Jill Biden

An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.

I go by Doctor. I worked extremely hard to earn my Sc.D. and legitimately hold the title of "Doctor of Science." That I am not a medical doctor doesn't mean I don't have the right, the authority to use the title.

Obviously I don't agree with the WSJ on this and find the position petty.

This idea that only MDs can use the title "Dr" is ridiculous. And the tired old line "no one should be called 'doctor' unless they have delivered a baby" is simply nonsense. I personally know 2 people who have delivered a baby. Neither is in the medical profession. They were just in the right place and helped a distressed woman.

How about dentists? Are they doctors?

What about veterinarians? Are they doctors?

The prefix of someone's name is not determined by the lowest common denominator of the ignorant (willful or otherwise) public.

The "public" is beginning to totally disagree with your statement. Doctor of education only means that she stayed in college long enough to find a way to profit with misinformation.

She did quite a bit more than stay in college. I respect your master's degree. But a doctorate in a large step beyond that. Or are you saying that you just "stayed in college" longer than most?

Proof of what she studied and its worth in general would support your claim. Since you did not cite any such proof, can we assume that it is equivalent to her getting a degree in physical education.

If you do not see the worth of teachers, you are proving yourself to be ignorant on a grand scale.

I have a degree in Secondary Ed/Comprehensive Science. For someone to earn a masters and then go on to earn a Ed.D. is impressive. Your partisan political opinions do not change that.

I respect most teachers, just not the ones who teach their own politics as facts.

I also see that you are easily impressed by irrelevant facts and worthless degrees. Do you teach actual facts or just what you are told to teach?

BTW, in my opinion a Ed.D is worthless and merely for show.
So you claim to be no one? Put to fault by your being concerned by it. You fail again.

And remember, you "must" call me master.

I will call you by your earned title, bitch. The issue is that while you may be a millennial who spent years getting participation trophies, real life has developed over centuries.

With your masters degree you should sign correspondence as "Whiny Lilbitch, MA" to designate your status. No title is used to address those with a masters in speech.

And no title should ever be used to address those with an Ed.H degree. It is not worth an y respect.

And then there is you. Resorting to attempted insults and profanity merely shows that you admit to losing this discussion by having no facts on your side.

BTW, to you it is Master Bitch. Something that you obviously aspire to yet will never qualify to become. We don't allow that title to be used by losers such as you.
An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.

I go by Doctor. I worked extremely hard to earn my Sc.D. and legitimately hold the title of "Doctor of Science." That I am not a medical doctor doesn't mean I don't have the right, the authority to use the title.

Obviously I don't agree with the WSJ on this and find the position petty.

This idea that only MDs can use the title "Dr" is ridiculous. And the tired old line "no one should be called 'doctor' unless they have delivered a baby" is simply nonsense. I personally know 2 people who have delivered a baby. Neither is in the medical profession. They were just in the right place and helped a distressed woman.

How about dentists? Are they doctors?

What about veterinarians? Are they doctors?

The prefix of someone's name is not determined by the lowest common denominator of the ignorant (willful or otherwise) public.

The "public" is beginning to totally disagree with your statement. Doctor of education only means that she stayed in college long enough to find a way to profit with misinformation.

2. Rules for spoken language
  • When someone has earned a Ph.D. degree he must subsequently be referred to as “Doctor” in formal speech. The same is true of a person who is a medical doctor, psychologist, dentist, veterinarian, osteophatic or naturopathic physician.
  • When a holder of a Ph.D. makes a telephone call and is asked “Who is speaking?” or “Who is calling?” he should answer Dr. William Green.
  • The same applies to any other type of presentation. When introduced to a new acquaintance by a common friend, the friend would say: “I would like you to meet Dr. Ernest Smith..." then, the holder of a Ph.D. should only say, "Ernest Smith at your service." Should the person introducing you leave out your title - “I would like you to meet my friend Ernest, it is appropriate to say amiably: “Dr. Ernest Smith at your service.”
  • If you are introducing someone who holds a Ph.D. as a speaker before an audience, you must use his title: “I have the pleasure to introduce Dr. William Green, who will instruct us this evening on the fruit of his studies on such and such a topic.”

This is utter stupidity.

Exactly where is this requirement you cite written down?

