Jobs report: Labor Participation Rate remains at lowest level since Jimmy Carter presidency

We do realize we have every right to piss on the unreasoning hatred of the black man as president.
From your last link:

There were, at the same time, another 115,000 on the unemployment line. That disparity can be explained through an expanding labor force, which grew 119,000, though the participation rate among that group remained at 62.8 percent, which is just off the year's worst level and around a 36-year low.

In other words, it's ABOVE the 36 year low, and ABOVE the year's worst level. Ay caramba. CNS is total bs and CNBC is cowardly bought off corporate negative. Many thanks to the loudmouth, 24/7 negative GOP for all their "help" for the economy, hater dupe. 321K is more than what meant "full recovery" for 5 years. Pass a gd jobs act and training for 3million tech jobs, a-holes. An immigration bill would help GREATLY too. Let 'em vote, Boehner, you bought off shytte.

How does this clown breath and post at the same time?

Great argument lol. Greedy idiot billionaire provided propaganda and stupid insults' hater chump. If Boehner allowed a vote, it would pass, jump the economy, and stop illegal immigration with a good SS ID card, FOREVER. Mindless fool.

Yes, and have additional scumbag, faggot democrats like yourself to deal with, and HOW MANY American would be out of work with an additional 5 million invaders here?... You are so stupid, I'm mad at myself for stooping so low to even answer you, RETARD!
320,000 jobs for November, best job growth in 15 years, it sucks to be the far right
I just don't understand these people. I don't disagree that a low labor participation rate is a problem but the fact they don't even acknowledge the big job growth makes them so transparent. They'll blame Obama for anything negative but won't give him any credit for ANYTHING positive.

Of course I agree it is debateable how much Obama has to do with either one of those facts, but the rightwing on here is so disingenuous about this subject.

A VAST majority of this JOB GROWTH are min. wage, slightly higher paid jobs and PART TIME... do you ever look at the demographics of these reports?
Are you implying that's all Obama's fault? Lol dude get real.
320,000 jobs for November, best job growth in 15 years, it sucks to be the far right
I just don't understand these people. I don't disagree that a low labor participation rate is a problem but the fact they don't even acknowledge the big job growth makes them so transparent. They'll blame Obama for anything negative but won't give him any credit for ANYTHING positive.

Of course I agree it is debateable how much Obama has to do with either one of those facts, but the rightwing on here is so disingenuous about this subject.
They're brainwashed Republicans first, don't want the country's success, just to get power back so their bloated a-hole masters can steal and wreck again. STOOOPID.
320,000 jobs for November, best job growth in 15 years, it sucks to be the far right
I just don't understand these people. I don't disagree that a low labor participation rate is a problem but the fact they don't even acknowledge the big job growth makes them so transparent. They'll blame Obama for anything negative but won't give him any credit for ANYTHING positive.

Of course I agree it is debateable how much Obama has to do with either one of those facts, but the rightwing on here is so disingenuous about this subject.

A VAST majority of this JOB GROWTH are min. wage, slightly higher paid jobs and PART TIME... do you ever look at the demographics of these reports?
Are you implying that's all Obama's fault? Lol dude get real.

BUT triple zero, anything GOOD that has happened under the Manchurian muslim is due to him, he has to also claim the bad, as the BUCK STOPS WITH HIM!!!
320,000 jobs for November, best job growth in 15 years, it sucks to be the far right
I just don't understand these people. I don't disagree that a low labor participation rate is a problem but the fact they don't even acknowledge the big job growth makes them so transparent. They'll blame Obama for anything negative but won't give him any credit for ANYTHING positive.

Of course I agree it is debateable how much Obama has to do with either one of those facts, but the rightwing on here is so disingenuous about this subject.
They're brainwashed Republicans first, don't want the country's success, just to get power back so their bloated a-hole masters can steal and wreck again. STOOOPID.

WE have brains, you are fucking ZOMBIES!
At least no more phony crises and shutdowns, so this can FINALLY happen. A-holes!

WTF are you mumbling about?
Apparently you like the sound of your own voice.
STUPID debt crises and gov't shutdowns and and threats, which accomplished NOTHING and cost the economy 1%+ each time, dupe.

