I've decided I hate both parties

Is there anything likable about either of them? Anything at all?

Who can a white guy, who doesn't hate women or immigrants, support? Seems like that disqualifies both major parties for me.

What makes you think Republicans hate women or immigrants? Are you spoon fed by the MSM?

Please give us some credit, the only party you can chose is the Democrat party.
Is there anything likable about either of them? Anything at all?

Who can a white guy, who doesn't hate women or immigrants, support? Seems like that disqualifies both major parties for me.

White guys don’t hate women at all, nor do we hate “immigrants”....ALL good Americans HATE and despise ILLEGAL WETBACKS. Hopefully you know the difference between the two.
Is there anything likable about either of them? Anything at all?

Who can a white guy, who doesn't hate women or immigrants, support? Seems like that disqualifies both major parties for me.
The Republican and Democratic parties have become more and more polarized over the past few decades, to a point where they would have been considered extremist not long ago.

The Democratic party has become more socialistic while the Republican party has become more fascist.

It seems to me the country is ripe for a new major party.
Is there anything likable about either of them? Anything at all?

Who can a white guy, who doesn't hate women or immigrants, support? Seems like that disqualifies both major parties for me.

What makes you think Republicans hate women or immigrants? Are you spoon fed by the MSM?
The GOP hates blacks, gays, Muslims, Mexicans, women, and so many others.

You only need to spend a couple days on this forum to see that.
And the Democrats have served minorities so well for so very long.

Democrats only use these groups to obtain more power. They’ve thrown blacks under the bus by allowing Mexicans to flood the country and take jobs away from them. They’ve thrown gays under the bus by being so pro-Muslim, allowing Muslim bigots to flood our country and they’ve already started to slaughter gays.

President Trump has brought black unemployment to the lowest ever, and it will get better as he kicks out illegal Mexicans.

President Trump is protecting gays by banning Muslims from several Islamic countries from coming to ours.
Is there anything likable about either of them? Anything at all?

Who can a white guy, who doesn't hate women or immigrants, support? Seems like that disqualifies both major parties for me.
The Republican and Democratic parties have become more and more polarized over the past few decades, to a point where they would have been considered extremist not long ago.

The Democratic party has become more socialistic while the Republican party has become more fascist.

It seems to me the country is ripe for a new major party.

The Republican party have gone rogue.
Is there anything likable about either of them? Anything at all?

Who can a white guy, who doesn't hate women or immigrants, support? Seems like that disqualifies both major parties for me.
The Republican and Democratic parties have become more and more polarized over the past few decades, to a point where they would have been considered extremist not long ago.

The Democratic party has become more socialistic while the Republican party has become more fascist.

It seems to me the country is ripe for a new major party.

The Republican party have gone rogue.
The Republican party is extinct.
I find it remarkable that anyone can support either of the major parties completely. I am convinced that if a person votes strictly their party line, they are undoubtedly incapable of thinking for themselves...

True. I always hated the GOP’s stance on “free trade”, which was code word for no tariffs and shipping jobs overseas for the benefit of corporations. I also did not agree with Bush’s policy of trying to bring democracy to Muslim savages.

Then the Donald came along and addressed those things.

Yep. By shipping more jobs overseas. I mean, this is information readily available on the Innert00bs... The cognitive dissonance is palpable in here.
Is there anything likable about either of them? Anything at all?

Who can a white guy, who doesn't hate women or immigrants, support? Seems like that disqualifies both major parties for me.
The Republican and Democratic parties have become more and more polarized over the past few decades, to a point where they would have been considered extremist not long ago.

The Democratic party has become more socialistic while the Republican party has become more fascist.

It seems to me the country is ripe for a new major party.

The Republican party have gone rogue.
The Republican party is extinct.
Thanks to Trump.
Is there anything likable about either of them? Anything at all?

Who can a white guy, who doesn't hate women or immigrants, support? Seems like that disqualifies both major parties for me.
The Republican and Democratic parties have become more and more polarized over the past few decades, to a point where they would have been considered extremist not long ago.

The Democratic party has become more socialistic while the Republican party has become more fascist.

It seems to me the country is ripe for a new major party.

The Republican party have gone rogue.
I would say that the democrats have gone rogue. Look who New York elected as a candidate last night.
Is there anything likable about either of them? Anything at all?

Who can a white guy, who doesn't hate women or immigrants, support? Seems like that disqualifies both major parties for me.

What makes you think Republicans hate women or immigrants? Are you spoon fed by the MSM?
The GOP hates blacks, gays, Muslims, Mexicans, women, and so many others.

You only need to spend a couple days on this forum to see that.
And the Democrats have served minorities so well for so very long.

Democrats only use these groups to obtain more power. They’ve thrown blacks under the bus by allowing Mexicans to flood the country and take jobs away from them. They’ve thrown gays under the bus by being so pro-Muslim, allowing Muslim bigots to flood our country and they’ve already started to slaughter gays.