You "must"? Says who?

our desire to control the speech of everyone else shows just how desperate you are to have some semblance of being correct, which you are not.

Learn to read, learn to click.

So you can't supply evidence of your claims, only attack when shown to be wrong. So typical of those who cannot think for themselves.

Learn to think, then learn when not to speak as it is not one of your strong points.
An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.

I go by Doctor. I worked extremely hard to earn my Sc.D. and legitimately hold the title of "Doctor of Science." That I am not a medical doctor doesn't mean I don't have the right, the authority to use the title.

Obviously I don't agree with the WSJ on this and find the position petty.

This idea that only MDs can use the title "Dr" is ridiculous. And the tired old line "no one should be called 'doctor' unless they have delivered a baby" is simply nonsense. I personally know 2 people who have delivered a baby. Neither is in the medical profession. They were just in the right place and helped a distressed woman.

How about dentists? Are they doctors?

What about veterinarians? Are they doctors?

The prefix of someone's name is not determined by the lowest common denominator of the ignorant (willful or otherwise) public.

The "public" is beginning to totally disagree with your statement. Doctor of education only means that she stayed in college long enough to find a way to profit with misinformation.

2. Rules for spoken language
  • When someone has earned a Ph.D. degree he must subsequently be referred to as “Doctor” in formal speech. The same is true of a person who is a medical doctor, psychologist, dentist, veterinarian, osteophatic or naturopathic physician.
  • When a holder of a Ph.D. makes a telephone call and is asked “Who is speaking?” or “Who is calling?” he should answer Dr. William Green.
  • The same applies to any other type of presentation. When introduced to a new acquaintance by a common friend, the friend would say: “I would like you to meet Dr. Ernest Smith..." then, the holder of a Ph.D. should only say, "Ernest Smith at your service." Should the person introducing you leave out your title - “I would like you to meet my friend Ernest, it is appropriate to say amiably: “Dr. Ernest Smith at your service.”
  • If you are introducing someone who holds a Ph.D. as a speaker before an audience, you must use his title: “I have the pleasure to introduce Dr. William Green, who will instruct us this evening on the fruit of his studies on such and such a topic.”

This is utter stupidity.

Exactly where is this requirement you cite written down?

You "must"? Says who?

our desire to control the speech of everyone else shows just how desperate you are to have some semblance of being correct, which you are not.

Learn to read, learn to click.

So you can't supply evidence of your claims, only attack when shown to be wrong. So typical of those who cannot think for themselves.

Learn to think, then learn when not to speak as it is not one of your strong points.

So you ignore the provided evidence and then lie about it?

You must be a democrat.
An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.

I go by Doctor. I worked extremely hard to earn my Sc.D. and legitimately hold the title of "Doctor of Science." That I am not a medical doctor doesn't mean I don't have the right, the authority to use the title.

Obviously I don't agree with the WSJ on this and find the position petty.

This idea that only MDs can use the title "Dr" is ridiculous. And the tired old line "no one should be called 'doctor' unless they have delivered a baby" is simply nonsense. I personally know 2 people who have delivered a baby. Neither is in the medical profession. They were just in the right place and helped a distressed woman.

How about dentists? Are they doctors?

What about veterinarians? Are they doctors?

The prefix of someone's name is not determined by the lowest common denominator of the ignorant (willful or otherwise) public.

The "public" is beginning to totally disagree with your statement. Doctor of education only means that she stayed in college long enough to find a way to profit with misinformation.

2. Rules for spoken language
  • When someone has earned a Ph.D. degree he must subsequently be referred to as “Doctor” in formal speech. The same is true of a person who is a medical doctor, psychologist, dentist, veterinarian, osteophatic or naturopathic physician.
  • When a holder of a Ph.D. makes a telephone call and is asked “Who is speaking?” or “Who is calling?” he should answer Dr. William Green.
  • The same applies to any other type of presentation. When introduced to a new acquaintance by a common friend, the friend would say: “I would like you to meet Dr. Ernest Smith..." then, the holder of a Ph.D. should only say, "Ernest Smith at your service." Should the person introducing you leave out your title - “I would like you to meet my friend Ernest, it is appropriate to say amiably: “Dr. Ernest Smith at your service.”
  • If you are introducing someone who holds a Ph.D. as a speaker before an audience, you must use his title: “I have the pleasure to introduce Dr. William Green, who will instruct us this evening on the fruit of his studies on such and such a topic.”

