Jack Smith and ‘ongoing investigations’ and ‘uncharged individuals’

That was in the indictment, how could that possibly be an unproven rumor?
Unproven accusations are not facts.... until we hear from Trump and it runs through the court system its not yet proven and its a trolling question....
Asking why you think it is okay for an ex-President to hold onto current battle plans with Iran, is a trolling question?
The average American isn't concerned about this. They are more concerned with the poor economy.
That is an unproven rumor and thus falls into the trolling category...
That was in the indictment, how could that possibly be an unproven rumor?
Unproven accusations are not facts.... until we hear from Trump and it runs through the court system its not yet proven and its a trolling question....
Again, if that is in the indictment, how could that possibly be a trolling question?
That was in the indictment, how could that possibly be an unproven rumor?

Again, if that is in the indictment, how could that possibly be a trolling question?
Because its not true... how many times have we heard someting like this aimed at Trump just to have it fall apart under closer scrutiny....
if you think its a fair question fine troll away to your hearts content... but when it turns out to be bullshit we expect to hear an apology from you....
Did Smith's office make it transparent to the court that the main docs the Feds wanted that were outdated and declassified, but wanted it back from Trump possession only and not other holders of the same info, was the Iranian docs? Doc that possibly carry info that could connect the dots to Obama administration Kickbacks from Iran?
Stop trying to push this thread into the Conspiracy Zone


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