Jobs report: Labor Participation Rate remains at lowest level since Jimmy Carter presidency

Those of us here who are sane need to keep in mind that there are no employment numbers that could possibly occur during the Obama presidency that would not elicit a negative spin from the RWnuts here.

That is how derangement works.

They're so concerned that the excellent economic numbers will reflect positively on the president that they're willing to contrive all manner of ridiculous lies.

There's a cult mentality on the right now that forbids saying anything good about the president, no matter how irrational one has to be to adhere to that rule.
The reason is that most of the far right operate from pure unreasoned hatred of the black man as president telling them they are wrong.
320,000 jobs for November, best job growth in 15 years, it sucks to be the far right
I just don't understand these people. I don't disagree that a low labor participation rate is a problem but the fact they don't even acknowledge the big job growth makes them so transparent. They'll blame Obama for anything negative but won't give him any credit for ANYTHING positive.

Of course I agree it is debateable how much Obama has to do with either one of those facts, but the rightwing on here is so disingenuous about this subject.
You do realize what seasonal job hiring is right? You do realize that more people have entered the job market than started working right? You do realize the EVERY TIME THEY REPORT GOOD JOB NUMBERS THEY COME BACK AND ADJUST DOWN the next month admitting they were wrong, right?

You do realize you are FULL OF SHIT, right?

They've come back to adjust monthly employment upwards for quite awhile now. Every November the last few years, imbeciles tell us that when January and February comes, all those positive job numbers at the end of the year will be adjusted downwards.

Well, they haven't been in recent years, contrary to the alternate universe some idiots here live in.

Of course the Labor Participation rate isn't where we'd like it to be, but when you've got Republicans in control of so many state legislatures trying purposefully to tank the economy so they can blame it on Obama, the reason why it hasn't recovered as quickly is because one whole political party wants it so.

Remember all those sequester cuts? Remember those 700,000 government jobs that no longer exist due to cuts? That's thanks to people like Scott Walker, who continues to stand in the way of prosperity in his own damn state. Wisconsin's economic record under his tenure isn't one that he'll have any fun running on should he decide to run for President, which he won't because of that fact.

That explains the drop among people 25-54. Among the 16-24 demographic we see the largest decline in labor participation. Why? Because the 55-64 demo and 65+ demographics have dramatically increased their participation. Why? Because they're working longer because they either have to or they want to.

Should we be worried? No, not at all. The jobs numbers this year are, by every marker, indicative of a boom. The other reason we shouldn't be as worried about the 16-24 demographic, I suspect, is that that's the pool that tends to be often working cash jobs. I know a few 20-24 yr-old students working at bars where their pay comes in cash so that their employer doesn't have to declare all of them.

There are untold millions of Americans working cash jobs and there's really no way of being able to study it other than to go out in the world, open your eyes, and get with the program. We're now in a service-oriented economy more so than at any other time in our history. More and more people in the service industry are working but not getting paychecks. I have a friend in his late 20's who actually pays to work as a bartender at a club. He walks in the door and actually pays the house a $40 tip-out in Florida and then walks home at 4 in the morning with $1,000-$1,200 a couple nights per week. No hourly wage because it's understood that it's a privilege to work at the place for all the money you can make on the weekend and then take the rest of the week off to concentrate on school or something else.

There are millions of undocumented workers in the 16-54 demographic who aren't being recorded.

So it's nice to have the study and all, but there really aren't more people just lazing around as Republicans would like us to believe.

By every measure, the economy is beginning to bounce back quite well. Wages are even showing signs of going up. If gas stays where it's at, the average driver will save hundreds of dollars over the next year. Spending on healthcare increased last month at its lowest level in 50 years thanks to Obamacare.

The economy has bounced back for me quite well because my 401K has recovered and my investments have over the last 2 years more than recovered from the modest losses I took in 2008/2009 because of the Bush recession.

The next step is to increase wages among all those people working in our gigantic service sector economy.

I imagine most of the people bitching in this thread will never admit that their investments and savings are much better today than 6 years ago because that would mean having to concede that times are indeed better.
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Vigilante hates that the job growth for November in more than 300,000 jobs.

Vigilante hates that the job growth is the best in 15 years.

Vigilante hates that America is recovering.

Vigilante wants America to fail.
The Labor Force Participation Rate was 65.7% when Obama took office. It is now 62.8%
But when adjusted for demographics it is 65.1%


The problem is that Labor Force Participation Rate is increasing for older people, and declining for younger, prime age ones.

320,000 jobs for November, best job growth in 15 years, it sucks to be the far right
I just don't understand these people. I don't disagree that a low labor participation rate is a problem but the fact they don't even acknowledge the big job growth makes them so transparent. They'll blame Obama for anything negative but won't give him any credit for ANYTHING positive.

