Jeff Greenfield Calls Out CNN’s Endless Anti-Trump Panels on Brian Stelter’s Show


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Jeff Greenfield Calls Out CNN’s Endless Anti-Trump Panels on Brian Stelter’s Show

Jeff Greenfield Calls Out CNN’s Endless Anti-Trump Panels on Brian Stelter’s Show
Political analyst Jeff Greenfield didn’t mince words with CNN’s Brian Stelter when calling out the network’s political coverage, which he felt embraced punditry rather than hard-nosed reporting.... “I’m skeptical about almost everything I’ve heard,” Greenfield told Stelter during a Sunday interview. The topic at hand had been the potential scope of an FBI probe into Judge Brett Kavanaugh over sexual assault allegations plaguing the SCOTUS nominee, but things soon turned to matters of journalistic ethics... “I have to say this quite bluntly to a CNN anchor,” he told Stelter. “When I look at CNN, hour after hour after hour I see panels rather than reporting, exchanging opinions, the overwhelming majority of which on this network I regard as quite critical or hostile to Trump.”

Hmm...., Most intelligent Americans have realized and known about this for three years. That's why, when the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats make their move to pull off their coup d' etat, the first ones to go will be the scum at CNN, followed closely by the slime balls at MSNBC, CBS, and ABC. Media approval was low especially CNN before Trump. People didn't like the MSM covering for, fawning and ass kissing of Obama. Surely many Lefties reading this will become triggered and have fits over this.

New Axios Poll Shows Trust In The Media At An All-Time Low On Both Sides Of The Aisle
New Axios Poll Shows Trust In The Media At An All-Time Low On Both Sides Of The Aisle
Overall, a strong majority of Americans, 72%, believe "traditional major news sources report news they know to be fake, false, or purposely misleading." Of those, 53% of Democrats and 79% of independents feel that way. This comes as a surprise considering most of the mainstream media's bias leans to the left.
I am amazed they didn’t go to a test pattern and claim technical difficulties while that guy watered down his bashing of CNN as being partisan.
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Greenfield was going out of his way to excuse CNN's partisanship. He didn't once mention how they leave out positive news about Trump, or that they never say anything critical of or address the extremism of the left. In fact, he kept reiterating that their negative treatment of Trump "may be justified". I really don't see where he was doing anything other than being critical of Trump supporters for believing that CNN is fake news. He did say that he sees a lot of panels criticizing Trump instead of reporting the news but again, he followed it by say "it may be justified but...". It seemed awfully gentle to me.
Greenfield was going out of his way to excuse CNN's partisanship. He didn't once mention how they leave out positive news about Trump, or that they never say anything critical of or address the extremism of the left. In fact, he kept reiterating that their negative treatment of Trump "may be justified". I really don't see where he was doing anything other than being critical of Trump supporters for believing that CNN is fake news. He did say that he sees a lot of panels criticizing Trump instead of reporting the news but again, he followed it by say "it may be justified but...". It seemed awfully gentle to me.

Donna Brazile gave 2016POTUS debate questions to HIllary in advance.

Absolutely ridiculous
CNN is the unfunny version of Saturday Night Live. Oh wait SNL isn't funny either. I guess there's no difference.
CNN is the unfunny version of Saturday Night Live. Oh wait SNL isn't funny either. I guess there's no difference.

I literally watched every episode of SNL until like they used the Alec Baldwin Trump character.

They have a policital axe to grind, they aren’t just trying to to be funny.
Jeff Greenfield Calls Out CNN’s Endless Anti-Trump Panels on Brian Stelter’s Show

Jeff Greenfield Calls Out CNN’s Endless Anti-Trump Panels on Brian Stelter’s Show
Political analyst Jeff Greenfield didn’t mince words with CNN’s Brian Stelter when calling out the network’s political coverage, which he felt embraced punditry rather than hard-nosed reporting.... “I’m skeptical about almost everything I’ve heard,” Greenfield told Stelter during a Sunday interview. The topic at hand had been the potential scope of an FBI probe into Judge Brett Kavanaugh over sexual assault allegations plaguing the SCOTUS nominee, but things soon turned to matters of journalistic ethics... “I have to say this quite bluntly to a CNN anchor,” he told Stelter. “When I look at CNN, hour after hour after hour I see panels rather than reporting, exchanging opinions, the overwhelming majority of which on this network I regard as quite critical or hostile to Trump.”

