Jews as Hebrew God's Chosen people, Because?

Yet, if it were so easy to refute the things I state, you'd do it.

Absolutely, a lot of Jews have trouble with Facts, look at people like Irosie, or Debbie Schlussel, or Howard Stern, among many other Jews who blame Poland for the death of Millions of Jews, who can NEVER SEEM to bring forward any damn Facts.
I bet your grandparents or great grandparents sold Jewish property and used it to buy a house here in the US.

A.) My Polish relatives came here before WW2.

B.) Communist Poland had no property Ownership from 1947 - 1989.

You Jews are so dumb, and can NEVER Seem to properly use facts to back up your positions.
I'm Irish Catholic one one side. Russian/Polish Catholic on the other. My parents were married in a Polish Catholic church on Long Island.I've got the same creds as you. I'm still waiting to hear what your beef is about Jews.
He can't lure them into a drunken stupor with a fiery cup of maudlin tales of almighty God becoming a cute little edible baby boy wearing diapers on Christmas morning in a manger used to feed livestock, sniff, sniff, while angels in heaven were singing ' hot diggity dog!"

I'm a bit of an Agnostic, likewise I was raised in the Catholic faith, and do in fact find it rude, when I've said Merry Christmas to Jews who said nothing & ONLY gave Mean-Stares in response.

Mean stares? lol.. ouch! That must have really hurt. Why don't you say Happy Thanksgiving! to a Native American and see what happens?

Maybe they'll give you a hug!
Sobieski. Just what is your thing about Jews??? You are all over USMB about this. But just what is your problem?

If you were an actual Pole, instead of an actual Jew, you'd definitely understand the Jewish actions against Poles, and their Catholic faith as well.

Therefor you wouldn't ask such silly questions regarding Jews.
What Polish Jewish actions against Polish Christians? Time and place.

BTW: Back inn the 1980's I had a boss who was Jewish.While I am the daughter to two Catholics, I remember her saying to me that I had a Jewish heart and was a Jew, but didn't know it yet.So YAY ME! I am what I am what I am what I am, just like Popeye.

Wishing you all a Good Shabbas.

In Poland----jews captured Christian children and used their blood to bake cookies and
Matzoh-----and as a nice refreshing drink
Are you this nuts? You are way outside of weirdo,
Sobieski. Just what is your thing about Jews??? You are all over USMB about this. But just what is your problem?

If you were an actual Pole, instead of an actual Jew, you'd definitely understand the Jewish actions against Poles, and their Catholic faith as well.

Therefor you wouldn't ask such silly questions regarding Jews.
What Polish Jewish actions against Polish Christians? Time and place.

BTW: Back inn the 1980's I had a boss who was Jewish.While I am the daughter to two Catholics, I remember her saying to me that I had a Jewish heart and was a Jew, but didn't know it yet.So YAY ME! I am what I am what I am what I am, just like Popeye.

Wishing you all a Good Shabbas.

In Poland----jews captured Christian children and used their blood to bake cookies and
Matzoh-----and as a nice refreshing drink
Are you this nuts? You are way outside of weirdo,

If you try it you'll like it!

Sobieski. Just what is your thing about Jews??? You are all over USMB about this. But just what is your problem?

If you were an actual Pole, instead of an actual Jew, you'd definitely understand the Jewish actions against Poles, and their Catholic faith as well.

Therefor you wouldn't ask such silly questions regarding Jews.
What Polish Jewish actions against Polish Christians? Time and place.

BTW: Back inn the 1980's I had a boss who was Jewish.While I am the daughter to two Catholics, I remember her saying to me that I had a Jewish heart and was a Jew, but didn't know it yet.So YAY ME! I am what I am what I am what I am, just like Popeye.

Wishing you all a Good Shabbas.

In Poland----jews captured Christian children and used their blood to bake cookies and
Matzoh-----and as a nice refreshing drink
Are you this nuts? You are way outside of weirdo,

Lysis------you have not been around------It seems to me that you don't REALLY
know a whole lot of muslims------and now you reveal that you don't know a whole
lot of polish grandmas. Good that you like spinach-- high in both iron, and vit A---
and even Lutein
6 million dead is quite a narrative

Nobody has stopped other victims from telling their story

Turks silenced the Armenians

So did Israel, considering Israel doesn't recognize the Armenian Genocide.