This is utter stupidity.

Exactly where is this requirement you cite written down?

You "must"? Says who?

our desire to control the speech of everyone else shows just how desperate you are to have some semblance of being correct, which you are not.

Learn to read, learn to click.

So you can't supply evidence of your claims, only attack when shown to be wrong. So typical of those who cannot think for themselves.

Learn to think, then learn when not to speak as it is not one of your strong points.

So you ignore the provided evidence and then lie about it?

You must be a democrat.

Evidence provided by a biased and bigoted MSM corps? Hell yes, I ignore it and reject it.

BTW, though not any of your business, not that this has ever stopped you, I an registered non-affiliated. I watch both sides and decide for myself which seems top contain more of the truth. You should try it and not let one side tell you what to think. You would be amazed at the liberty you would feel.
An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.

I go by Doctor. I worked extremely hard to earn my Sc.D. and legitimately hold the title of "Doctor of Science." That I am not a medical doctor doesn't mean I don't have the right, the authority to use the title.

Obviously I don't agree with the WSJ on this and find the position petty.

This idea that only MDs can use the title "Dr" is ridiculous. And the tired old line "no one should be called 'doctor' unless they have delivered a baby" is simply nonsense. I personally know 2 people who have delivered a baby. Neither is in the medical profession. They were just in the right place and helped a distressed woman.

How about dentists? Are they doctors?

What about veterinarians? Are they doctors?

The prefix of someone's name is not determined by the lowest common denominator of the ignorant (willful or otherwise) public.

The "public" is beginning to totally disagree with your statement. Doctor of education only means that she stayed in college long enough to find a way to profit with misinformation.

She did quite a bit more than stay in college. I respect your master's degree. But a doctorate in a large step beyond that. Or are you saying that you just "stayed in college" longer than most?

Proof of what she studied and its worth in general would support your claim. Since you did not cite any such proof, can we assume that it is equivalent to her getting a degree in physical education.

If you do not see the worth of teachers, you are proving yourself to be ignorant on a grand scale.

I have a degree in Secondary Ed/Comprehensive Science. For someone to earn a masters and then go on to earn a Ed.D. is impressive. Your partisan political opinions do not change that.

I respect most teachers, just not the ones who teach their own politics as facts.

I also see that you are easily impressed by irrelevant facts and worthless degrees. Do you teach actual facts or just what you are told to teach?

BTW, in my opinion a Ed.D is worthless and merely for show.

Does Dr. Biden teach her own politics as facts?

When I taught, I taught actual facts. In science that is pretty much required.

You are welcome to your opinion about the Ed.D., but wanting someone to not use the title they have earned is a bit more than your opinion.
Evidence provided by a biased and bigoted MSM corps? Hell yes, I ignore it and reject it.

BTW, though not any of your business, not that this has ever stopped you, I an registered non-affiliated. I watch both sides and decide for myself which seems top contain more of the truth. You should try it and not let one side tell you what to think. You would be amazed at the liberty you would feel.

Your lack of integrity is that generally associated with democrats.
An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.

I go by Doctor. I worked extremely hard to earn my Sc.D. and legitimately hold the title of "Doctor of Science." That I am not a medical doctor doesn't mean I don't have the right, the authority to use the title.

Obviously I don't agree with the WSJ on this and find the position petty.

This idea that only MDs can use the title "Dr" is ridiculous. And the tired old line "no one should be called 'doctor' unless they have delivered a baby" is simply nonsense. I personally know 2 people who have delivered a baby. Neither is in the medical profession. They were just in the right place and helped a distressed woman.

How about dentists? Are they doctors?

What about veterinarians? Are they doctors?

The prefix of someone's name is not determined by the lowest common denominator of the ignorant (willful or otherwise) public.

The "public" is beginning to totally disagree with your statement. Doctor of education only means that she stayed in college long enough to find a way to profit with misinformation.

She did quite a bit more than stay in college. I respect your master's degree. But a doctorate in a large step beyond that. Or are you saying that you just "stayed in college" longer than most?

Proof of what she studied and its worth in general would support your claim. Since you did not cite any such proof, can we assume that it is equivalent to her getting a degree in physical education.

