"Jews are 'adept at working the American political system" - Huma Abedin

What's the difference? You are splitting straws. The MEANING is the same. The MAFIA was also well organized. So were the German Gestapo.

Actually I think Trump's post is specifically racist and offensive- and did offend Mexican Americans.

I have yet to see any American Jews being offended for being called better organized than American Muslims.

Depends on the context----in the context that of THAT article which includes the "THE HOLOCAUST HAS BEEN A TOOL OF ZIONISTS" libel and the whine 'JEWS HAVE AN ADVANTAGE OVER MUSLIMS' and 'JEWS MANIPULATE
GETTING WHAT IS GOOD FOR JEWS ---and muslims are
just not organized' t

Well context is important- I note you don't really want to use the actual words in context- rather than your fantasies of what the article said

'Within the US, pro-Israeli support has been strong among Jewish Americans, whereas Muslim and Arab Americans (another ethnic community) have sympathized with the Palestinians,' the article reads.

'However, Jewish Americans have had a distinct advantage over Muslims and Arabs in the US in that they are better organized, more committed, more united, and generally far better adept at working the American political system of presidential democracy.

'In this they have been greatly aided by the American memory of the Holocaust, the use of Israel as an American 'strategic ally' in the Middle East, as well as by the active missionary zeal and political support of Christian Zionists.'

How about trying this- Make a sentence you find offensive green- Like this

your answer reflects your very shallow mind----the whole article in its intent, as I have already described, is GROSSLY OFFENSIVE"

Then quote some of the offensive content.

Anything that you find offensive.

Not content you are making up- but actual content from the actual article that Abedin supposedly edited.

I already did. you missed it? the article was a recap of the REASONS why jews, with nefarious agenda, (to wit Zionism)
are able to IMPOSE their nefarious agenda on innocent
meek and mild ----<<so meek and mild that they are not ADEPT at politics>>...on the noble ummah. Nothing new.
In fact the article is so UNORIGINAL that it is annoying. It reminds me of the stories Christians told themselves that included DA JOOOS KNOW HOW TO MAKE GOLD FROM BASE METALS--it's in da Talmud. Your question as to
IN WHAT WAY DOES IT OFFEND----is answered the same
way------your kith and kin KILLED PEOPLE BASED ON THOSE LIBELS (of course you could ask how does saying a person can make gold, OFFEND HIM?) ----it also recalls the REASON that muslims KNOW that DA JOOOS did 9-11-------because jooos are SMART ENOUGH TO DO IT ----but arabs cannot be THAT "ORGANIZED"
Were you in New York City on 9-11-01? The muslims of
the city were repeating that crap INCESSANTLY.
Also---read Mein Kampf-----also nonoffensive.
it is kinda implied-----but you actually did not specify that Huma wrote the article------it was published in a journal she edits---maybe she did not even EDIT that particular article------would she have ALLOWED IT----ya think?

On these small little journals like that, yeah, Huma I am sure read it and approved it.

She is an Islamist who is playing this 'Oh, I am for tolerance, please tolerate me' gambit.

Hillary is not so stupid that she doesnt know that.

And besides all that Hillary has a long history of cussing out Jewish supporters who fail o her in any way by just coming straight out calling them Kikes, Jewish Mother F-ckers, etc. She only hides it from the public, like everything else.
so what did you find offensive?

I already stated it---a few posts back. The tradition of
both Christian and Muslim anti-Semitism is BASED on
the specific issues to which the article alludes. The
main issue was----of course "jews do not accept our religion"
For the Christians the main libel was "the jews killed Christ"
and for the muslims it was the fact that ---"the jews did not believe. For both----the reason for attacking jews could not
be simple----"they don't want our religion"----so it included
putative DANGEROUS character flaws. ----like SPECIAL
TALENTS ---at times --to the point of EVIL MAGIC. The
actually really HORRIBLE issue for muslims is noted
right there in the article 'JEWS HAVE THE ADVANTAGE'---
judicial, economic and POWER. (allah says so) . The article
is no more nefarious than the anti-Semitic literature over CENTURIES and does not really come up with anything NEW in the support of muslims hating jews ----
which easily morphs into ---right to kill......
muhummad" The only major item over which the article
sorta glossed over was the classicle JOOOOS GOT ALL
no, you haven't pointed to anything offensive or anti-semetic in the quotes.

can you quote specifically what you find troubling?