Hmm...., Most intelligent Americans have realized and known about this for three years. That's why, when the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats make their move to pull off their coup d' etat, the first ones to go will be the scum at CNN, followed closely by the slime balls at MSNBC, CBS, and ABC. Media approval was low especially CNN before Trump. People didn't like the MSM covering for, fawning and ass kissing of Obama. Surely many Lefties reading this will become triggered and have fits over this.

New Axios Poll Shows Trust In The Media At An All-Time Low On Both Sides Of The Aisle
New Axios Poll Shows Trust In The Media At An All-Time Low On Both Sides Of The Aisle
Overall, a strong majority of Americans, 72%, believe "traditional major news sources report news they know to be fake, false, or purposely misleading." Of those, 53% of Democrats and 79% of independents feel that way. This comes as a surprise considering most of the mainstream media's bias leans to the left.
I gave up on them just because of the endless banter about how they hate Trump and very little news. I just check a few min,s ago just more of the same stale stuff. There are many good news items they could do if they were not lazy. I wonder how long ago it was they went outside the building.
NEWS: 14 People died in the Florida Panhandle from Hurricane Michael

CNN: Because Trump is a climate change denier, 14 people died in Florida.
Jeff Greenfield Calls Out CNN’s Endless Anti-Trump Panels on Brian Stelter’s Show

Jeff Greenfield Calls Out CNN’s Endless Anti-Trump Panels on Brian Stelter’s Show
Political analyst Jeff Greenfield didn’t mince words with CNN’s Brian Stelter when calling out the network’s political coverage, which he felt embraced punditry rather than hard-nosed reporting.... “I’m skeptical about almost everything I’ve heard,” Greenfield told Stelter during a Sunday interview. The topic at hand had been the potential scope of an FBI probe into Judge Brett Kavanaugh over sexual assault allegations plaguing the SCOTUS nominee, but things soon turned to matters of journalistic ethics... “I have to say this quite bluntly to a CNN anchor,” he told Stelter. “When I look at CNN, hour after hour after hour I see panels rather than reporting, exchanging opinions, the overwhelming majority of which on this network I regard as quite critical or hostile to Trump.”

Hmm...., Most intelligent Americans have realized and known about this for three years. That's why, when the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats make their move to pull off their coup d' etat, the first ones to go will be the scum at CNN, followed closely by the slime balls at MSNBC, CBS, and ABC. Media approval was low especially CNN before Trump. People didn't like the MSM covering for, fawning and ass kissing of Obama. Surely many Lefties reading this will become triggered and have fits over this.

New Axios Poll Shows Trust In The Media At An All-Time Low On Both Sides Of The Aisle
New Axios Poll Shows Trust In The Media At An All-Time Low On Both Sides Of The Aisle
Overall, a strong majority of Americans, 72%, believe "traditional major news sources report news they know to be fake, false, or purposely misleading." Of those, 53% of Democrats and 79% of independents feel that way. This comes as a surprise considering most of the mainstream media's bias leans to the left.
Except PBS and the network nightly news, none of the cable channels have 'news' programs. I have to agree with Jeff, who I believe is the child of Meg Greenfield of WaPo fame during the Pentagon papers. Seems like I remember her opinion pages in Time magazine too. But anyway, ALL the cable channels, including the ones that are nothing more than WH propaganda machines, are pundit-paneled seminars of bias. Even so, would we know about Khashoggi, or child separation, or bans by religion, or chain migration ok for Mrs. Trump's family, but nobody else. Would we know about Charlottsville or Stoneman High.

I went 3 days this week without watching cable 'news' channels, and when I returned it was as though I missed nothing, like a soap opera, so I understand the complaints and also resent the diversions of gnawing a subject to death. Otoh, without a free and unrestricted press...well, you know. It's up to us to discern because none of the partisans are going to give any of us a break
I'm just tired of the racism that the black commentators (i.e. Don Lemmon), and the extreme liberals have espoused on that network constantly. I mean who can take CNN serious anymore WHO ??????

It's time for blacks to come out and support blacks who want to make a difference by being active in working for the good of all in this country, working for all in the world, and for all in the communities. That means supporting Kanye West instead of attempting to destroy the man for speaking out about the problems that sadly weren't solved by the first black President in his entire 8 years of serving or rather he went about it the wrong way in which the left is now accusing Kanye West of doing.
CNN trying to make it as the partisan voice of liberals has as much a chance of success as Air America. I wonder how long it'll be until they figure that out?

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