Jesus knew nothing of a trinity god.

No. Just plain old logic.
logic doesn't prove god, because logic on something unproven is subjective. Everyone one has a theory about god, Allah...
Reason and experience proves a creator. What he created proves a creator.

You are so busy patting yourself on the back that you have never considered anything else.
"Reason and experience proves a creator". This is only proof that you have nothing except a homily.
No. I’ve walked you through this dozens of times.
I know, I've seen this house of cards in quite a few different shapes.
Which is why you are destined to play the fool. You are without excuse.
logic doesn't prove god, because logic on something unproven is subjective. Everyone one has a theory about god, Allah...
Reason and experience proves a creator. What he created proves a creator.

You are so busy patting yourself on the back that you have never considered anything else.
"Reason and experience proves a creator". This is only proof that you have nothing except a homily.
No. I’ve walked you through this dozens of times.
I know, I've seen this house of cards in quite a few different shapes.
Which is why you are destined to play the fool. You are without excuse.
I'm looking for actual proof and this frustrates you. I understand.:cryhug_1_:
Growing up Christian, and studying Christianity... No amount of theological calisthenics, has ever been able to convince me that the notion of the Trinity was anything but polytheism. It simply cannot be squared with reason.
But what has religion to do with reason?
the word trinity is not in The Bible

The word sky is not written on the sky. Therefore there is no sky.

Hey, what do you know! This is easy....
And fallacious.

No it is not fallacious. Just because the word "trinity" is not used in the Bible does not mean it is not clearly taught. Just as the word "sky" is not written on the sky does not mean it is not the sky. Or moreover, that the word "book" does not appear on a book's cover does not mean it is not a book....

Honestly, this is Stupid Internet Arguing. The very young children I'm about to teach clearly understand this banality.
Jews believe that Satan is an angel who works for God. His job is to tempt us and test us. I kind of like that belief. It makes sense. I think most people can relate to life being a test.
Are you still paranoid if they're out to get you?
How can true god sit separate (on the right hand) from true god unless there are multiple gods?
the word trinity is not in The Bible

The word sky is not written on the sky. Therefore there is no sky.

Hey, what do you know! This is easy....
And fallacious.
No it is not fallacious. Just because the word "trinity" is not used in the Bible does not mean it is not clearly taught. Just as the word "sky" is not written on the sky does not mean it is not the sky. Or moreover, that the word "book" does not appear on a book's cover does not mean it is not a book....

Honestly, this is Stupid Internet Arguing. The very young children I'm about to teach clearly understand this banality.

hey genius... your post got called "fallacious" because the post you are "arguing" with (mine) did not claim that the trinity isn't taught.

stupid internet arguing, indeed... i'll say a prayer for ya. (and the children!)
The very young children I'm about to teach clearly understand this banality.
The very young children I'm about to indoctrinate clearly understand this banality.
They know better than to question authority. Poor buggers.
The very young children I'm about to teach clearly understand this banality.
The very young children I'm about to indoctrinate clearly understand this banality.
They know better than to question authority. Poor buggers.

No, they're not stupid enough to ask a question like, "How do you know it's a book if the cover doesn't say 'book', or 'how do you know it's a shirt if the front doesn't say 'shirt'?"

They don't play Stupid Internet Games, and they would laugh at them if they could read. They would, really, laugh at the stupidity of adults on the internet. I do, anyway. Laugh, that is.
i'll say a prayer for ya [Sue]. (and the children!)
I'd say they'd need it.

That's the common Stupid Internet Trick. When someone vanquishes you with their argument, go for the ad hominem.

Except your argument is still stupid. So go ahead and make fun of what a terrible teacher I am; you're still left with a really idiotic argument that even young children would scoff at ("Teacher, how do I know this is a toy? It doesn't say 'toy'!")
Reason and experience proves a creator. What he created proves a creator.

You are so busy patting yourself on the back that you have never considered anything else.
"Reason and experience proves a creator". This is only proof that you have nothing except a homily.
No. I’ve walked you through this dozens of times.
I know, I've seen this house of cards in quite a few different shapes.
Which is why you are destined to play the fool. You are without excuse.
I'm looking for actual proof and this frustrates you. I understand.:cryhug_1_:
The proof is all around you. You are without excuse.

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