Jobs report: Labor Participation Rate remains at lowest level since Jimmy Carter presidency

Who did not know this morning when they heard the incredible good news about the increase in unemployment, that the right wing tards would find a way to piss on it?

Is anyone surprised by this topic or the clones of it?

Me neither.:badgrin:

Who didn't know that when the Left produced a new "Labor Report" that they'd be deceitfully using fraudulence as a means to influence the ignorant?
Who did not know this morning when they heard the incredible good news about the increase in unemployment, that the right wing tards would find a way to piss on it?

Is anyone surprised by this topic or the clones of it?

Me neither.:badgrin:

Who didn't know that when the Left produced a new "Labor Report" that they'd be deceitfully using fraudulence as a means to influence the ignorant?

The increase in Part Time jobs for Non-Economic Reasons was 235K. That is the big tell that these are Christmas Shopping season jobs. Without them, the job gain is less than 100K.
The Labor Participation rate has been going down for 15 years....why is anyone surprised?
Wouldn't that have been during Clinton's Presidency?

Yes... the LPR went UP dramatically after the 94 Conservative Revolution which stripped large percentages of Welfare from the US Federal System, but as Conservative Legislators went back to work in the Private Sector, the "Moderates" who replaced them quickly ran to reinstate the Welfare... and as welfare increases, labor participation, decreases. Can't happen any other way.

When someone with low level skills can make almost or just as much sitting on their ass as they could working using those low level skills, there is no incentive for them to work. It's the same with unemployment compensation.

Yep... spot on.

My point of asking rightwinger about it being during the Clinton presidency is to see if he would blame previous Presidents for having caused it. I've found that Bush got blamed for 9/11 by many like rightwinger because it happened during his time in office.

Yeah... I get that. The problem is that 'Rightwinger' is an imbecile. I just thought I'd bypass all the weeping and gnashing of its rotten tooth... and just note the facts.
In January 2009, the Labor Force was 154,210,000 and in November 2014, it's 156,397,000, a gain of 2,187,000
U.S. population grew from 306 million to 318 million during the same period, a gain of 12 million.

Work force participation fell FAR behind population gain during the Obama administration, for the reasons given in the OP.

Nice try.
I was responding to the specific claim the 11 million people left the labor force. That is not true.
The main point, though is that of the 92,447,000 people who are Not in the Labor Force....85,902,000 do not want a job. That's 34.5% of the population that does not want to work.

In January 2009, it was 74,281,000 who did not want a job....31.9% of the population.

So the reason the Labor Force Participation Rate has gone down is that a lower percent of the population wants to work.
Why should they work when Obama will take care of them? Much easier to get on permanent disability than work every day.
Unemployment numbers are getting better all the time - we have RECORD number of part-time jobs now than ever before. Oh...wait.....

Economists React to the November Jobs Report: ‘A Blockbuster’

The stronger-than-expected hiring figure puts the economy on track to post the strongest year of job creation in 15 years.

There is clearly a strong jobs report on all fronts, well above our expectations which were already above the consensus. Looking through the report, everything is positive


FUCK! Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!

All I wanted for Christmas (*sob*) was for more Americans to lose their jobs. Throw me a frickin bone here, people.
During the Obama Era, more than 11M people have dropped out of the work force, and Obama now wants to grant amnesty to 5 million illegals. Let's get that Labor Force Participation Rate below 60%!

The current labor force number is 156.4 million.

The labor force in Jan. 2009 was 153.7 million.
During the Obama Era, more than 11M people have dropped out of the work force, and Obama now wants to grant amnesty to 5 million illegals. Let's get that Labor Force Participation Rate below 60%!

The current labor force number is 156.4 million.

The labor force in Jan. 2009 was 153.7 million.

The Labor Force Participation Rate was 65.7% when Obama took office. It is now 62.8%, (back to the 1970s before women started entering the workforce en masse).

The adult Civilian Population grew by 14M during that same period. For 14M more potential workers, only a net increase in employment of 2.7M jobs.

That Is Pathetic! And That's Obamanomics!
During the Obama Era, more than 11M people have dropped out of the work force, and Obama now wants to grant amnesty to 5 million illegals. Let's get that Labor Force Participation Rate below 60%!

The current labor force number is 156.4 million.

The labor force in Jan. 2009 was 153.7 million.

The Labor Force Participation Rate was 65.7% when Obama took office. It is now 62.8%, (back to the 1970s before women started entering the workforce en masse).

The adult Civilian Population grew by 14M during that same period. For 14M more potential workers, only a net increase in employment of 2.7M jobs.

That Is Pathetic! And That's Obamanomics!

By your 'reasoning' you should support bringing back Bill Clinton, or the equivalent.

$100 to every contributor who can cite a single example of US Federal law which was initiated and signed by the Peasantpimp, which can reasonably be shown to be directlyresponsible for the hirings relevant to this jobs 'report'?

$100 to every contributor who can cite a single example of US Federal law which was initiated and signed by the Peasantpimp, which can reasonably be shown to be directlyresponsible for the hirings relevant to this jobs 'report'?
For that matter, name ANY law allowed by Pubs in congress? How 'bout a infrastructure jobs bill (perfect and typical time for it) or a training program for 3 million tech jobs going begging? Brainwashed dipshytte.
From your last link:

There were, at the same time, another 115,000 on the unemployment line. That disparity can be explained through an expanding labor force, which grew 119,000, though the participation rate among that group remained at 62.8 percent, which is just off the year's worst level and around a 36-year low.

In other words, it's ABOVE the 36 year low, and ABOVE the year's worst level. Ay caramba. CNS is total bs and CNBC is cowardly bought off corporate negative. Many thanks to the loudmouth, 24/7 negative GOP for all their "help" for the economy, hater dupe. 321K is more than what meant "full recovery" for 5 years. Pass a gd jobs act and training for 3million tech jobs, a-holes. An immigration bill would help GREATLY too. Let 'em vote, Boehner, you bought off shytte.
At least no more phony crises and shutdowns, so this can FINALLY happen. A-holes!

WTF are you mumbling about?
Apparently you like the sound of your own voice.
STUPID debt crises and gov't shutdowns and and threats, which accomplished NOTHING and cost the economy 1%+ each time, dupe.

Wall Street has never had a President in the pocket as much as Obama. No one else even comes close. Shows you how much you know.

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