So did Jew Abe Foxman, considering he as a leader of the ADL at the time, kept bullying Armenians to deny their Armenian Genocide.

Do you have proof that Israel doesn't recognize it? I am a Jew and I certainly do.

So, you're unaware?

The Hypocrisy of Israel's Denial of the Armenian Genocide

Israel parliamentary vote on ‘Armenian genocide’ scrapped - World News

Israeli lawmaker drops bill recognizing Armenian genocide

Israeli parliament rejects law recognizing 1915 events as 'Armenian genocide'

not at all UNAWARE-----very aware that Israel did not FORMALLY make note of the Armenian
Genocide------that fact does not mean that the country DENIES it. Did the pope formally
admit that the DEICIDE BULLSHIT is a friggen fraud?

I said Israel doesn't recognize the Armenian Genocide, and Jew Abe Foxman denies the Armenian Genocide.

Do you have a reading comprehension issue, Jew?
Sobieski. Just what is your thing about Jews??? You are all over USMB about this. But just what is your problem?

If you were an actual Pole, instead of an actual Jew, you'd definitely understand the Jewish actions against Poles, and their Catholic faith as well.

Therefor you wouldn't ask such silly questions regarding Jews.
What Polish Jewish actions against Polish Christians? Time and place.

BTW: Back inn the 1980's I had a boss who was Jewish.While I am the daughter to two Catholics, I remember her saying to me that I had a Jewish heart and was a Jew, but didn't know it yet.So YAY ME! I am what I am what I am what I am, just like Popeye.

Wishing you all a Good Shabbas.

Here are some anti-Polish actions JUST by the government of Israel.

Majority of Knesset backs bill accusing Poland of Holocaust denial

Poland approves Holocaust bill condemned by Israel

Polish restitution bill discriminates against Holocaust survivors, Israel says - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Israel won't extradite Polish Jew accused of post- WWII genocide
I bet your grandparents or great grandparents sold Jewish property and used it to buy a house here in the US.

A.) My Polish relatives came here before WW2.

B.) Communist Poland had no property Ownership from 1947 - 1989.

You Jews are so dumb, and can NEVER Seem to properly use facts to back up your positions.
I'm Irish Catholic one one side. Russian/Polish Catholic on the other. My parents were married in a Polish Catholic church on Long Island.I've got the same creds as you. I'm still waiting to hear what your beef is about Jews.
He can't lure them into a drunken stupor with a fiery cup of maudlin tales of almighty God becoming a cute little edible baby boy wearing diapers on Christmas morning in a manger used to feed livestock, sniff, sniff, while angels in heaven were singing ' hot diggity dog!"

I'm a bit of an Agnostic, likewise I was raised in the Catholic faith, and do in fact find it rude, when I've said Merry Christmas to Jews who said nothing & ONLY gave Mean-Stares in response.

Mean stares? lol.. ouch! That must have really hurt. Why don't you say Happy Thanksgiving! to a Native American and see what happens?

Maybe they'll give you a hug!

Then Jews must equally expect people to think they should GTFO, if they're going to disrespect Christian traditions, be it Christmas, Jesus, or anything else Jews hate about us, then LEAVE, this is a majority Christian nation.
Note worthy?
Who the fuck ever brings him up but Jew haters such as yourself?

So, Jesus of Nazareth isn't the most well known & rebellious of the Jesus' of the Talmud?????????

well known? it is debatable whether he was KNOWN at all. All cases of "that means
Jesus" are conjectures
Notice how NotSober omits NT and Koran statements condemning Jews.
Because only JOOZ are evil!

I didn't deny NT, and Koran statements against Jews, likewise you DO DENY Talmud statements against Christians, and Jesus.