If you do not see the worth of teachers, you are proving yourself to be ignorant on a grand scale.

I have a degree in Secondary Ed/Comprehensive Science. For someone to earn a masters and then go on to earn a Ed.D. is impressive. Your partisan political opinions do not change that.

I respect most teachers, just not the ones who teach their own politics as facts.

I also see that you are easily impressed by irrelevant facts and worthless degrees. Do you teach actual facts or just what you are told to teach?

BTW, in my opinion a Ed.D is worthless and merely for show.

Does Dr. Biden teach her own politics as facts?

When I taught, I taught actual facts. In science that is pretty much required.

You are welcome to your opinion about the Ed.D., but wanting someone to not use the title they have earned is a bit more than your opinion.

No, it is not opinion. It is fact, just as she will continue to extoll her own views regardless of the curriculum as is what is now common in liberal controlled education. Just look at the colleges and what they are pushing and denying.

If you taught now, you would be required to teach the approved course, regardless of other factors.
Evidence provided by a biased and bigoted MSM corps? Hell yes, I ignore it and reject it.

BTW, though not any of your business, not that this has ever stopped you, I an registered non-affiliated. I watch both sides and decide for myself which seems top contain more of the truth. You should try it and not let one side tell you what to think. You would be amazed at the liberty you would feel.

Your lack of integrity is that generally associated with democrats.

Granted, integrity is the democrat way. As stated, I am not a democrat although from your comments you may well be.
An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.

I go by Doctor. I worked extremely hard to earn my Sc.D. and legitimately hold the title of "Doctor of Science." That I am not a medical doctor doesn't mean I don't have the right, the authority to use the title.

Obviously I don't agree with the WSJ on this and find the position petty.

This idea that only MDs can use the title "Dr" is ridiculous. And the tired old line "no one should be called 'doctor' unless they have delivered a baby" is simply nonsense. I personally know 2 people who have delivered a baby. Neither is in the medical profession. They were just in the right place and helped a distressed woman.

How about dentists? Are they doctors?

What about veterinarians? Are they doctors?

The prefix of someone's name is not determined by the lowest common denominator of the ignorant (willful or otherwise) public.

The "public" is beginning to totally disagree with your statement. Doctor of education only means that she stayed in college long enough to find a way to profit with misinformation.

She did quite a bit more than stay in college. I respect your master's degree. But a doctorate in a large step beyond that. Or are you saying that you just "stayed in college" longer than most?

Proof of what she studied and its worth in general would support your claim. Since you did not cite any such proof, can we assume that it is equivalent to her getting a degree in physical education.

If you do not see the worth of teachers, you are proving yourself to be ignorant on a grand scale.

I have a degree in Secondary Ed/Comprehensive Science. For someone to earn a masters and then go on to earn a Ed.D. is impressive. Your partisan political opinions do not change that.

I respect most teachers, just not the ones who teach their own politics as facts.

I also see that you are easily impressed by irrelevant facts and worthless degrees. Do you teach actual facts or just what you are told to teach?

BTW, in my opinion a Ed.D is worthless and merely for show.

Does Dr. Biden teach her own politics as facts?

When I taught, I taught actual facts. In science that is pretty much required.

You are welcome to your opinion about the Ed.D., but wanting someone to not use the title they have earned is a bit more than your opinion.

No, it is not opinion. It is fact, just as she will continue to extoll her own views regardless of the curriculum as is what is now common in liberal controlled education. Just look at the colleges and what they are pushing and denying.

If you taught now, you would be required to teach the approved course, regardless of other factors.

Yes, I was required to teach the approved curriculum, with the caveat that I am free to emphasize or gloss over whatever I feel is important or not important. The only time I would have done that is if Intelligent Design were ever required to be included in biology classes. Luckily, for the time I taught it was not.

Jill Biden taught English and reading in high schools. If you are worried about someone sneaking in a liberal agenda in English and reading, you might want to adjust your tinfoil hat.

She also taught adolescents with emotional disabilities at a psychiatric hospital. I don't see any concern about teaching a liberal agenda to youths with emotional disabilities.

And she has been active in several programs aimed at helping under privileged children get books and continue learning. She has also been very active in breast cancer awareness and in domestic violence awareness.
An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.