Of course I agree it is debateable how much Obama has to do with either one of those facts, but the rightwing on here is so disingenuous about this subject.
You do realize what seasonal job hiring is right? You do realize that more people have entered the job market than started working right? You do realize the EVERY TIME THEY REPORT GOOD JOB NUMBERS THEY COME BACK AND ADJUST DOWN the next month admitting they were wrong, right?

You do realize you are FULL OF SHIT, right?

They've come back to adjust monthly employment upwards for quite awhile now. Every November the last few years, imbeciles tell us that when January and February comes, all those positive job numbers at the end of the year will be adjusted downwards.

Well, they haven't been in recent years, contrary to the alternate universe some idiots here live in.

Of course the Labor Participation rate isn't where we'd like it to be, but when you've got Republicans in control of so many state legislatures trying purposefully to tank the economy so they can blame it on Obama, the reason why it hasn't recovered as quickly is because one whole political party wants it so.

Remember all those sequester cuts? Remember those 700,000 government jobs that no longer exist due to cuts? That's thanks to people like Scott Walker, who continues to stand in the way of prosperity in his own damn state. Wisconsin's economic record under his tenure isn't one that he'll have any fun running on should he decide to run for President, which he won't because of that fact.

That explains the drop among people 25-54. Among the 16-24 demographic we see the largest decline in labor participation. Why? Because the 55-64 demo and 65+ demographics have dramatically increased their participation. Why? Because they're working longer because they either have to or they want to.

Should we be worried? No, not at all. The jobs numbers this year are, by every marker, indicative of a boom. The other reason we shouldn't be as worried about the 16-24 demographic, I suspect, is that that's the pool that tends to be often working cash jobs. I know a few 20-24 yr-old students working at bars where their pay comes in cash so that their employer doesn't have to declare all of them.

There are untold millions of Americans working cash jobs and there's really no way of being able to study it other than to go out in the world, open your eyes, and get with the program. We're now in a service-oriented economy more so than at any other time in our history. More and more people in the service industry are working but not getting paychecks. I have a friend in his late 20's who actually pays to work as a bartender at a club. He walks in the door and actually pays the house a $40 tip-out in Florida and then walks home at 4 in the morning with $1,000-$1,200 a couple nights per week. No hourly wage because it's understood that it's a privilege to work at the place for all the money you can make on the weekend and then take the rest of the week off to concentrate on school or something else.

There are millions of undocumented workers in the 16-54 demographic who aren't being recorded.

So it's nice to have the study and all, but there really aren't more people just lazing around as Republicans would like us to believe.

By every measure, the economy is beginning to bounce back quite well. Wages are even showing signs of going up. If gas stays where it's at, the average driver will save hundreds of dollars over the next year. Spending on healthcare increased last month at its lowest level in 50 years thanks to Obamacare.

The economy has bounced back for me quite well because my 401K has recovered and my investments have over the last 2 years more than recovered from the modest losses I took in 2008/2009 because of the Bush recession.

The next step is to increase wages among all those people working in our gigantic service sector economy.

I imagine most of the people bitching in this thread will never admit that their investments and savings are much better today than 6 years ago because that would mean having to concede that times are indeed better.

So much idiocy^^^ --- but here's the main critique of said nonsense.

Judging the health of the economy by Wall Street performance is like checking to see if one's forehead is hot and calling that a physical.

Stocks have risen because of ZIRP and the enormous expansion of the Fed Balance sheet. Money seeks assets, and with ZIRP, stocks are pretty much the only game in town for seeking some sort of return.

The problem is that Labor Force Participation Rate is increasing for older people, and declining for younger, prime age ones.

View attachment 34783

Your chart projects a lower rate out to 2022, long after Obama is gone, and without knowing who will be president.

Your chart is an argument that who is president doesn't matter. I'm guessing you didn't intend to make that argument.

The problem is that Labor Force Participation Rate is increasing for older people, and declining for younger, prime age ones.

View attachment 34783

Your chart projects a lower rate out to 2022, long after Obama is gone, and without knowing who will be president.

Your chart is an argument that who is president doesn't matter. I'm guessing you didn't intend to make that argument.

The chart is from Obama's BLS. He has set the country on a course of decline, which they are projecting.

The problem is that Labor Force Participation Rate is increasing for older people, and declining for younger, prime age ones.

View attachment 34783

Your chart projects a lower rate out to 2022, long after Obama is gone, and without knowing who will be president.

Your chart is an argument that who is president doesn't matter. I'm guessing you didn't intend to make that argument.

The chart is from Obama's BLS. He has set the country on a course of decline, which they are projecting.

The course of decline was set when Bush was elected if you want to play that game.
We are talking job growth, Boedicca, and you are trying to shift from that fact.

