It's time to start thinking about resistance.

Except that they don't. So were the founders tyrants? Per you, they were certainly thieves. And when the 'tax protesting' rebels of the Whiskey Rebellion took up arms.....the founders took them down. As they did Shays and his ilk.

So....were the founders Tyrants? If you can't even say it, you're certainly not going to fight against it.

Comrade, that stamp tax on liquor, was it a direct tax?

Were direct taxes illegal under the constitution?

Direct taxation is legal ONLY during emergencies.

Says who?

Show me such a restriction in the Constitution. Because I'm reasonably certain you just pulled that restriction sideways out of your ass. And that's not how the standards of 'legal' are defined.
The one thing that the Oregon fiasco did was add to the anger and resentment. It has been added to Ruby Ridge and Waco. It is now useful to stoke the anger.
As far as Waco and Malheur, that's good. Lunatic fringe righties git what they deserved. I have no problem if more of you righties want to thin your herd with such actions. There's room on that list for more of you.

So you like gassing children hiding in bunkers? Shooting mothers holding their babies in their arms. Your sense of sense of "self-preservation" when it comes to abuse of government power is sorely lacking. I think you'd love an actual Tyranny if they were abusing and killing the proper people..
I said nothing about Ruby Ridge. As far as Waco, I hold the parents responsible for leaving their children inside a compound where they were hold up indefinitely in defiance of arrest warrants.

All warrants COULD HAVE been served either by the local Sheriff who had a great relationship with the Mt Carmel folks or by the BATF folks who had been to fucking BBQs at the "compound" just weeks before. They even shot with these guys on their range.

But an "example" needed to made and photo ops and news to manufacture. All that new gear and shit. Couldn't help themselves.
They're already resisting. And getting killed and thrown in jail and bankrupted for it.

And by 'they', you mean Bundy and the guy who was shitting his pants babbling about how WW2 was faked?

Yeah, Bundy isn't the 'people' either.

And they demonstrate my point: All of your self proclaimed revolutionaries are in jail. If you fuck with the system, the system fucks back. You know it. Which is why you did nothing when Bundy and his ilk 'put out the call'.

Neither did anyone else.

The gargantuan domestic paramilitary force will fuck with you ONLY if you are a small group of dissenters.

They will not fuck with Americans if and when they constitute a concerted large group of individuals attempting to RESTORE then ENFORCE the US Constitution (1787).


You don't have large groups of individuals. Remember, my little Cont.....even *you* won't fight. And your ilk almost always have their own excuses why its someone else's responsibility to fight, to bleed, to sacrifice.

But never you, little Cont.

And thus there is no 'revolution'. There is no 'concerted large group of individuals'. There's just a few anonymous hacks on the internet who type empty threats while waiting for their hot pocket to finish heating up.
There's no tyranny, ya flamin' moron. Unlike 1776, everyone now has elected representation in the government which can be voted out by "the people."

As long as you have enough Super Delegates, that is...
Super delegates are the party's insurance against a rebellious electorate.

SuperDelegates is blatant "voter disenfranchisement".. Those that SCREAM the loudest are usually guilty of it themselves...
No, it is not disenfranchisment. The two major parties which employ super delegates are private organizations which establish and enforce their own rules. Super delegates are in place to make sure the rank and file members (i.e., the electorate) can't easily hijack the party and nominate a candidate who could wreck the party. Much like Trump is positioning to do now.

That's Bullshit. SGT SCHULTZ decides on SuperDelegates within the Dem party to ENFORCE the "establishment" choice. That's how all the SuperDelegates start out as being Hildebeast supporters. It is a completely BIASED selection process.

Is wittle Bernie Sanders a danger to your party? Scared that if he gets delegates apportioned by THE VOTE OF THE PEOPLE --- that will "hijack" Sgt Schultz job???

"Sgt. Schultz" neither choses, nor has any power over superdelegates to influence their votes.
The federal government has a massive domestic paramilitary force. Those who care for freedom must find a way to assert them otherwise they will become slaves.


Putting down insurrections is an express duty of the federal government under the constitution. And as Washington demonstrated, the founders were more than willing to do so.

