"Jews are 'adept at working the American political system" - Huma Abedin


no----I did not claim I know what is preached at Huma's
oh---well----in Huma's mosque the whole story is a

you were saying?

yes---correctly----the Islamic partyline regarding the NEW
TESTAMENT is----it was written to contest ISLAM----You,
simply, do not know. In Humas home country----copies of
the New Testament are SHREDDED at the airport by the
law of her shit hole. I know because I have treated some
of our (USA) military kids who had been stationed in Saudi arabia-----the dogs of huma's land even shred easter cards
from mom
so where is that offensive quote?

I already answered that idiotic question----the whole piece is OFFENSIVE---but not as offensive as are you------
sure you have.

so if the whole thing is offensive tell me what is offensive about this quote

In this they have been greatly aided by the American memory of the Holocaust, the use of Israel as an American 'strategic ally' in the Middle East, as well as by the active missionaryzeal and political support of Christian Zionists

What about this 'story' is either a) incorrect- or b) anti-semetic?

'Within the US, pro-Israeli support has been strong among Jewish Americans, whereas Muslim and Arab Americans (another ethnic community) have sympathized with the Palestinians,'

LOL ----read it I will rewrite it for you----First
Within the US---anti Israel support has been so strong
that it has instigated the sporadic murder of random
jewish children (children of another ethnic minority) by
muslim residents of the USA (another ethnic minority)
Muslim terrorism against jews has been so significant
an issue that synagogues are advised by the authorities
to hire armed guards for any large event. Several
large scale terrorist actions specifically aimed at jews
(an ethinic minority) by muslims well funded by muslims
abroad have been thwarted by homeland security

you want more rewrites-----I can to lots...

Well that is a fine example of your writing.

Still you can't manage a quote.

Here let me help you- this is a quote of you

Within the US---anti Israel support has been so strong
that it has instigated the sporadic murder of random
jewish children

That is a quote- not me making crap up.

Just looking for a quote that doesn't need you to use your super SeKrit decoder ring to decode it for us.

did you want to make a comment on my correct statement which you quoted?

Well it is poorly formatted and is not a quote from the actual article and is your writings- not the writings from the article in question.
What about this 'story' is either a) incorrect- or b) anti-semetic?

'Within the US, pro-Israeli support has been strong among Jewish Americans, whereas Muslim and Arab Americans (another ethnic community) have sympathized with the Palestinians,'

LOL ----read it I will rewrite it for you----First
Within the US---anti Israel support has been so strong
that it has instigated the sporadic murder of random
jewish children (children of another ethnic minority) by
muslim residents of the USA (another ethnic minority)
Muslim terrorism against jews has been so significant
an issue that synagogues are advised by the authorities
to hire armed guards for any large event. Several
large scale terrorist actions specifically aimed at jews
(an ethinic minority) by muslims well funded by muslims
abroad have been thwarted by homeland security

you want more rewrites-----I can to lots...

Well that is a fine example of your writing.

Still you can't manage a quote.

Here let me help you- this is a quote of you

Within the US---anti Israel support has been so strong
that it has instigated the sporadic murder of random
jewish children

That is a quote- not me making crap up.

Just looking for a quote that doesn't need you to use your super SeKrit decoder ring to decode it for us.

I did it already------you missed it. can you cite "crap made up"?

Sure- this is crap you made up all by yourself

Within the US---anti Israel support has been so strong
that it has instigated the sporadic murder of random
jewish children (children of another ethnic minority) by
muslim residents of the USA (another ethnic minority)
Muslim terrorism against jews has been so significant
an issue that synagogues are advised by the authorities
to hire armed guards for any large event. Several
large scale terrorist actions specifically aimed at jews
(an ethinic minority) by muslims well funded by muslims
abroad have been thwarted by homeland security

Meanwhile- still waiting for an actual quote from you.

In the name of my son's school mate ARI HALBERSTAM---
I will not respond to your FILTH------the pig BAZ enjoyed
LIMITLESS SUPPORT FOR HIS NOBLE DEED of pumping the head of a 14 year old kid with lead based on the fact
that the kid was a jew----as did the dog who hid rifle in the name of the pile of shit in the sky----"allah"

Still waiting for an actual quote from the article from you- rather than whatever you call that.
ZoG is not a conspiracy theory, and AIPAC is still s
That is not anti Semitic, its blunt honesty. Are you trying to deny the facts that she stated? Good luck.

Facts? Ok, let see your "facts".

You must be young is you don't know this very well known fact, I would not even know where to begin. Zog is not a conspiracy theory, and AIPAC is well known. Learn some American history and you will discover its true.
ZoG is not a conspiracy theory, and AIPAC is still s
That is not anti Semitic, its blunt honesty. Are you trying to deny the facts that she stated? Good luck.