Jesus is not mentioned in the Talmud------that part has been replace by the recipe
for turning dead chrisitian bones into gold

I'm going to call BS, the Jesus is boiling in Gehenna, or the Jewish version of Hell in excrement, seems to be a common theme of the Talmud, exposed by Israel Shahak an actual Israel Jew historian, likewise it's on Wikipedia, and also documented in some other Jewish sources.
Sobieski. Just what is your thing about Jews??? You are all over USMB about this. But just what is your problem?

If you were an actual Pole, instead of an actual Jew, you'd definitely understand the Jewish actions against Poles, and their Catholic faith as well.

Therefor you wouldn't ask such silly questions regarding Jews.
What Polish Jewish actions against Polish Christians? Time and place.

BTW: Back inn the 1980's I had a boss who was Jewish.While I am the daughter to two Catholics, I remember her saying to me that I had a Jewish heart and was a Jew, but didn't know it yet.So YAY ME! I am what I am what I am what I am, just like Popeye.

Wishing you all a Good Shabbas.

In Poland----jews captured Christian children and used their blood to bake cookies and
Matzoh-----and as a nice refreshing drink

Blood Libel didn't start, nor center in Poland.

It actually started in Britain, and followed Jews around Medieval Europe, from country to country.

Which is a bit odd, that Countries back then, with little connections, who even despised each other like say Britain vs Spain, or Britain vs France, would just all around the same time just start blaming Jews for Ritual Murder AKA as you call it Blood Libel.

Keep in mind, means to communicate between cultures in Medieval Europe, wasn't all too easy.
6 million dead is quite a narrative

Nobody has stopped other victims from telling their story

Turks silenced the Armenians

So did Israel, considering Israel doesn't recognize the Armenian Genocide.

So did Jew Abe Foxman, considering he as a leader of the ADL at the time, kept bullying Armenians to deny their Armenian Genocide.

Do you have proof that Israel doesn't recognize it? I am a Jew and I certainly do.

So, you're unaware?

The Hypocrisy of Israel's Denial of the Armenian Genocide

Israel parliamentary vote on ‘Armenian genocide’ scrapped - World News

Israeli lawmaker drops bill recognizing Armenian genocide

Israeli parliament rejects law recognizing 1915 events as 'Armenian genocide'
Did the pope formally
admit that the DEICIDE BULLSHIT is a friggen fraud?

Jewish Deicide has become out of favor by the Vatican since 1965, doof.

But, the New Testament, clear as day does in fact favor Jewish Deicide.

Unfortunately, Presumably a mix of Jews & Protestants bullied Catholics into going against the so called anti-Semitic texts of Jewish Deicide.
So, Jesus of Nazareth isn't the most well known & rebellious of the Jesus' of the Talmud?????????

well known? it is debatable whether he was KNOWN at all. All cases of "that means
Jesus" are conjectures
Notice how NotSober omits NT and Koran statements condemning Jews.
Because only JOOZ are evil!

I didn't deny NT, and Koran statements against Jews, likewise you DO DENY Talmud statements against Christians, and Jesus.

Jesus is not mentioned in the Talmud------that part has been replace by the recipe
for turning dead chrisitian bones into gold

I'm going to call BS, the Jesus is boiling in Gehenna, or the Jewish version of Hell in excrement, seems to be a common theme of the Talmud, exposed by Israel Shahak an actual Israel Jew historian, likewise it's on Wikipedia, and also documented in some other Jewish sources.

Gehenna is a garbage dump------not Dante's inferno. Jesus is not mentioned in the
Talmud. Israel Shahak was a rabid communist who would say anything to devalue religion.
He was kinda like a MISSIONARY ----willing to lie to get converts. How does the Talmud
describe "Christians"? is there a word for "Christian"?
Sobieski. Just what is your thing about Jews??? You are all over USMB about this. But just what is your problem?

If you were an actual Pole, instead of an actual Jew, you'd definitely understand the Jewish actions against Poles, and their Catholic faith as well.

Therefor you wouldn't ask such silly questions regarding Jews.
What Polish Jewish actions against Polish Christians? Time and place.

