Jews as Hebrew God's Chosen people, Because?

The most persecuted minority in world history excels wherever they go and run the entire world. Hey, it's almost like there's a supernatural power blessing them or something.

Materialism tends to be warned of in most religions, rather than promoted.

Guess who's the most Materialistic peoples????????????
Can you guess????????
Who resides in The Vatican?

The Vatican is indeed too Materialistic.
But, Catholics don't have the kind of Materialism that some of these rich Jews do.

Quite frankly, many of these rich Jews like Soros, Zuckeberg, Sergei Brinn, Sumner Redstone, etc. etc. are major peddlers of the Liberal agenda,
(Frowned upon by also many religions)

Your lunatic rankings and ravings were equal parts humorous and entertaining on the Topix forums years ago, Polak.

Now they’re just petulantly idiotic.

Give it a rest.

Explain how it's not some fact that many Jews peddle the Liberal agenda to our demise?????

The reason they do it is NOT because they wish to cause our (I’m also a Goy) destruction, contrary to what conspiracy theorists like you portend.

It’s a self-preservation strategy that the Ashkenazi Jewish elite adopted as a response to the tribulations they suffered in Europe in the 20th century.

The less racial, ethnic, religious and cultural homogeneity in Europe/European-settled societies = less anti-Semitic persecution, less ghettoization, less chances of continued pogroms, murders or genocides suffered.

Ashkenazi Jews are like a collective of PTSD victims due to the relentless suffering they had to endure by Europeans/Christians for the better part of 1600 years.

The difference between you and I is that I can actually emphasize and understand where they are coming from, walk a mile in their shoes, etc.
Materialism tends to be warned of in most religions, rather than promoted.

Guess who's the most Materialistic peoples????????????
Can you guess????????
Who resides in The Vatican?

The Vatican is indeed too Materialistic.
But, Catholics don't have the kind of Materialism that some of these rich Jews do.

Quite frankly, many of these rich Jews like Soros, Zuckeberg, Sergei Brinn, Sumner Redstone, etc. etc. are major peddlers of the Liberal agenda,
(Frowned upon by also many religions)

Your lunatic rankings and ravings were equal parts humorous and entertaining on the Topix forums years ago, Polak.

Now they’re just petulantly idiotic.

Give it a rest.

Explain how it's not some fact that many Jews peddle the Liberal agenda to our demise?????

The reason they do it is NOT because they wish to cause our (I’m also a Goy) destruction, contrary to what conspiracy theorists like you portend.

It’s a self-preservation strategy that the Ashkenazi Jewish elite adopted as a response to the tribulations they suffered in Europe in the 20th century.

The less racial, ethnic, religious and cultural homogeneity in Europe/European-settled societies = less anti-Semitic persecution, less ghettoization, less chances of continued pogroms, murders or genocides suffered.

Ashkenazi Jews are like a collective of PTSD victims due to the relentless suffering they had to endure by Europeans/Christians for the better part of 1600 years.

The difference between you and I is that I can actually emphasize and understand where they are coming from, walk a mile in their shoes, etc.

Self preservation strategy?
When just short of 60% of Jews marry non-Jews in the U.S.A in recent years?
As tons of Illegal Immigrants flood around regions with a good deal of Jews, such as NYC, LA, Chicago, Miami, etc. etc.

The fact is, Jews will slowly be engulfed by Hispanics, and if they keep marrying outsiders, more, and more as this pattern increased during the 20th Century.... Then it doesn't look all too good for Jews.

The very Liberalism they embrace, is in fact leading to their demise.
Who resides in The Vatican?

The Vatican is indeed too Materialistic.
But, Catholics don't have the kind of Materialism that some of these rich Jews do.

Quite frankly, many of these rich Jews like Soros, Zuckeberg, Sergei Brinn, Sumner Redstone, etc. etc. are major peddlers of the Liberal agenda,
(Frowned upon by also many religions)

Your lunatic rankings and ravings were equal parts humorous and entertaining on the Topix forums years ago, Polak.

Now they’re just petulantly idiotic.

Give it a rest.

Explain how it's not some fact that many Jews peddle the Liberal agenda to our demise?????

The reason they do it is NOT because they wish to cause our (I’m also a Goy) destruction, contrary to what conspiracy theorists like you portend.