Facts? Ok, let see your "facts".

You must be young is you don't know this very well known fact, I would not even know where to begin. Zog is not a conspiracy theory, and AIPAC is well known. Learn some American history and you will discover its true.

"IT'S TRUE" ------do not ask what "IT" is-----"IT" just
happens to be "TRUE"
ZoG is not a conspiracy theory, and AIPAC is still s
That is not anti Semitic, its blunt honesty. Are you trying to deny the facts that she stated? Good luck.

Facts? Ok, let see your "facts".

You must be young is you don't know this very well known fact, I would not even know where to begin. Zog is not a conspiracy theory, and AIPAC is well known. Learn some American history and you will discover its true.

"IT'S TRUE" ------do not ask what "IT" is-----"IT" just
happens to be "TRUE"

Penny you "KNOW" so much----you should SHARE. No doubt you "KNEW" that there would be an earthquake in Italy.
WHY did you keep it secret that ZOG was planning an
earthquake in Italy. At least tell us what were the objectives
of ZOG in creating an earthquake in Italy
Last edited:
Actually I think Trump's post is specifically racist and offensive- and did offend Mexican Americans.

I have yet to see any American Jews being offended for being called better organized than American Muslims.

Depends on the context----in the context that of THAT article which includes the "THE HOLOCAUST HAS BEEN A TOOL OF ZIONISTS" libel and the whine 'JEWS HAVE AN ADVANTAGE OVER MUSLIMS' and 'JEWS MANIPULATE
GETTING WHAT IS GOOD FOR JEWS ---and muslims are
just not organized' t

Well context is important- I note you don't really want to use the actual words in context- rather than your fantasies of what the article said

'Within the US, pro-Israeli support has been strong among Jewish Americans, whereas Muslim and Arab Americans (another ethnic community) have sympathized with the Palestinians,' the article reads.

'However, Jewish Americans have had a distinct advantage over Muslims and Arabs in the US in that they are better organized, more committed, more united, and generally far better adept at working the American political system of presidential democracy.

'In this they have been greatly aided by the American memory of the Holocaust, the use of Israel as an American 'strategic ally' in the Middle East, as well as by the active missionary zeal and political support of Christian Zionists.'

How about trying this- Make a sentence you find offensive green- Like this

your answer reflects your very shallow mind----the whole article in its intent, as I have already described, is GROSSLY OFFENSIVE"

Then quote some of the offensive content.

Anything that you find offensive.

Not content you are making up- but actual content from the actual article that Abedin supposedly edited.

I already did. you missed it? the article was a recap of the REASONS why jews, with nefarious agenda, (to wit Zionism)
are able to IMPOSE their nefarious agenda on innocent
meek and mild ----<<so meek and mild that they are not ADEPT at politics>>...on the noble ummah. Nothing new.
In fact the article is so UNORIGINAL that it is annoying. It reminds me of the stories Christians told themselves that included DA JOOOS KNOW HOW TO MAKE GOLD FROM BASE METALS--it's in da Talmud. Your question as to
IN WHAT WAY DOES IT OFFEND----is answered the same
way------your kith and kin KILLED PEOPLE BASED ON THOSE LIBELS (of course you could ask how does saying a person can make gold, OFFEND HIM?) ----it also recalls the REASON that muslims KNOW that DA JOOOS did 9-11-------because jooos are SMART ENOUGH TO DO IT ----but arabs cannot be THAT "ORGANIZED"
Were you in New York City on 9-11-01? The muslims of
the city were repeating that crap INCESSANTLY.
Also---read Mein Kampf-----also nonoffensive.

I appreciate your endorsement, Jacob. Next time you get into a wrestling match-----ask Gabriel if he can get an apple
for oggie and penny and syri----in order to get their forebrains in gear. At the very least lets try to get some ORIGINALITY
into their heads

So why do you hate Jews?

So, why do you torture small animals and jack off?

I would never copy you.
Who said anything about copying. You really should seek some help if you're getting off on the suffering you inflict on small animals. That's beyond disturbing. And your road to recovery doesn't even begin until you stop projecting your sick fetish onto others who are trying to get you help.
Depends on the context----in the context that of THAT article which includes the "THE HOLOCAUST HAS BEEN A TOOL OF ZIONISTS" libel and the whine 'JEWS HAVE AN ADVANTAGE OVER MUSLIMS' and 'JEWS MANIPULATE
GETTING WHAT IS GOOD FOR JEWS ---and muslims are
just not organized' t

Well context is important- I note you don't really want to use the actual words in context- rather than your fantasies of what the article said

'Within the US, pro-Israeli support has been strong among Jewish Americans, whereas Muslim and Arab Americans (another ethnic community) have sympathized with the Palestinians,' the article reads.

