Zone1 I've been an atheist for 60 years and have never once been tempted to believe in any god

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What Age are you now Crack?
60 years an Atheist but only 53 years old .

So how many years have you really been a TeaPot ?
No wonder your body temperature varies so much when you talk about Golobal Warming and the effect it has had on your toilet habits .
Do you get hot in the bathroom and this affects thermometers everywhere ?
I guess it prompts the thought , Is Crack a big arse .
Or does this big arse have an even larger Crack ?

See Previoius
One of our resident Trolls feeding us more lies .

A 53 year old -- your stated age -- telling us that he has been an atheist for 60 years .

A bare faced liar is more accurate .

You amateurs are so easy to spot .
You are probably 82 and well past early signs of dementia .

I hope you are right.

He was my world.

I am devastated beyond belief.
Ten years ago my best friend since high school suddenly passed away. One day, years later, still devastated, this time by the thought that although I was/am certain I'll see her again I was mourning it just wouldn't be the same. Her experiences during the past years (and my lack of them) would put us and our friendship poles apart. A few days of this mourning/devastation I unexpectedly heard from her daughter. She had happened to pick up a book of poetry her mom had given her upon her graduation from high school. In the note to her daughter she said her greatest wish was that her daughter would find the kind of friendship her mom and I had--that timeless kind of friendship that always keeps people together no matter what.

It sounds very much to me that is exactly what you and your brother still have. I think he would want you to know that.
Huh? ...

Where in the Bible is lying permissible? ... And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper? ...
Not all lies bear false witness. It doesn't say lying is a sin. It says bearing false witness is a sin. For instance, it wouldn't be a sin for me to say "your posts make sense" because I'm not bearing false witness against you so it's ok to lie that way.
Not all lies bear false witness. It doesn't say lying is a sin. It says bearing false witness is a sin. For instance, it wouldn't be a sin for me to say "your posts make sense" because I'm not bearing false witness against you so it's ok to lie that way.

I respectfully disagree ... telling your brother The Truth about himself is the highest form of charity ... if my post doesn't make sense, why do you not want me to correct my err? ... perhaps work harder on my poor Englishing skills ... how would I know if my brother lies to me and says "your writing is fine, don't bother trying to improve" ...

Just because it's funny doesn't mean you should let it continue ... don't you think? ...

No, you have to deny it, because you think it would make your motives appear selfish and therefore unpure.

If no carrot of a forever festival was dangled, there would be no Abrahamic religions today. It would be something else.

And this truth shows every time any religious person proselytizes and uses it as a magical threat.

And it is every single time.
There are so many positive benefits of belief that non-belief is illogical. That's pascal's wager in a nutshell. Darwin agrees.
There are so many positive benefits of belief that non-belief is illogical. That's pascal's wager in a nutshell. Darwin agrees.
So your god ain't smart enough to know when someone is faking it?
So your god ain't smart enough to know when someone is faking it?
God is big on lip service, but that's an entirely different thing from there being so many positive benefits of belief that non-belief is illogical. That's just an intelligence test. Who wouldn't choose peace and joy over suffering and misery?
God is big on lip service, but that's an entirely different thing from there being so many positive benefits of belief that non-belief is illogical. That's just an intelligence test. Who wouldn't choose peace and joy over suffering and misery?
Really just what are these "benefits" of pretending to believe in the MMITS?

And how are they any different from the benefits one gets from meditation and following the Tao or the Upanishads or the Buddhist Sutras?
And how are they any different from the benefits one gets from meditation and following the Tao or the Upanishads or the Buddhist Sutras?
It doesn't lead to criticizing the beliefs of others to validate ours.
Religion exists because it serves a purpose no other agency can. Otherwise, it would have disappeared long ago.
It's disappearing as we speak.

More and more people are wising up and turning to reasoned secular humanism instead of dogma and contradiction riddled religions from the Iron Age.
No it just leads you into telling other people that only your way is the "right" way
No, that's not what I believe. Each person has to take their own path. There is no right way. But you will be subject to impositions along the way. And consequences will continue to reoccur until lessons are learned. People of faith struggle less with this than people with no faith.
It's disappearing as we speak.

More and more people are wising up and turning to reasoned secular humanism instead of dogma and contradiction riddled religions from the Iron Age.
It's cyclical. Suffering has a way of bringing people back to God. There are so many benefits to faith that it is illogical to have no faith.
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