I've posted this frequently but NO ONE seems to refute it!

They are tiny compared to NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS and CNN, not to mention all the other leftwing media.

Listing those two only shows what an incomparable douchebag you are.
The OP has been answered several times and the theory that all but 8% of the press was negative towards the Trumpybear has always ignored Faux News, and the other Rabid Right networks, whom the Trump faithful will turn to if Faux goes off the rails and reports some facts that don't align with the Alternative Facts their Trumpenfurher was pushing that particular day.
The OP has been answered several times and the theory that all but 8% of the press was negative towards the Trumpybear has always ignored Faux News, and the other Rabid Right networks, whom the Trump faithful will turn to if Faux goes off the rails and reports some facts that don't align with the Alternative Facts their Trumpenfurher was pushing that particular day.
Bullshit isn't an answer, moron. FOX news isn't an answer. It's one network out of dozens, and it isn't even all that right-wing.

Just admit your a lying douchebag, and quit dragging this out.
Bullshit isn't an answer, moron. FOX news isn't an answer. It's one network out of dozens, and it isn't even all that right-wing.

Just admit your a lying douchebag, and quit dragging this out.

It's another bullshit lie from the side that made bullshit lies, 'alternative facts'.
While a lot of that is true, I think there is more to the story. The establishment hated Trump. Not for his policies, which did much to enrich and protect them. But because he was so terribly unpresidential and for his many criticisms of the establishment.

As we know, the corporate media is completely controlled by the establishment. So naturally, their reporting on Trump was overwhelmingly negative.

That’s my take.

This in no way supports dumb Don. He obviously was not cut out for the job and lacks intelligence. Of course, the same applies to old Joe.
I agree with you. I just don’t see the surprise that Trump got negative media. He stirred up controversy all the times and lied all the time. Even his friendly news outlet Fox had mostly negative coverage. That’s because the buzz topics and fights were negative, that is the cloud the Trump lives under. Even when he is trying to positive it is more of a brag or boast about himself and then jabs at his enemies.
Well, that's no surprise and, I already knew that. Of course the left would say that 80% of the coverage of Trump was negative because everything Trump does is negative. They would say that they are just reporting the facts.
The left didn't say 80% of Trump news was negative.. Harvard study said so.
We see where polite, politicians have gotten us since the 60s.
I think we’ve done some pretty radical things since the 60s and have made tremendous progress.
And we surly saw where being an asshole egomaniac got Trump and his party. Losing all three houses in 4 years.
I agree with you. I just don’t see the surprise that Trump got negative media. He stirred up controversy all the times and lied all the time. Even his friendly news outlet Fox had mostly negative coverage. That’s because the buzz topics and fights were negative, that is the cloud the Trump lives under. Even when he is trying to positive it is more of a brag or boast about himself and then jabs at his enemies.
Yup... Trump was never presidential. Never politically correct. And that's the reason most ignorant people ignored the more good that Trump did in 4 years that the previous 4 presidents. Trump didn't care what you or I thought if what we didn't like was America First, Family First, Law enforcement and military first, and our economy first.
As a result he got things done. Lowest gas prices in decades...(today under Biden 40% higher than a year ago), energy independent for first time in 62 years. Reduced business encumbered Federal Rules and Regulations..
But of course most dummies don't realize that
Federal regulations alone are estimated to cost the American economy as much as $1.9 trillion a year in direct costs, lost productivity, and higher prices
The attached two files I've posted very frequently because I wanted someone to refute them!
But no one has! This first file explains this fact:
Barack Obama, 41 percent negative, 59 percent positive;
George W. Bush, 57 percent negative, 43 percent positive; and
Bill Clinton, 60 percent negative, 40 percent positive.
June to September of 2018 found that 92 percent of the coverage related to the president Trump during that period was negative in tone, as compared to a mere 8 percent that was positive.
Subsequent media studies have found continued overwhelmingly negative coverage of the president.
A previous Media Research Center (MRC) study in which researchers viewed more than 1,000 hours of network news coverage ” ABC, CBS and NBC”
A subsequent Harvard University study produced similar results. The Washington Examiner noted:
The Harvard scholars analyzed the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and the main newscasts (not talk shows) of CBS, CNN, Fox and NBC during Trump’s initial time in office. They found, to no one’s surprise, that Trump absolutely dominated news coverage in the first 100 days. And then they found that news coverage was solidly negative 80 percent negative among those outlets studied, versus 20 percent positive.
So would those of you who think the MSM was NOT influential in the 2020 election of Biden... please refute this!View attachment 538247View attachment 538246

You assume that the approval ratings are a reflection of positive or negative media coverage. In fact the opposite is true. Media coverage is a reflection of public sentiment regarding the actions of the President.

Trump received negative media coverage because his actions and his policies were nearly universally reviled by the public - starting with his unConstitutional Muslim ban, which created chaos at airports because it wasn't announced, then implemented, it was implemented the moment it was announced.

People with visas and/or green cards were in the air when the policy was announced and refused admittance on landing, creating chaos in the airports and the courts.

Then there's the separation of families at the border. A real public relations bonanza for the Administration. Losing thousands of children who will never be reunited with their parents.

The list goes on an on. Trump made everything he touched WORSE. That's why he got bad press, and that's why his approval ratings were shit, and that's why he lost the election.