I have---you missed it-----Islamo Nazis are adept at playing
it is kinda implied-----but you actually did not specify that Huma wrote the article------it was published in a journal she edits---maybe she did not even EDIT that particular article------would she have ALLOWED IT----ya think?

On these small little journals like that, yeah, Huma I am sure read it and approved it.

She is an Islamist who is playing this 'Oh, I am for tolerance, please tolerate me' gambit.

Hillary is not so stupid that she doesnt know that.

And besides all that Hillary has a long history of cussing out Jewish supporters who fail o her in any way by just coming straight out calling them Kikes, Jewish Mother F-ckers, etc. She only hides it from the public, like everything else.
so what did you find offensive?

I already stated it---a few posts back. The tradition of
both Christian and Muslim anti-Semitism is BASED on
the specific issues to which the article alludes. The
main issue was----of course "jews do not accept our religion"
For the Christians the main libel was "the jews killed Christ"
and for the muslims it was the fact that ---"the jews did not believe. For both----the reason for attacking jews could not
be simple----"they don't want our religion"----so it included
putative DANGEROUS character flaws. ----like SPECIAL
TALENTS ---at times --to the point of EVIL MAGIC. The
actually really HORRIBLE issue for muslims is noted
right there in the article 'JEWS HAVE THE ADVANTAGE'---
judicial, economic and POWER. (allah says so) . The article
is no more nefarious than the anti-Semitic literature over CENTURIES and does not really come up with anything NEW in the support of muslims hating jews ----
which easily morphs into ---right to kill......
muhummad" The only major item over which the article
sorta glossed over was the classicle JOOOOS GOT ALL
no, you haven't pointed to anything offensive or anti-semetic in the quotes.

can you quote specifically what you find troubling?

I have---you missed it-----Islamo Nazis are adept at playing
no, you've gone off on fantasy tangents, but you have yet to quote what you find troubling in that article.
Actually I think Trump's post is specifically racist and offensive- and did offend Mexican Americans.

I have yet to see any American Jews being offended for being called better organized than American Muslims.

Depends on the context----in the context that of THAT article which includes the "THE HOLOCAUST HAS BEEN A TOOL OF ZIONISTS" libel and the whine 'JEWS HAVE AN ADVANTAGE OVER MUSLIMS' and 'JEWS MANIPULATE
GETTING WHAT IS GOOD FOR JEWS ---and muslims are
just not organized' t

Well context is important- I note you don't really want to use the actual words in context- rather than your fantasies of what the article said

'Within the US, pro-Israeli support has been strong among Jewish Americans, whereas Muslim and Arab Americans (another ethnic community) have sympathized with the Palestinians,' the article reads.

'However, Jewish Americans have had a distinct advantage over Muslims and Arabs in the US in that they are better organized, more committed, more united, and generally far better adept at working the American political system of presidential democracy.

'In this they have been greatly aided by the American memory of the Holocaust, the use of Israel as an American 'strategic ally' in the Middle East, as well as by the active missionary zeal and political support of Christian Zionists.'

How about trying this- Make a sentence you find offensive green- Like this

your answer reflects your very shallow mind----the whole article in its intent, as I have already described, is GROSSLY OFFENSIVE"

Then quote some of the offensive content.

Anything that you find offensive.

Not content you are making up- but actual content from the actual article that Abedin supposedly edited.

I already did. you missed it? the article was a recap of the REASONS why jews, with nefarious agenda, (to wit Zionism)
are able to IMPOSE their nefarious agenda on innocent
meek and mild -.