President Trump has brought black unemployment to the lowest ever, and it will get better as he kicks out illegal Mexicans.

President Trump is protecting gays by banning Muslims from several Islamic countries from coming to ours.

And the Dems have jewish, blacks, females, Hispanics in it, its interesting the Senate Republicans do not have one jewish person in it.

Think that is the reason the Dems might find the party all inclusive?? Think about. Its not the party of mainly old white men, led by a white dirty pig.
Is there anything likable about either of them? Anything at all?

Who can a white guy, who doesn't hate women or immigrants, support? Seems like that disqualifies both major parties for me.
The Republican and Democratic parties have become more and more polarized over the past few decades, to a point where they would have been considered extremist not long ago.

The Democratic party has become more socialistic while the Republican party has become more fascist.

It seems to me the country is ripe for a new major party.

The Republican party have gone rogue.
I would say that the democrats have gone rogue. Look who New York elected as a candidate last night.

Yes a young female Hispanic instead of an older white man who raised 18 times more money and what had 20 years in. He was a sure bet hey.
Is there anything likable about either of them? Anything at all?

Who can a white guy, who doesn't hate women or immigrants, support? Seems like that disqualifies both major parties for me.
2016: Choose between a turd and a maggot.

2020: Choose between a turd and a maggot.

We get the politicians we deserve. We get the politicians we DEMAND.

Hard to argue this, how both parties got hijacked by extremists is beyond me. But that is exactly where we are now.
Is there anything likable about either of them? Anything at all?

Who can a white guy, who doesn't hate women or immigrants, support? Seems like that disqualifies both major parties for me.

What makes you think Republicans hate women or immigrants? Are you spoon fed by the MSM?
The GOP hates blacks, gays, Muslims, Mexicans, women, and so many others.

You only need to spend a couple days on this forum to see that.
And the Democrats have served minorities so well for so very long.

Democrats only use these groups to obtain more power. They’ve thrown blacks under the bus by allowing Mexicans to flood the country and take jobs away from them. They’ve thrown gays under the bus by being so pro-Muslim, allowing Muslim bigots to flood our country and they’ve already started to slaughter gays.

President Trump has brought black unemployment to the lowest ever, and it will get better as he kicks out illegal Mexicans.

President Trump is protecting gays by banning Muslims from several Islamic countries from coming to ours.

And the Dems have jewish, blacks, females, Hispanics in it, its interesting the Senate Republicans do not have one jewish person in it.

Think that is the reason the Dems might find the party all inclusive?? Think about. Its not the party of mainly old white men, led by a white dirty pig.
Identity politics, huh?
Is there anything likable about either of them? Anything at all?

Who can a white guy, who doesn't hate women or immigrants, support? Seems like that disqualifies both major parties for me.
The Republican and Democratic parties have become more and more polarized over the past few decades, to a point where they would have been considered extremist not long ago.

The Democratic party has become more socialistic while the Republican party has become more fascist.

It seems to me the country is ripe for a new major party.

The Republican party have gone rogue.
I would say that the democrats have gone rogue. Look who New York elected as a candidate last night.

Yes a young female Hispanic instead of an older white man who raised 18 times more money and what had 20 years in. He was a sure bet hey.
You forgot to mention she is a full blown socialist. Instead, you are hung up on identity politics
Different sides of the same coin in that too few of them actually seem to have in mind the needs of the people who elected them and put them in their positions.
They only care about the extreme wealthy...their donors...for the most part. We have a government of the .01%, by the .01%, and FOR the .01%.

Americans are deeply divided by stupid partisan BS promoted by the media on both sides, while the .01% continues to enrich and empower itself.

Some of us can see the truth.
Different sides of the same coin in that too few of them actually seem to have in mind the needs of the people who elected them and put them in their positions.
They only care about the extreme wealthy...their donors...for the most part. We have a government of the .01%, by the .01%, and FOR the .01%.

Americans are deeply divided by stupid partisan BS promoted by the media on both sides, while the .01% continues to enrich and empower itself.

Some of us can see the truth.
So your solution is???
Different sides of the same coin in that too few of them actually seem to have in mind the needs of the people who elected them and put them in their positions.
They only care about the extreme wealthy...their donors...for the most part. We have a government of the .01%, by the .01%, and FOR the .01%.

Americans are deeply divided by stupid partisan BS promoted by the media on both sides, while the .01% continues to enrich and empower itself.

Some of us can see the truth.
So your solution is???
Do I need one...and would you really care?
Different sides of the same coin in that too few of them actually seem to have in mind the needs of the people who elected them and put them in their positions.
They only care about the extreme wealthy...their donors...for the most part. We have a government of the .01%, by the .01%, and FOR the .01%.

Americans are deeply divided by stupid partisan BS promoted by the media on both sides, while the .01% continues to enrich and empower itself.

Some of us can see the truth.
So your solution is???
Do I need one...and would you really care?
Just curious. People usually complain but, don't have a solution for a true change. I was hoping that you had one for discussion.

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