I've posted this frequently but NO ONE seems to refute it!

What exactly do you want refuted? Trump was a shit talking bully and a very negative guy that liked to pick fights with the media. Of course his coverage was going to be negative as a result. When a president lies then the lies get covered. All Trump did was lie. It’s not complicated.

And they wonder why the idiot attracted so much attention.
Here's a guy attempting to shift the blame of his negative press onto the media because he thinks that all hate him.
Most media are now trawling places to get any story. When trump was there all that was needed was to tune and he'd belch lies and propaganda like lace.
He was the journalists gift ftom heaven.
The human headline. We'll never see it again.
While I am a Deplorable I will admit that Trump lies or exaggerates.

Will you admit that Joe Biden lies?

How about Obama?

Or Bill Clinton?

Face the fact that politicians lie. Presidents are politicians therefore they lie.

Of course they do. Across the political spectrum. From top to bottom.
While I am a Deplorable I will admit that Trump lies or exaggerates.

Will you admit that Joe Biden lies?

How about Obama?

Or Bill Clinton?

Face the fact that politicians lie. Presidents are politicians therefore they lie.

No they won't. They're leftwing douchebags.
I don’t know where you come from but where I come from the bad behavior of one person does not make it ok for another to misbehave. Especially when it comes to our nations leaders. They have a responsibility to be better. Especially better than the “media”
We see where polite, politicians have gotten us since the 60s.
June to September of 2018 found that 92 percent of the coverage related to the president Trump during that period was negative in tone, as compared to a mere 8 percent that was positive.
I'll call bull shit. Faux News, OAN, Newmaxine and a host of other networks the Connies watch, had zero negative article about Trumpyberra and nearly all negative stories and out right lies about Good old Joe.
View attachment 538258

Can you get a talking point that doesn't have a mathematical impossibility in it?

Use some wite-out if you have to.
Explain how the following is a "mathematical impossibility?
Obama signed nearly 200% fewer leases than Bush.
Bush signed 23,569 Obama signed 200% fewer or 11,294 leases. Divide 23,569/11,294= 208%
How is that first of all a " mathematical impossibility"? Maybe I need to explain in simpler terms.
Say you have 12 eggs in a carton and I have 24 eggs.
You open 12 eggs I open 24. how many fewer eggs do you have ...12 or 24/12= 200%
Does that help in your inability to comprehend simple arithmetic ?
See I didn't vote for an image, i.e. a politically correct politician who says all the right things, bows at the right time and more importantly puts America second, families third, military last and never mentions God.
I voted for a person who got things done. Who helped make ....
FACT:U.S. energy production in 2019 was higher than U.S. energy consumption for the first time in 62 year
Who cut down stupid federal rules and regulations that...
And at $1.885 trillion, the cost of regulations now exceeds the cost of federal individual and corporate income taxes, which raised about $1.82 trillion last year.
These and many more non politically correct steps were taken by this NON-polite, non-politically correct
businessman who happened to be President. He did more in 4 years than the previous Presidents did in 20 years!

So Regulations are a bad thing? Odd. It seems that history indicates that lack of regulation and oversight leads to disaster.

Let’s take energy. Remember the Gulf oil spill? A lack of regulation and oversight caused it. Well we learned right?

Nope. Still operating under the it will be fine business model. And if another accident happens? We have two guys with a little boat and some boom. It will be fine.

How about the Housing Crisis? Remember that? No regulation, no oversight. But we learned.

Banks are doing it again. And why not? If it collapses the Government will rush in with free money. That will show people they have to be responsible.

Regulations are intended to prevent disaster down the road. The more dangerous the activity the more regulations there need to be.

But where do those regulations come from? Usually they are lessons learned from previous disasters. We announce that it won’t happen again and we pass regulations to make sure. Then a few years go by and some dolt comes out and says business can’t operate with all these regulations.

So we set up the scene for disaster. Again.

Tell you what. I’ll agree to get rid of regulations. If you agree that the Corporations are 100% responsible for their own actions. If they spill oil they are responsible for cleaning it up. If it catches on fire. Don’t call our firefighters. Use yours and put it out.

