Jews oppose Iran Nuclear deal 2 to 1

You still going with that islamic paradise stuff before Israel?

Do you have reading comprehension problems, bud?

Okay, let's look at what I said.

"How much trouble did we (meaning the United States) have with the Islamic World before the Zionist Entity took a shit on the whole region?"

Okay. How much. Between 1776 and 1947, how much conflict did THE UNITED STATES have with the Islamic World.

Well, the Barbary Pirates in the late 18th, early 19th.... And that one's pushing it because they didn't have boats in our waters, we had them in theirs.

We were fighting the Axis in North Africa in WWII, but the Muslims kept out of it.

Shit, I'll go a step further, even AFTER the Zionist Entity slimed its way into existence, when we didn't take sides, we didn't have an issue. 1956 Suez War, we read the Zionists and the French and British the Riot Act about their attempt to seize the Suez Canal.

It wasn't until after the 1967 War and Especially the 1973 War did the Arabs start blaming us for their pain.

We didn't have a problem with Japan, before we did. We didn't have a problem with Russia, before we did...ect...ect..The fact that you believe that if Israel were destroyed the islamonazi nutjobs would like us, shows we normal people that you're a complete moron:slap:
There's no reason they should like us, not a one. Yhey would simply hate us, and the Jews, less.
as long as they hate us less they can have nukes:uhh:
The opinions of Zionists are of little importance...
Anybody who believes that when we kissed islamonzai ass, that's a good thing, isn't too bright
Tell us, what makes you a political Zionist? Do you believe that Zionism is good for the Jews, unlike these Jews?
You still going with that islamic paradise stuff before Israel?

Do you have reading comprehension problems, bud?

Okay, let's look at what I said.

"How much trouble did we (meaning the United States) have with the Islamic World before the Zionist Entity took a shit on the whole region?"

Okay. How much. Between 1776 and 1947, how much conflict did THE UNITED STATES have with the Islamic World.

Well, the Barbary Pirates in the late 18th, early 19th.... And that one's pushing it because they didn't have boats in our waters, we had them in theirs.

We were fighting the Axis in North Africa in WWII, but the Muslims kept out of it.

Shit, I'll go a step further, even AFTER the Zionist Entity slimed its way into existence, when we didn't take sides, we didn't have an issue. 1956 Suez War, we read the Zionists and the French and British the Riot Act about their attempt to seize the Suez Canal.

It wasn't until after the 1967 War and Especially the 1973 War did the Arabs start blaming us for their pain.

We didn't have a problem with Japan, before we did. We didn't have a problem with Russia, before we did...ect...ect..The fact that you believe that if Israel were destroyed the islamonazi nutjobs would like us, shows we normal people that you're a complete moron:slap:
There's no reason they should like us, not a one. Yhey would simply hate us, and the Jews, less.
as long as they hate us less they can have nukes:uhh:
They are a nation, they have every right to build weapons. That is what nations do. Did Israel ask permission?
The opinions of Zionists are of little importance...
Anybody who believes that when we kissed islamonzai ass, that's a good thing, isn't too bright
Tell us, what makes you a political Zionist? Do you believe that Zionism is good for the Jews, unlike these Jews?
Those small number of islmaonzi loving Jews are few and far between boy.. Chabad-Lubavitch is 100,00 to 200,000 strong :cool:
One last try: Tell us, what makes you a political Zionist? Do you believe that Zionism is good for the Jews, unlike these Jews?
You still going with that islamic paradise stuff before Israel?

Do you have reading comprehension problems, bud?

Okay, let's look at what I said.

"How much trouble did we (meaning the United States) have with the Islamic World before the Zionist Entity took a shit on the whole region?"

Okay. How much. Between 1776 and 1947, how much conflict did THE UNITED STATES have with the Islamic World.

Well, the Barbary Pirates in the late 18th, early 19th.... And that one's pushing it because they didn't have boats in our waters, we had them in theirs.

We were fighting the Axis in North Africa in WWII, but the Muslims kept out of it.

Shit, I'll go a step further, even AFTER the Zionist Entity slimed its way into existence, when we didn't take sides, we didn't have an issue. 1956 Suez War, we read the Zionists and the French and British the Riot Act about their attempt to seize the Suez Canal.

It wasn't until after the 1967 War and Especially the 1973 War did the Arabs start blaming us for their pain.