Wall Street has never had a President in the pocket as much as Obama. No one else even comes close. Shows you how much you know.
Sure, dumbass. No Kochs or Adelson Murddoch lying scumbags behind Obama.

Simply unbelievable!

Sure- the RW all purpose bogeyman Total bs- gives mainly to charity, fact checking Pub liars, and assistng democracy around the world. Calling him a Nazi will get you straight to Hell.
WTF are you mumbling about?
Apparently you like the sound of your own voice.
STUPID debt crises and gov't shutdowns and and threats, which accomplished NOTHING and cost the economy 1%+ each time, dupe.

Wall Street has never had a President in the pocket as much as Obama. No one else even comes close. Shows you how much you know.
Sure, dumbass. No Kochs or Adelson Murddoch lying scumbags behind Obama.

Simply unbelievable!

Sure- the RW all purpose bogeyman Total bs- gives mainly to charity, fact checking Pub liars, and assistng democracy around the world. Calling him a Nazi will get you straight to Hell.

You just can't FIX's INBRED in this Socialist scumbag!
320,000 jobs for November, best job growth in 15 years, it sucks to be the far right
I just don't understand these people. I don't disagree that a low labor participation rate is a problem but the fact they don't even acknowledge the big job growth makes them so transparent. They'll blame Obama for anything negative but won't give him any credit for ANYTHING positive.

Of course I agree it is debateable how much Obama has to do with either one of those facts, but the rightwing on here is so disingenuous about this subject.

A VAST majority of this JOB GROWTH are min. wage, slightly higher paid jobs and PART TIME... do you ever look at the demographics of these reports?
Are you implying that's all Obama's fault? Lol dude get real.

BUT triple zero, anything GOOD that has happened under the Manchurian muslim is due to him, he has to also claim the bad, as the BUCK STOPS WITH HIM!!!
Like I said I don't necessarily blame Obama for any of the economic reports. My point is you RWs love to pin ONLY the negative on him.
From your last link:

There were, at the same time, another 115,000 on the unemployment line. That disparity can be explained through an expanding labor force, which grew 119,000, though the participation rate among that group remained at 62.8 percent, which is just off the year's worst level and around a 36-year low.

In other words, it's ABOVE the 36 year low, and ABOVE the year's worst level. Ay caramba. CNS is total bs and CNBC is cowardly bought off corporate negative. Many thanks to the loudmouth, 24/7 negative GOP for all their "help" for the economy, hater dupe. 321K is more than what meant "full recovery" for 5 years. Pass a gd jobs act and training for 3million tech jobs, a-holes. An immigration bill would help GREATLY too. Let 'em vote, Boehner, you bought off shytte.

How does this clown breath and post at the same time?

Great argument lol. Greedy idiot billionaire provided propaganda and stupid insults' hater chump. If Boehner allowed a vote, it would pass, jump the economy, and stop illegal immigration with a good SS ID card, FOREVER. Mindless fool.

Yes, and have additional scumbag, faggot democrats like yourself to deal with, and HOW MANY American would be out of work with an additional 5 million invaders here?... You are so stupid, I'm mad at myself for stooping so low to even answer you, RETARD!
Sure hater dupe. WHAT ADDITIONAL 5 MILLION. They're already here and working jobs Americans won't do. ONLY a good SS ID card will stop new ones, chump.. Too many gd people already lol...
320,000 jobs for November, best job growth in 15 years, it sucks to be the far right
I just don't understand these people. I don't disagree that a low labor participation rate is a problem but the fact they don't even acknowledge the big job growth makes them so transparent. They'll blame Obama for anything negative but won't give him any credit for ANYTHING positive.

Of course I agree it is debateable how much Obama has to do with either one of those facts, but the rightwing on here is so disingenuous about this subject.

A VAST majority of this JOB GROWTH are min. wage, slightly higher paid jobs and PART TIME... do you ever look at the demographics of these reports?
Are you implying that's all Obama's fault? Lol dude get real.

BUT triple zero, anything GOOD that has happened under the Manchurian muslim is due to him, he has to also claim the bad, as the BUCK STOPS WITH HIM!!!
Like I said I don't necessarily blame Obama for any of the economic reports. My point is you RWs love to pin ONLY the negative on him.

Not at all, he pardoned the 2 Thanksgiving turkeys, didn't he?
STUPID debt crises and gov't shutdowns and and threats, which accomplished NOTHING and cost the economy 1%+ each time, dupe.