Putting down tyranny is an express duty of WE THE PEOPLE

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Declaration Of Independence
There's no tyranny, ya flamin' moron. Unlike 1776, everyone now has elected representation in the government which can be voted out by "the people."

This year -- folks who like liberty and competent govt are discovering where the "tyranny" really is. It's 2 places.

1) In the Party System. You've got 4 folks that RUN CONGRESS. All party animals. NOTHING happens without their approval. They determine if your office is large or put of a janitor closet or WHEN YOU CAN SPEAK. The other 531 members are not irrelevant.

2) The massive mindless minions of the bureaucracy now WRITE the laws. Congress is too feeble, stupid and distracted to write these MASSIVE SWEEPING declarations. So they write an outline, with lots of blanks to be filled in by UNELECTED, UNTOUCHABLE drones. Drones whose bosses change with the political whims and fancies. THAT --- is not representative govt. It IS tyranny..
And again... if they don't listen to the will of the people -- they can be voted out. That is not tyranny.

So YOU and I can vote out the jerks at HHS or EPA or IRS that are WRITING LAWS now?

How does that happen?? You can't even get anyone FIRED there for killing folks in Flint Michigan.. .
There's no tyranny, ya flamin' moron. Unlike 1776, everyone now has elected representation in the government which can be voted out by "the people."

As long as you have enough Super Delegates, that is...
Super delegates are the party's insurance against a rebellious electorate.

SuperDelegates is blatant "voter disenfranchisement".. Those that SCREAM the loudest are usually guilty of it themselves...
No, it is not disenfranchisment. The two major parties which employ super delegates are private organizations which establish and enforce their own rules. Super delegates are in place to make sure the rank and file members (i.e., the electorate) can't easily hijack the party and nominate a candidate who could wreck the party. Much like Trump is positioning to do now.

That's Bullshit. SGT SCHULTZ decides on SuperDelegates within the Dem party to ENFORCE the "establishment" choice. That's how all the SuperDelegates start out as being Hildebeast supporters. It is a completely BIASED selection process.

Is wittle Bernie Sanders a danger to your party? Scared that if he gets delegates apportioned by THE VOTE OF THE PEOPLE --- that will "hijack" Sgt Schultz job???

Can you show me a single example of the Super Delegates turning an election against the Democratic candidate with the most pledged delegates?

Just name the year it happened.
There's no tyranny, ya flamin' moron. Unlike 1776, everyone now has elected representation in the government which can be voted out by "the people."

As long as you have enough Super Delegates, that is...
Super delegates are the party's insurance against a rebellious electorate.

SuperDelegates is blatant "voter disenfranchisement".. Those that SCREAM the loudest are usually guilty of it themselves...
No, it is not disenfranchisment. The two major parties which employ super delegates are private organizations which establish and enforce their own rules. Super delegates are in place to make sure the rank and file members (i.e., the electorate) can't easily hijack the party and nominate a candidate who could wreck the party. Much like Trump is positioning to do now.

That's Bullshit. SGT SCHULTZ decides on SuperDelegates within the Dem party to ENFORCE the "establishment" choice. That's how all the SuperDelegates start out as being Hildebeast supporters. It is a completely BIASED selection process.

Is wittle Bernie Sanders a danger to your party? Scared that if he gets delegates apportioned by THE VOTE OF THE PEOPLE --- that will "hijack" Sgt Schultz job???
Bullshit it's bullshit. It's by design to keep the parties in control. And it's no secret.

And of course Sanders is a threat to the party. Just as Trump is to the Republican party. Again... the parties are private entities which maintain a certain amount if control over who is nominated to lead their party.
As long as you have enough Super Delegates, that is...
Super delegates are the party's insurance against a rebellious electorate.

SuperDelegates is blatant "voter disenfranchisement".. Those that SCREAM the loudest are usually guilty of it themselves...
No, it is not disenfranchisment. The two major parties which employ super delegates are private organizations which establish and enforce their own rules. Super delegates are in place to make sure the rank and file members (i.e., the electorate) can't easily hijack the party and nominate a candidate who could wreck the party. Much like Trump is positioning to do now.

