I've posted this frequently but NO ONE seems to refute it!

No one is responding to your posts in the way you want them to, because your entire premise is whack.

You blame bad press for Trump's low approval ratings, and we blame low public approval of Trump's policies and the outcomes of same for his bad press.



Trump got bad press because he lied to the people, and attacked the press for calling him on his lies. Trump could not stand or abide any questioning of anything he did, and became angry and lashed out at the slightest criticism.

But Trump went beyond that, he used doctored video in attacking his perceived "enemies", and Trump perceived anyone who didn't kiss his ass as his enemy. He woke up every day wanting someone to beat up on and bully, and the press was an easy target.

Trump generated his own bad press. His policies and the results of those policies generated his poor approval ratings.

He has condemned white suprematists groups but he did so in a way that resembled a parent making there kid apologize to their sister for stealing her doll. We all know Trump does not feel bad about stealing dolls
rose from 10.7 percent in February 2005 to 15.8 percent in late 2015." Nearly 50% increase in just 8 months
2005 to 2015 is 8 months only to the STUPIDEST IDIOT on Earth!!!
Since you are too STUPID to know 2005 to 2015 is TEN YEARS!!!!!
AND???? So with most idiots who repeat Obama's employment figure just don't seem to comprehend as the above stated: "on-call workers, contract workers, and independent contractors or freelancers – rose from 10.7 percent in February 2005 to 15.8 percent in late 2015." Nearly 50% increase in just 8 months of people working part-time, etc. but NOT full time workers with FICA deductions! Again FACTS are from Harvard that 94% of the jobs were part time!

Can you link to those "Harvard" facts, because the Bureau of Labor Statistics only counts full time jobs created.

Contract workers, independent contractors or freelancers are not "part time workers". I've done all three and these are full time jobs in the 21st Century economy. These are just alternative forms of payment for full time jobs. Maternity leave replacements are one year contracts, with full benefits. If the company likes you, they'll find you a spot when the contract is up. Freelancers have a number of clients. When I freelanced, I did corporate work for 5 different lawyers, and real estate work for two firms. I made a lot more money, but I had $5000 worth of office equipment too, plus legal software expenses. Independent contractors come in for specific projects or periods. I did an independent to clean up construction liens on government owned properties. It was a full time job until the we finished dealing with the liens, but the contract ended after 6 months.
Where did you get that idea?

From some joker named healthmyths. He's really bad at math.
He thinks 5 is 200% less than 10.

Everyone knows that is pure bullshit.

"Everyone" who think's this is bullshit is a gullible fool who can't discern truth from lies. You're beyond gullible. You're a "true believer". Not only has Trump lied to you 30,000 times, but YOU'VE rushed here to repost the lies and claimed they were true.
Can you link to those "Harvard" facts, because the Bureau of Labor Statistics only counts full time jobs created.

Contract workers, independent contractors or freelancers are not "part time workers". I've done all three and these are full time jobs in the 21st Century economy. These are just alternative forms of payment for full time jobs. Maternity leave replacements are one year contracts, with full benefits. If the company likes you, they'll find you a spot when the contract is up. Freelancers have a number of clients. When I freelanced, I did corporate work for 5 different lawyers, and real estate work for two firms. I made a lot more money, but I had $5000 worth of office equipment too, plus legal software expenses. Independent contractors come in for specific projects or periods. I did an independent to clean up construction liens on government owned properties. It was a full time job until the we finished dealing with the liens, but the contract ended after 6 months.
I did link.. you just didn't follow!
A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions.
We already did this, just last week. Did you forget already?
Of course I didn't forget! I put this link up every time you make some type of personal, unsubstantiated and definitely SUBJECTIVE NOT objective comment!
Crepitus is an alleged Roman god of flatulence.

And I will continue since you obviously don't have the smarts to comprehend what I'm doing as a subjective biased commentator (Just like the overwhelming majority of biased MSM) is pointing out the negative... i.e. your screen name is for the God of Farts!
The research by economists Lawrence Katz of Harvard University and Alan Krueger at Princeton University shows that the proportion of workers throughout the U.S., during the Obama era, who were working in these kinds of temporary jobs, increased from 10.7% of the population to 15.8%.
The disappearance of conventional full-time work, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. work, has hit every demographic. “Workers seeking full-time, steady work have lost,” said Krueger.
Under Obama, 1 million fewer workers, overall, are working than before the beginning of the Great Recession.
You don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve said several times on this site that Trump was talking about protestors. You’re just clumping me in with what other people say. This conversation isn’t even about that. Scram you’re being obnoxious now.
Prove it! You think I'm going back through all the comments to find "Slade3200" defending Trump! Really?
Hahaha, I don't think I can explain it any clearer or support it with more links. You either get it or you don't. And you obviously didn't read the report you are highlighting, you are repeating a one paragraph article that points to it. I don't have patience for you today. I'll deal with you another time, maybe
Yes you do have to explain why you, a novice, not an expert have the objectivity, knowledge etc., to have people like me that substantiate almost everything (note I being objective said "almost"... ) believe ANYTHING you write!
You are not an expert because almost all experts back up their statements with substantiation.
Disagree That trump created no wars. He was the main creator of the worst wars Ever. 100% distrust of our election process. The worst distrust of your friends neighbors family & all Americans not enamored with Trump. A belief so strong that Trump supporters attacked our government to stop the counting of the presidential vote.
How stupid are you Mac1958!
Again personal subjective with NO facts or links.
The fact is that MOST Trump supporters find Trump like I do to be a braggart. A loudmouth. A person who is NOT a politician. Never was. And that's what we like though. He doesn't take any side except what will be best for HIM, best for his family... best for America in that order. And he did those things!
Unlike the politicians that idiots like you believe, Trump got more things done as a Queens NY businessman would in 4 years than previous 5 presidents did in 62 years!

FACT dummies like you seem to ignore! Deal with FACTS not your personal opinion!

Trump was the first president in 62 years to make the USA Energy Independent!

The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957​

MAY 11, 2020​

Now again for the FACTS as to the # 1 way a president can affect your gas prices which have gone up
44% since Trump was president! Again you can't argue the facts!
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Trump has never been the cause, he has been the result.....That is something that self-absorbed crackpots like Mac will never wrap his pointy little head around.
We have not been doing well for a very long time, what ever party has been in control, the fighting and lack of any willingness to work together for practical solutions seems not to exist.
Prove it! You think I'm going back through all the comments to find "Slade3200" defending Trump! Really?
You don’t need to go though all my posts you can just take my word for it. Trump was talking about protestors. I said it before and I’m saying it now. If I didn’t say that before then I wouldn’t be saying it now

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