We didn't have a problem with Japan, before we did. We didn't have a problem with Russia, before we did...ect...ect..The fact that you believe that if Israel were destroyed the islamonazi nutjobs would like us, shows we normal people that you're a complete moron:slap:
There's no reason they should like us, not a one. Yhey would simply hate us, and the Jews, less.
as long as they hate us less they can have nukes:uhh:
They are a nation, they have every right to build weapons. That is what nations do. Did Israel ask permission?
Israel is not a signatory to the Nuclear nonproliferation treaty... Iran is Israel doesn't scream "Death to America" Iran does :slap:
The opinions of Zionists are of little importance...
Anybody who believes that when we kissed islamonzai ass, that's a good thing, isn't too bright
Tell us, what makes you a political Zionist? Do you believe that Zionism is good for the Jews, unlike these Jews?
Those small number of islmaonzi loving Jews are few and far between boy.. Chabad-Lubavitch is 100,00 to 200,000 strong :cool:
One last try: Tell us, what makes you a political Zionist? Do you believe that Zionism is good for the Jews, unlike these Jews?
Israel is good for the Jews. The Jews are strong in Israel and can defend themselves. No need to rely on Jew haters like yourself for their survival:cool:
Do you have reading comprehension problems, bud?

Okay, let's look at what I said.

"How much trouble did we (meaning the United States) have with the Islamic World before the Zionist Entity took a shit on the whole region?"

Okay. How much. Between 1776 and 1947, how much conflict did THE UNITED STATES have with the Islamic World.

Well, the Barbary Pirates in the late 18th, early 19th.... And that one's pushing it because they didn't have boats in our waters, we had them in theirs.

We were fighting the Axis in North Africa in WWII, but the Muslims kept out of it.

Shit, I'll go a step further, even AFTER the Zionist Entity slimed its way into existence, when we didn't take sides, we didn't have an issue. 1956 Suez War, we read the Zionists and the French and British the Riot Act about their attempt to seize the Suez Canal.

It wasn't until after the 1967 War and Especially the 1973 War did the Arabs start blaming us for their pain.

We didn't have a problem with Japan, before we did. We didn't have a problem with Russia, before we did...ect...ect..The fact that you believe that if Israel were destroyed the islamonazi nutjobs would like us, shows we normal people that you're a complete moron:slap:
There's no reason they should like us, not a one. Yhey would simply hate us, and the Jews, less.
as long as they hate us less they can have nukes:uhh:
They are a nation, they have every right to build weapons. That is what nations do. Did Israel ask permission?
Israel is not a signatory to the Nuclear nonproliferation treaty... Iran is Israel doesn't scream "Death to America" Iran does :slap:
So what? The NPT is dead, and the arms race is on. Why should any nation have to ask permission to build weapons?
The opinions of Zionists are of little importance...
Anybody who believes that when we kissed islamonzai ass, that's a good thing, isn't too bright
Tell us, what makes you a political Zionist? Do you believe that Zionism is good for the Jews, unlike these Jews?
Those small number of islmaonzi loving Jews are few and far between boy.. Chabad-Lubavitch is 100,00 to 200,000 strong :cool:
One last try: Tell us, what makes you a political Zionist? Do you believe that Zionism is good for the Jews, unlike these Jews?
Israel is good for the Jews. The Jews are strong in Israel and can defend themselves. No need to rely on Jew haters like yourself for their survival:cool:
If Israel is strong why does it need American funds or concern itself with what other nations build?

What if it was proved to you that Israel was bad for the Jews, would you let it go? As I said, Jews or Israel, pick one, and only one. So, if you can only have one, which is it, the Jews or Israel?
We didn't have a problem with Japan, before we did. We didn't have a problem with Russia, before we did...ect...ect..The fact that you believe that if Israel were destroyed the islamonazi nutjobs would like us, shows we normal people that you're a complete moron:slap:
There's no reason they should like us, not a one. Yhey would simply hate us, and the Jews, less.
as long as they hate us less they can have nukes:uhh:
They are a nation, they have every right to build weapons. That is what nations do. Did Israel ask permission?
Israel is not a signatory to the Nuclear nonproliferation treaty... Iran is Israel doesn't scream "Death to America" Iran does :slap:
So what? The NPT is dead, and the arms race is on. Why should any nation have to ask permission to build weapons?
it is in our interest not to have a nuclear arms race in the nutty middle east. Is that beyond your limited comprehension?
Anybody who believes that when we kissed islamonzai ass, that's a good thing, isn't too bright
Tell us, what makes you a political Zionist? Do you believe that Zionism is good for the Jews, unlike these Jews?
Those small number of islmaonzi loving Jews are few and far between boy.. Chabad-Lubavitch is 100,00 to 200,000 strong :cool:
One last try: Tell us, what makes you a political Zionist? Do you believe that Zionism is good for the Jews, unlike these Jews?
Israel is good for the Jews. The Jews are strong in Israel and can defend themselves. No need to rely on Jew haters like yourself for their survival:cool:
If Israel is strong why does it need American funds or concern itself with what other nations build?

What if it was proved to you that Israel was bad for the Jews, would you let it go? As I said, Jews or Israel, pick one, and only one. So, if you can only have one, which is it, the Jews or Israel?

