Jeb Bush Says He'd Back a Tax Increase to Cut the Deficit

Perhaps you meant to say that the majority of informed people know that each and every time we have implemented a Federal tax cut, Federal tax receipts went on to record highs.

Each and every time.

Is that what you meant to say, or do you not have the slightest idea of what you are talking about on this subject?

False causality.

Real GDP per capita has risen about 2% per year for most of the past 150 years no matter what the tax regime.

Nice attempt at obfuscation, but fail. Notice you said 'most.'

Real GDP had stalled or fallen (recession) in the year(s) prior to the Federal tax cuts being used to unleash the private sector.

The purpose of cutting taxes on the rich was to drive the economy.

Worked when Coolidge did it.

Worked when JFK did it.

Worked when Reagan did it.

Worked when Bush did it.

Those are the facts. Deal with it.

Reference any econometric study to support your views other than relying on anecdotes.

NOT what Jeb Bush said.
Bush said he would consider tax hikes at about 5-10% of what spending cuts would be to go along WITH FUCKING SPENDING CUTS.
Big difference.
When government plunders Peter to pay the moocher Paul, government can always count on the vote of Paul.

Remember when all the Republican candidates raised their hands on stage when asked if they would oppose a deal that would raise taxes by $1 for every $9 in cuts?

Yes, Bush said exactly that he would raise taxes.

And you wonder why Jeb Bush is A NOBODY in the Republican Party NOW!
False causality.

Real GDP per capita has risen about 2% per year for most of the past 150 years no matter what the tax regime.

Nice attempt at obfuscation, but fail. Notice you said 'most.'

Real GDP had stalled or fallen (recession) in the year(s) prior to the Federal tax cuts being used to unleash the private sector.

The purpose of cutting taxes on the rich was to drive the economy.

Worked when Coolidge did it.

Worked when JFK did it.

Worked when Reagan did it.

Worked when Bush did it.

Those are the facts. Deal with it.

Reference any econometric study to support your views other than relying on anecdotes.


Fuck you.


Well, now that Jeb Bush is persona non grata in the absolutist GOP (can't wait for one of our conservative friends to call him a "commie"), perhaps he'll decide to go Indy. That would be nice.

Laffer Curve Debunked.

If there's one thing that economists agree on, it's that these claims are false. We're not talking just ivory-tower lefties. Virtually every economics Ph.D. who has worked in a prominent role in the Bush Administration acknowledges that the tax cuts enacted during the past six years have not paid for themselves--and were never intended to. Harvard professor Greg Mankiw, chairman of Bush's Council of Economic Advisers from 2003 to 2005, even devotes a section of his best-selling economics textbook to debunking the claim that tax cuts increase revenues.

Read more: Tax Cuts Don't Boost Revenues - TIME

Of course that's not what the Laffer Curve says.
SO you haven't debunked anything.
But thanks for playing.

Well, now that Jeb Bush is persona non grata in the absolutist GOP (can't wait for one of our conservative friends to call him a "commie"), perhaps he'll decide to go Indy. That would be nice.


I remember when people were floating his name as a candidate and all the lefties here went bonkers screaming BOOOSHHH!! BOOOOSSSHHHH!
It's strange new respect though when a Republican starts advocating Democratic policies.
Nice attempt at obfuscation, but fail. Notice you said 'most.'

Real GDP had stalled or fallen (recession) in the year(s) prior to the Federal tax cuts being used to unleash the private sector.

The purpose of cutting taxes on the rich was to drive the economy.

Worked when Coolidge did it.

Worked when JFK did it.

Worked when Reagan did it.

Worked when Bush did it.

Those are the facts. Deal with it.

Reference any econometric study to support your views other than relying on anecdotes.


Fuck you.


Ah, the response of the highly educated.

That's what I thought.


Well, now that Jeb Bush is persona non grata in the absolutist GOP (can't wait for one of our conservative friends to call him a "commie"), perhaps he'll decide to go Indy. That would be nice.