BTW: Back inn the 1980's I had a boss who was Jewish.While I am the daughter to two Catholics, I remember her saying to me that I had a Jewish heart and was a Jew, but didn't know it yet.So YAY ME! I am what I am what I am what I am, just like Popeye.

Wishing you all a Good Shabbas.

In Poland----jews captured Christian children and used their blood to bake cookies and
Matzoh-----and as a nice refreshing drink

Blood Libel didn't start, nor center in Poland.

It actually started in Britain, and followed Jews around Medieval Europe, from country to country.

Which is a bit odd, that Countries back then, with little connections, who even despised each other like say Britain vs Spain, or Britain vs France, would just all around the same time just start blaming Jews for Ritual Murder AKA as you call it Blood Libel.

Keep in mind, means to communicate between cultures in Medieval Europe, wasn't all too easy.

wrong again-----there was lots of communication------in fact jews were communicating
with each other all the way from spain to India. Even amongst Christians----not EVERYONE
was illiterate. Blood libels were BIG in Poland for several centuries even though
literacy was rare
Turks silenced the Armenians

So did Israel, considering Israel doesn't recognize the Armenian Genocide.

So did Jew Abe Foxman, considering he as a leader of the ADL at the time, kept bullying Armenians to deny their Armenian Genocide.

Do you have proof that Israel doesn't recognize it? I am a Jew and I certainly do.

So, you're unaware?

The Hypocrisy of Israel's Denial of the Armenian Genocide

Israel parliamentary vote on ‘Armenian genocide’ scrapped - World News

Israeli lawmaker drops bill recognizing Armenian genocide

Israeli parliament rejects law recognizing 1915 events as 'Armenian genocide'
Did the pope formally
admit that the DEICIDE BULLSHIT is a friggen fraud?

Jewish Deicide has become out of favor by the Vatican since 1965, doof.

But, the New Testament, clear as day does in fact favor Jewish Deicide.

Unfortunately, Presumably a mix of Jews & Protestants bullied Catholics into going against the so called anti-Semitic texts of Jewish Deicide.

"out of favor by the Vatican" ROFLMAO------it is still cackled in the nurseries
by polack grandmas
A.) My Polish relatives came here before WW2.

B.) Communist Poland had no property Ownership from 1947 - 1989.

You Jews are so dumb, and can NEVER Seem to properly use facts to back up your positions.
I'm Irish Catholic one one side. Russian/Polish Catholic on the other. My parents were married in a Polish Catholic church on Long Island.I've got the same creds as you. I'm still waiting to hear what your beef is about Jews.
He can't lure them into a drunken stupor with a fiery cup of maudlin tales of almighty God becoming a cute little edible baby boy wearing diapers on Christmas morning in a manger used to feed livestock, sniff, sniff, while angels in heaven were singing ' hot diggity dog!"

I'm a bit of an Agnostic, likewise I was raised in the Catholic faith, and do in fact find it rude, when I've said Merry Christmas to Jews who said nothing & ONLY gave Mean-Stares in response.

Mean stares? lol.. ouch! That must have really hurt. Why don't you say Happy Thanksgiving! to a Native American and see what happens?

Maybe they'll give you a hug!

Then Jews must equally expect people to think they should GTFO, if they're going to disrespect Christian traditions, be it Christmas, Jesus, or anything else Jews hate about us, then LEAVE, this is a majority Christian nation.

They are not disrespecting Christmas, you are disrespecting them.

When jew comes up to you on the street and says, "Its Good Friday, Yay, Jesus died!, let's celebrate!" then you'll have something to cry about...and I'll even give you a tissue.
well known? it is debatable whether he was KNOWN at all. All cases of "that means
Jesus" are conjectures
Notice how NotSober omits NT and Koran statements condemning Jews.
Because only JOOZ are evil!

I didn't deny NT, and Koran statements against Jews, likewise you DO DENY Talmud statements against Christians, and Jesus.

Jesus is not mentioned in the Talmud------that part has been replace by the recipe
for turning dead chrisitian bones into gold

I'm going to call BS, the Jesus is boiling in Gehenna, or the Jewish version of Hell in excrement, seems to be a common theme of the Talmud, exposed by Israel Shahak an actual Israel Jew historian, likewise it's on Wikipedia, and also documented in some other Jewish sources.