How can you prove an untruth? What is bad for Jews, is being left to the mercy of non-Jew, Jew haters, like yourself. Go play with your ticker toys boy. Adults play here.:slap:
Tell us, what makes you a political Zionist? Do you believe that Zionism is good for the Jews, unlike these Jews?
Those small number of islmaonzi loving Jews are few and far between boy.. Chabad-Lubavitch is 100,00 to 200,000 strong :cool:
One last try: Tell us, what makes you a political Zionist? Do you believe that Zionism is good for the Jews, unlike these Jews?
Israel is good for the Jews. The Jews are strong in Israel and can defend themselves. No need to rely on Jew haters like yourself for their survival:cool:
If Israel is strong why does it need American funds or concern itself with what other nations build?

What if it was proved to you that Israel was bad for the Jews, would you let it go? As I said, Jews or Israel, pick one, and only one. So, if you can only have one, which is it, the Jews or Israel?

How can you prove an untruth? What is bad for Jews, is being left to the mercy of non-Jew, Jew haters, like yourself. Go play with your ticker toys boy. Adults play here.:slap:
You aren't an adult, sweetcheeks. If you were you'd know that the last thing you want is the Jews all crowded together in a desert ghetto surrounded by 300 millions Arabs with 75 million Persians right up the road. The world knew the Jews were being slaughtered 70 years ago, and didn't fucking care. They didn't like them either. Not much has changed.

And while Israel might be armed to the teeth, it's a poison pill. It can go out with a bang, for sure, but it still dies. When the US has to choose between oil and Israel, the Jews will be on their own, again. Jewish history shows what happens then, and that is but a matter of time. It doesn't get much more adult than that and your Zionist dreams of Jewish Heaven on Earth, have the same chance as Jesus returning, and damning you all to Hell for rejecting him, the crazy SOB...
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There's no reason they should like us, not a one. Yhey would simply hate us, and the Jews, less.
as long as they hate us less they can have nukes:uhh:
They are a nation, they have every right to build weapons. That is what nations do. Did Israel ask permission?
Israel is not a signatory to the Nuclear nonproliferation treaty... Iran is Israel doesn't scream "Death to America" Iran does :slap:
So what? The NPT is dead, and the arms race is on. Why should any nation have to ask permission to build weapons?
it is in our interest not to have a nuclear arms race in the nutty middle east. Is that beyond your limited comprehension?
I'm aware of what you want, and it's both unfair and not going to happen. Now, should Israel destroy its nuclear weapons, that might be an option, but not otherwise. In a chess game you have an equal number of pieces. If Iran doesn't yet, it soon will, and that's how the game is played, a game that you can't win but you can lose. Personally, I never would have dealt you in. You don't deserve a seat at the table...
We didn't have a problem with Japan, before we did. We didn't have a problem with Russia, before we did...ect...ect..The fact that you believe that if Israel were destroyed the islamonazi nutjobs would like us, shows we normal people that you're a complete moron

But that's the point. We didn't have a problem with Japan until Admiral Perry sailed his ships into Tokyo bay in 1856 and DEMANDED the Japanese accede to our demands. The reaction by the Japanese, who had been pretty much minding their own business up to that point, was to overthrow the Tokugawa Shogunate, engage in the Meiji Restoration, involve itself in a crash course of industrialization and imperialism which brought us into conflict with them. In short, we created our own problem! Sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and then complaining about getting stung in 1941.

Similarly, we didn't have a problem with Russia until WE decided to intervene in their Civil War in 1919. (Not just the US, but the West.) The whole world shit their pants because the Russians decided to give Communism a go. We spent the next 70 years fucking with them over it. The reason why Hitler got away with turning your co-religionists into lampshades and bars of soap was because the West was happy to let Hitler take on Stalin for them... until Hitler turned on them, and then we had to go hat in hand to Stalin to get him to help us defeat Hitler. In short, we stuck our dicks into a hornet's nest and then complained when we got stung.

So the Middle East. Not really our problem, until we decided (or got manipulated into) taking the side of the Zionists slime over the Palestinians. Sticking our dicks in a hornets nest, except this time, we decided some of the Hornets were guys we could work with, like Bin Laden and Saddam.

Here's a crazy idea. Let's have a foreign policy of "minding our own fucking business".
The opinions of Zionists are of little importance...
Anybody who believes that when we kissed islamonzai ass, that's a good thing, isn't too bright

Yawn, guy, talk to your buddies in the Oil companies who have cock-blocked alternative energy for 40 years.

The reality is, Israel is absolutely worthless as an ally in that region, it is universally hated. So if we want to get something done, we have to work with "those people'.

Case in point. Only people capable and willing to take the fight to ISIS at this point is Iran. The Zionists are worthless.
it is in our interest not to have a nuclear arms race in the nutty middle east. Is that beyond your limited comprehension?

