Ivanka Trump's perfect response to Megan.

Did you know that this is absolutely false? The government has the right of easement on Indian Reservations (it was initially put in the treaties to support development of railroads and telegraphs). Nice try, though ....
Actually, it only supports railroads and telegraphs, nice try indeed. Hence they can't just "railroad" an oil pipeline through Indian land.

Pardon the pun.

Pssst--- your ignorance is showing.

How do you suppose we got interstates, power grids, water distribution, etc., thru Indian reservations?

BTW --- that's not a pun. Can't you even get THAT right?

Show me where we got "interstates, power grids (what ever that means, does that include distribution poles?) and all the rest" through Indian reservations? BWAAHAHAHA.
--------------------------------- I think that SpareChange just put you in your place with the educational material that he found for you Brambo .

He quoted the Navajo treaty. Here it is:

Article IX Allowance for railroads, military posts, and roads to cross the reservation. No attacks on U.S. citizens or their belongings.

I have stated that the "easements" he refers to only are for railroads, military posts, and roads to CROSS the reservation.

It in no way allows a FORTIFICATION to be built PERMANENTLY ON a reservation.

Look I try to be repsectful of you because you seem kinda like an innocent naif, like "Toki Wartooth".

But you're starting to sound like a real idiot...because you seem to lack the critical thinking power to see when someone quotes "NOTHING" and claims it supports their buttfucking stupid position...
LOL --- you, of course, reviewed the Federal Powers Act before you spoke, right? You did review the executive order, right? You did, of course, review the myriad of examples of application of eminent domain to Indian Reservations, right? You did review the 1974 revision, right?


Gee, I'm surprised ....


Face it ... you're out of your league. You simply can't play this game.

Not only that ... but frankly, you're getting B-O-R-I-N-G.
Actually, it only supports railroads and telegraphs, nice try indeed. Hence they can't just "railroad" an oil pipeline through Indian land.

Pardon the pun.

Pssst--- your ignorance is showing.

How do you suppose we got interstates, power grids, water distribution, etc., thru Indian reservations?

BTW --- that's not a pun. Can't you even get THAT right?

Show me where we got "interstates, power grids (what ever that means, does that include distribution poles?) and all the rest" through Indian reservations? BWAAHAHAHA.
--------------------------------- I think that SpareChange just put you in your place with the educational material that he found for you Brambo .

He quoted the Navajo treaty. Here it is:

Article IX Allowance for railroads, military posts, and roads to cross the reservation. No attacks on U.S. citizens or their belongings.

I have stated that the "easements" he refers to only are for railroads, military posts, and roads to CROSS the reservation.

It in no way allows a FORTIFICATION to be built PERMANENTLY ON a reservation.

Look I try to be repsectful of you because you seem kinda like an innocent naif, like "Toki Wartooth".

But you're starting to sound like a real idiot...because you seem to lack the critical thinking power to see when someone quotes "NOTHING" and claims it supports their buttfucking stupid position...
LOL --- you, of course, reviewed the Federal Powers Act before you spoke, right? You did review the executive order, right? You did, of course, review the myriad of examples of application of eminent domain to Indian Reservations, right? You did review the 1974 revision, right?


Gee, I'm surprised ....


Face it ... you're out of your league. You simply can't play this game.

Not only that ... but frankly, you're getting B-O-R-I-N-G.

Eminent domain applies to everyone I never said it didn't.

But good thing Republicans have stood against the violations of Federal Government and its use of Eminent domain..


Because...you know...I'm sure there will be a Republican party after it uses Eminent domain to throw 10s of thousands of people off their land...
Pssst--- your ignorance is showing.

How do you suppose we got interstates, power grids, water distribution, etc., thru Indian reservations?

BTW --- that's not a pun. Can't you even get THAT right?

Show me where we got "interstates, power grids (what ever that means, does that include distribution poles?) and all the rest" through Indian reservations? BWAAHAHAHA.
--------------------------------- I think that SpareChange just put you in your place with the educational material that he found for you Brambo .

He quoted the Navajo treaty. Here it is:

Article IX Allowance for railroads, military posts, and roads to cross the reservation. No attacks on U.S. citizens or their belongings.

I have stated that the "easements" he refers to only are for railroads, military posts, and roads to CROSS the reservation.

It in no way allows a FORTIFICATION to be built PERMANENTLY ON a reservation.

Look I try to be repsectful of you because you seem kinda like an innocent naif, like "Toki Wartooth".

But you're starting to sound like a real idiot...because you seem to lack the critical thinking power to see when someone quotes "NOTHING" and claims it supports their buttfucking stupid position...
LOL --- you, of course, reviewed the Federal Powers Act before you spoke, right? You did review the executive order, right? You did, of course, review the myriad of examples of application of eminent domain to Indian Reservations, right? You did review the 1974 revision, right?