No- you just spout your usual spew of stuff.

Remember- I am looking for actual offensive content- not your fantasies.

One quote from the actual article.

Apparently impossible for you to find.
it is kinda implied-----but you actually did not specify that Huma wrote the article------it was published in a journal she edits---maybe she did not even EDIT that particular article------would she have ALLOWED IT----ya think?

On these small little journals like that, yeah, Huma I am sure read it and approved it.

She is an Islamist who is playing this 'Oh, I am for tolerance, please tolerate me' gambit.

Hillary is not so stupid that she doesnt know that.

And besides all that Hillary has a long history of cussing out Jewish supporters who fail o her in any way by just coming straight out calling them Kikes, Jewish Mother F-ckers, etc. She only hides it from the public, like everything else.
so what did you find offensive?

I already stated it---a few posts back. The tradition of
both Christian and Muslim anti-Semitism is BASED on
the specific issues to which the article alludes. The
main issue was----of course "jews do not accept our religion"
For the Christians the main libel was "the jews killed Christ"
and for the muslims it was the fact that ---"the jews did not believe. For both----the reason for attacking jews could not
be simple----"they don't want our religion"----so it included
putative DANGEROUS character flaws. ----like SPECIAL
TALENTS ---at times --to the point of EVIL MAGIC. The
actually really HORRIBLE issue for muslims is noted
right there in the article 'JEWS HAVE THE ADVANTAGE'---
judicial, economic and POWER. (allah says so) . The article
is no more nefarious than the anti-Semitic literature over CENTURIES and does not really come up with anything NEW in the support of muslims hating jews ----
which easily morphs into ---right to kill......
muhummad" The only major item over which the article
sorta glossed over was the classicle JOOOOS GOT ALL
no, you haven't pointed to anything offensive or anti-semetic in the quotes.

can you quote specifically what you find troubling?

I have---you missed it-----Islamo Nazis are adept at playing

Are they using some kind of super SeKrit code that only you can read?
On these small little journals like that, yeah, Huma I am sure read it and approved it.

She is an Islamist who is playing this 'Oh, I am for tolerance, please tolerate me' gambit.

Hillary is not so stupid that she doesnt know that.

And besides all that Hillary has a long history of cussing out Jewish supporters who fail o her in any way by just coming straight out calling them Kikes, Jewish Mother F-ckers, etc. She only hides it from the public, like everything else.
so what did you find offensive?

I already stated it---a few posts back. The tradition of
both Christian and Muslim anti-Semitism is BASED on
the specific issues to which the article alludes. The
main issue was----of course "jews do not accept our religion"
For the Christians the main libel was "the jews killed Christ"
and for the muslims it was the fact that ---"the jews did not believe. For both----the reason for attacking jews could not
be simple----"they don't want our religion"----so it included
putative DANGEROUS character flaws. ----like SPECIAL
TALENTS ---at times --to the point of EVIL MAGIC. The
actually really HORRIBLE issue for muslims is noted
right there in the article 'JEWS HAVE THE ADVANTAGE'---
judicial, economic and POWER. (allah says so) . The article
is no more nefarious than the anti-Semitic literature over CENTURIES and does not really come up with anything NEW in the support of muslims hating jews ----
which easily morphs into ---right to kill......
muhummad" The only major item over which the article
sorta glossed over was the classicle JOOOOS GOT ALL
no, you haven't pointed to anything offensive or anti-semetic in the quotes.

can you quote specifically what you find troubling?

I have---you missed it-----Islamo Nazis are adept at playing

Are they using some kind of super SeKrit code that only you can read?
you forget, irosie has been everywhere and done everything. she has first hand knowledge of everything and everyone's thoughts. just ask her (or don't) and she'll tell you.
She approved the story as editor so she has to own it.


So she 'owns' this story


What about this 'story' is either a) incorrect- or b) anti-semetic?