Wall Street has never had a President in the pocket as much as Obama. No one else even comes close. Shows you how much you know.
Sure, dumbass. No Kochs or Adelson Murddoch lying scumbags behind Obama.

Simply unbelievable!

Sure- the RW all purpose bogeyman Total bs- gives mainly to charity, fact checking Pub liars, and assistng democracy around the world. Calling him a Nazi will get you straight to Hell.

You just can't FIX's INBRED in this Socialist scumbag!
I admire your "opinion", Pubtroll. lol Any actual argument?
From your last link:

There were, at the same time, another 115,000 on the unemployment line. That disparity can be explained through an expanding labor force, which grew 119,000, though the participation rate among that group remained at 62.8 percent, which is just off the year's worst level and around a 36-year low.

In other words, it's ABOVE the 36 year low, and ABOVE the year's worst level. Ay caramba. CNS is total bs and CNBC is cowardly bought off corporate negative. Many thanks to the loudmouth, 24/7 negative GOP for all their "help" for the economy, hater dupe. 321K is more than what meant "full recovery" for 5 years. Pass a gd jobs act and training for 3million tech jobs, a-holes. An immigration bill would help GREATLY too. Let 'em vote, Boehner, you bought off shytte.

How does this clown breath and post at the same time?

Great argument lol. Greedy idiot billionaire provided propaganda and stupid insults' hater chump. If Boehner allowed a vote, it would pass, jump the economy, and stop illegal immigration with a good SS ID card, FOREVER. Mindless fool.

Yes, and have additional scumbag, faggot democrats like yourself to deal with, and HOW MANY American would be out of work with an additional 5 million invaders here?... You are so stupid, I'm mad at myself for stooping so low to even answer you, RETARD!
Sure hater dupe. WHAT ADDITIONAL 5 MILLION. They're already here and working jobs Americans won't do. ONLY a good SS ID card will stop new ones, chump.. Too many gd people already lol...

They are working off the books, NOT paying taxes, voting with forged documents causing multiple CRIMES across the country, and COSTING the American people BILLIONS of dollars in welfare, entitlements and SS payments they DO NOT DESERVE.... Fuck you, you piece of fecal matter, you are PART OF THE PROBLEM!
Wall Street has never had a President in the pocket as much as Obama. No one else even comes close. Shows you how much you know.
Sure, dumbass. No Kochs or Adelson Murddoch lying scumbags behind Obama.

Simply unbelievable!

Sure- the RW all purpose bogeyman Total bs- gives mainly to charity, fact checking Pub liars, and assistng democracy around the world. Calling him a Nazi will get you straight to Hell.

You just can't FIX's INBRED in this Socialist scumbag!
I admire your "opinion", Pubtroll. lol Any actual argument?

You don't have the IQ to understand it, If I posted it...hater dupe, indeed!
$100 to every contributor who can cite a single example of US Federal law which was initiated and signed by the Peasantpimp, which can reasonably be shown to be directlyresponsible for the hirings relevant to this jobs 'report'?
I just don't understand these people. I don't disagree that a low labor participation rate is a problem but the fact they don't even acknowledge the big job growth makes them so transparent. They'll blame Obama for anything negative but won't give him any credit for ANYTHING positive.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
320,000 jobs for November, best job growth in 15 years, it sucks to be the far right
I just don't understand these people. I don't disagree that a low labor participation rate is a problem but the fact they don't even acknowledge the big job growth makes them so transparent. They'll blame Obama for anything negative but won't give him any credit for ANYTHING positive.

Of course I agree it is debateable how much Obama has to do with either one of those facts, but the rightwing on here is so disingenuous about this subject.
You do realize what seasonal job hiring is right? You do realize that more people have entered the job market than started working right? You do realize the EVERY TIME THEY REPORT GOOD JOB NUMBERS THEY COME BACK AND ADJUST DOWN the next month admitting they were wrong, right?
Are you kidding me? Seasonal job growth happens in any season.

Tell me rather than putting all the blame on Obama, why not put any blame on the job creators themselves, you hypocrite.
320,000 jobs for November, best job growth in 15 years, it sucks to be the far right
I just don't understand these people. I don't disagree that a low labor participation rate is a problem but the fact they don't even acknowledge the big job growth makes them so transparent. They'll blame Obama for anything negative but won't give him any credit for ANYTHING positive.

