Jan. 6 th terrorist attack hearings should damage trump.

You don't have a clue. Most of us are for those who commit crimes to be held accountable. What were not for is political prosecutions that are baseless..

Or greatly exaggerated, or carried out vastly disproportionately.
You don't have a clue. Most of us are for those who commit crimes to be held accountable. What were not for is political prosecutions that are baseless..
Exactly. For example, I observed on tv images of people assaulting the Capitol Police. Any such individual needs to be prosecuted as far as I’m concerned. Some vandalized the Capitol Building. I say prosecute them, too. Some were trespassing. If they weren’t ushered in by police, fine by me if they get prosecuted.

There are other factors involved. But by and large, prosecution of people who did allegedly commit those crimes FOR such crimes is perfectly warranted. Long pretrial detentions are not.
Lefties want to forget the real domestic terrorism by Obama's friend and co-worker and they bestow the title of "professor" on Bill Ayers who used bombs in a decade long reign of terror. Today the left desperately wants to believe that a demonstration by mom and pop that turned into a case of criminal trespass is an example of "terrorism". Strange things can happen to your mental acuity when the Country is led by a doddering old man and the media becomes the propaganda arm of a political party.
Sorry, Ayers wasn't charged with terrorism.

Stick to your cult logic, or you will contradict yourself.
Most did not face this. Only some. Know why? More serious charges and/or deemed a flight risk.
I think that’s actually a fair analysis. But for all that, such a very lengthy Pretrial detention is inherently coercive and pretty unfair anyway, especially for crimes of alleged assault.
I think that’s actually a fair analysis. But for all that, such a very lengthy Pretrial detention is inherently coercive and pretty unfair anyway, especially for crimes of alleged assault.
They are federally charged. That is a factor as well. The feds don't play.
I think that’s actually a fair analysis. But for all that, such a very lengthy Pretrial detention is inherently coercive and pretty unfair anyway, especially for crimes of alleged assault.

There is at least one case, where the prosecutors themselves admitted that they failed to charge in a timely manner.

There solution was just to refile. Which the judge denied. But the judge did NOT throw out hte case.
The OP's Thread Title and thread premise is stupid. Pelosi's 'faux Impeachment 3.0', this time of Trump AND conservatives, is yet another desperate, criminal political theatrical performance at tax payers' expense.

The Jan 6th criminal circus will hurt Trump? Perhaps with the already TDS-suffering crowd who have already swallowed the left's proven,debunked lies.

“Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!”

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Donald Trump
6 January, 2021

The Trump-hating Left's lies have been debunked.

They have emotionally freaked out, mentally fractured, and continue to repeat the same lies about Trump ordering his followers to invade the Capitol.

STOP trying to falsely talk FOR him, which yku have proven you suck at, and read the transcripts of HIS words, which completely destroys the left's latest lie about Trump and destroys the criminal 6 Jan 'Truth Commission'.
Remember CHAZ/CHOP? This defendant sat in jail for well over a year before trial.

They are federally charged. That is a factor as well. The feds don't play.
Also basically true. But that’s not the same thing as fair or right or just. If a guy is charged in a given community of any state with a murder, the “bail” may be “remand.” Lengthier pre trial incarceration is the norm in many jurisdictions. With the Feds, a lengthy pretrial period of incarceration may be more the norm. But it is still inherently coercive.

And that may not matter that much, in the grand scheme of things, for a scumbag who did commit the murder. But it matters a very great amount for a person who didn’t commit the crime especially if the trial evidence isn’t likely to secure a conviction.

We’ve all heard “justice delayed is Justice denied.” That’s very true for the innocent. But it’s also true for all. Speedy trial rights exist for a reasons as does the notion of reasonable bail.
But that’s not the same thing as fair or right or just.
Then what would be? Comparing them to other similar defendants? Where is the unfairness? When a court deems them a flight risk or a danger, why should they not be detained, like anyone else?
Congress CAN NOT prosecute anyone. These hearings are simply to record history, and to inform the public on what really happened, leading up to 1/6, on 1/6, and after 1/6, and to see if any legislation is needed to prevent another soft coup de'tat attempt.
sorry but when you have a hearing lead by Adam Shifty who has admitted to lying and using parody to attack trump then you’ve lost
Then what would be? Comparing them to other similar defendants? Where is the unfairness? When a court deems them a flight risk or a danger, why should they not be detained, like anyone else?
I’m afraid you’ll never grasp any of this, Fart.

A reasonable bail isn’t supposed to be designed to keep locked-up a person who happens to be presumed innocent in the eyes of the law. The concept is more about (supposed to be about) obtaining some reliable assurance that the accused will stick around and appear in court as and when required until the case is concluded.

The effect of pretrial detention is to impede the ability of the accused to defend himself. So bail decisions are damn important. Not just to the State of the government. But to the accused and, frankly, for all of us.
Should bust alot of right wing lies.

It will be interesting to hear the facts on the matter. Emails and conversations between republicans and which ones lied.
Jim Jordan has been quite for awhile.
The Republican leadership must of told Jim Jordan to STFU. Had to tell him that cause he has been quit quite.

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