That's Bullshit. SGT SCHULTZ decides on SuperDelegates within the Dem party to ENFORCE the "establishment" choice. That's how all the SuperDelegates start out as being Hildebeast supporters. It is a completely BIASED selection process.

Is wittle Bernie Sanders a danger to your party? Scared that if he gets delegates apportioned by THE VOTE OF THE PEOPLE --- that will "hijack" Sgt Schultz job???

"Sgt. Schultz" neither choses, nor has any power over superdelegates to influence their votes.

They how do almost every one of them end up being ardent Hillary supporters? She splits Missouri with Bernie and ends up with a 20% bonus? You believe all these coincidences are not by design.

Same shitty deal happened in 2008.. They ALL went to Hillary. Until Obama learned enough to move them,..

See leftists are only interested in winning. The governing part is just a nuisance.. So SuperDelegates are the un-democratic method of BOOSTING the candidate judged by Sgt Schultz as "most likely to win"..

A thumb in the eye of every one who went out to vote ON PRINCIPLES and not on attaining power..
The one thing that the Oregon fiasco did was add to the anger and resentment. It has been added to Ruby Ridge and Waco. It is now useful to stoke the anger.
As far as Waco and Malheur, that's good. Lunatic fringe righties git what they deserved. I have no problem if more of you righties want to thin your herd with such actions. There's room on that list for more of you.

So you like gassing children hiding in bunkers? Shooting mothers holding their babies in their arms. Your sense of sense of "self-preservation" when it comes to abuse of government power is sorely lacking. I think you'd love an actual Tyranny if they were abusing and killing the proper people..
I said nothing about Ruby Ridge. As far as Waco, I hold the parents responsible for leaving their children inside a compound where they were hold up indefinitely in defiance of arrest warrants.

All warrants COULD HAVE been served either by the local Sheriff who had a great relationship with the Mt Carmel folks or by the BATF folks who had been to fucking BBQs at the "compound" just weeks before. They even shot with these guys on their range.

But an "example" needed to made and photo ops and news to manufacture. All that new gear and shit. Couldn't help themselves.


Racist, sexist bumblers at ATF botched Waco cult raid, agents charge
The one thing that the Oregon fiasco did was add to the anger and resentment. It has been added to Ruby Ridge and Waco. It is now useful to stoke the anger.
As far as Waco and Malheur, that's good. Lunatic fringe righties git what they deserved. I have no problem if more of you righties want to thin your herd with such actions. There's room on that list for more of you.

So you like gassing children hiding in bunkers? Shooting mothers holding their babies in their arms. Your sense of sense of "self-preservation" when it comes to abuse of government power is sorely lacking. I think you'd love an actual Tyranny if they were abusing and killing the proper people..
I said nothing about Ruby Ridge. As far as Waco, I hold the parents responsible for leaving their children inside a compound where they were hold up indefinitely in defiance of arrest warrants.

All warrants COULD HAVE been served either by the local Sheriff who had a great relationship with the Mt Carmel folks or by the BATF folks who had been to fucking BBQs at the "compound" just weeks before. They even shot with these guys on their range.

But an "example" needed to made and photo ops and news to manufacture. All that new gear and shit. Couldn't help themselves.
Could have been but weren't. Instead, many of the Branch Davidians decided to hold up inside that compound indefinitely; hoping the law would just walk away. Even worse for them, they kept their own children in danger. The parents are to blame for their childrens' deaths.
They're already resisting. And getting killed and thrown in jail and bankrupted for it.

And by 'they', you mean Bundy and the guy who was shitting his pants babbling about how WW2 was faked?

Yeah, Bundy isn't the 'people' either.

And they demonstrate my point: All of your self proclaimed revolutionaries are in jail. If you fuck with the system, the system fucks back. You know it. Which is why you did nothing when Bundy and his ilk 'put out the call'.

Neither did anyone else.

The gargantuan domestic paramilitary force will fuck with you ONLY if you are a small group of dissenters.

They will not fuck with Americans if and when they constitute a concerted large group of individuals attempting to RESTORE then ENFORCE the US Constitution (1787).