What exactly do you want refuted? Trump was a shit talking bully and a very negative guy that liked to pick fights with the media. Of course his coverage was going to be negative as a result. When a president lies then the lies get covered. All Trump did was lie. It’s not complicated.
Trump was an EXCELLENT PRESIDENT---and the media spent day in and day out trying to smear him as the dem/swamp/FBI spent their time also trying to harrass him over made up BULLSHIT. The money in media isn't advertising, but they are the billionaires propaganda machine that hires a bunch of woke liberal morons to spread shit.
Yup... Trump was never presidential. Never politically correct. And that's the reason most ignorant people ignored the more good that Trump did in 4 years that the previous 4 presidents. Trump didn't care what you or I thought if what we didn't like was America First, Family First, Law enforcement and military first, and our economy first.
As a result he got things done. Lowest gas prices in decades...(today under Biden 40% higher than a year ago), energy independent for first time in 62 years. Reduced business encumbered Federal Rules and Regulations..
But of course most dummies don't realize that
Federal regulations alone are estimated to cost the American economy as much as $1.9 trillion a year in direct costs, lost productivity, and higher prices
View attachment 538702
I was so entertained in 2016 following the election when I heard the talking points flip. Everything was doom and gloom and on the brink of disaster under Obama and Trump campaigned that way. Even though job growth was hitting record streaks and unemployment plummeting to near historical lows. Trump would say those numbers were fake and the real unemployment was double digits. But then magically in the course of three months they magically turned legit and were a credit to Trumps excellent leadership. Give me a break.

You pointing at gas pricing during a damn pandemic and historical economic shut down and comparing them to pre Covid numbers just shows that your either playing partisan games are an outright idiot.
Trump was an EXCELLENT PRESIDENT---and the media spent day in and day out trying to smear him as the dem/swamp/FBI spent their time also trying to harrass him over made up BULLSHIT. The money in media isn't advertising, but they are the billionaires propaganda machine that hires a bunch of woke liberal morons to spread shit.
I don't care what the media was TRYING to do. I have never care about that. They have always been a circus in search for ratings. I saw Trump with my own two eyes, heard his lies and listened to his bullshit. He was an embarrassment to our country and in way over his head. Glad to see him go
I think we’ve done some pretty radical things since the 60s and have made tremendous progress.
And we surly saw where being an asshole egomaniac got Trump and his party. Losing all three houses in 4 years.
Your definition of progress is my definition of perversion.
Yup, the news business is a for profit industry and they follow the buzz and the money, right wing media is just as guilty as the left. Its not a new game. Trump knew exactly what he was doing with the media. Provoke them, call them fake news, attack the institution so his supports turn them out and don't believe anything they hear. Saddly it worked and now we have a ton of braindead trumptard drones running around this country. pathetic.
You probably think the left-wing media is better? I have caught the left wing media in more lies than Trump. You guys are idiots.
The left didn't say 80% of Trump news was negative.. Harvard study said so.
View attachment 538693
You will never convince the left. Remember, Orange Man bad.
You probably think the left-wing media is better? I have caught the left wing media in more lies than Trump. You guys are idiots.
I watched more fox than anything up until a couple months ago when I decided to tune it all out. I really only enjoyed shows that would get debates going between reps on both sides of an issue. But it’s clear that network news is entertainment based, local news is just fine and I’ll watch that to see what’s going on in my community. The network stuff is pure entertainment on both sides. Don’t take it too seriously
I was so entertained in 2016 following the election when I heard the talking points flip. Everything was doom and gloom and on the brink of disaster under Obama and Trump campaigned that way. Even though job growth was hitting record streaks and unemployment plummeting to near historical lows. Trump would say those numbers were fake and the real unemployment was double digits. But then magically in the course of three months they magically turned legit and were a credit to Trumps excellent leadership. Give me a break.

You pointing at gas pricing during a damn pandemic and historical economic shut down and comparing them to pre Covid numbers just shows that your either playing partisan games are an outright idiot.
Under Obama, were 95% of new jobs part-time?
A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions.
Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract By Investing.com
Because under Obamacare a business was forced to hired the 50th employee and have employee health insurance. The average small business health insurance premium for 50 employees: $14,000/month .
That meant for that new 50th employee nearly $170,000 a year additional costs.
Solution: It was cheaper to hire 2 part-time workers at 20 hours/week.
Under Obama, were 95% of new jobs part-time?
A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions.
Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract By Investing.com
Because under Obamacare a business was forced to hired the 50th employee and have employee health insurance. The average small business health insurance premium for 50 employees: $14,000/month .
That meant for that new 50th employee nearly $170,000 a year additional costs.
Solution: It was cheaper to hire 2 part-time workers at 20 hours/week.
I thought you would bring up that BS. You know you really should dig in and question extraordinary claims like that when you hear them instead of simply repeating them because they are links that will support your agenda.

Here's a great expert that emphasis my point for how much of a blowhard Trump is:

On the other hand, Donald Trump's claim that the "true" unemployment rate is more like 42% because more than 90 million Americans don't have jobs is nonsensical. Why? He's including high school students, people with disabilities, stay-at-home parents, retirees in nursing homes, and millions of others who would not be working in any economic climate.

Perhaps you should read the ACTUAL STUDY and not a quick careless article trying to tell you what it means.

To monitor trends in alternative work arrangements, we conducted a version of the Contingent Worker Survey as part of the RAND American Life Panel in late 2015. The findings point to a significant rise in the incidence of alternative work arrangements in the U.S. economy from 2005 to 2015. The percentage of workers engaged in alternative work arrangements – defined as temporary help agency workers, on-call workers, contract workers, and independent contractors or freelancers – rose from 10.7 percent in February 2005 to 15.8 percent in late 2015. The percentage of workers hired out through contract companies showed the largest rise, increasing from 1.4 percent in 2005 to 3.1 percent in 2015. Workers who provide services through online intermediaries, such as Uber or Task Rabbit, accounted for 0.5 percent of all workers in 2015. About twice as many workers selling goods or services directly to customers reported finding customers through offline intermediaries than through online intermediaries.
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