It’s a self-preservation strategy that the Ashkenazi Jewish elite adopted as a response to the tribulations they suffered in Europe in the 20th century.

The less racial, ethnic, religious and cultural homogeneity in Europe/European-settled societies = less anti-Semitic persecution, less ghettoization, less chances of continued pogroms, murders or genocides suffered.

Ashkenazi Jews are like a collective of PTSD victims due to the relentless suffering they had to endure by Europeans/Christians for the better part of 1600 years.

The difference between you and I is that I can actually emphasize and understand where they are coming from, walk a mile in their shoes, etc.

Self preservation strategy?
When just short of 60% of Jews marry non-Jews in the U.S.A in recent years?
As tons of Illegal Immigrants flood around regions with a good deal of Jews, such as NYC, LA, Chicago, Miami, etc. etc.

The fact is, Jews will slowly be engulfed by Hispanics, and if they keep marrying outsiders, more, and more as this pattern increased during the 20th Century.... Then it doesn't look all too good for Jews.

The very Liberalism they embrace, is in fact leading to their demise.

Their numbers may dwindle demographically.....but you can bet your bottom dollar that Jews will find a way to persist. You don’t endure two millennia of being a wandering minority in other nations without adopting a few survival tips.

Ashkenazi Jews have never been slaughtered or persecuted en masse by Hispanics....or Asians.

I doubt they feel the same fear that they would had they been living in societies dominated by Europeans or Muslims.
Materialism tends to be warned of in most religions, rather than promoted.

Guess who's the most Materialistic peoples????????????
Can you guess????????
Who resides in The Vatican?

The Vatican is indeed too Materialistic.
But, Catholics don't have the kind of Materialism that some of these rich Jews do.

Quite frankly, many of these rich Jews like Soros, Zuckeberg, Sergei Brinn, Sumner Redstone, etc. etc. are major peddlers of the Liberal agenda,
(Frowned upon by also many religions)

Your lunatic rankings and ravings were equal parts humorous and entertaining on the Topix forums years ago, Polak.

Now they’re just petulantly idiotic.

Give it a rest.

Explain how it's not some fact that many Jews peddle the Liberal agenda to our demise?????

The reason they do it is NOT because they wish to cause our (I’m also a Goy) destruction, contrary to what conspiracy theorists like you portend.

I never said that ALL JEWS go Liberal to support our destruction.

I'd actually agree, that more often than not there's other reasons.

A.) Jews do see it often as strength by Numbers, that they are going to be stronger against Whites, with more Minorities.
B.) Jews often are pretty Effeminate, a trait commonly associated with Liberalism.
C.) Yes, a small number of Jews particularly the elite, do seem to want us gone, the ones like Soros, and Zuckeberg, absolutely I wouldn't really doubt it.

It's all pretty ridiculous & stupid.

It does piss me off.

It blows up in Jews faces too.

A lot of Jews support these minorities, and they get Crown Heights Riots by Blacks, or the Hispanic Mezuzah Arsonist in Brooklyn, or Muslims who do Terrorism against Jews.

Fact is many of these minorities they're supporting, are in fact polled as more anti-Semitic than White America.
Sobieski. Just what is your thing about Jews??? You are all over USMB about this. But just what is your problem?

If you were an actual Pole, instead of an actual Jew, you'd definitely understand the Jewish actions against Poles, and their Catholic faith as well.

Therefor you wouldn't ask such silly questions regarding Jews.
What Polish Jewish actions against Polish Christians? Time and place.

BTW: Back inn the 1980's I had a boss who was Jewish.While I am the daughter to two Catholics, I remember her saying to me that I had a Jewish heart and was a Jew, but didn't know it yet.So YAY ME! I am what I am what I am what I am, just like Popeye.

Wishing you all a Good Shabbas.

In Poland----jews captured Christian children and used their blood to bake cookies and
Matzoh-----and as a nice refreshing drink
Are you this nuts? You are way outside of weirdo,

Lysis------you have not been around------It seems to me that you don't REALLY
know a whole lot of muslims------and now you reveal that you don't know a whole
lot of polish grandmas. Good that you like spinach-- high in both iron, and vit A---
and even Lutein
What in the hell are you talking about? Spinach? Are you nuts? I know a lot of Muslims. My Nana dieded in 1975. We passed oplatek around the table before eating. This is the table my Nana labored to set for us , her children and her grandchildren.
Who resides in The Vatican?