Of course I agree it is debateable how much Obama has to do with either one of those facts, but the rightwing on here is so disingenuous about this subject.

A VAST majority of this JOB GROWTH are min. wage, slightly higher paid jobs and PART TIME... do you ever look at the demographics of these reports?
Are you implying that's all Obama's fault? Lol dude get real.

BUT triple zero, anything GOOD that has happened under the Manchurian muslim is due to him, he has to also claim the bad, as the BUCK STOPS WITH HIM!!!
Like I said I don't necessarily blame Obama for any of the economic reports. My point is you RWs love to pin ONLY the negative on him.
I don't just blame Obama, I blame people like... well like you.
From your last link:

There were, at the same time, another 115,000 on the unemployment line. That disparity can be explained through an expanding labor force, which grew 119,000, though the participation rate among that group remained at 62.8 percent, which is just off the year's worst level and around a 36-year low.

In other words, it's ABOVE the 36 year low, and ABOVE the year's worst level. Ay caramba. CNS is total bs and CNBC is cowardly bought off corporate negative. Many thanks to the loudmouth, 24/7 negative GOP for all their "help" for the economy, hater dupe. 321K is more than what meant "full recovery" for 5 years. Pass a gd jobs act and training for 3million tech jobs, a-holes. An immigration bill would help GREATLY too. Let 'em vote, Boehner, you bought off shytte.

How does this clown breath and post at the same time?

Great argument lol. Greedy idiot billionaire provided propaganda and stupid insults' hater chump. If Boehner allowed a vote, it would pass, jump the economy, and stop illegal immigration with a good SS ID card, FOREVER. Mindless fool.

Yes, and have additional scumbag, faggot democrats like yourself to deal with, and HOW MANY American would be out of work with an additional 5 million invaders here?... You are so stupid, I'm mad at myself for stooping so low to even answer you, RETARD!
Sure hater dupe. WHAT ADDITIONAL 5 MILLION. They're already here and working jobs Americans won't do. ONLY a good SS ID card will stop new ones, chump.. Too many gd people already lol...

They are working off the books, NOT paying taxes, voting with forged documents causing multiple CRIMES across the country, and COSTING the American people BILLIONS of dollars in welfare, entitlements and SS payments they DO NOT DESERVE.... Fuck you, you piece of fecal matter, you are PART OF THE PROBLEM!
Sure. Pew said in 2007 94% of illegal men worked, 67% paid taxes and 35% OWNED HOMES. With a good SS card, they'd ALL pay taxes, and no more could come. Brainwashed bigot/Idiot.
How does this clown breath and post at the same time?

Great argument lol. Greedy idiot billionaire provided propaganda and stupid insults' hater chump. If Boehner allowed a vote, it would pass, jump the economy, and stop illegal immigration with a good SS ID card, FOREVER. Mindless fool.

Yes, and have additional scumbag, faggot democrats like yourself to deal with, and HOW MANY American would be out of work with an additional 5 million invaders here?... You are so stupid, I'm mad at myself for stooping so low to even answer you, RETARD!
Sure hater dupe. WHAT ADDITIONAL 5 MILLION. They're already here and working jobs Americans won't do. ONLY a good SS ID card will stop new ones, chump.. Too many gd people already lol...

They are working off the books, NOT paying taxes, voting with forged documents causing multiple CRIMES across the country, and COSTING the American people BILLIONS of dollars in welfare, entitlements and SS payments they DO NOT DESERVE.... Fuck you, you piece of fecal matter, you are PART OF THE PROBLEM!
Sure. Pew said in 2007 94% of illegal men worked, 67% paid taxes and 35% OWNED HOMES. With a good SS card, they'd ALL pay taxes, and no more could come. Brainwashed bigot/Idiot.

HOW would Pew KNOW if they were illegal? They ASKED them? LOLOLOL!!!! They are illegal for a reason, NO TAXES!!! Pew is also a LEFT polling service with an agenda, but besides that, THEY ARE BREAKING OUR LAWS and COSTING US BILLIONS... you seem to NOT UNDERSTAND the LOGIC behind this... but then again, you understand LITTLE, if anything!

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