Jake Tapper debunks Trump's 'wall of lies'


Sad...and interesting.

This is true. They actually criticized Trump for saying things that are true. Washington Post: “Fact-checking Trump’s address: ‘266,000 aliens arrested in the past two years.’ The number is right but misleading.” That’s the fact check. “The number is right but misleading. It’s important to keep in mind that this figure includes all types of crimes, including nonviolent offenses such as illegal entry or reentry.”

So they characterize Trump’s claim as factual, as misleading because the figure includes all types of crimes. Who in the world could make this up? That’s a fact check? They fact check and they found out his right but it’s misleading because it’s all crime. It further makes Trump’s point, in other words. They’re claiming Trump undersold his point! And it wasn’t the only fact check of that nature. - Rush


Sad...and interesting.

/----/ ...these people were fact-checking things that were not incorrect! They were making it up or saying that they simply disagreed with Trump, but because their opinion differed from Trump’s, that Trump’s facts were wrong. Finally, this guy from Politico, Ted Hesson, “said it was wrong to say that Schumer ‘has repeatedly supported a physical barrier in the past’ even though that’s absolutely true.” - Rush


Sad...and interesting.

/----/ A New York Times article originally headlined ‘Trump Cites Misleading Statistics of Crisis And Crime Along Border’ failed to explain what the misleading statistics were. Perhaps that explains why they changed the headline to ‘Trump Escalates Border Wall Fight in National Address.’ - Rush


Sad...and interesting.
Yes, Fake Crapper is such a waste. The only lies are coming from "Blinkie" Pelosi and UpChuck Schmoozer. You fucking retards cant remember shit when your politicians voted for Border Security. Then as typical when a REAL man gets in the Presidency you act like morons...



Sad...and interesting.

This is true. They actually criticized Trump for saying things that are true. Washington Post: “Fact-checking Trump’s address: ‘266,000 aliens arrested in the past two years.’ The number is right but misleading.” That’s the fact check. “The number is right but misleading. It’s important to keep in mind that this figure includes all types of crimes, including nonviolent offenses such as illegal entry or reentry.”

So they characterize Trump’s claim as factual, as misleading because the figure includes all types of crimes. Who in the world could make this up? That’s a fact check? They fact check and they found out his right but it’s misleading because it’s all crime. It further makes Trump’s point, in other words. They’re claiming Trump undersold his point! And it wasn’t the only fact check of that nature. - Rush

The number is misleading dipshit. He used it in the context of "murderers and rapists" when the number includes jaywalkers and speeders. Here is a "statistic" for you, aliens commit crimes at a lower rate than native Americans.
It's sad that someone is still watching CNN. Not interesting at all though.

Why is 5 billion dollars such a big deal now? Obama took 800 billion to pave roads that were already paved, and now a huge outcry about efficiency, when Americans can actually be helped with the money?

Tens of thousands of Americans dead each year from drugs coming over the border. What democrats have trouble with is Americans benefiting.
Democrats then: "Who will pick the cotton without the slaves?"

And now: "Who will pick the cotton without illegals?"
Democrats then: "Who will pick the cotton without the slaves?"

And now: "Who will pick the fruit without illegals?"


Sad...and interesting.

This is true. They actually criticized Trump for saying things that are true. Washington Post: “Fact-checking Trump’s address: ‘266,000 aliens arrested in the past two years.’ The number is right but misleading.” That’s the fact check. “The number is right but misleading. It’s important to keep in mind that this figure includes all types of crimes, including nonviolent offenses such as illegal entry or reentry.”

So they characterize Trump’s claim as factual, as misleading because the figure includes all types of crimes. Who in the world could make this up? That’s a fact check? They fact check and they found out his right but it’s misleading because it’s all crime. It further makes Trump’s point, in other words. They’re claiming Trump undersold his point! And it wasn’t the only fact check of that nature. - Rush

The number is misleading dipshit. He used it in the context of "murderers and rapists" when the number includes jaywalkers and speeders. Here is a "statistic" for you, aliens commit crimes at a lower rate than native Americans.
So lets allow shithead in illegally from other 3rd world shithole countries and allow "THEM" to rape and kill US women and children, because it is alright, since other US citizens rape and kill US women and children also? Talk about fucking morons, you marginalize rape and murder so then you can condone actions of people who shouldn't be here. Just cant get more stupid than a fucking liberal..



Sad...and interesting.
Yes, Fake Crapper is such a waste. The only lies are coming from "Blinkie" Pelosi and UpChuck Schmoozer. You fucking retards cant remember shit when your politicians voted for Border Security. Then as typical when a REAL man gets in the Presidency you act like morons...

Yeah! The star of The Apprentice was going to show the Mexicans who was boss!
No you dumbass. For every person from a shithole third world country we allow in we kick out one stupid ass redneck native. Then our crime numbers go down.
Tens of thousands of Americans dead each year from drugs coming over the border.
There's a reason Trump loves the poorly educated.

The surge in fentanyl, which is synthetically produced and can be 50 times stronger than heroin, has led to a sharp spike in deaths even as use of opioids overall has been rising for years. The drug is mostly brought into the country from overseas, especially China, and sometimes mixed in with heroin without users knowing it.

Too, most smuggled drugs come through legal ports of entry.
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Sad...and interesting.

Hysterical. All the Dems, including both Clintons, Schumer, Pelosi, and Obama have all warned of the same dangers with open borders and all promised to secure the border with real fences and walls.

Human trafficking has become a major issue with nearly 100,000 people missing each year. Drugs continue to be a huge problem with most coming through the southern border. Yet, the left is so desperate for votes that they will claim all of that is made up.

Suppose, for the sake of argument, that crime wasn't as bad as the border patrol and every other statistic shows. We should still have a real border that doesn't allow just anyone to walk right in. We have laws.

Areas with secure fences have significantly slowed the number of illegal aliens coming in. Some areas show a 93% decrease. So, why shouldn't we be on the safe side and insist that everyone follow our laws? Why is the left so dead set against anyone who wants to uphold our immigration laws? It makes no sense.

The amount needed for the wall is a fraction of what we spend on illegals.

Build the damn wall.

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