You don't have large groups of individuals. Remember, my little Cont.....even *you* won't fight. And your ilk almost always have their own excuses why its someone else's responsibility to fight, to bleed, to sacrifice.

But never you, little Cont.

And thus there is no 'revolution'. There is no 'concerted large group of individuals'. There's just a few anonymous hacks on the internet who type empty threats while waiting for their hot pocket to finish heating up.


my hot pocket finished heating up.

So taxes are 'tyranny', now?

Odd, the founders didn't think so, applying and enforcing taxes. Were the founders now tyrants per your bizarro definitions?

Shut the fuck up and go buy the vest.

NONE of the founders approved a heavy graduated "income" tax - that was Karl Marx - he was NOT a founding father.

Your standard was the extraction of wealth. Excise taxes don't 'extract wealth'? Or did you just wipe your ass with your own standard........again.

As for the vest.....why? You're certainly not doing a damn thing, Cont. None of your ilk are. You're talkers. Whiners. Arm Chair warriors.

But you won't so much as sacrifice your next beer. Let alone your life. Making you piss poor revolutionaries. And gloriously harmless.

As a Libertarian , ALL taxes constitute legalized theft.

Except that they don't. So were the founders tyrants? Per you, they were certainly thieves. And when the 'tax protesting' rebels of the Whiskey Rebellion took up arms.....the founders took them down. As they did Shays and his ilk.

So....were the founders Tyrants? If you can't even say it, you're certainly not going to fight against it.

Shut the fuck up you ignorant slut

The Whiskey Rebellion

"Except during the War of 1812, the federal government never again dared to impose an internal excise tax, until the North transformed the American Constitution by centralizing the nation during the War Between the States. One of the evil fruits of this war was the permanent federal “sin” tax on liquor and tobacco, to say nothing of the federal income tax, an abomination and a tyranny even more oppressive than an excise"

The Whiskey Rebellion, then, considered properly, was a victory for liberty and property rather than for federal taxation.
^ :blowup:
Putting down insurrections is an express duty of the federal government under the constitution. And as Washington demonstrated, the founders were more than willing to do so.

Putting down tyranny is an express duty of WE THE PEOPLE

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Declaration Of Independence
There's no tyranny, ya flamin' moron. Unlike 1776, everyone now has elected representation in the government which can be voted out by "the people."

This year -- folks who like liberty and competent govt are discovering where the "tyranny" really is. It's 2 places.

1) In the Party System. You've got 4 folks that RUN CONGRESS. All party animals. NOTHING happens without their approval. They determine if your office is large or put of a janitor closet or WHEN YOU CAN SPEAK. The other 531 members are not irrelevant.

2) The massive mindless minions of the bureaucracy now WRITE the laws. Congress is too feeble, stupid and distracted to write these MASSIVE SWEEPING declarations. So they write an outline, with lots of blanks to be filled in by UNELECTED, UNTOUCHABLE drones. Drones whose bosses change with the political whims and fancies. THAT --- is not representative govt. It IS tyranny..
And again... if they don't listen to the will of the people -- they can be voted out. That is not tyranny.

So YOU and I can vote out the jerks at HHS or EPA or IRS that are WRITING LAWS now?

How does that happen?? You can't even get anyone FIRED there for killing folks in Flint Michigan.. .
Writing laws have no effect on thr public. Congress is still required to pass them. And yes, you and I get to vote on who's passing laws. We get to have our voices heard every election.

That is not tyranny.
Super delegates are the party's insurance against a rebellious electorate.

SuperDelegates is blatant "voter disenfranchisement".. Those that SCREAM the loudest are usually guilty of it themselves...
No, it is not disenfranchisment. The two major parties which employ super delegates are private organizations which establish and enforce their own rules. Super delegates are in place to make sure the rank and file members (i.e., the electorate) can't easily hijack the party and nominate a candidate who could wreck the party. Much like Trump is positioning to do now.

That's Bullshit. SGT SCHULTZ decides on SuperDelegates within the Dem party to ENFORCE the "establishment" choice. That's how all the SuperDelegates start out as being Hildebeast supporters. It is a completely BIASED selection process.

