Jesus was a commie...

He's ignoring you because you aren't worthy of notice. You use filthy language and sacrilege and expect Christians to jump when you screech at them.

But hey, the most obvious quote that comes to my mind is the one about giving unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and God what is God's. As with most of Jesus' sayings, it works on many levels and refers to many things. But he was speaking specifically of taxes, so it definitely makes a distinction between taxes and God's monies.

Hey, I'd avoid the issue too if I were a charlitain selling watere down whiskey as a cure all. Hell, you aren't really even acting out of predicted territory here. Which, again, is why it's easy to laugh at boohoo christians who think they have a firm grasp on knowledge when ,as it turns out by evidence of your own lackluster testimonials, is about as far from the case as it gets.

Now, praytell... quote the fucking bible or know that you and m14 are to fake ass christianity what a timex is to dapper watches.

After all.. when a supposed christian states something about the views of jebus regarding social charity.. far be it for someone to expect them to know what the hell they are talking about...

nope.. thats clearly blashpemy.
"Give unto Caesar what is Caesar and unto God what is God's."


how in gods green earth does that address m14's claim that jebus would be against welfare? If anything, it only reinforces my point. See, THIS is why I give you pathetic ass wannabe christians a hard time. You suckers are about as much christian and I am a fucking martian.
So let me get this straight:

Jesus wouldn't be a socialist because it's forced charity and removes the tenet of freewill.


Jesus would support abortion bans because it's forced morality and removes the tenet of freewill.

Got it.


I just never would've pegged Jesus for a hypocrite, but Allie and Shooter have done a masterful job in making that very case. :eusa_whistle:
thats the thing.. they argue free will but don't cite anything because they know goddamn well that jebus never made a distinction about charity AND they don't want to have this whole "free will" line come back to bite them in the ass when they are busy railing on what THEY want to restrict.. again, because something is all of a sudden biblical.

I've punked em both in this thread and all they had to do was quote the bible to prove me wrong. I tellya.. asking a christian to quote the bible sure is like roman lions feeding on martyrs.
You're confused -- your inability to understand the answer doesn't mean an effecive asnwer wasnt given.

Let me try this:
A tenet common to both socialism and Christianity is that the haves give to the have nots.
Under Christianity, you give according to your own free will.
Under socialism, you give because it is taken from you.

Even you should be able to discern the difference.

I give taxes of my own free will. No one forces me to make enough money to pay them. In fact, I give them happily.

So you are once again incorrect.

Now, about that quote--where does Jesus come out against welfare?
Who made that argument?

are you or are you not argueing that FREE WILL is inherent to christianity?

only regarding welfare or does that also apply to gays and abortions too?

I mean, FORCING a woman to have a child or FORCING a homosexual to live according to your opinion doesn't sound like FREE WILL does it?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I give taxes of my own free will.
No you dont - you pay them because they are taken from you.
Further, if you chose to stop giving them, they would be taken anyway.
You have no choice in the matter, and neither does anyone else.

Charity isnt charity unless you -choose- to give.
If you are forced to give, it ceases to be charity.
So, no one made that argument.
Strawman, anyone?

not at all.. Dont blame him if you would rather avoid the question than face the facts.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I tellya.. a pair of REAL beacons for christianity right here, lemme tellya!

You're confused -- your inability to understand the answer doesn't mean an effecive asnwer wasnt given.

Let me try this:
A tenet common to both socialism and Christianity is that the haves give to the have nots.
Under Christianity, you give according to your own free will.
Under socialism, you give because it is taken from you.

Even you should be able to discern the difference.

No you dont - you pay them because they are taken from you.
Further, if you chose to stop giving them, they would be taken anyway.
You have no choice in the matter, and neither does anyone else.

Charity isnt charity unless you -choose- to give.
If you are forced to give, it ceases to be charity.

That's retarded. No one is forcing me to earn enough money to pay taxes. No one is forcing me to work. No one is forcing me to be an American.

That's retarded
Only because you either dont understand, or simply refuse to understand. how wrong you are.

No one is forcing me to earn enough money to pay taxes. No one is forcing me to work. No one is forcing me to be an American.
The doscussion revolves around socialism, not being a menber of any given society. You yourself agued that Jesus would be OK with forcing people, including you, to give to charity; you simply do not understand -- or, again, what you refuse to understand -- that if you are being forced to give, then it isn't Christian charity.
Only because you either dont understand, or simply refuse to understand. how wrong you are.

The doscussion revolves around socialism, not being a menber of any given society. You yourself agued that Jesus would be OK with forcing people, including you, to give to charity; you simply do not understand -- or, again, what you refuse to understand -- that if you are being forced to give, then it isn't Christian charity.

Let's forget this part of the argument for now. WHERE does Jesus say he is against welfare? What quote of his leads you to believe that he would be against publicly run welfare?
Let's forget this part of the argument for now....
Because you cannot support your side of it?
Um, no.

You cannot logically get past the idea that Christian Charity requires free will, something completely absent from "charity" under socialim, thereby negating any idea that Jesus would supprt Socialism.

Goven that, there's no need for me to follow you off on some tangent.
See, Ravir.. this is where he uses a circular arguement to sidestep the necessity of proving his assertion.


NOW he's going to totally lock up and refuse to answer your qeustions until you answer his.. which, will probably be so obfuscated that he won't ever have to come back to actually quoting where jebus suggested such a thing.

It's his pattern. you'll see it in other threads where he posts bullshit without having the slightest intention of backing itup with proof.
Because you cannot support your side of it?
Um, no.

You cannot logically get past the idea that Christian Charity requires free will, something completely absent from "charity" under socialim, thereby negating any idea that Jesus would supprt Socialism.

Goven that, there's no need for me to follow you off on some tangent.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Like i said.. he would never avoid quoting the bible if he actually had support for his opinion... To him, jebus is nothing more than an excuse to rationalize his own world view regardless of the bible. Nothing more, nothing less.

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