'However, Jewish Americans have had a distinct advantage over Muslims and Arabs in the US in that they are better organized, more committed, more united, and generally far better adept at working the American political system of presidential democracy.

'In this they have been greatly aided by the American memory of the Holocaust, the use of Israel as an American 'strategic ally' in the Middle East, as well as by the active missionary zeal and political support of Christian Zionists.'

How about trying this- Make a sentence you find offensive green- Like this

your answer reflects your very shallow mind----the whole article in its intent, as I have already described, is GROSSLY OFFENSIVE"

Then quote some of the offensive content.

Anything that you find offensive.

Not content you are making up- but actual content from the actual article that Abedin supposedly edited.

I already did. you missed it? the article was a recap of the REASONS why jews, with nefarious agenda, (to wit Zionism)
are able to IMPOSE their nefarious agenda on innocent
meek and mild -.

No- you just spout your usual spew of stuff.

Remember- I am looking for actual offensive content- not your fantasies.

One quote from the actual article.

Apparently impossible for you to find.
Anti Semites don't find antisemitism offensive. That's how you people justify targeting a minority group for special hostility and then begins the registration, then the gathering of them into work camps, then the ovens.... And it all begins with your Jew hate.

So why do you hate Jews?

So, why do you torture small animals and jack off?

I would never copy you.
Who said anything about copying. You really should seek some help if you're getting off on the suffering you inflict on small animals. That's beyond disturbing. And your road to recovery doesn't even begin until you stop projecting your sick fetish onto others who are trying to get you help.

such projection is virtually a "normal" ego defense
Well context is important- I note you don't really want to use the actual words in context- rather than your fantasies of what the article said

'Within the US, pro-Israeli support has been strong among Jewish Americans, whereas Muslim and Arab Americans (another ethnic community) have sympathized with the Palestinians,' the article reads.

'However, Jewish Americans have had a distinct advantage over Muslims and Arabs in the US in that they are better organized, more committed, more united, and generally far better adept at working the American political system of presidential democracy.

'In this they have been greatly aided by the American memory of the Holocaust, the use of Israel as an American 'strategic ally' in the Middle East, as well as by the active missionary zeal and political support of Christian Zionists.'

How about trying this- Make a sentence you find offensive green- Like this

your answer reflects your very shallow mind----the whole article in its intent, as I have already described, is GROSSLY OFFENSIVE"

Then quote some of the offensive content.

Anything that you find offensive.

Not content you are making up- but actual content from the actual article that Abedin supposedly edited.

I already did. you missed it? the article was a recap of the REASONS why jews, with nefarious agenda, (to wit Zionism)
are able to IMPOSE their nefarious agenda on innocent
meek and mild -.

No- you just spout your usual spew of stuff.

Remember- I am looking for actual offensive content- not your fantasies.

One quote from the actual article.

Apparently impossible for you to find.
Anti Semites don't find antisemitism offensive. That's how you people justify targeting a minority group for special hostility and then begins the registration, then the gathering of them into work camps, then the ovens.... And it all begins with your Jew hate.

anti Semitism amongst muslims is a sign of piety-----
it is an emulation of muhummad----an unquestioned
IDEAL in the "UMMAH" Long ago when I was a kid---
it was a sign of piety for catholics and---for ----at least--some
protestants-------Things began to change in the 60s. My first foray into a MOSQUE was in the 60s-----of course---I believed that the hatred spewed therein-----would "go away"--just as that sort of stuff was "going away" in churches
I never said that Huma was the author, dumbass, so I guess now you are the liar.

Here is the title of this thread- Quotation marks followed by Huma Abedin's name- you attributed that quote to Huma Abedin.

You didn't need to- you chose to.

"Jews are 'adept at working the American political system" - Huma Abedin
She approved the story as editor so she has to own it.

You are just pissed off that the antisemetic nature of

She never approved what you posted. That is entirely your lie.

Let me post your lie-
"Jews are 'adept at working the American political system" - Huma Abedin

Versus what was actually in the article- not written by Huma Abedi

However, Jewish Americans have had a distinct advantage over Muslims and Arabs in the US in that they are better organized, more committed, more united, and generally far better adept at working the American political system of presidential democracy.