'Within the US, pro-Israeli support has been strong among Jewish Americans, whereas Muslim and Arab Americans (another ethnic community) have sympathized with the Palestinians,'

LOL ----read it I will rewrite it for you----First
Within the US---anti Israel support has been so strong
that it has instigated the sporadic murder of random
jewish children (children of another ethnic minority) by
muslim residents of the USA (another ethnic minority)
Muslim terrorism against jews has been so significant
an issue that synagogues are advised by the authorities
to hire armed guards for any large event. Several
large scale terrorist actions specifically aimed at jews
(an ethinic minority) by muslims well funded by muslims
abroad have been thwarted by homeland security

you want more rewrites-----I can to lots...
so what did you find offensive?

I already stated it---a few posts back. The tradition of
both Christian and Muslim anti-Semitism is BASED on
the specific issues to which the article alludes. The
main issue was----of course "jews do not accept our religion"
For the Christians the main libel was "the jews killed Christ"
and for the muslims it was the fact that ---"the jews did not believe. For both----the reason for attacking jews could not
be simple----"they don't want our religion"----so it included
putative DANGEROUS character flaws. ----like SPECIAL
TALENTS ---at times --to the point of EVIL MAGIC. The
actually really HORRIBLE issue for muslims is noted
right there in the article 'JEWS HAVE THE ADVANTAGE'---
judicial, economic and POWER. (allah says so) . The article
is no more nefarious than the anti-Semitic literature over CENTURIES and does not really come up with anything NEW in the support of muslims hating jews ----
which easily morphs into ---right to kill......
muhummad" The only major item over which the article
sorta glossed over was the classicle JOOOOS GOT ALL
no, you haven't pointed to anything offensive or anti-semetic in the quotes.

can you quote specifically what you find troubling?

I have---you missed it-----Islamo Nazis are adept at playing

Are they using some kind of super SeKrit code that only you can read?
you forget, irosie has been everywhere and done everything. she has first hand knowledge of everything and everyone's thoughts. just ask her (or don't) and she'll tell you.

your posting is meaningless-------I have never stated I have
been "everywhere" nor have a stated I have done everything----or READ MINDS-----I just happen to know lots more than do you
I already stated it---a few posts back. The tradition of
both Christian and Muslim anti-Semitism is BASED on
the specific issues to which the article alludes. The
main issue was----of course "jews do not accept our religion"
For the Christians the main libel was "the jews killed Christ"
and for the muslims it was the fact that ---"the jews did not believe. For both----the reason for attacking jews could not
be simple----"they don't want our religion"----so it included
putative DANGEROUS character flaws. ----like SPECIAL
TALENTS ---at times --to the point of EVIL MAGIC. The
actually really HORRIBLE issue for muslims is noted
right there in the article 'JEWS HAVE THE ADVANTAGE'---
judicial, economic and POWER. (allah says so) . The article
is no more nefarious than the anti-Semitic literature over CENTURIES and does not really come up with anything NEW in the support of muslims hating jews ----
which easily morphs into ---right to kill......
muhummad" The only major item over which the article
sorta glossed over was the classicle JOOOOS GOT ALL
no, you haven't pointed to anything offensive or anti-semetic in the quotes.

can you quote specifically what you find troubling?

I have---you missed it-----Islamo Nazis are adept at playing

Are they using some kind of super SeKrit code that only you can read?
you forget, irosie has been everywhere and done everything. she has first hand knowledge of everything and everyone's thoughts. just ask her (or don't) and she'll tell you.

your posting is meaningless-------I have never stated I have
been "everywhere" nor have a stated I have done everything----or READ MINDS-----I just happen to know lots more than do you
you make more claims than i do, that's for sure.

and you often make claims about knowing thoughts and feelings and goings on without any actual knowledge.

you've even done it in this thread.

so will you ever act like an adult and quote what you actually find offensive or will you continue to dodge and lie?
She approved the story as editor so she has to own it.