Gee, I'm surprised ....


Face it ... you're out of your league. You simply can't play this game.

Not only that ... but frankly, you're getting B-O-R-I-N-G.

Eminent domain applies to everyone I never said it didn't.

But good thing Republicans have stood against the violations of Federal Government and its use of Eminent domain..


Because...you know...I'm sure there will be a Republican party after it uses Eminent domain to throw 10s of thousands of people off their land...

I love your use of hyperbole (www.dictionary.com). In fact, it qualifies as "excessive hyperbole" because what you say defies all reasonable logic.

Maybe you can explain how "10s of thousands of people" are going to be thrown off their land. Isn't it more likely that "10s of thousands of people" are going to find meaningful employment? Maybe it's more like that "10s of thousands of people" will sleep better at night knowing their home is secure. Maybe "10s of thousands of people" won't become addicted to drugs when the flow across the southern border is stopped.
She is real class.

Chelsea is real trash.
She's best friend with Chelsea and she makes you look like a cuckold.

I have some trashy friends. That doesn't change the fact that they are trashy.

Chelsea has scumbag assholes for parents. She can't help the fact that she was raised to be a Libtard Moon Bat.

Hey! I got trashy friends ... in fact, I'm pretty sure my friends would say the same thing.
Show me where we got "interstates, power grids (what ever that means, does that include distribution poles?) and all the rest" through Indian reservations? BWAAHAHAHA.
--------------------------------- I think that SpareChange just put you in your place with the educational material that he found for you Brambo .

He quoted the Navajo treaty. Here it is:

Article IX Allowance for railroads, military posts, and roads to cross the reservation. No attacks on U.S. citizens or their belongings.

I have stated that the "easements" he refers to only are for railroads, military posts, and roads to CROSS the reservation.

It in no way allows a FORTIFICATION to be built PERMANENTLY ON a reservation.

Look I try to be repsectful of you because you seem kinda like an innocent naif, like "Toki Wartooth".

But you're starting to sound like a real idiot...because you seem to lack the critical thinking power to see when someone quotes "NOTHING" and claims it supports their buttfucking stupid position...
LOL --- you, of course, reviewed the Federal Powers Act before you spoke, right? You did review the executive order, right? You did, of course, review the myriad of examples of application of eminent domain to Indian Reservations, right? You did review the 1974 revision, right?


Gee, I'm surprised ....


Face it ... you're out of your league. You simply can't play this game.

Not only that ... but frankly, you're getting B-O-R-I-N-G.

Eminent domain applies to everyone I never said it didn't.

But good thing Republicans have stood against the violations of Federal Government and its use of Eminent domain..


Because...you know...I'm sure there will be a Republican party after it uses Eminent domain to throw 10s of thousands of people off their land...

I love your use of hyperbole (www.dictionary.com). In fact, it qualifies as "excessive hyperbole" because what you say defies all reasonable logic.

Maybe you can explain how "10s of thousands of people" are going to be thrown off their land. Isn't it more likely that "10s of thousands of people" are going to find meaningful employment? Maybe it's more like that "10s of thousands of people" will sleep better at night knowing their home is secure. Maybe "10s of thousands of people" won't become addicted to drugs when the flow across the southern border is stopped.

Bwaahah, 10s of thousands of people live on the 1,900 mile Texas Border that doesn't have a wall yet.
Actually, it only supports railroads and telegraphs, nice try indeed. Hence they can't just "railroad" an oil pipeline through Indian land.

Pardon the pun.

Pssst--- your ignorance is showing.

How do you suppose we got interstates, power grids, water distribution, etc., thru Indian reservations?

BTW --- that's not a pun. Can't you even get THAT right?

Show me where we got "interstates, power grids (what ever that means, does that include distribution poles?) and all the rest" through Indian reservations? BWAAHAHAHA.
--------------------------------- I think that SpareChange just put you in your place with the educational material that he found for you Brambo .

He quoted the Navajo treaty. Here it is:

Article IX Allowance for railroads, military posts, and roads to cross the reservation. No attacks on U.S. citizens or their belongings.

I have stated that the "easements" he refers to only are for railroads, military posts, and roads to CROSS the reservation.

It in no way allows a FORTIFICATION to be built PERMANENTLY ON a reservation.

Look I try to be repsectful of you because you seem kinda like an innocent naif, like "Toki Wartooth".

But you're starting to sound like a real idiot...because you seem to lack the critical thinking power to see when someone quotes "NOTHING" and claims it supports their buttfucking stupid position...
LOL --- you, of course, reviewed the Federal Powers Act before you spoke, right? You did review the executive order, right? You did, of course, review the myriad of examples of application of eminent domain to Indian Reservations, right? You did review the 1974 revision, right?


Gee, I'm surprised ....


Face it ... you're out of your league. You simply can't play this game.

