Zone1 I've been an atheist for 60 years and have never once been tempted to believe in any god

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Arlette, what did do science against the pest epidemies ("black death")? I'll tell you: Nothing! But Christians wan against this pestilences - with strange methods - but we wan.

And you make me personally now a little angry with your perfectly learned stupidity and perfectly learned atheistic hate messages. Reason: I was a relativelly young man when I read in the same newspaper "Bild" two short articles: One about a criminal weapon trader who had caused an economic loss of about 300 millions for others. And an another article about a nun who travelled to Africa for to help in an ebola epedemic. When I read this I was shocked from this nun because she was throwing her life away by dying on ebola - and I admired this weapon trader because he made 300 millions. Two days later I was ashamed about me on my own. How stupid had I been? This man had been a criminal and many people lost their jobs because of his crimes. And the nun was an hero fighting against one of our most cruel enemies: ebola.

Perhaps you should slowly really start to try to think about what you are doing on what reason.
^^ gibberish
I've been visiting Buddhist temples and engaging in the philosophy for many years and I was never asked to "take a vow" to spread the word.
Attacking other faiths serves the same purpose.
"The notion that Western religions are more rigid than those of Asia is overdrawn. Ours is the most permissive society history has ever known — almost the only thing that is forbidden now is to forbid — and Asian teachers and their progeny play up to this propensity by soft-pedaling Hinduism’s, Buddhism’s, Sufism’s rules. The Hindu Laws of Manu and the Buddhist Vinaya (over 200 rules for the sangha, or monastic order) make the Ten Commandments and the Rule of St. Benedict look flabby in comparison." Huston Smith
More bullshit.

I've been visiting Buddhist temples and engaging in the philosophy for many years and I was never asked to "take a vow" to spread the word.
I have no interest in becoming a Buddhist. The Dalai Lama convinced me not to even study the religion.

I have no interest in becoming a Buddhist. The Dalai Lama convinced me not to even study the religion.

Buddhism as Siddhartha conceived it isn't a religion. It's a purely human endeavor.
Attacking what you don't believe is a form of promoting what you do believe. Albeit a dishonest way of doing it.
Isn't the issue one of someone who tears at the Bible without having an iota of understanding of its teachings? There is great irony in the fact that he created his own god out of the Bible, stomps on his own creation of god--and then assumes everyone else created God. Since he created his own god, he assumes everyone else has to be doing it, too. And that is his reality, he clings to it, making it impossible to see what is beyond his own creation.
Attacking what you don't believe is a form of promoting what you do believe. Albeit a dishonest way of doing it.
No it isn't.

I'm not telling anyone to be a Buddhist why would I when I don't consider myself a Buddhist but just someone who has taken useful information from the philosophy.

You seem to think people have t lock themselves into a single belief system them defend that system at all costs
Isn't the issue one of someone who tears at the Bible without having an iota of understanding of its teachings? There is great irony in the fact that he created his own god out of the Bible, stomps on his own creation of god--and then assumes everyone else created God. Since he created his own god, he assumes everyone else has to be doing it, too. And that is his reality, he clings to it, making it impossible to see what is beyond his own creation.

Yes we all know you think anyone who disagrees with only does so because they do not have the understanding of the bible that you do.
Yes we all know you think anyone who disagrees with only does so because they do not have the understanding of the bible that you do.
Not what I said. Want to try another deflection? When one reads a math book and is determined to believe that 2+2=22 and that the math book is wrong, others don't stop reading the math book. They stop taking seriously anything else said about the person who insists 2+2=22.
Not what I said. Want to try another deflection? When one reads a math book and is determined to believe that 2+2=22 and that the math book is wrong, others don't stop reading the math book. They stop taking seriously anything else said about the person who insists 2+2=22.
without having an iota of understanding

I am capable of understanding what I read. And I am capable realizing translational inaccuracies occur.

But when the authorities in a church sign off on the translations and the clergy in that church teach those translations it doesn;t really matter that the ancient Hebrew pictogram of a word might have had several meanings does it?

You say the word sin simply means missing the mark so no big deal right? It's not a transgression of divine law it's just a little mistake.

You know as well as I do that that is not how the word sin is interpreted in any Christian church in this country
You say the word sin simply means missing the mark
Look up the etymology of the Hebrew word. Hebrew is not a subjective language, but a picturesque one. Missing the mark or the target.

It's not a transgression of divine law it's just a little mistake.
How do you reach these conclusions? The mark or the target is divine law. Miss hitting/following divine law, in many cases, is not--as you seem to assume--"a little mistake."

Think about it. Ever try archery? When one misses the target, one usually does not dismiss it with a shrug of one's shoulders and then walk away. One tries again to hit the target.

You know as well as I do that that is not how the word sin is interpreted in any Christian church in this country
Really. Rabbis know this, and I have heard several Catholic priests explain it as well. This is far from being hidden knowledge. It may not be seen by those who simply read, but it is plainly visible to those who study.
Isn't the issue one of someone who tears at the Bible without having an iota of understanding of its teachings? There is great irony in the fact that he created his own god out of the Bible, stomps on his own creation of god--and then assumes everyone else created God. Since he created his own god, he assumes everyone else has to be doing it, too. And that is his reality, he clings to it, making it impossible to see what is beyond his own creation.
That is exactly correct. And may very well be the root cause of his issues.
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