The Vatican is indeed too Materialistic.
But, Catholics don't have the kind of Materialism that some of these rich Jews do.

Quite frankly, many of these rich Jews like Soros, Zuckeberg, Sergei Brinn, Sumner Redstone, etc. etc. are major peddlers of the Liberal agenda,
(Frowned upon by also many religions)

Your lunatic rankings and ravings were equal parts humorous and entertaining on the Topix forums years ago, Polak.

Now they’re just petulantly idiotic.

Give it a rest.

Explain how it's not some fact that many Jews peddle the Liberal agenda to our demise?????

The reason they do it is NOT because they wish to cause our (I’m also a Goy) destruction, contrary to what conspiracy theorists like you portend.

I never said that ALL JEWS go Liberal to support our destruction.

I'd actually agree, that more often than not there's other reasons.

A.) Jews do see it often as strength by Numbers, that they are going to be stronger against Whites, with more Minorities.
B.) Jews often are pretty Effeminate, a trait commonly associated with Liberalism.
C.) Yes, a small number of Jews particularly the elite, do seem to want us gone, the ones like Soros, and Zuckeberg, absolutely I wouldn't really doubt it.

It's all pretty ridiculous & stupid.

It does piss me off.

It blows up in Jews faces too.

A lot of Jews support these minorities, and they get Crown Heights Riots by Blacks, or the Hispanic Mezuzah Arsonist in Brooklyn, or Muslims who do Terrorism against Jews.

Fact is many of these minorities they're supporting, are in fact polled as more anti-Semitic than White America.

I will agree with you on the account of some of the open borders policies the Jewish elite having pushed for coming back to bite their community in the ass re: Muslims.

I will never understand that part. I have tried explaining many times to my Jewish friends why trying to build bridges with Muslims is futile and they just bury their heads in the sand. These guys legit believe that the establishment of a Palestinian State/2-State solution would solve all of those issues.
Who resides in The Vatican?

The Vatican is indeed too Materialistic.
But, Catholics don't have the kind of Materialism that some of these rich Jews do.

Quite frankly, many of these rich Jews like Soros, Zuckeberg, Sergei Brinn, Sumner Redstone, etc. etc. are major peddlers of the Liberal agenda,
(Frowned upon by also many religions)

Your lunatic rankings and ravings were equal parts humorous and entertaining on the Topix forums years ago, Polak.

Now they’re just petulantly idiotic.

Give it a rest.

Explain how it's not some fact that many Jews peddle the Liberal agenda to our demise?????

The reason they do it is NOT because they wish to cause our (I’m also a Goy) destruction, contrary to what conspiracy theorists like you portend.

I never said that ALL JEWS go Liberal to support our destruction.

I'd actually agree, that more often than not there's other reasons.

A.) Jews do see it often as strength by Numbers, that they are going to be stronger against Whites, with more Minorities.
B.) Jews often are pretty Effeminate, a trait commonly associated with Liberalism.
C.) Yes, a small number of Jews particularly the elite, do seem to want us gone, the ones like Soros, and Zuckeberg, absolutely I wouldn't really doubt it.

It's all pretty ridiculous & stupid.

It does piss me off.

It blows up in Jews faces too.

A lot of Jews support these minorities, and they get Crown Heights Riots by Blacks, or the Hispanic Mezuzah Arsonist in Brooklyn, or Muslims who do Terrorism against Jews.

Fact is many of these minorities they're supporting, are in fact polled as more anti-Semitic than White America.

Not that I agree to your point B re: being effeminate- I mean just take a look at how much the Jews have established military supremacy over the entire Arab-Muslim world for 70+ years now- but why does this even matter in this day and age?

The age of human combat is slowly coming to an end. Autonomous and intelligent machines are the future of warfare. This just gives a tech juggernaut like Israel/Jews an even bigger advantage over their scientifically/technologicallly illiterate and primitive Muslim neighbours.
Some say John the Baptist was Eliyahu.

But let me flip that around... who did Eliyahu herald? If you are arguing that Eliyahu heralded no one then how can he herald the Moshiach? If you say, he will herald him three days before the Moshiach comes, then it can be anyone... including Jesus.
You’re missing the whole point...
Eliyahu will announce to the WHOLE world.
There will be no doubt on a global scale.
Great. You are proving my point. He will announce the Moshiach and when it is time, he will announce that Jesus is the Moshiach. Unless you think you already know who the Moshiach is, right?