Not only that ... but frankly, you're getting B-O-R-I-N-G.
------------------------------- yep , he is getting boring ,
--------------------------------- I think that SpareChange just put you in your place with the educational material that he found for you Brambo .

He quoted the Navajo treaty. Here it is:

Article IX Allowance for railroads, military posts, and roads to cross the reservation. No attacks on U.S. citizens or their belongings.

I have stated that the "easements" he refers to only are for railroads, military posts, and roads to CROSS the reservation.

It in no way allows a FORTIFICATION to be built PERMANENTLY ON a reservation.

Look I try to be repsectful of you because you seem kinda like an innocent naif, like "Toki Wartooth".

But you're starting to sound like a real idiot...because you seem to lack the critical thinking power to see when someone quotes "NOTHING" and claims it supports their buttfucking stupid position...
LOL --- you, of course, reviewed the Federal Powers Act before you spoke, right? You did review the executive order, right? You did, of course, review the myriad of examples of application of eminent domain to Indian Reservations, right? You did review the 1974 revision, right?


Gee, I'm surprised ....


Face it ... you're out of your league. You simply can't play this game.

Not only that ... but frankly, you're getting B-O-R-I-N-G.

Eminent domain applies to everyone I never said it didn't.

But good thing Republicans have stood against the violations of Federal Government and its use of Eminent domain..


Because...you know...I'm sure there will be a Republican party after it uses Eminent domain to throw 10s of thousands of people off their land...

I love your use of hyperbole (www.dictionary.com). In fact, it qualifies as "excessive hyperbole" because what you say defies all reasonable logic.

Maybe you can explain how "10s of thousands of people" are going to be thrown off their land. Isn't it more likely that "10s of thousands of people" are going to find meaningful employment? Maybe it's more like that "10s of thousands of people" will sleep better at night knowing their home is secure. Maybe "10s of thousands of people" won't become addicted to drugs when the flow across the southern border is stopped.

Bwaahah, 10s of thousands of people live on the 1,900 mile Texas Border that doesn't have a wall yet.

Bwaaahah (what an incredibly stupid thing to post - Bwaahah -- what the hell is that supposed to mean? Let me guess ---- Brambo Wishes, As Always, His Ass Hurt ... by jove, I think I got it!) ... and how many of those people are being displaced by the construction of the wall? What idiot would put his house backed up to the border? Oh yeah ... none. Just because you live NEAR the border doesn't mean you live ON the border.
Pssst--- your ignorance is showing.

How do you suppose we got interstates, power grids, water distribution, etc., thru Indian reservations?

BTW --- that's not a pun. Can't you even get THAT right?

Show me where we got "interstates, power grids (what ever that means, does that include distribution poles?) and all the rest" through Indian reservations? BWAAHAHAHA.
--------------------------------- I think that SpareChange just put you in your place with the educational material that he found for you Brambo .

He quoted the Navajo treaty. Here it is:

Article IX Allowance for railroads, military posts, and roads to cross the reservation. No attacks on U.S. citizens or their belongings.

I have stated that the "easements" he refers to only are for railroads, military posts, and roads to CROSS the reservation.

It in no way allows a FORTIFICATION to be built PERMANENTLY ON a reservation.

Look I try to be repsectful of you because you seem kinda like an innocent naif, like "Toki Wartooth".

But you're starting to sound like a real idiot...because you seem to lack the critical thinking power to see when someone quotes "NOTHING" and claims it supports their buttfucking stupid position...
LOL --- you, of course, reviewed the Federal Powers Act before you spoke, right? You did review the executive order, right? You did, of course, review the myriad of examples of application of eminent domain to Indian Reservations, right? You did review the 1974 revision, right?


Gee, I'm surprised ....


Face it ... you're out of your league. You simply can't play this game.

Not only that ... but frankly, you're getting B-O-R-I-N-G.

Eminent domain applies to everyone I never said it didn't.

But good thing Republicans have stood against the violations of Federal Government and its use of Eminent domain..


Because...you know...I'm sure there will be a Republican party after it uses Eminent domain to throw 10s of thousands of people off their land...
----------------------- surely you are aware that the basket full of DEPLORABLES that support the Trump could not care less about a republican , rino , gop party that is out of step with Trump and his Deplorables . You are aware of that fact or should be . Deplorables support the TRUMP because while he is REALLY conservative on some issues he is also NO republican Brambo . In other words , feck the 'repub , rino , gop party Brambo .
Bwaahah, 10s of thousands of people live on the 1,900 mile Texas Border that doesn't have a wall yet.

"Bwaahah" is right. 1,254 miles
The Texas-Mexico border makes up 1,254 miles of the 1,900-mile-long U.S.-Mexico border. The vast, mostly rural expanse stretches from El Paso in the West to Brownsville in the Southeast and is delineated by the Rio Grande River.

Oops, I see Bramby is long gone....

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