But wasn't that Arms Race started when the zionists created nuclear weapons in the 1960's?

When they told Nixon and Kissinger, "you'd better bail us out on the Yom Kippur War, or we are going to nuke Cairo and Damascus!"

Who are the terrorists again?
Those small number of islmaonzi loving Jews are few and far between boy.. Chabad-Lubavitch is 100,00 to 200,000 strong :cool:
One last try: Tell us, what makes you a political Zionist? Do you believe that Zionism is good for the Jews, unlike these Jews?
Israel is good for the Jews. The Jews are strong in Israel and can defend themselves. No need to rely on Jew haters like yourself for their survival:cool:
If Israel is strong why does it need American funds or concern itself with what other nations build?

What if it was proved to you that Israel was bad for the Jews, would you let it go? As I said, Jews or Israel, pick one, and only one. So, if you can only have one, which is it, the Jews or Israel?

How can you prove an untruth? What is bad for Jews, is being left to the mercy of non-Jew, Jew haters, like yourself. Go play with your ticker toys boy. Adults play here.:slap:
You aren't an adult, sweetcheeks. If you were you'd know that the last thing you want is the Jews all crowded together in a desert ghetto surrounded by 300 millions Arabs with 75 million Persians right up the road. The world knew the Jews were being slaughtered 70 years ago, and didn't fucking care. They didn't like them either. Not much has changed.

And while Israel might be armed to the teeth, it's a poison pill. It can go out with a bang, for sure, but it still dies. When the US has to choose between oil and Israel, the Jews will be on their own, again. Jewish history shows what happens then, and that is but a matter of time. It doesn't get much more adult than that and your Zionist dreams of Jewish Heaven on Earth, have the same chance as Jesus returning, and damning you all to Hell for rejecting him, the crazy SOB...
Psycho boy, get a grip:slap: Israel is far from a "desert getto" You're a moron:uhoh3:

We didn't have a problem with Japan, before we did. We didn't have a problem with Russia, before we did...ect...ect..The fact that you believe that if Israel were destroyed the islamonazi nutjobs would like us, shows we normal people that you're a complete moron

But that's the point. We didn't have a problem with Japan until Admiral Perry sailed his ships into Tokyo bay in 1856 and DEMANDED the Japanese accede to our demands. The reaction by the Japanese, who had been pretty much minding their own business up to that point, was to overthrow the Tokugawa Shogunate, engage in the Meiji Restoration, involve itself in a crash course of industrialization and imperialism which brought us into conflict with them. In short, we created our own problem! Sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and then complaining about getting stung in 1941.

Similarly, we didn't have a problem with Russia until WE decided to intervene in their Civil War in 1919. (Not just the US, but the West.) The whole world shit their pants because the Russians decided to give Communism a go. We spent the next 70 years fucking with them over it. The reason why Hitler got away with turning your co-religionists into lampshades and bars of soap was because the West was happy to let Hitler take on Stalin for them... until Hitler turned on them, and then we had to go hat in hand to Stalin to get him to help us defeat Hitler. In short, we stuck our dicks into a hornet's nest and then complained when we got stung.

So the Middle East. Not really our problem, until we decided (or got manipulated into) taking the side of the Zionists slime over the Palestinians. Sticking our dicks in a hornets nest, except this time, we decided some of the Hornets were guys we could work with, like Bin Laden and Saddam.

Here's a crazy idea. Let's have a foreign policy of "minding our own fucking business".
Isolationism breeds war, as the rest of the world pushes their own interest. Why are you a blame America first guy? Why are you an America hater like the islamonazis? Don't give me that I was in the military for a couple years crap....Who cares
The opinions of Zionists are of little importance...
Anybody who believes that when we kissed islamonzai ass, that's a good thing, isn't too bright

Yawn, guy, talk to your buddies in the Oil companies who have cock-blocked alternative energy for 40 years.

The reality is, Israel is absolutely worthless as an ally in that region, it is universally hated. So if we want to get something done, we have to work with "those people'.

Case in point. Only people capable and willing to take the fight to ISIS at this point is Iran. The Zionists are worthless.

Alternative energy?..LOL we have enough oil here for 100 years ,and Israel is helping the Kurds, while Obama doesn't give a shit. Iran is helping themselves

Israel Buys Three-Quarters Of Its Oil From Kurds: Report


Israel has turned to Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdish region for most of its oil requirements, buying up to three-quarters of its supplies from the region in recent months, the Financial Times reported on Sunday.

Iraqi Kurdistan reportedly supplied 19 million barrels of oil to Israel between May and August this year, accounting for three-fourths of Israel’s total consumption. The transaction may be a way for Tel Aviv to secretly support the Kurds in their ongoing fight against the Islamic State group, the report added, citing industry insiders.

Israel Buys Three-Quarters Of Its Oil From Kurds: Report

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