So she 'owns' this story


What about this 'story' is either a) incorrect- or b) anti-semetic?

'Within the US, pro-Israeli support has been strong among Jewish Americans, whereas Muslim and Arab Americans (another ethnic community) have sympathized with the Palestinians,'

LOL ----read it I will rewrite it for you----First
Within the US---anti Israel support has been so strong
that it has instigated the sporadic murder of random
jewish children (children of another ethnic minority) by
muslim residents of the USA (another ethnic minority)
Muslim terrorism against jews has been so significant
an issue that synagogues are advised by the authorities
to hire armed guards for any large event. Several
large scale terrorist actions specifically aimed at jews
(an ethinic minority) by muslims well funded by muslims
abroad have been thwarted by homeland security

you want more rewrites-----I can to lots...

Well that is a fine example of your writing.

Still you can't manage a quote.

Here let me help you- this is a quote of you

Within the US---anti Israel support has been so strong
that it has instigated the sporadic murder of random
jewish children

That is a quote- not me making crap up.

Just looking for a quote that doesn't need you to use your super SeKrit decoder ring to decode it for us.
no, you haven't pointed to anything offensive or anti-semetic in the quotes.

can you quote specifically what you find troubling?

I have---you missed it-----Islamo Nazis are adept at playing

Are they using some kind of super SeKrit code that only you can read?
you forget, irosie has been everywhere and done everything. she has first hand knowledge of everything and everyone's thoughts. just ask her (or don't) and she'll tell you.

your posting is meaningless-------I have never stated I have
been "everywhere" nor have a stated I have done everything----or READ MINDS-----I just happen to know lots more than do you
you make more claims than i do, that's for sure.

and you often make claims about knowing thoughts and feelings and goings on without any actual knowledge.

you've even done it in this thread.

so will you ever act like an adult and quote what you actually find offensive or will you continue to dodge and lie?

I am sorry that you are afflicted with a shallow mind and
a NEED to lie. I have never claimed "knowing thoughts"---I have correctly stated that I know what I have seen and
what people have told me both about their own beliefs and
THEIR own experiences Can you cite that post in which
I claimed to "read minds"?

What about this 'story' is either a) incorrect- or b) anti-semetic?

'Within the US, pro-Israeli support has been strong among Jewish Americans, whereas Muslim and Arab Americans (another ethnic community) have sympathized with the Palestinians,'

LOL ----read it I will rewrite it for you----First
Within the US---anti Israel support has been so strong
that it has instigated the sporadic murder of random
jewish children (children of another ethnic minority) by
muslim residents of the USA (another ethnic minority)
Muslim terrorism against jews has been so significant
an issue that synagogues are advised by the authorities
to hire armed guards for any large event. Several
large scale terrorist actions specifically aimed at jews
(an ethinic minority) by muslims well funded by muslims
abroad have been thwarted by homeland security

you want more rewrites-----I can to lots...

Well that is a fine example of your writing.

Still you can't manage a quote.

Here let me help you- this is a quote of you

Within the US---anti Israel support has been so strong
that it has instigated the sporadic murder of random
jewish children

That is a quote- not me making crap up.

Just looking for a quote that doesn't need you to use your super SeKrit decoder ring to decode it for us.

I did it already------you missed it. can you cite "crap made up"?

What about this 'story' is either a) incorrect- or b) anti-semetic?

'Within the US, pro-Israeli support has been strong among Jewish Americans, whereas Muslim and Arab Americans (another ethnic community) have sympathized with the Palestinians,'

LOL ----read it I will rewrite it for you----First
Within the US---anti Israel support has been so strong
that it has instigated the sporadic murder of random
jewish children (children of another ethnic minority) by
muslim residents of the USA (another ethnic minority)
Muslim terrorism against jews has been so significant
an issue that synagogues are advised by the authorities
to hire armed guards for any large event. Several
large scale terrorist actions specifically aimed at jews
(an ethinic minority) by muslims well funded by muslims
abroad have been thwarted by homeland security

you want more rewrites-----I can to lots...

