Jeb Bush mocks Trump: My children 'actually love me'

Why bring him into it at all?
Because she's a hateful liberal and nothing is off limits.

Are you kidding me? Both sides are full of hate and pull no punches. When Obama was president I saw threads from right wing people making fun of the physical appearance of his children.
No, I'm not kidding. The hatred for this President from the left is unprecedented and unparalleled, and it doesn't just come from nobodies like Esmeralda. The vitriol comes from all of them, including elected officials (some who have even called for his death). His wife, who has never had a harsh word to say about this country or anyone in it (unlike Michelle) is attacked in the most vile and personal ways by the msm. The attacks on Baron started on election night when he appeared on the stage with his family and was half asleep. I guess he asked for that. Anyone who even knows Trump is attacked unless they say something negative or hateful about him. There's no comparison.
No, I'm not kidding. The hatred for this President from the left is unprecedented and unparalleled, and it doesn't just come from nobodies like _______ (fill in the blank)

It is quite astonishing... The collective hatred towards anything Trump is exceptionable... The embarrassment of losing the election was just to much for them to handle and unfortunately for them they can't seem to get over it... They have bet the farm on Russia, Russia. Russia and are on their way to the poor home...
The Bush Family represents true Evil. NWO scum. Hell awaits their arrival. Their special place has been reserved for years.
The Bush Family represents true Evil. NWO scum. Hell awaits their arrival. Their special place has been reserved for years.
Agreed. Fuck those assholes.

And fuck the dog shit GOP establishment for trying to cram Jeb down the throats of the people, resulting in millions being force to vote for Trump to prevent more establishment bullshit.

We need a goddamn war. Freedom or Vahalla, bitches.
What kind of person sticks their dead child's fetus in a jar and shows it to folks? The Bush's are some sick evil cretins. Why would anyone care what they think about others?

DonJr slams Jeb

”I Love Everything About My Father. Love That He Learned Enough About Politics In a Few Weeks to Dismantle You Despite it Being Your Life’s Work”
I feel bad for Barron that his daddy took one look at his mommy's stretch marks and ran out to have unprotected sex with some whores.

I feel bad for Barron that his daddy has forever ruined the Trump name.
We live in a country where a porn star has more credibility than our president.

We live in a country where a former vice president and our president are threatening to beat each other up on the playground.

We live in a country where our politics, our morals, and our world standing are all being dragged into the gutter.

Thanks, Trump.
I feel bad for Barron that his daddy took one look at his mommy's stretch marks and ran out to have unprotected sex with some whores.

I feel bad for Barron that his daddy has forever ruined the Trump name.
I feel bad for you that you have to stoop to this level. Buddy, you are lower than whale shit.
Jeb Bush. That Swamp turd, Crooked Hillary loving POS thought he would defeat the people. :p
The real point here is that the entire Bush clan and all similar thinking Republicans will not be voting for Trump in 2020. They will vote for another Republican or even a Democrat. As well, Trump will not get the women's vote, the minority vote, or the youth vote. :)

He didn't have their vote in 2016 and still won the Electoral College by a wide margin!

So you will need to do better than that if you want to win in 2020 and believe me I hate Trump more than you and yet I understand how he won!
The real point here is that the entire Bush clan and all similar thinking Republicans will not be voting for Trump in 2020. They will vote for another Republican or even a Democrat. As well, Trump will not get the women's vote, the minority vote, or the youth vote. :)

He didn't have their vote in 2016 and still won the Electoral College by a wide margin!

So you will need to do better than that if you want to win in 2020 and believe me I hate Trump more than you and yet I understand how he won!

The rightwing:
Esmeralda, did you graduate high school? If so, where. The Donald destroyed the Swamp Rats...although several linger, like Lying Ted Cruz (friends with Corrupt POS Mueller) and Little Marco Rubio.

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