Jesus was a commie...

Free will. You do not have to obey God, you have to choose to obey God.

And, of course, if the welfare state is a product of Christian teachings, designed to enforce same, how does this violate the Establishment clause?

What's the matter? To scared to type His name out?

Is that what you do? Comment on other people's religious beliefs? I don't write G-d's name. Jeeze what a bufoon you are.

You wouldn't know a welfare state if it bit you on the butt.
As far as I can tell, Shooter thinks helping people is only valid if you score brownie points with God for doing it. And for some reason he thinks God is against social welfare programs that are started *gasp* voluntarily by groups of citizens that wish to help poor people.

I've always marveled that Jesus never said a word about homosexual marriage, yet they think that's their cause celebre, but he made hundreds of statements about caring for the poor and that doesn't seem to resonate with some people.
Says she doesnt doesn't address the content of my post....

Once your modus operandi was to comment on something that you didn't understand instead of discussing the issue, there really wasn't much left to say. I'm actually thinking you may have done that once before. Hard to remember since some of you are interchangeable.
Yes. And this -forces- people to provide for the needy.
That's welfare, not Christian Charity.

that certainly is your OPINION... lets see if you are christian enough to back it up with scripture.
If that's 'as near as you can tell', the problem we're having is that you suffer from an extraordiary lack of reading comprehension skills.

OR, your totally laughable statements that have nothing to do with the dogma you profess to speak for....

again, you can quote the bible ANY time...

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

funny that YOU tell someone they have a problem with reading.... given that you have no fucking clue about your own bible thumper beliefs!

Haven't you noticed, I really don't bother with ignorance.
Ironic, given that you're overflowing with same...

I like posting with the smart conservatives who actually have something to say besides "libs suck".
You asked:
Jesus didn't say give because you want to. He said give because G-d wants you to and give because it's our OBLIGATION to. What's the difference if it's religious or governmental coercion?

I responded:
Free will. You do not have to obey God, you have to choose to obey God.

Were you going to address that, or run away?

I also then asked:
And, of course, if the welfare state is a product of Christian teachings, designed to enforce same, how does this not violate the Establishment clause?

Were you going to address that, or run away?
Aha, More problems with your reading comprehension.
When have I ever claimed a religion?

oh BOY... you SURE DID pull one over on Ravir with THAT one!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I guess the answer to your question would be WHEN you decided to pipe in and speak for CHRIST regarding his poor opinion of welfare.

I think the ladies have everyting under control in this thread.

Good work, gals.
OR, your totally laughable statements that have nothing to do with the dogma you profess to speak for....

again, you can quote the bible ANY time...

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

funny that YOU tell someone they have a problem with reading.... given that you have no fucking clue about your own bible thumper beliefs!


He doesn't seem to know much about anyone's beliefs.

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