Gehenna is a garbage dump------not Dante's inferno. Jesus is not mentioned in the
Talmud. Israel Shahak was a rabid communist who would say anything to devalue religion.
He was kinda like a MISSIONARY ----willing to lie to get converts. How does the Talmud
describe "Christians"? is there a word for "Christian"?

You better inform the expert of Judaism affairs one Peter Shafter, who wrote an entire book on Jesus in the Talmud, likewise he also is the director of the Jewish Museum of Berlin.

Peter Schäfer - Department of Religion
Jesus in the Talmud
Peter Schäfer - Wikipedia
Jesus in the Talmud - Wikipedia
Sobieski. Just what is your thing about Jews??? You are all over USMB about this. But just what is your problem?

If you were an actual Pole, instead of an actual Jew, you'd definitely understand the Jewish actions against Poles, and their Catholic faith as well.

Therefor you wouldn't ask such silly questions regarding Jews.
What Polish Jewish actions against Polish Christians? Time and place.

BTW: Back inn the 1980's I had a boss who was Jewish.While I am the daughter to two Catholics, I remember her saying to me that I had a Jewish heart and was a Jew, but didn't know it yet.So YAY ME! I am what I am what I am what I am, just like Popeye.

Wishing you all a Good Shabbas.

In Poland----jews captured Christian children and used their blood to bake cookies and
Matzoh-----and as a nice refreshing drink

Blood Libel didn't start, nor center in Poland.

It actually started in Britain, and followed Jews around Medieval Europe, from country to country.

Which is a bit odd, that Countries back then, with little connections, who even despised each other like say Britain vs Spain, or Britain vs France, would just all around the same time just start blaming Jews for Ritual Murder AKA as you call it Blood Libel.

Keep in mind, means to communicate between cultures in Medieval Europe, wasn't all too easy.

wrong again-----there was lots of communication------in fact jews were communicating
with each other all the way from spain to India. Even amongst Christians----not EVERYONE
was illiterate. Blood libels were BIG in Poland for several centuries even though
literacy was rare

Blood Libel pre-dates Paper in Europe, much less the Printing Press in Europe.

Likewise, close to 90% of Germany & England were illiterate in 1450 AD, much less the Medieval era, much less being
Literate in another language.

Literacy and Print in Early Modern Germany and England

The Invention of Printing and the Spread of Literacy

Papermaking crossed the Mediterranean into Moorish Spain at Jativa in 1150 and arrived in Christian Europe at Fabriano, Italy in about 1270. From there it spread northward to Nuremberg in 1390 and England by 1494.

William of Norwich - Wikipedia

William of Norwich
(2 February 1132 – 22 March 1144) was an English boy whose death was, at the time, attributed to the Jewish community of Norwich. It is the first known medieval accusation against Jews of ritual murder.
well known? it is debatable whether he was KNOWN at all. All cases of "that means
Jesus" are conjectures
Notice how NotSober omits NT and Koran statements condemning Jews.
Because only JOOZ are evil!

I didn't deny NT, and Koran statements against Jews, likewise you DO DENY Talmud statements against Christians, and Jesus.

Jesus is not mentioned in the Talmud------that part has been replace by the recipe
for turning dead chrisitian bones into gold

I'm going to call BS, the Jesus is boiling in Gehenna, or the Jewish version of Hell in excrement, seems to be a common theme of the Talmud, exposed by Israel Shahak an actual Israel Jew historian, likewise it's on Wikipedia, and also documented in some other Jewish sources.

Gehenna is a garbage dump------not Dante's inferno. Jesus is not mentioned in the
Talmud. Israel Shahak was a rabid communist who would say anything to devalue religion.
He was kinda like a MISSIONARY ----willing to lie to get converts. How does the Talmud
describe "Christians"? is there a word for "Christian"?