I go by Doctor. I worked extremely hard to earn my Sc.D. and legitimately hold the title of "Doctor of Science." That I am not a medical doctor doesn't mean I don't have the right, the authority to use the title.

Obviously I don't agree with the WSJ on this and find the position petty.

This idea that only MDs can use the title "Dr" is ridiculous. And the tired old line "no one should be called 'doctor' unless they have delivered a baby" is simply nonsense. I personally know 2 people who have delivered a baby. Neither is in the medical profession. They were just in the right place and helped a distressed woman.

How about dentists? Are they doctors?

What about veterinarians? Are they doctors?

The prefix of someone's name is not determined by the lowest common denominator of the ignorant (willful or otherwise) public.

The "public" is beginning to totally disagree with your statement. Doctor of education only means that she stayed in college long enough to find a way to profit with misinformation.

She did quite a bit more than stay in college. I respect your master's degree. But a doctorate in a large step beyond that. Or are you saying that you just "stayed in college" longer than most?

Proof of what she studied and its worth in general would support your claim. Since you did not cite any such proof, can we assume that it is equivalent to her getting a degree in physical education.

If you do not see the worth of teachers, you are proving yourself to be ignorant on a grand scale.

I have a degree in Secondary Ed/Comprehensive Science. For someone to earn a masters and then go on to earn a Ed.D. is impressive. Your partisan political opinions do not change that.

I respect most teachers, just not the ones who teach their own politics as facts.

I also see that you are easily impressed by irrelevant facts and worthless degrees. Do you teach actual facts or just what you are told to teach?

BTW, in my opinion a Ed.D is worthless and merely for show.

Does Dr. Biden teach her own politics as facts?

When I taught, I taught actual facts. In science that is pretty much required.

You are welcome to your opinion about the Ed.D., but wanting someone to not use the title they have earned is a bit more than your opinion.

No, it is not opinion. It is fact, just as she will continue to extoll her own views regardless of the curriculum as is what is now common in liberal controlled education. Just look at the colleges and what they are pushing and denying.

If you taught now, you would be required to teach the approved course, regardless of other factors.

Yes, I was required to teach the approved curriculum, with the caveat that I am free to emphasize or gloss over whatever I feel is important or not important. The only time I would have done that is if Intelligent Design were ever required to be included in biology classes. Luckily, for the time I taught it was not.

Jill Biden taught English and reading in high schools. If you are worried about someone sneaking in a liberal agenda in English and reading, you might want to adjust your tinfoil hat.

She also taught adolescents with emotional disabilities at a psychiatric hospital. I don't see any concern about teaching a liberal agenda to youths with emotional disabilities.

And she has been active in several programs aimed at helping under privileged children get books and continue learning. She has also been very active in breast cancer awareness and in domestic violence awareness.

I will question why a doctorate would be needed, or even helpful, in teaching disabled kids to read?
An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.

I go by Doctor. I worked extremely hard to earn my Sc.D. and legitimately hold the title of "Doctor of Science." That I am not a medical doctor doesn't mean I don't have the right, the authority to use the title.

Obviously I don't agree with the WSJ on this and find the position petty.

This idea that only MDs can use the title "Dr" is ridiculous. And the tired old line "no one should be called 'doctor' unless they have delivered a baby" is simply nonsense. I personally know 2 people who have delivered a baby. Neither is in the medical profession. They were just in the right place and helped a distressed woman.

How about dentists? Are they doctors?

What about veterinarians? Are they doctors?

The prefix of someone's name is not determined by the lowest common denominator of the ignorant (willful or otherwise) public.

The "public" is beginning to totally disagree with your statement. Doctor of education only means that she stayed in college long enough to find a way to profit with misinformation.

She did quite a bit more than stay in college. I respect your master's degree. But a doctorate in a large step beyond that. Or are you saying that you just "stayed in college" longer than most?

Proof of what she studied and its worth in general would support your claim. Since you did not cite any such proof, can we assume that it is equivalent to her getting a degree in physical education.

If you do not see the worth of teachers, you are proving yourself to be ignorant on a grand scale.

I have a degree in Secondary Ed/Comprehensive Science. For someone to earn a masters and then go on to earn a Ed.D. is impressive. Your partisan political opinions do not change that.