If they cause another financial collapse. They are on their own. No bailouts. No loans. No assistance of any sort. If the US Economy is wiped out. Tough shit.

Because what usually happens. Usually? Hell every god damned time. The companies demand less regulation. Then when something happens the same companies demand tons of money to save them.

So again. I’ll support your demand to reduce regulations. If you agree that any effort to bail out or assist the companies is a death penalty offense.
The answer is the same as it has always been. If trump doesn't like getting bad press, then he should quit being an idiot.
When Democrats don’t like getting bad press, they simply pull out one of their many victim cards.
Explain how the following is a "mathematical impossibility?
Obama signed nearly 200% fewer leases than Bush.
Bush signed 23,569 Obama signed 200% fewer or 11,294 leases. Divide 23,569/11,294= 208%
How is that first of all a " mathematical impossibility"? Maybe I need to explain in simpler terms.
Say you have 12 eggs in a carton and I have 24 eggs.
You open 12 eggs I open 24. how many fewer eggs do you have ...12 or 24/12= 200%
Does that help in your inability to comprehend simple arithmetic ?
View attachment 538567

Obama signed nearly 200% fewer leases than Bush.
Bush signed 23,569 Obama signed 200% fewer or 11,294 leases.

11,294 is not 200% fewer than 23,569.

11294/23,569 =0.479188, call it 48%.

That's 52% fewer.

The greatest decline possible in new leases would be 100%.

For example: Bush signed 1000 new leases.

If Obama signs 900, that's 900/1000 or 90% as many as Bush, or 10% fewer.

400 would be 400/1000 or 40% as many as Bush, or 60% fewer.

5 would be 5/1000 or 0.5% as many as Bush, or 99.5% fewer.

0 new leases would be 0% as many as Bush, or 100% fewer.
How do you ever get a larger reduction than 100% of leases?


Did Obama sign 2268 negative new leases?
What's a negative new lease?

You open 12 eggs I open 24. how many fewer eggs do you have ...12 or 24/12= 200%

I have 12 fewer. 12/24 = 50% fewer eggs than you.
You have 12 more than me. 12/12 = 100% more eggs than me.

Does that help in your inability to comprehend simple arithmetic ?

No, it makes me laugh even harder.
How about the Housing Crisis? Remember that? No regulation, no oversight. But we learned.

No regulation?
Have you ever signed mortgage documents?
It's like signing a damn phone book.

Banks are doing it again. And why not? If it collapses the Government will rush in with free money.

Banks got free money? When?
Last edited:
No regulation?
Have you ever signed mortage documents?
It's like signing a damn phone book.

Banks are doing it again. And why not? If it collapses the Government will rush in with free money.

Banks got free money? When?

Apparently you are ignorant of the bailout. Let me explain.

When Bank of America was pressured to take on Meril Lynch the Treasury Department kicked in Billions to cover the Toxic Debt.

Let’s back up. The decision to save Bear Stearns was made and was controversial. The deal included billions in cash to cover the losses from Treasury. Paulson arranged it. This controversy was in the news when Lehman was going under. The decision was made to let Lehman fail. This dragged Wall Street deeper into the abyss. Then Meryl was next. And AIG explained they would go under if Meryl did.

That was when they got TARP from Congress and the Administration.

So yes. Tons of free money accompanied every shotgun wedding. This was to cover the losses that companies like Bear Stearns and Meryl Lynch had.

You do realize that the losses on their books were greater than all the capital they had right? Like a gambler at the table they lost a hand and now owed more money than they had.

Tons of free money. Billions of dollars to save Wall Street. And nobody was held accountable. Nobody went to jail for fraud. Nobody lost their asses.

Well the little guys did. The people investing for their retirement. The salarymen who had stock options in these companies. They all lost.

Do you even know what happened then?
Apparently you are ignorant of the bailout. Let me explain.

When Bank of America was pressured to take on Meril Lynch the Treasury Department kicked in Billions to cover the Toxic Debt.