Red= Lie
Green= Fact

You are just trying to cover up for the allegations that Trump's advisor is a Holocaust denier
Donald Trump foreign policy adviser downplayed Holocaust horrors

Donald Trump foreign policy advisor Joseph Schmitz allegedly downplayed Holocaust horrors, bragged about firing Jewish staffers

Joseph Schmitz is accused of bragging about firing Jewish staffers during his time as inspector general at the Pentagon from April 2002 to September 2005, according to a complaint obtained by McClatchy.
“In his final days, he allegedly lectured Mr. Crane on the details of concentration camps and how the ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews,” Meyer wrote in the complaint, according to reports.
So in your befoggled mind, a Trump hireling saying some stupid shit that never had to have Trumps review or approval is proof of something, but a published article in a journal that Abedin was editor of and had some control over is nothing to be bothered about?

Lol, it must be nice to live in Lala Liberal Land.
so where is that offensive quote?

I already answered that idiotic question----the whole piece is OFFENSIVE---but not as offensive as are you------
sure you have.

so if the whole thing is offensive tell me what is offensive about this quote

In this they have been greatly aided by the American memory of the Holocaust, the use of Israel as an American 'strategic ally' in the Middle East, as well as by the active missionaryzeal and political support of Christian Zionists
still waiting to hear what is offensive about that quote
I never said that Huma was the author, dumbass, so I guess now you are the liar.

Here is the title of this thread- Quotation marks followed by Huma Abedin's name- you attributed that quote to Huma Abedin.

You didn't need to- you chose to.

"Jews are 'adept at working the American political system" - Huma Abedin
She approved the story as editor so she has to own it.

You are just pissed off that the antisemetic nature of

She never approved what you posted. That is entirely your lie.

Let me post your lie-
"Jews are 'adept at working the American political system" - Huma Abedin

Versus what was actually in the article- not written by Huma Abedi

However, Jewish Americans have had a distinct advantage over Muslims and Arabs in the US in that they are better organized, more committed, more united, and generally far better adept at working the American political system of presidential democracy.

Red= Lie
Green= Fact

You are just trying to cover up for the allegations that Trump's advisor is a Holocaust denier
Donald Trump foreign policy adviser downplayed Holocaust horrors

Donald Trump foreign policy advisor Joseph Schmitz allegedly downplayed Holocaust horrors, bragged about firing Jewish staffers

Joseph Schmitz is accused of bragging about firing Jewish staffers during his time as inspector general at the Pentagon from April 2002 to September 2005, according to a complaint obtained by McClatchy.
“In his final days, he allegedly lectured Mr. Crane on the details of concentration camps and how the ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews,” Meyer wrote in the complaint, according to reports.
So in your befoggled mind, a Trump hireling saying some stupid shit that never had to have Trumps review or approval is proof of something, but a published article in a journal that Abedin was editor of and had some control over is nothing to be bothered about?

Lol, it must be nice to live in Lala Liberal Land.

Humas MOM and HER BROTHERS ---are editors (something I know about muslim "culture"-----because I have
been in muslim homes------SISTERS DO NOT CROSS
THEIR MOMS) Anyone try to get Huma to repudiate that shitty piece of propaganda? THAT <<< would be fun. HUMA was listed as an editor for years until she linked up with
HILLARY ----(seems like a fancy manipulation TO ME!!!) The magazine REFUSES
to state whether or not she was PAID FOR HER SERVICES-------crafty little bitch
The antisemetic streak of Hillary Clintonis displayed by the antisemitism of her Top aid.

"Jews are 'adept at working the American political system' aided by 'the memory of the Holocaust'" - extraordinary claim made by journal where Huma Abedin, Hillary Clintons top aid
Clinton aide edited journal claiming Jews 'aided by Holocaust memory'

Hillary's lover, Huma, is Muslim Brotherhood. Of course she hates Jews.d

Apparently she hates Jews so much that she married a Jew....

Rabbi still going after Bachmann over questions about Huma Abedin
Rabbi David Saperstein, the director of the Reform movement’s Religious Action Center, said in a JTA interview.

“I am deeply troubled by the allegations made by Rep. Michelle Bachmann and other Members of Congress in letters to the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, Defense and State asserting that respected government officials and religious organizations are connected to the Muslim Brotherhood,” he wrote. “The letters assert that Huma Abedin, Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary Clinton, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), and ISNA President Imam Mohammed Magid are all connected to the Muslim Brotherhood, posing a potential security risk to the United States.

“The Reform Movement, and I personally, have worked with Ms. Abedin, Imam Magid and ISNA for many years,” he continued. “All have worked on behalf of U.S. interests at home and abroad, built relationships across religious lines and affirmed U.S. constitutional values.”

What better way of being accepted and trusted, than to marry a jew. She may be the enemy from within that cicero wrote about.

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