I remember when people were floating his name as a candidate and all the lefties here went bonkers screaming BOOOSHHH!! BOOOOSSSHHHH!
It's strange new respect though when a Republican starts advocating Democratic policies.

Since when, precisely, is a 10:1 ratio a Democratic policy?

I'd love to see a link.

Laffer Curve Debunked.

If there's one thing that economists agree on, it's that these claims are false. We're not talking just ivory-tower lefties. Virtually every economics Ph.D. who has worked in a prominent role in the Bush Administration acknowledges that the tax cuts enacted during the past six years have not paid for themselves--and were never intended to. Harvard professor Greg Mankiw, chairman of Bush's Council of Economic Advisers from 2003 to 2005, even devotes a section of his best-selling economics textbook to debunking the claim that tax cuts increase revenues.

Read more: Tax Cuts Don't Boost Revenues - TIME

Of course that's not what the Laffer Curve says.
SO you haven't debunked anything.
But thanks for playing.

Really? What does the Laffer Curve say?

Well, now that Jeb Bush is persona non grata in the absolutist GOP (can't wait for one of our conservative friends to call him a "commie"), perhaps he'll decide to go Indy. That would be nice.


I remember when people were floating his name as a candidate and all the lefties here went bonkers screaming BOOOSHHH!! BOOOOSSSHHHH!
It's strange new respect though when a Republican starts advocating Democratic policies.

Since when, precisely, is a 10:1 ratio a Democratic policy?

I'd love to see a link.


Who said a 10:1 ratio is Dem policy?
Setting a ratio to begin with is a Dem policy. Going as far back as Reagan. It didnt work then (cuts never materialized). It wont work now.
Laffer Curve Debunked.

If there's one thing that economists agree on, it's that these claims are false. We're not talking just ivory-tower lefties. Virtually every economics Ph.D. who has worked in a prominent role in the Bush Administration acknowledges that the tax cuts enacted during the past six years have not paid for themselves--and were never intended to. Harvard professor Greg Mankiw, chairman of Bush's Council of Economic Advisers from 2003 to 2005, even devotes a section of his best-selling economics textbook to debunking the claim that tax cuts increase revenues.

Read more: Tax Cuts Don't Boost Revenues - TIME

Of course that's not what the Laffer Curve says.
SO you haven't debunked anything.
But thanks for playing.

Really? What does the Laffer Curve say?

Again, if you know nothing, why are you posting?
Laffer Curve Debunked.

If there's one thing that economists agree on, it's that these claims are false. We're not talking just ivory-tower lefties. Virtually every economics Ph.D. who has worked in a prominent role in the Bush Administration acknowledges that the tax cuts enacted during the past six years have not paid for themselves--and were never intended to. Harvard professor Greg Mankiw, chairman of Bush's Council of Economic Advisers from 2003 to 2005, even devotes a section of his best-selling economics textbook to debunking the claim that tax cuts increase revenues.

Read more: Tax Cuts Don't Boost Revenues - TIME

Of course that's not what the Laffer Curve says.
SO you haven't debunked anything.
But thanks for playing.

Really? What does the Laffer Curve say?

The Laffer Curve: Past, Present, and Future
I remember when people were floating his name as a candidate and all the lefties here went bonkers screaming BOOOSHHH!! BOOOOSSSHHHH!
It's strange new respect though when a Republican starts advocating Democratic policies.

Since when, precisely, is a 10:1 ratio a Democratic policy?

I'd love to see a link.


Who said a 10:1 ratio is Dem policy?
Setting a ratio to begin with is a Dem policy. Going as far back as Reagan. It didnt work then (cuts never materialized). It wont work now.

As I'm sure you know, the 10:1 ratio came up as a question in a debate.

So, again, please provide a link that says 10:1 is a Democratic policy.

If you can't, just say so. No one will be surprised.

Since when, precisely, is a 10:1 ratio a Democratic policy?

I'd love to see a link.