Well that is a fine example of your writing.

Still you can't manage a quote.

Here let me help you- this is a quote of you

Within the US---anti Israel support has been so strong
that it has instigated the sporadic murder of random
jewish children

That is a quote- not me making crap up.

Just looking for a quote that doesn't need you to use your super SeKrit decoder ring to decode it for us.

did you want to make a comment on my correct statement which you quoted?
I have---you missed it-----Islamo Nazis are adept at playing

Are they using some kind of super SeKrit code that only you can read?
you forget, irosie has been everywhere and done everything. she has first hand knowledge of everything and everyone's thoughts. just ask her (or don't) and she'll tell you.

your posting is meaningless-------I have never stated I have
been "everywhere" nor have a stated I have done everything----or READ MINDS-----I just happen to know lots more than do you
you make more claims than i do, that's for sure.

and you often make claims about knowing thoughts and feelings and goings on without any actual knowledge.

you've even done it in this thread.

so will you ever act like an adult and quote what you actually find offensive or will you continue to dodge and lie?

I am sorry that you are afflicted with a shallow mind and
a NEED to lie. I have never claimed "knowing thoughts"---I have correctly stated that I know what I have seen and
what people have told me both about their own beliefs and
THEIR own experiences Can you cite that post in which
I claimed to "read minds"?
you claim, without knowledge, to know what is preached at huma abedin's mosque.

is that not true?

What about this 'story' is either a) incorrect- or b) anti-semetic?

'Within the US, pro-Israeli support has been strong among Jewish Americans, whereas Muslim and Arab Americans (another ethnic community) have sympathized with the Palestinians,'

LOL ----read it I will rewrite it for you----First
Within the US---anti Israel support has been so strong
that it has instigated the sporadic murder of random
jewish children (children of another ethnic minority) by
muslim residents of the USA (another ethnic minority)
Muslim terrorism against jews has been so significant
an issue that synagogues are advised by the authorities
to hire armed guards for any large event. Several
large scale terrorist actions specifically aimed at jews
(an ethinic minority) by muslims well funded by muslims
abroad have been thwarted by homeland security

you want more rewrites-----I can to lots...

Well that is a fine example of your writing.

Still you can't manage a quote.

Here let me help you- this is a quote of you

Within the US---anti Israel support has been so strong
that it has instigated the sporadic murder of random
jewish children

That is a quote- not me making crap up.

Just looking for a quote that doesn't need you to use your super SeKrit decoder ring to decode it for us.

I did it already------you missed it. can you cite "crap made up"?
give the quote you find offensive.

What about this 'story' is either a) incorrect- or b) anti-semetic?

'Within the US, pro-Israeli support has been strong among Jewish Americans, whereas Muslim and Arab Americans (another ethnic community) have sympathized with the Palestinians,'

LOL ----read it I will rewrite it for you----First
Within the US---anti Israel support has been so strong
that it has instigated the sporadic murder of random
jewish children (children of another ethnic minority) by
muslim residents of the USA (another ethnic minority)
Muslim terrorism against jews has been so significant
an issue that synagogues are advised by the authorities
to hire armed guards for any large event. Several
large scale terrorist actions specifically aimed at jews
(an ethinic minority) by muslims well funded by muslims
abroad have been thwarted by homeland security

you want more rewrites-----I can to lots...

Well that is a fine example of your writing.

Still you can't manage a quote.

Here let me help you- this is a quote of you

Within the US---anti Israel support has been so strong
that it has instigated the sporadic murder of random
jewish children

That is a quote- not me making crap up.

Just looking for a quote that doesn't need you to use your super SeKrit decoder ring to decode it for us.

I did it already------you missed it. can you cite "crap made up"?