If you don't know who the Moshiach is, then how do you know it can't be Jesus?
Now you’re being stupid.
The Moshiach doesn’t die; that’s NT bullshit.
Jesus suffered death, he didn't die. Two different things. Besides when the Moshiach appears you will accept him, right? So if Eliyahu announces to the whole world that the Moshiach is Jesus, what are you going to do?
You know why you’re stupid?
You reject the verses that explicitly state that the Moshiach will follow the mitzvot given to Moshe.
Yes, that’s right, you skip right over them.
I’ve had my fill of having discussions with someone who edits out the word of God from Scripture.
The Bible wasn’t written by God. It was written by men. Genesis is not a literal account, and the Moshiach will be who he is despite your objections.
Another verse cherry picker.
You don't think he did because you follow the law according to the instructions of the talmud which renders the law void, exactly like the world was without form and void before the law was given.
I just do what I want!

Does the Mrs know that you have become a Christian?
So God accepted a new nation comprised of the most depraved people on earth...the Romans.

Have you been drinking this morning?

No, that just the spin of confused people.

To Jesus his disciples and the authors of the Gospels 'the nations' were the enemy.


"I have not come to bring peace but a sword." Jesus H. Christ

Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them." Jeremiah 25:15

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations." Revelation 19:15

Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."

Just art thou in these thy judgments, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink"

See? Jesus sent a curse in a cup of wine though the nations, just like one would expect a Jewish messiah to do.


"I will force your oppressors to eat their own flesh and make them drunk on their own blood as if with new wine. Then all people shall know that I, the Lord, am your savior and your redeemer, the mighty one of Jacob.""
Revelations was about the end of the Roman Empire.
Jesus followed the only right way to comply with the Law given to Moses that fulfills the promise of life.
Another verse cherry picker.
You don't think he did because you follow the law according to the instructions of the talmud which renders the law void, exactly like the world was without form and void before the law was given.
I just do what I want!

Does the Mrs know that you have become a Christian?
So God accepted a new nation comprised of the most depraved people on earth...the Romans.

Have you been drinking this morning?
Aren’t all people God’s people?
Turks silenced the Armenians

So did Israel, considering Israel doesn't recognize the Armenian Genocide.

So did Jew Abe Foxman, considering he as a leader of the ADL at the time, kept bullying Armenians to deny their Armenian Genocide.

Do you have proof that Israel doesn't recognize it? I am a Jew and I certainly do.

So, you're unaware?

The Hypocrisy of Israel's Denial of the Armenian Genocide

Israel parliamentary vote on ‘Armenian genocide’ scrapped - World News

Israeli lawmaker drops bill recognizing Armenian genocide

Israeli parliament rejects law recognizing 1915 events as 'Armenian genocide'

not at all UNAWARE-----very aware that Israel did not FORMALLY make note of the Armenian
Genocide------that fact does not mean that the country DENIES it. Did the pope formally
admit that the DEICIDE BULLSHIT is a friggen fraud?

I said Israel doesn't recognize the Armenian Genocide, and Jew Abe Foxman denies the Armenian Genocide.

Do you have a reading comprehension issue, Jew?

Your hatred for Jews is awesome. Not Zionists. Jews. But I am the one Jew you respect and bow to. I understand.
That's just stupid. You're begging for any excuse to hate Jews.

IT IS STUPID to blame Poles for the Holocaust, as many Jews have done.

But, right when that happens, the Gloves come off, and it therefor becomes OKAY to blame Jews for the Holocaust.

Which can in fact be done, There's many encounters & records also of Jewish Nazi collaborators.

"As many Jews have done". The world does not blame the Poles, it blames Hitler and the Nazis. Instead of whining about what a handful of other victims has done, why not open your eyes to see beyond your hatred and actually live life?

The bottom line remains, the Holocaust was a creation of Hitler and the Nazis. Trying to blame it on the Jews because you think some Jews blamed the Poles is indeed stupid. It's just an attempt to grant legitimacy to your anti-semitism.

There's an increasing push to blame Poles & Poland for the Holocaust, and it's usually by Jews.