Who said a 10:1 ratio is Dem policy?
Setting a ratio to begin with is a Dem policy. Going as far back as Reagan. It didnt work then (cuts never materialized). It wont work now.

As I'm sure you know, the 10:1 ratio came up as a question in a debate.

So, again, please provide a link that says 10:1 is a Democratic policy.

If you can't, just say so. No one will be surprised.


I can't provide proof to a falsehood. Sorry.
Ask a Dem to do that. They have experience.
Who said a 10:1 ratio is Dem policy?
Setting a ratio to begin with is a Dem policy. Going as far back as Reagan. It didnt work then (cuts never materialized). It wont work now.

As I'm sure you know, the 10:1 ratio came up as a question in a debate.

So, again, please provide a link that says 10:1 is a Democratic policy.

If you can't, just say so. No one will be surprised.


I can't provide proof to a falsehood. Sorry.


Of course that's not what the Laffer Curve says.
SO you haven't debunked anything.
But thanks for playing.

Really? What does the Laffer Curve say?

The Laffer Curve: Past, Present, and Future

The Heritage link says that there is an optimal rate that maximizes tax revenues. If tax rates are too high, a tax cut will increase revenues. It says so in the first paragraph under the first graph. That's what the Time article addresses.

It's not that the theory is wrong per se. It's just wrong to apply it all the time, and it's usually wrong in a US income tax context except at very high rates, as Mankiw concludes.
Given the rigidity of the Small Tent Republicans, Jeb's deep-sixed his chances of running in 2016 now!

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, in a break with his party, said he could support tax increases to help reduce the federal government’s budget deficit.

The brother of former President George W. Bush told a congressional panel in Washington today that he could back a theoretical deficit-reduction package that would include $1 in tax increases for every $10 in spending cuts.

“If you could bring to me a majority of people to say that we’re going to have $10 in spending cuts for $1 of revenue enhancement -- put me in, coach,” Bush told the House Budget Committee. “This will prove I’m not running for anything,” he said, prompting laughter from lawmakers and the audience.

“I appreciate your candor,” said Representative Lloyd Doggett, a Texas Democrat who had pressed Bush on the issue. Bush later told reporters, “I don’t think you shut down every option in order to find common ground.”

Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican, declined to comment on Bush’s remarks.

The 10-to-1 proposal was rejected by all of the Republican presidential candidates including the presumed nominee, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, in a debate last August on Fox News. Democrats say that shows Republicans are being unreasonable in the battle over how to reduce the deficit.

Lawmakers in Congress have fought over the deficit for more than a year in part because most Republicans have ruled out tax increases.
Grover Norquist

Bush said today that as governor he was repeatedly presented with, and rejected signing, an anti-tax pledge sponsored by Grover Norquist that most Republicans in Congress have taken.

Bush said that while he cut taxes every year he was governor, “I don’t believe you outsource your principles and convictions to people.” He said, “I respect Grover’s political involvement, he has every right to do it, but I never signed any pledge.”

Jeb Bush Says He Would Back Tax Increases to Cut Deficit - Bloomberg



Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican, declined to comment on Bush’s remarks.

Bush said that while he cut taxes every year he was governor, “I don’t believe you outsource your principles and convictions to people.” He said, “I respect Grover’s political involvement, he has every right to do it, but I never signed any pledge.”

Two of my favorite parts of the story. "I refuse to be an absolutist sheep."

Speaking of sheep, has Rush told his listeners what to think about this development yet?

Where is there ANY evidence anywhere that Democrats follow through with spending cuts?

The Heritage link says that there is an optimal rate that maximizes tax revenues. If tax rates are too high, a tax cut will increase revenues. It says so in the first paragraph under the first graph. That's what the Time article addresses.

It's not that the theory is wrong per se. It's just wrong to apply it all the time, and it's usually wrong in a US income tax context except at very high rates, as Mankiw concludes.


Mankiw's position is that the US is usually on the wrong side of the Laffer curve.

Greg Mankiw's Blog: Things I did not say

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