that wall is an excellent example of resistance.

'Resist' what? Most Americans are fat, ignorant, and content. They have their porn, reality tv, sports, Facebook, and a Government/Corporate Media that tells them what they wanna hear. They're completely pacified. They're not gonna resist anything.
Not in rural us they aren't.

View attachment 71237
Does that little girl have snacks?
I made no retarded claim, ya moron.

That you fail to grasp just how stupid you are, it too precious.

I was talking about people running for public office. Why do you lack personal responsibility and blame me for your G-d given limitations which prevented you from comprehending that?

geaux4it: "Trump is a start. Just like Bernie a start in changing the dem party"

Faun: "One person isn't going to change anything. That's the wingnut plan??"

... what office did Thomas Edison run for?

You were making retarded declarations to support your collectivist world view that only through obedience to our rulers can anything happen.

You are a sheep, you cannot grasp any act save following the flock.

There is a reason you are a leftist.
There's no tyranny, ya flamin' moron. Unlike 1776, everyone now has elected representation in the government which can be voted out by "the people."

As long as you have enough Super Delegates, that is...
Super delegates are the party's insurance against a rebellious electorate.

SuperDelegates is blatant "voter disenfranchisement".. Those that SCREAM the loudest are usually guilty of it themselves...
There's no tyranny, ya flamin' moron. Unlike 1776, everyone now has elected representation in the government which can be voted out by "the people."

Yo cocksucker

Tyranny of the majority is tyranny nevertheless

47 to 50% of the populace claims to have the RIGHT to extract wealth from taxpayers and producers

So taxes are 'tyranny', now?

Odd, the founders didn't think so, applying and enforcing taxes. Were the founders now tyrants per your bizarro definitions?

Shut the fuck up and go buy the vest.

NONE of the founders approved a heavy graduated "income" tax - that was Karl Marx - he was NOT a founding father.

Your standard was the extraction of wealth. Excise taxes don't 'extract wealth'? Or did you just wipe your ass with your own standard........again.

As for the vest.....why? You're certainly not doing a damn thing, Cont. None of your ilk are. You're talkers. Whiners. Arm Chair warriors.

But you won't so much as sacrifice your next beer. Let alone your life. Making you piss poor revolutionaries. And gloriously harmless.

As a Libertarian , ALL taxes constitute legalized theft.

Except that they don't. So were the founders tyrants? Per you, they were certainly thieves. And when the 'tax protesting' rebels of the Whiskey Rebellion took up arms.....the founders took them down. As they did Shays and his ilk.

So....were the founders Tyrants? If you can't even say it, you're certainly not going to fight against it.

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