Keep in mind the Israel Knesset, called Poland Holocaust Deniers, for daring to secure it's history, with a Law which makes it Illegal to call them Polish Death Camps, or blame the Polish state for the Camps & Nazis.

This shows what anti-Polish trash, Jews are in the Norm, and I certainly don't appreciate this scum.

That doesn't excuse you lying about the Jews causing the Holocaust. That's just dumb.

If there's no excuse for Jews being blamed for the Holocaust, then there should also be no excuse blaming Poles for the Holocaust.

Indeed, the role of both Jewish Nazi collaborators, and Polish Nazi collaborators were minimal, but did in fact exist.

It's either okay to point fingers at the victims of Genocide for their Genocide, or it's NOT.

It seems Jews in general just like to get theirs at all costs, and don't give a damn flying f*ck about the Goyim.
Now you're just being bitter. The rest of the world doesn't blame either the Jews or the Poles for the holocaust. You need to let this go.

Face it, you just want an excuse to hate Jews.
If you were an actual Pole, instead of an actual Jew, you'd definitely understand the Jewish actions against Poles, and their Catholic faith as well.

Therefor you wouldn't ask such silly questions regarding Jews.
What Polish Jewish actions against Polish Christians? Time and place.

BTW: Back inn the 1980's I had a boss who was Jewish.While I am the daughter to two Catholics, I remember her saying to me that I had a Jewish heart and was a Jew, but didn't know it yet.So YAY ME! I am what I am what I am what I am, just like Popeye.

Wishing you all a Good Shabbas.

In Poland----jews captured Christian children and used their blood to bake cookies and
Matzoh-----and as a nice refreshing drink
Are you this nuts? You are way outside of weirdo,

Lysis------you have not been around------It seems to me that you don't REALLY
know a whole lot of muslims------and now you reveal that you don't know a whole
lot of polish grandmas. Good that you like spinach-- high in both iron, and vit A---
and even Lutein
What in the hell are you talking about? Spinach? Are you nuts? I know a lot of Muslims. My Nana dieded in 1975. We passed oplatek around the table before eating. This is the table my Nana labored to set for us , her children and her grandchildren.

if you "know" muslims----talk to them and their adolescent kids-------tea in the parlor does not cut it
Materialism tends to be warned of in most religions, rather than promoted.

Guess who's the most Materialistic peoples????????????
Can you guess????????
Who resides in The Vatican?

The Vatican is indeed too Materialistic.
But, Catholics don't have the kind of Materialism that some of these rich Jews do.

Quite frankly, many of these rich Jews like Soros, Zuckeberg, Sergei Brinn, Sumner Redstone, etc. etc. are major peddlers of the Liberal agenda,
(Frowned upon by also many religions)

Your lunatic rankings and ravings were equal parts humorous and entertaining on the Topix forums years ago, Polak.

Now they’re just petulantly idiotic.

Give it a rest.

Explain how it's not some fact that many Jews peddle the Liberal agenda to our demise?????

The reason they do it is NOT because they wish to cause our (I’m also a Goy) destruction, contrary to what conspiracy theorists like you portend.

It’s a self-preservation strategy that the Ashkenazi Jewish elite adopted as a response to the tribulations they suffered in Europe in the 20th century.

The less racial, ethnic, religious and cultural homogeneity in Europe/European-settled societies = less anti-Semitic persecution, less ghettoization, less chances of continued pogroms, murders or genocides suffered.

Ashkenazi Jews are like a collective of PTSD victims due to the relentless suffering they had to endure by Europeans/Christians for the better part of 1600 years.

The difference between you and I is that I can actually emphasize and understand where they are coming from, walk a mile in their shoes, etc.

Why do you focus on Ashkenazi jews?-------you have something against the Mizrachi jews?
Feel free to ask questions
He can't lure them into a drunken stupor with a fiery cup of maudlin tales of almighty God becoming a cute little edible baby boy wearing diapers on Christmas morning in a manger used to feed livestock, sniff, sniff, while angels in heaven were singing ' hot diggity dog!"

I'm a bit of an Agnostic, likewise I was raised in the Catholic faith, and do in fact find it rude, when I've said Merry Christmas to Jews who said nothing & ONLY gave Mean-Stares in response.