P'wnd and fail.
On the other hand 312000 jobs were added last month...a direct result of congress passing legislation that HARRY Reid immediately acted on and our genius president signed into law. Working together for America.

A lot of that is seasonal hiring leading up to Christmas....
Except for that whole seasonally adjusted thing.

The seasonally adjusted figures show a net increase of only 4K, bub. You only get the 321K gain by looking at non-farm employment. And the BLS plays a lot of games with the seasonal adjustments. The most meaningful fact in these stats is the low Labor Force Participation Rate at 62.8%.

November employed 147,287
October employed 143,283

Summary table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted

No, the participation rate is not the most meaningful.

The participation rate number is simply the only one the RW propaganda machine thinks they can squeeze any mileage out of.

The problem is that Labor Force Participation Rate is increasing for older people, and declining for younger, prime age ones.

View attachment 34783

Your chart projects a lower rate out to 2022, long after Obama is gone, and without knowing who will be president.

Your chart is an argument that who is president doesn't matter. I'm guessing you didn't intend to make that argument.

The chart is from Obama's BLS. He has set the country on a course of decline, which they are projecting.
Yet the decline started under Bush. :eusa_doh:

The problem is that Labor Force Participation Rate is increasing for older people, and declining for younger, prime age ones.

View attachment 34783

Your chart projects a lower rate out to 2022, long after Obama is gone, and without knowing who will be president.

Your chart is an argument that who is president doesn't matter. I'm guessing you didn't intend to make that argument.

The chart is from Obama's BLS. He has set the country on a course of decline, which they are projecting.
Yet the decline started under Bush. :eusa_doh:
And OBABBLE claimed he would reverse it. Fail.
The Labor Force Participation Rate was 65.7% when Obama took office. It is now 62.8%
But when adjusted for demographics it is 65.1%


The problem is that Labor Force Participation Rate is increasing for older people, and declining for younger, prime age ones.

View attachment 34783
But if you took a little time to think about it you would realize that is because the Boomers are moving with their higher numbers into the older age group. The youngest Boomers are now over 50.
The Labor Force Participation Rate was 65.7% when Obama took office. It is now 62.8%
But when adjusted for demographics it is 65.1%


The problem is that Labor Force Participation Rate is increasing for older people, and declining for younger, prime age ones.

View attachment 34783
But if you took a little time to think about it you would realize that is because the Boomers are moving with their higher numbers into the older age group. The youngest Boomers are now over 50.

Boomer do account for a portion of the decline. The real worry is the decline of employment levels for younger and prime age workers. This is becoming systemic and is a huge risk to our society.

The problem is that Labor Force Participation Rate is increasing for older people, and declining for younger, prime age ones.

View attachment 34783

Your chart projects a lower rate out to 2022, long after Obama is gone, and without knowing who will be president.

Your chart is an argument that who is president doesn't matter. I'm guessing you didn't intend to make that argument.

The chart is from Obama's BLS. He has set the country on a course of decline, which they are projecting.
Yet the decline started under Bush. :eusa_doh:
And OBABBLE claimed he would reverse it. Fail.
Really? Quote Obama saying he would reverse the downward trend of the labor force participation rate....
The best job growth since 1999.

Ten months of 200,000 or more jobs added to the economy.

Job growth across the entire employment spectrum.

Lowest unemployment rate in six years.

The OP is a ridiculous partisan hack, where many on the right actually want to see Americans continue to suffer for some perceived political gain for republicans – the OP and many on the right are indeed reprehensible.

The problem is that Labor Force Participation Rate is increasing for older people, and declining for younger, prime age ones.

View attachment 34783

Your chart projects a lower rate out to 2022, long after Obama is gone, and without knowing who will be president.

Your chart is an argument that who is president doesn't matter. I'm guessing you didn't intend to make that argument.

The chart is from Obama's BLS. He has set the country on a course of decline, which they are projecting.
Yet the decline started under Bush. :eusa_doh:
And OBABBLE claimed he would reverse it. Fail.
Really? Quote Obama saying he would reverse the downward trend of the labor force participation rate....
If he said he would lower the sea levels, the LFPR would be a no brainer.

The problem is that Labor Force Participation Rate is increasing for older people, and declining for younger, prime age ones.

View attachment 34783

Your chart projects a lower rate out to 2022, long after Obama is gone, and without knowing who will be president.

Your chart is an argument that who is president doesn't matter. I'm guessing you didn't intend to make that argument.

The chart is from Obama's BLS. He has set the country on a course of decline, which they are projecting.
Yet the decline started under Bush. :eusa_doh:
And OBABBLE claimed he would reverse it. Fail.
Really? Quote Obama saying he would reverse the downward trend of the labor force participation rate....

First you have to show that you can understand anything outside your far left programming..

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