Let’s back up. The decision to save Bear Stearns was made and was controversial. The deal included billions in cash to cover the losses from Treasury. Paulson arranged it. This controversy was in the news when Lehman was going under. The decision was made to let Lehman fail. This dragged Wall Street deeper into the abyss. Then Meryl was next. And AIG explained they would go under if Meryl did.

That was when they got TARP from Congress and the Administration.

So yes. Tons of free money accompanied every shotgun wedding. This was to cover the losses that companies like Bear Stearns and Meryl Lynch had.

You do realize that the losses on their books were greater than all the capital they had right? Like a gambler at the table they lost a hand and now owed more money than they had.

Tons of free money. Billions of dollars to save Wall Street. And nobody was held accountable. Nobody went to jail for fraud. Nobody lost their asses.

Well the little guys did. The people investing for their retirement. The salarymen who had stock options in these companies. They all lost.

Do you even know what happened then?

When Bank of America was pressured to take on Meril Lynch the Treasury Department kicked in Billions to cover the Toxic Debt.

Kicked in? Are you under the impression this was "free money"?

Let’s back up. The decision to save Bear Stearns was made and was controversial. The deal included billions in cash to cover the losses from Treasury. Paulson arranged it.

The Treasury? I think you're confused.

That was when they got TARP from Congress and the Administration.

So yes. Tons of free money accompanied every shotgun wedding.

TARP wasn't free money. The Treasury got shares and warrants.

You do realize that the losses on their books were greater than all the capital they had right?

Which firms? Based on which prices?

Tons of free money. Billions of dollars to save Wall Street.

The US Treasury made tens of billions in profit from TARP.
I'll call bull shit. Faux News, OAN, Newmaxine and a host of other networks the Connies watch, had zero negative article about Trumpyberra and nearly all negative stories and out right lies about Good old Joe.
Yeah, OAN and Newsmax. Those are two giant networks.

Are all leftwingers idiots like you?
What exactly do you want refuted? Trump was a shit talking bully and a very negative guy that liked to pick fights with the media. Of course his coverage was going to be negative as a result. When a president lies then the lies get covered. All Trump did was lie. It’s not complicated.
he/she listens to voices that don't exist, and sucks at math
Let’s take an easy one. We’re there guns at the January 6th Capital Riot?

Asked how many firearms were confiscated in the Capitol or on its grounds on Jan. 6, Sanborn said,
“To my knowledge we have not recovered any on that day from any of the arrests at the scene at this point.
But I don’t want to speak on behalf of Metro and Capitol police, but to my knowledge none.”
Sanborn later noted that investigators found a firearm in a search of a vehicle that also had Molotov cocktails.
The only shots fired that day, she said, were from an officer who shot and killed a woman inside the Capitol.
After Faux News, they are the two most watched by the typical nutjob Neo-GOPers.
They are tiny compared to NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS and CNN, not to mention all the other leftwing media.

Listing those two only shows what an incomparable douchebag you are.
The attached two files I've posted very frequently because I wanted someone to refute them!
But no one has! This first file explains this fact:
Barack Obama, 41 percent negative, 59 percent positive;
George W. Bush, 57 percent negative, 43 percent positive; and
Bill Clinton, 60 percent negative, 40 percent positive.
June to September of 2018 found that 92 percent of the coverage related to the president Trump during that period was negative in tone, as compared to a mere 8 percent that was positive.
Subsequent media studies have found continued overwhelmingly negative coverage of the president.
A previous Media Research Center (MRC) study in which researchers viewed more than 1,000 hours of network news coverage ” ABC, CBS and NBC”
A subsequent Harvard University study produced similar results. The Washington Examiner noted:
The Harvard scholars analyzed the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and the main newscasts (not talk shows) of CBS, CNN, Fox and NBC during Trump’s initial time in office. They found, to no one’s surprise, that Trump absolutely dominated news coverage in the first 100 days. And then they found that news coverage was solidly negative 80 percent negative among those outlets studied, versus 20 percent positive.
So would those of you who think the MSM was NOT influential in the 2020 election of Biden... please refute this!View attachment 538247View attachment 538246
Well, that's no surprise and, I already knew that. Of course the left would say that 80% of the coverage of Trump was negative because everything Trump does is negative. They would say that they are just reporting the facts.

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