Sure- this is crap you made up all by yourself

Within the US---anti Israel support has been so strong
that it has instigated the sporadic murder of random
jewish children (children of another ethnic minority) by
muslim residents of the USA (another ethnic minority)
Muslim terrorism against jews has been so significant
an issue that synagogues are advised by the authorities
to hire armed guards for any large event. Several
large scale terrorist actions specifically aimed at jews
(an ethinic minority) by muslims well funded by muslims
abroad have been thwarted by homeland security

Meanwhile- still waiting for an actual quote from you.
Are they using some kind of super SeKrit code that only you can read?
you forget, irosie has been everywhere and done everything. she has first hand knowledge of everything and everyone's thoughts. just ask her (or don't) and she'll tell you.

your posting is meaningless-------I have never stated I have
been "everywhere" nor have a stated I have done everything----or READ MINDS-----I just happen to know lots more than do you
you make more claims than i do, that's for sure.

and you often make claims about knowing thoughts and feelings and goings on without any actual knowledge.

you've even done it in this thread.

so will you ever act like an adult and quote what you actually find offensive or will you continue to dodge and lie?

I am sorry that you are afflicted with a shallow mind and
a NEED to lie. I have never claimed "knowing thoughts"---I have correctly stated that I know what I have seen and
what people have told me both about their own beliefs and
THEIR own experiences Can you cite that post in which
I claimed to "read minds"?
you claim, without knowledge, to know what is preached at huma abedin's mosque.

is that not true?

no----I did not claim I know what is preached at Huma's
mosque----I stated that I know what sort of beliefs are preached at mosques because I learned that from MUSLIMS---and a few episodes of visiting mosques. If you live in
an area where there are muslims or work with muslims---simply ask-----or BE RECEPTIVE to the ideas stated in mosques---
especially on FRIDAYS. If I encounter an adherent catholic---
I can CORRECTLY state that I know that the idea of
the TRINITY and the crucifixtion of Jesus and his ARISING
from death is preached at HIS CHURCH

What about this 'story' is either a) incorrect- or b) anti-semetic?

'Within the US, pro-Israeli support has been strong among Jewish Americans, whereas Muslim and Arab Americans (another ethnic community) have sympathized with the Palestinians,'

LOL ----read it I will rewrite it for you----First
Within the US---anti Israel support has been so strong
that it has instigated the sporadic murder of random
jewish children (children of another ethnic minority) by
muslim residents of the USA (another ethnic minority)
Muslim terrorism against jews has been so significant
an issue that synagogues are advised by the authorities
to hire armed guards for any large event. Several
large scale terrorist actions specifically aimed at jews
(an ethinic minority) by muslims well funded by muslims
abroad have been thwarted by homeland security

you want more rewrites-----I can to lots...

Well that is a fine example of your writing.

Still you can't manage a quote.

Here let me help you- this is a quote of you

Within the US---anti Israel support has been so strong
that it has instigated the sporadic murder of random
jewish children

That is a quote- not me making crap up.

Just looking for a quote that doesn't need you to use your super SeKrit decoder ring to decode it for us.

I did it already------you missed it. can you cite "crap made up"?

Sure- this is crap you made up all by yourself

Within the US---anti Israel support has been so strong
that it has instigated the sporadic murder of random
jewish children (children of another ethnic minority) by
muslim residents of the USA (another ethnic minority)
Muslim terrorism against jews has been so significant
an issue that synagogues are advised by the authorities
to hire armed guards for any large event. Several
large scale terrorist actions specifically aimed at jews
(an ethinic minority) by muslims well funded by muslims
abroad have been thwarted by homeland security

Meanwhile- still waiting for an actual quote from you.

In the name of my son's school mate ARI HALBERSTAM---
I will not respond to your FILTH------the pig BAZ enjoyed
LIMITLESS SUPPORT FOR HIS NOBLE DEED of pumping the head of a 14 year old kid with lead based on the fact
that the kid was a jew----as did the dog who hid rifle in the name of the pile of shit in the sky----"allah"

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