Jobs report: Labor Participation Rate remains at lowest level since Jimmy Carter presidency

The Labor Force Participation Rate was 65.7% when Obama took office. It is now 62.8%
But when adjusted for demographics it is 65.1%

People are arguing over semantics of how to phrase this mass of people not working seems silly to me. Whether they want work or not is irrelevant in my view. Clearly, over 100,000,000 people not working isn't economically sustainable regardless of whether they want a job or not.
So, to solve that, no one is allowed to retire, no spouses are allowed to stay at home, all students over 16 are required to drop out of school and get a job, and all disabled are required to work no matter how physically or mentally crippled they are. :cuckoo:
See, problem solved with 100% LPR. :cuckoo:
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People are arguing over semantics of how to phrase this mass of people not working seems silly to me. Whether they want work or not is irrelevant in my view. Clearly, over 100,000,000 people not working isn't economically sustainable regardless of whether they want a job or not.
So, to solve that, no one is allowed to retire, no spouses are allowed to stay at home, all students over 16 are required to drop out of school and get a job, and all disabled are required to work no mstter hoe physically or mentally crippled they are. :cuckoo:
See, problem solved with 100% LPR. :cuckoo:
You seem to be getting dumber by the comment. I know you were trying for snarky with your forced labor comment, but but you missed the mark and landed on stupid by glibly ignoring the impending entitlement obligations cliff.
92.4 MILLION are out of work... You have completely lost all relevance!
Funny how the Right never thought it relevant when Bush left office with 92 million out of work!!!!!

Got a link to that fact Ed?
I do, but would it make a difference to you?
I think not.

Always interested in information, aren't you?
OK, here you go:

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

Jan 2009 - 12,058,000 unemployed
Jan 2009 - 80,529,000 not in labor force
Total not working - 92,587,000

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