I respect most teachers, just not the ones who teach their own politics as facts.

I also see that you are easily impressed by irrelevant facts and worthless degrees. Do you teach actual facts or just what you are told to teach?

BTW, in my opinion a Ed.D is worthless and merely for show.

Does Dr. Biden teach her own politics as facts?

When I taught, I taught actual facts. In science that is pretty much required.

You are welcome to your opinion about the Ed.D., but wanting someone to not use the title they have earned is a bit more than your opinion.

No, it is not opinion. It is fact, just as she will continue to extoll her own views regardless of the curriculum as is what is now common in liberal controlled education. Just look at the colleges and what they are pushing and denying.

If you taught now, you would be required to teach the approved course, regardless of other factors.

Yes, I was required to teach the approved curriculum, with the caveat that I am free to emphasize or gloss over whatever I feel is important or not important. The only time I would have done that is if Intelligent Design were ever required to be included in biology classes. Luckily, for the time I taught it was not.

Jill Biden taught English and reading in high schools. If you are worried about someone sneaking in a liberal agenda in English and reading, you might want to adjust your tinfoil hat.

She also taught adolescents with emotional disabilities at a psychiatric hospital. I don't see any concern about teaching a liberal agenda to youths with emotional disabilities.

And she has been active in several programs aimed at helping under privileged children get books and continue learning. She has also been very active in breast cancer awareness and in domestic violence awareness.

Sop she always acts in matters that are politically advantageous to herself and her cause. That is not commitment, that is politics. And always takes the liberal agenda to push her cause.

BTW, requiring approved liberal agendas is promoting liberalism. If you are as smart as you claim, even you should be able to see that.
Evidence provided by a biased and bigoted MSM corps? Hell yes, I ignore it and reject it.

BTW, though not any of your business, not that this has ever stopped you, I an registered non-affiliated. I watch both sides and decide for myself which seems top contain more of the truth. You should try it and not let one side tell you what to think. You would be amazed at the liberty you would feel.

Your lack of integrity is that generally associated with democrats.

Granted, integrity is the democrat way. As stated, I am not a democrat although from your comments you may well be.
If integrity was the democrat way, most people who move wouldn't move out of those areas. Unfortunately they bring the same politics with them. It works in the beginning, then it becomes like a drug addled monster with levels of insane laws, agendas and programs to cure the problem they started while they were fixing it in the first place.
She is an idiot.

Not a Doctor.
Why do you feel this way?
Jill Biden is an Idiot? Why.
Not a Doctor, sure, NOT a medical Doctor, she has a Doctorate.

The "doctors' you speak of stole the title from Education.
Yet you somehow accept the title of "doctor' ONLY to the one that perform your pap smear. True that!
No, the title should be master. If Jill Biden must be referred to as Doctor, you must address me as Master. You can't have it both ways just to suit your person bias.

ok, MasterMan.

So what is your 'Masters Degree."
She is an idiot.

Not a Doctor.
Why do you feel this way?
Jill Biden is an Idiot? Why.
Not a Doctor, sure, NOT a medical Doctor, she has a Doctorate.

The "doctors' you speak of stole the title from Education.
Yet you somehow accept the title of "doctor' ONLY to the one that perform your pap smear. True that!
So, to clarify, skye gives the 'disagree' but fails to discuss the reasons.
What you got skye? Probably nil.
Why is Jill Biden an Idiot?
It would take a grade 'A' f-stick to try and utilize an honorary degree as means to be addressed as 'Dr.'. Of course, that pretty much sums up Hannity.

Oh look, a Communist attacking the free press.

Nothing democrats hate more than freedom of the press.
Oh look, a retard going full retard. You should stick to raping 18 year-old developmentally disabled boys. You know, your area of expertise
No, the title should be master. If Jill Biden must be referred to as Doctor, you must address me as Master. You can't have it both ways just to suit your person bias.

ok, MasterMan.

So what is your 'Masters Degree."

With about as much importance as hers, basket weaving. Except people actually learn and profit from mine. unlike hers.
An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.
She is a Doctor of Education.

Jill Biden may be a sorry ass dumbshit corrupt Democrat married to a demented scumbag but at least she isn't a transsexual like that Michelle Obama guy.

Whatever she is.....butt ugly is the best description of her.

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