Being boiled in Excrement, or boiled in Semen in Gehenna to be punished for their Sins, doesn't sound a heck of a lot different than the Christian Biblical Hell.
Most Jews who came to Israel were speaking Yiddish a German dialect, and also Arabic dialects on arrival to Israel.

What makes them anymore the chosen people, than pro-Christ Arabic speakers, or pro-Christ German speakers??????????

Oh, because they hijacked Hebrew culture, and called it Israel, really??????

Keep in mind that the Jewish Talmud has many foul & discraceful texts against Jesus & also Christians.

The most persecuted minority in world history excels wherever they go and run the entire world. Hey, it's almost like there's a supernatural power blessing them or something.

Materialism tends to be warned of in most religions, rather than promoted.

Guess who's the most Materialistic peoples????????????
Can you guess????????
Who resides in The Vatican?

The Vatican is indeed too Materialistic.
But, Catholics don't have the kind of Materialism that some of these rich Jews do.

Quite frankly, many of these rich Jews like Soros, Zuckeberg, Sergei Brinn, Sumner Redstone, etc. etc. are major peddlers of the Liberal agenda,
(Frowned upon by also many religions)

Your lunatic rankings and ravings were equal parts humorous and entertaining on the Topix forums years ago, Polak.

Now they’re just petulantly idiotic.

Give it a rest.
Most Jews who came to Israel were speaking Yiddish a German dialect, and also Arabic dialects on arrival to Israel.

What makes them anymore the chosen people, than pro-Christ Arabic speakers, or pro-Christ German speakers??????????

Oh, because they hijacked Hebrew culture, and called it Israel, really??????

Keep in mind that the Jewish Talmud has many foul & discraceful texts against Jesus & also Christians.

The most persecuted minority in world history excels wherever they go and run the entire world. Hey, it's almost like there's a supernatural power blessing them or something.

Materialism tends to be warned of in most religions, rather than promoted.

Guess who's the most Materialistic peoples????????????
Can you guess????????
Who resides in The Vatican?

The Vatican is indeed too Materialistic.
But, Catholics don't have the kind of Materialism that some of these rich Jews do.

Quite frankly, many of these rich Jews like Soros, Zuckeberg, Sergei Brinn, Sumner Redstone, etc. etc. are major peddlers of the Liberal agenda,
(Frowned upon by also many religions)

Your lunatic rankings and ravings were equal parts humorous and entertaining on the Topix forums years ago, Polak.

Now they’re just petulantly idiotic.

Give it a rest.

Explain how it's not some fact that many Jews peddle the Liberal agenda to our demise?????

But, speak of that forum, people there called for Killings, Genocide, and Nuking of Poles, and would never get banned.

Meanwhile, you could compile list of Jewish people who did wrong, and get banned.
I'm Irish Catholic one one side. Russian/Polish Catholic on the other. My parents were married in a Polish Catholic church on Long Island.I've got the same creds as you. I'm still waiting to hear what your beef is about Jews.
He can't lure them into a drunken stupor with a fiery cup of maudlin tales of almighty God becoming a cute little edible baby boy wearing diapers on Christmas morning in a manger used to feed livestock, sniff, sniff, while angels in heaven were singing ' hot diggity dog!"

I'm a bit of an Agnostic, likewise I was raised in the Catholic faith, and do in fact find it rude, when I've said Merry Christmas to Jews who said nothing & ONLY gave Mean-Stares in response.

Mean stares? lol.. ouch! That must have really hurt. Why don't you say Happy Thanksgiving! to a Native American and see what happens?

Maybe they'll give you a hug!

Then Jews must equally expect people to think they should GTFO, if they're going to disrespect Christian traditions, be it Christmas, Jesus, or anything else Jews hate about us, then LEAVE, this is a majority Christian nation.

They are not disrespecting Christmas, you are disrespecting them.

When jew comes up to you on the street and says, "Its Good Friday, Yay, Jesus died!, let's celebrate!" then you'll have something to cry about...and I'll even give you a tissue.

So, everyone is supposed to know they're Jewish?
I didn't know, but it was obvious after the fact + they looked Jewish.

Maybe Jews should leave, if they're so offended by Christmas.

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