Mean stares? lol.. ouch! That must have really hurt. Why don't you say Happy Thanksgiving! to a Native American and see what happens?

Maybe they'll give you a hug!

Then Jews must equally expect people to think they should GTFO, if they're going to disrespect Christian traditions, be it Christmas, Jesus, or anything else Jews hate about us, then LEAVE, this is a majority Christian nation.

They are not disrespecting Christmas, you are disrespecting them.

When jew comes up to you on the street and says, "Its Good Friday, Yay, Jesus died!, let's celebrate!" then you'll have something to cry about...and I'll even give you a tissue.

So, everyone is supposed to know they're Jewish?
I didn't know, but it was obvious after the fact + they looked Jewish.

Maybe Jews should leave, if they're so offended by Christmas.

Argh. You are so full of shit it isn't funny. How is everyone supposed to know they were Jewish but you knew they were Jewish. Right.

So you admit that you were just fucking with them when you said merry Christmas and then have the audacity to act all insulted and surprised here because they blew you off as just another low class low IQ idiot.

Does this really shock you?

they gave you mean stares? Those bastards! Were your feelings hurt? Aww, poor

Last edited:
I'm a bit of an Agnostic, likewise I was raised in the Catholic faith, and do in fact find it rude, when I've said Merry Christmas to Jews who said nothing & ONLY gave Mean-Stares in response.

Mean stares? lol.. ouch! That must have really hurt. Why don't you say Happy Thanksgiving! to a Native American and see what happens?

Maybe they'll give you a hug!

Then Jews must equally expect people to think they should GTFO, if they're going to disrespect Christian traditions, be it Christmas, Jesus, or anything else Jews hate about us, then LEAVE, this is a majority Christian nation.

They are not disrespecting Christmas, you are disrespecting them.

When jew comes up to you on the street and says, "Its Good Friday, Yay, Jesus died!, let's celebrate!" then you'll have something to cry about...and I'll even give you a tissue.

So, everyone is supposed to know they're Jewish?
I didn't know, but it was obvious after the fact + they looked Jewish.

Maybe Jews should leave, if they're so offended by Christmas.

Argh. You are so full of shit it isn't funny. How is everyone supposed to know they were Jewish but you knew they were Jewish. Right.

So you admit that you were just fucking with them when you said merry Christmas and then have the audacity to act all insulted and surprised here because they blew you off as just another low class low IQ idiot.

Does this really shock you?

they gave you mean stares? Those bastards! Were your feelings hurt? Aww, poor


People should be able to say Merry Christmas to random people, without low IQ Jewish vermin having an OCD panic attack.
The Vatican is indeed too Materialistic.
But, Catholics don't have the kind of Materialism that some of these rich Jews do.

Quite frankly, many of these rich Jews like Soros, Zuckeberg, Sergei Brinn, Sumner Redstone, etc. etc. are major peddlers of the Liberal agenda,
(Frowned upon by also many religions)

Your lunatic rankings and ravings were equal parts humorous and entertaining on the Topix forums years ago, Polak.

Now they’re just petulantly idiotic.

Give it a rest.

Explain how it's not some fact that many Jews peddle the Liberal agenda to our demise?????

The reason they do it is NOT because they wish to cause our (I’m also a Goy) destruction, contrary to what conspiracy theorists like you portend.

It’s a self-preservation strategy that the Ashkenazi Jewish elite adopted as a response to the tribulations they suffered in Europe in the 20th century.

The less racial, ethnic, religious and cultural homogeneity in Europe/European-settled societies = less anti-Semitic persecution, less ghettoization, less chances of continued pogroms, murders or genocides suffered.

Ashkenazi Jews are like a collective of PTSD victims due to the relentless suffering they had to endure by Europeans/Christians for the better part of 1600 years.

The difference between you and I is that I can actually emphasize and understand where they are coming from, walk a mile in their shoes, etc.

Self preservation strategy?
When just short of 60% of Jews marry non-Jews in the U.S.A in recent years?
As tons of Illegal Immigrants flood around regions with a good deal of Jews, such as NYC, LA, Chicago, Miami, etc. etc.

The fact is, Jews will slowly be engulfed by Hispanics, and if they keep marrying outsiders, more, and more as this pattern increased during the 20th Century.... Then it doesn't look all too good for Jews.