Is wittle Bernie Sanders a danger to your party? Scared that if he gets delegates apportioned by THE VOTE OF THE PEOPLE --- that will "hijack" Sgt Schultz job???

"Sgt. Schultz" neither choses, nor has any power over superdelegates to influence their votes.

They how do almost every one of them end up being ardent Hillary supporters? She splits Missouri with Bernie and ends up with a 20% bonus? You believe all these coincidences are not by design.

Same shitty deal happened in 2008.. They ALL went to Hillary. Until Obama learned enough to move them,..

The Superdelegates went with Hillary....until Obama took the lead in pledged delegates. There has never been a Democratic nomination that the Super Delegates turned the nomination against the nominee with the most pledged delegates.

The purpose of the Super Delegates is to create the appearance of consensus and momentum. But since they're not actually pledged to a candidate formally until the actual vote......the Super Delegates can and do switch sides to follow the pledged delegate count.
The one thing that the Oregon fiasco did was add to the anger and resentment. It has been added to Ruby Ridge and Waco. It is now useful to stoke the anger.
As far as Waco and Malheur, that's good. Lunatic fringe righties git what they deserved. I have no problem if more of you righties want to thin your herd with such actions. There's room on that list for more of you.

So you like gassing children hiding in bunkers? Shooting mothers holding their babies in their arms. Your sense of sense of "self-preservation" when it comes to abuse of government power is sorely lacking. I think you'd love an actual Tyranny if they were abusing and killing the proper people..
I said nothing about Ruby Ridge. As far as Waco, I hold the parents responsible for leaving their children inside a compound where they were hold up indefinitely in defiance of arrest warrants.

All warrants COULD HAVE been served either by the local Sheriff who had a great relationship with the Mt Carmel folks or by the BATF folks who had been to fucking BBQs at the "compound" just weeks before. They even shot with these guys on their range.

But an "example" needed to made and photo ops and news to manufacture. All that new gear and shit. Couldn't help themselves.


Racist, sexist bumblers at ATF botched Waco cult raid, agents charge

And who says that direct taxes can only be levied at times of emergency?

I've checked the constitution. You made that up.
They're already resisting. And getting killed and thrown in jail and bankrupted for it.

And by 'they', you mean Bundy and the guy who was shitting his pants babbling about how WW2 was faked?

Yeah, Bundy isn't the 'people' either.

And they demonstrate my point: All of your self proclaimed revolutionaries are in jail. If you fuck with the system, the system fucks back. You know it. Which is why you did nothing when Bundy and his ilk 'put out the call'.

Neither did anyone else.

The gargantuan domestic paramilitary force will fuck with you ONLY if you are a small group of dissenters.

They will not fuck with Americans if and when they constitute a concerted large group of individuals attempting to RESTORE then ENFORCE the US Constitution (1787).


You don't have large groups of individuals. Remember, my little Cont.....even *you* won't fight. And your ilk almost always have their own excuses why its someone else's responsibility to fight, to bleed, to sacrifice.

But never you, little Cont.

And thus there is no 'revolution'. There is no 'concerted large group of individuals'. There's just a few anonymous hacks on the internet who type empty threats while waiting for their hot pocket to finish heating up.


my hot pocket finished heating up.


Laughing.....there's always an excuse, buddy. Always a reason why someone else has to fight.

Which is why there is no revolution. For crying out loud, I ran you off your revolution with a *question*: Were the Founders Tyrants?

Making the odds that you'll stand your ground against actual people roughly that number that comes just after zero.
Putting down insurrections is an express duty of the federal government under the constitution. And as Washington demonstrated, the founders were more than willing to do so.

Putting down tyranny is an express duty of WE THE PEOPLE

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Declaration Of Independence
There's no tyranny, ya flamin' moron. Unlike 1776, everyone now has elected representation in the government which can be voted out by "the people."

This year -- folks who like liberty and competent govt are discovering where the "tyranny" really is. It's 2 places.

1) In the Party System. You've got 4 folks that RUN CONGRESS. All party animals. NOTHING happens without their approval. They determine if your office is large or put of a janitor closet or WHEN YOU CAN SPEAK. The other 531 members are not irrelevant.

2) The massive mindless minions of the bureaucracy now WRITE the laws. Congress is too feeble, stupid and distracted to write these MASSIVE SWEEPING declarations. So they write an outline, with lots of blanks to be filled in by UNELECTED, UNTOUCHABLE drones. Drones whose bosses change with the political whims and fancies. THAT --- is not representative govt. It IS tyranny..
And again... if they don't listen to the will of the people -- they can be voted out. That is not tyranny.

So YOU and I can vote out the jerks at HHS or EPA or IRS that are WRITING LAWS now?

How does that happen?? You can't even get anyone FIRED there for killing folks in Flint Michigan.. .


That is what Kris Anne Hall says and the feds are currently pounding the pavement (or dirt) in Harney County trying to intimidate people into saying that they have heard her tell them to shoot feds, lol.

Feds are literally going door to door and traversing public and private lands in rural Oregon, LOOKING for people to intimidate and interrogate.
Putting down tyranny is an express duty of WE THE PEOPLE

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Declaration Of Independence
There's no tyranny, ya flamin' moron. Unlike 1776, everyone now has elected representation in the government which can be voted out by "the people."

This year -- folks who like liberty and competent govt are discovering where the "tyranny" really is. It's 2 places.

1) In the Party System. You've got 4 folks that RUN CONGRESS. All party animals. NOTHING happens without their approval. They determine if your office is large or put of a janitor closet or WHEN YOU CAN SPEAK. The other 531 members are not irrelevant.

2) The massive mindless minions of the bureaucracy now WRITE the laws. Congress is too feeble, stupid and distracted to write these MASSIVE SWEEPING declarations. So they write an outline, with lots of blanks to be filled in by UNELECTED, UNTOUCHABLE drones. Drones whose bosses change with the political whims and fancies. THAT --- is not representative govt. It IS tyranny..
And again... if they don't listen to the will of the people -- they can be voted out. That is not tyranny.

So YOU and I can vote out the jerks at HHS or EPA or IRS that are WRITING LAWS now?

How does that happen?? You can't even get anyone FIRED there for killing folks in Flint Michigan.. .


That is what Kris Anne Hall says and the feds are currently pounding the pavement (or dirt) in Harney County trying to intimidate people into saying that they have heard her tell them to shoot feds, lol.

Feds are literally going door to door and traversing public and private lands in rural Oregon, LOOKING for people to intimidate and interrogate.
WTF? I saw a video on YouTube of an armed rightwingnut imploring folks to kill federal agents.
As long as you have enough Super Delegates, that is...
Super delegates are the party's insurance against a rebellious electorate.

SuperDelegates is blatant "voter disenfranchisement".. Those that SCREAM the loudest are usually guilty of it themselves...
No, it is not disenfranchisment. The two major parties which employ super delegates are private organizations which establish and enforce their own rules. Super delegates are in place to make sure the rank and file members (i.e., the electorate) can't easily hijack the party and nominate a candidate who could wreck the party. Much like Trump is positioning to do now.

That's Bullshit. SGT SCHULTZ decides on SuperDelegates within the Dem party to ENFORCE the "establishment" choice. That's how all the SuperDelegates start out as being Hildebeast supporters. It is a completely BIASED selection process.

Is wittle Bernie Sanders a danger to your party? Scared that if he gets delegates apportioned by THE VOTE OF THE PEOPLE --- that will "hijack" Sgt Schultz job???
Bullshit it's bullshit. It's by design to keep the parties in control. And it's no secret.

And of course Sanders is a threat to the party. Just as Trump is to the Republican party. Again... the parties are private entities which maintain a certain amount if control over who is nominated to lead their party.

You just ADMITTED it's by design to keep the PARTY in control.. The VOTERS are choosing based on principles, policies, and personalities.. The PARTY is only interesting in the designing the process to WIN...

This design includes the following feature ----

It tends to shorten the process and produce a "front-runner" faster. Therefore sparing the candidate from being beaten and bloodied by FIGHTING for the nomination with "less powerful candidates".

It's a very un-democratic way of EXCLUDING those considerations that the VOTERS think are important. And to short-circuit debate of any real policies, issues, or personality traits.

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