The very Liberalism they embrace, is in fact leading to their demise.

Ashkenazi Jews have never been slaughtered or persecuted en masse by Hispanics....or Asians.

Hispanics aren't as anti-Semitic?
Not really by todays standards.

A Guatemalan village expelled Jews.

Jews 'forced' from Guatemala village

Ex-Guatemalan mayor sentenced to jail for expelling 'Jewish Taliban' ultra-Orthodox sect
The Vatican is indeed too Materialistic.
But, Catholics don't have the kind of Materialism that some of these rich Jews do.

Quite frankly, many of these rich Jews like Soros, Zuckeberg, Sergei Brinn, Sumner Redstone, etc. etc. are major peddlers of the Liberal agenda,
(Frowned upon by also many religions)

Your lunatic rankings and ravings were equal parts humorous and entertaining on the Topix forums years ago, Polak.

Now they’re just petulantly idiotic.

Give it a rest.

Explain how it's not some fact that many Jews peddle the Liberal agenda to our demise?????

The reason they do it is NOT because they wish to cause our (I’m also a Goy) destruction, contrary to what conspiracy theorists like you portend.

I never said that ALL JEWS go Liberal to support our destruction.

I'd actually agree, that more often than not there's other reasons.

A.) Jews do see it often as strength by Numbers, that they are going to be stronger against Whites, with more Minorities.
B.) Jews often are pretty Effeminate, a trait commonly associated with Liberalism.
C.) Yes, a small number of Jews particularly the elite, do seem to want us gone, the ones like Soros, and Zuckeberg, absolutely I wouldn't really doubt it.

It's all pretty ridiculous & stupid.

It does piss me off.

It blows up in Jews faces too.

A lot of Jews support these minorities, and they get Crown Heights Riots by Blacks, or the Hispanic Mezuzah Arsonist in Brooklyn, or Muslims who do Terrorism against Jews.

Fact is many of these minorities they're supporting, are in fact polled as more anti-Semitic than White America.

I will agree with you on the account of some of the open borders policies the Jewish elite having pushed for coming back to bite their community in the ass re: Muslims.

I will never understand that part. I have tried explaining many times to my Jewish friends why trying to build bridges with Muslims is futile and they just bury their heads in the sand. These guys legit believe that the establishment of a Palestinian State/2-State solution would solve all of those issues.

Arabs owned more land in Palestine / Israel than Jews had, and also Arabs made up more population, before Jews stole it as Israel.
IT IS STUPID to blame Poles for the Holocaust, as many Jews have done.

But, right when that happens, the Gloves come off, and it therefor becomes OKAY to blame Jews for the Holocaust.

Which can in fact be done, There's many encounters & records also of Jewish Nazi collaborators.

"As many Jews have done". The world does not blame the Poles, it blames Hitler and the Nazis. Instead of whining about what a handful of other victims has done, why not open your eyes to see beyond your hatred and actually live life?

The bottom line remains, the Holocaust was a creation of Hitler and the Nazis. Trying to blame it on the Jews because you think some Jews blamed the Poles is indeed stupid. It's just an attempt to grant legitimacy to your anti-semitism.

There's an increasing push to blame Poles & Poland for the Holocaust, and it's usually by Jews.

Keep in mind the Israel Knesset, called Poland Holocaust Deniers, for daring to secure it's history, with a Law which makes it Illegal to call them Polish Death Camps, or blame the Polish state for the Camps & Nazis.

This shows what anti-Polish trash, Jews are in the Norm, and I certainly don't appreciate this scum.

That doesn't excuse you lying about the Jews causing the Holocaust. That's just dumb.

If there's no excuse for Jews being blamed for the Holocaust, then there should also be no excuse blaming Poles for the Holocaust.

Indeed, the role of both Jewish Nazi collaborators, and Polish Nazi collaborators were minimal, but did in fact exist.

It's either okay to point fingers at the victims of Genocide for their Genocide, or it's NOT.

It seems Jews in general just like to get theirs at all costs, and don't give a damn flying f*ck about the Goyim.
Now you're just being bitter. The rest of the world doesn't blame either the Jews or the Poles for the holocaust. You need to let this go.

Face it, you just want an excuse to hate Jews.

Many Jews are trying to rewrite history, as Poland did the Holocaust.

This simply cannot be tolerated.

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